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February 12, 2009 – New SoftSide Magazine Cover (Issue # 26)

by @ 1:39 am on February 12, 2009. Filed under Magazine, Softside

Issue Information:

Name: SoftSide Magazine
Issue: Vol 5 No 05 / Issue 26
Date: February, 1982
Publisher: SoftSide Publications
Size: XMB
Pages: 82
TOSEC: SoftSide Magazine Vol 5 No 05 [I] (1982)(SoftSide Publications)
Issue Contents:
25 Space Rescue
by Matt Rutter
You have been selected as a member of the exploration party searching for life on the planet Arcturus III. Radar indicates a meteor storm headed straight for that solar system. Can you, in your two-person rocket, rescue the people stranded there without crashing into a meteor? You are their only hope.
10 Entertainment Tomorrow
by Allen L. Wold and Fred D’Ignazio
In another peek into the future, the authors tell how computers could help enhance the tension and excitement of fantasy role-playing games. With the addition of low-level lasers, computerized fencing would take on an unequalled element of realism.
15 Sensuous Programmer
In this tenth installment, “J” discusses the use of logical operators and relational operators in BASIC programming.
58 My Side of the Page
by Lance Micklus
In Getting a Bit Serious – Part Seven, Lance discusses marketing projections and customer support problems. See how you can profit through his experience.
23 Hardware Corner
by Edward E. Umlor
The series on disk drives continues. Read about floppy drives, flippy drives and aspects of a variety of DOSs.
80 Machine Head
by Spyder Webb
5 DOSPLUS – How It’s Different
Since the operating system of the TRS-80 DV has changed from TRSDOS to DOSPLUS, those subscribers should find this summary of the major differences helpful.
8 Comments from Tandy
by Ed Juge
In a letter to the publisher from Ed Juge, director of computer merchandising for Tandy Corporation, some of Tandy’s policies about why only certain software and hardware products are supported by Radio Shack are explained.
38 Let’s Be Civilized
by Leonard Buchanan
Have you learned how to react in a civilized manner to that OTHER computer your acquaintances own? Have you been able to explain your feelings about YOUR computer to others? If not, try getting civilized.
39 Reader Survey
Each month we spend a great deal of time selecting, translating, and illustrating the programs and articles in Softside. This month we are asking you to complete and return the survey found in the center of this issue. Your responses will help determine future selections of programs, articles and other features. Please take the time to help us provide you with what interests you the most.
4 Editorial
4 Calendar
6 Input
7 Hints and Enhancements
9 Outgoing Mail
44 Enhanced Disk Version
by Brent Packer
Lead the country of Andorra in this simulation.
46 K-Byter
by William Pu
47 Program
by F.J. Condo
This color-graphics simulation will help you solve that famous 3-D puzzle.
56 Review
by Cary W. Bradley
Hi-Res Secrets
59 K-Byter
by Alan J. Zett
System Configuration Test
60 Enhanced Disk Version
Kismet II by Peter Kirsch
This dice game combines luck and skill as you arrange your dice scores to get the highest total.
62 Program
by Greg Schroeder
67 What’s New
by Dean F. H. Macy
69 Review
by Alan J. Zett
71 K-Byter
by Ronald and Jordan Corn
Lites Out
73 Enhanced Disk Version
Help Package
by Rich Bouchard
A utility for getting instructions on how to use your DOS, computer, or anything else.
74 Program
Maze Sweep
by James Garon and David Bohlke
A translation of Maze Search, this is an arcade-style game with optional sound.
77 Article
by Randy Hawkins
Modify EDTASM for the Model III – Part II
79 Review
by Marvin Lewis
Parsector V

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