Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 Revived Site

TRS-80 Revived Site by Ira Goldklang's is an archive of everything related to the Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 microcomputer lines. Site contains emulators, programs, manuals, books, patches, games, hints, discussions, questions, forums, and tons more.

TRS-80 Computers: MC-10

by @ 6:22 pm on March 11, 2009.
[Model I]      [Model III] TRS-80 Model MC-10     [Model 4]      [Model 100]

Information about the MC-10
  • Introduced in October, 1983 for $399.00
  • Motorola MC6803 8-bit CPU running at .89MHZ
  • 8K ROM (Microcolor BASIC v1.0)
  • 4K RAM (Expandable to 20K with a 16K RAMpack)
  • 47 Key Keyboard (Typewriter style) with break, control and 16 graphics keys. Multi-function keys for BASIC commands.
  • Video: 16 lines x 32 Characters Text / 256×192 Graphics (Connects to TV)
  • I/O: Cassette (1500 baud) (5 PIN DIN)
        Pin 1 = Remote ground
        Pin 2 = Signal ground
        Pin 3 = Remote control
        Pin 4 = Audio input
        Pin 5 = Audio output
  • I/O: RS-232 (4 PIN DIN)
  • Dimensions: 2 x 7 x 8-1/2″
  • Weight: 29-1/2 ounces
  • Power: 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 16W

Product Description (RSC-10)
The easy and affordable way to join the “computer revolution”! Just attach the MC-10 to any television and you’re all set. Learn to write your own programs with color and sound using our excellent tutorial manual (included). Or use programs from our growing library of ready-to-run MC-10 cassette software for entertainment or education. Produce graphics characters with just two keystrokes. Enter BASIC commands using – multi-purpose keys. The MC-10 features a standard typewriter-style keyboard – not a flat, plastic overlay. Displays 16 lines of 32 upper case characters with reverse video capability. The MC-10 has a cassette port that lets you use an optional casssette recorder to save and load programs and data, and an RS-232-C serial interface to connect a printer or modem. U.L. listed.

Product Cat No. Price Description
16K RAM Module 26-3013 $49.95 Write larger, more complex programs on your MC-10. Slip the 16K RAM Module into the slot located on the back of the computer for an additional 16,000 characters of program and data space – 20,000 characters total. [MC-10 16K Expansion]
TP-10 Thermal Printer 26-1261 $99.95 Prints 32 characters per line at 30 characters per second on 4-1/8″-wide thermal paper. Features include elongation mode for expanded print and a special repeat function to make graphics programming easier. Color Computer-compatible serial interface (600 baud). U.L. listed.
TP-10 Thermal Printer Paper 26-1332 $3.95 4-1/8″-wide thermal. Package of 2.

Cassette Software

Micro Compac 26-3350 $29.95 Configure your MC-10′s serial port for communications. Access major news and financial data bases, such as CompuServe and Dow Jones News/Retrieval for the most up-to-date information (requires optional modem and cable). Packagae contains user I.D. numbers and complete user’s guides for each 4 these two services.
Micro Color Checkers 26-3360 $8.95 Try your skill against the computer’s in this all-time favorite! Great fun for beginners, as well as “old pros”.
Micro Color Games Pack 26-3361 $9.95 Play Lunar Lander, Breakout, Hangman and Pong! Fun for the whole family.
(Note in RSC-12, the games were lsited as Linar Lander, Breakout, Pong, Horse Race and Egg Hunt).
Micro Color Math/Design package 26-3362 $9.95 Two programs in one! “Mini-Calc” functions like a hand-held calculator. Performs addition, subtraction, division and multiplication; finds sine, cosine and tangents; and more. “Spirals” lets you design and plot a large variety of polygonal spirals in four colors. A great learning aid. CGP-115 Color Graphics Printer is recommended for Spirals.
Micro Color Lostworld Pinball 26-3363 $9.95 Stone-age pinball fun! Two cavemen hit boulders with sticks trying to bounce them off dinosaurs. Great arcade-style action and excitement! Requires 16K RAM Module.

MC-10 Emulator
Platform   Description   Version   Date   Author Home Site  
Windows ’9x MC-10 Emulator 0.73c May, 2008 Emucompboy Home Site

Archiving your programs from cassette to PC –
For BASIC language programs use this method:
1) CLOAD the program into the MC10 then CSAVE it directly to the PC (with the shortest possible leads), using your favourite audio capture program saving as WAV file. 44.1KHz 8Bit Mono
2) LOAD saved file into the emulator (don’t worry about editing the WAV file)
3) SAVE the program
4) se the C10TOWAV conversion tool to convert the C10 file to a WAV file
For machine language programs use this method:
1) Use BACKUP or ID.CSAVE and CSAVE directly to the PC
2) Use the BACKUP program loaded into the emulator following step 4 of the BASIC conversion
The saved program in WAV format can be downloaded to a real MC-10 by plugging your audio input lead into the speaker output of the pc’s sound card.

Micro Color Lostworld Pinball Cheats
Endless amount of balls, where x must be >3 POKE 30500,x
Controlled amount of balls, value of x must be the same POKE 30478,x:POKE30500,x
Increased scoring – 10x POKE19922,126:POKE19923,112:POKE19924,85
Volcano errupt, game not unplayable POKE19922,126:POKE19923,112:POKE19924,82
Stop the power strips from resetting after a ball is lost: 10x POKE27935,0:POKE27936,0:POKE27937,0
2x POKE27789,0:POKE27790,0:POKE27791,0
3x POKE27850,0:POKE27851,0:POKE27852,0

MC-10 Error Codes
NF NEXT without FOR
SN Syntax Error
OD Out of Data
FC Illegal Function Call
OV Overflow
OM Out of Memory
UL Undefined Line
BS Bad Subscript
DD Double Dimensioned Array
/0 Division by 0
ID Illegal Direct Statement
TM Type Mismatch
OS Out of String Space
LS Long String (exceeds 255 characters)
ST String Formula Too Complex
CN Can’t Continue
IO Input/Output Error
FM File Mode Error

MC-10 Sites of Interest

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