Mode 1:
This program reads .DSK and DMK files, and displays the disk parameters, such as, Type of Emulator file, No of sides, Density, Tracks, Dual density, Tracks start at sector 1, etc. For Newdos disks, it will show the Pdrive paramters of the disk. You can step through, and view the sector information, and the sector density for Dual Density disks. Stepping a Newdos disk, the present lump will be displayed Clicking the directory button, will display the start of the directory. Stepping through the directory sectors will show the File names in the directory, and also in colour, the bytes, that show where the files are located on the disk.
Mode 2: Sector display
This mode displays the sector, numbers and Density, on each track, in numerical order, or in the actual interleave order. It also shows the sectors with differing Data address marks. Handy to see the tracks densities, and no. of sectors. On most disks, this can show the Directory sectors, but some early disks have weird combinations of data address marks.
Mode 3: Hex Editor
Will display the Hex and Ascii bytes of any file. This was a for myself, to have a look at the funny files that could not be read by the program. I left it in, as it may be handy for someone. For Emulator Dmk, and JV files, it shows the headers, Blocks, Idams, etc, in different colours to easily identify the set up of these files.