Item |
Cat. No. |
Initial Price |
Product Description |
Model III, 4K RAM, Level I |
26‑1061 |
$699.00 |
Model III 16K RAM, Model III BASIC |
26‑1062 |
$999.00 |
Model III Desktop Business Computer |
26‑1063 |
$2,495.00 |
Model III 48K, 1-Disk, without RS-232 |
26‑1065 |
$1,995.00 |
Same as 26-1066 Model III Desktop Business Computer, except with 1 Disk Drive and no RS-232C Interface. |
Model III Desktop Business Computer |
26‑1066 |
$2,495.00 |
Here is a complete business system (except for your choice of printers) – now with a full 48,000 character memory. It’s the personal computer designed to increase the productivity of every manager. Everything – including two double-density disk drives with 306,000 characters of available disk storage, typewriter-style keyboard and 12″ upper and lower case video display – is built into the contemporary-style one-piece cabinet. Also included are a 12-key datapad, repeating keys and printer port. Use the Model II to solve business problems. Our VisiCalc planning program allows fast and accurate “what if. . . ?” projections. With Profile III Plus, Model III retrieves information and can print reports the way you want them. Our SCRIPSIT program and an optional printer turns Model III into a time and labor-saving word processing system. Or use Time Manager to schedule appointments, prioritize work activities, and remind you of items needing follow-up. The RS-232C Serial Communications Interface is built in-just add a modem and cable to allow your Model III to communicate with other combuilt puters over the phone lines. Add one or two more external disk drives any time. Comes with the Disk BASIC and TRSDOS Operating System disk, owner’s manual and comprehensive programming manual. U.L. listed. |
Model III “Starter System” |
N/A |
$997.00 |
Here’s an ideal computer system for the beginner for which you’ll hundreds of uses — from education to learning computer programming to entertainment. We’ve teamed with the 4K Level I (26‑1061), the Quick Printer II (26‑1155) and Printer Cable (26‑1406) to provide a listing of your programs, in addition to data output. Plus, the CTR-80A Cassette Recorder (26‑1206) lets you store and and retrieve your own written programs, or you can use our prepared software. And this system will easiliy expand as your skill and needs grow. |
Model III “Engineer” |
N/A |
$1886.95 |
For those “technical-type” applications, the 16K Model III (26‑1062) with powerful Model III BASIC is for you. This system offers easy programmability plus advanced math features you’ll need to cut technical computations down to size. The Line Printer II (26‑1154),and Printer Cable (26‑1415), provides printed output at 100 characters per second. You can save your programs and also data on cassette tapes, then re-enter them using the CTR-80A Cassette Recorder (26‑1206). Plus, you can expand to disk storage at any time. |
Model III “Word Processing System” |
N/A |
$3,622.00 |
Our Scripsit software (26‑1563) and Desktop Business Computer system (26‑1063) give you low-cost, full-feature word processing. Letters and documents can be composed on the video screen – making editing easy. Next, save the completed text on disk. Then print all the “originals” you need, error-free and to your format, with the high-quality dot-matrix Line Printer IV (26‑1259)a at 50 characters per second. The Printer Cable (26‑1415) is included. Typing will never be the same! Approximately 310,000 Free Bytes of Disk Storage. |
Model III “Business System” |
N/A |
$3,972.00 |
The Desktop Business Computer (26‑1063), combined with our new Line Printer VI (26‑1166) and Printer Cable (26‑1401), make a powerful combination! You can add Model I and III software for Generd Ledger, Payables, Receivables, Payroll, Inventory Control, and more. With the System Desk (26‑1305) and Universal Printer Stand (26‑1308), it forms an ideal total system for the small business office. And doing business was never so affordable! Approximately 310,000 Free Bytes of Disk Storage. |
Internal Expansion Options
Item |
Cat. No. |
Initial Price |
Product Description |
16K RAM Memory Kit |
26‑1102 |
$119.00 $49.00 [RSC‑12] |
Each kit you add to your Model III expands your computer’s internal memory in 16K increments up to 48K. |
Model III BASIC and 16K RAM Memory Kit |
26‑1121 |
$299.00 [RSC‑11] $149.00 [RSC‑12] $59.95 [RSC‑19] |
Upgrades your 4K Level I to Model III BASIC. For Model III only. |
Model 4 Upgrade Kit |
26‑1123 |
$799.97 |
Converts Model II disk computer to a Model 4 disk system (except for cabinet). Includes new keyboard, 64K RAM, TRSDOS 6 diskette with Disk BASIC. |
High-Resolution Graphics
$369.95 [RSC‑12]
$179.95 [RSC‑14]
$99.95 [RSC‑17]
$49.95 [RSC‑19]
Now you can turn your TRS80 Model III video display into a remarkable electronic “sketch pad” to create sophisticated business graphs, tables, charts, maps, illustrations, geometric patterns – and animation! The 153,600-pixel display allows amazingly fine detail, and the Graphics BASIC command structure is a snap for anyone. All you need to learn are a few new commands. They have incredible power in creating complex graphics quickly and easily. Includes 32K RAM memory board, user’s manual and diskette with Graphics BASIC and subroutine library. Installation required (not included).
Graphics BASIC Commands:
CIRCLE – Draws a circle, arc or ellipse.
CLS – Clears a character or display screen.
GET – Reads the bit – pattern in a block on the display screen into an array for alteration and future use.
LINE – Draws a line between points.
PAINT – Paints an area in a specified style.
POINT – Checks to see if a point is on or off.
PRESET – Turns a pixel on or off.
PUT – Puts contents (bii pattern) of an array onto the screen. Used in creating animation.
SCREEN – Screen Command/Flash mode. Useful in speeding up the display in painting and motion. Turns grapics screen on or off.
VIEW – Defines the coordinates of a specified block (called the “viewport”) on the screen.
VIEWPORT – Draws a viewport.
RS232 Board (includes cable)
Allows you to communicate with information networks and other computers by telephone (requires modem and software).
Trendex Stock Market Analysis |
26‑1510 |
$59.95 |
Provides stock market trend indicators for short, intermediate and long-term periods. Maintains intermediate trends for porfolio of your choice. Analyses data with fomulas used by professional investors. Not for counsel to buy or sell securities. |
The Home Accountant |
26‑1511 |
$99.95 |
A comprehensive personal finance system for you and your family. Lets you define up to 99 budget categories, monitor transactions, keep track of up to five checkbooks and even print checks. Produces eight financial reports and bar graphs for any budget category with optional printer. Shows a historical trend analysis for any budget category. |
Investment Portfolio Manager |
26‑1514 |
$199.95 |
Designed for investment counslors and individuals who trade in the securities market. The system monitors and reports on the information needed to manage stable, profitable securities portfolios. Handles up to 250 securities, 20 porfolios and 1700 transactions – and stores organized, descriptive screens of information for each. Allows rapid review and correction of information, automatically comptes totals and keeps records of income earned. Prints seven customized reports with optional printer. Features telecommunications with Dow Jones News/Retrieval. RS-232C interface and modem required for communications. |
pfs:file |
26‑1515 |
$124.95 |
Contains all the features of the Model 4 version but datapted for the Model III (64 x 16 display). |
pfs:report |
26‑1516 |
$99.95 |
Produces presentation-quality tabular report from files created with pfs:file. Sort from any data category and calculate averages, totals and more. Prints in alphabetical or numeric order. Automatic centering and justification. |
VisiCalc Business Forecasting Model |
26‑1521 |
$99.95 |
Now you can generate financial reports based on your VISICALC spreadsheets. Produce easy-to-read income statements, balance sheets, cash flow, financial ratios, sales and cost of goods for multiple products, salary worksheets, asset and depreciation schedules. Requires VisiCalc. |
Farm Accounting Package |
26‑1546 |
$499.00 |
Make record-keeping easier and faster! You can have double-entry accuracy wlth the ease of a single-entry function using eitner cash or accrual basis. Six preselected account lists cover most farm or ranch operations to help save you time. In addition, you control the length of an accounting period, all report headings, the sequence in which reports are printed and much more |
Financial Management |
26‑1547 |
$99.95 |
Includes five programs. each dealing with adifferent area of money management. The Land Purchase Analysis program lets you make an in-depth cash flow study before any purchase is made. Other programs include Depreciation Scheduling, Farm Profit Analysis, Loan Cost Calculator and Interest Income Calculator |
Machinery Management |
26‑1548 |
$99.95 |
Track vital information about your farm machinery. You can calculate the total fixed and variable costs of virtually any piece of machinery. Determine total operating costs per year, per acre and per hour, plus a breakdown of costs for depreciation, interest, taxes, insurance, housing, labor and repair. |
Corn/Soybean Management |
26‑1549 |
$99.95 |
Contains five programs – Grain Storage Decisions, Harvest Loss Calculations, Crop Yield Calculations. Field Population Calculator and Planter Calibration Calculator. Determine combine efficiency, estlmate yields. figure planter settlngs and more. |
Manufacturing Inventory Control |
26‑1559 |
$199.95 |
Handles up to 1900 raw materials, up to 20 finished goods per diskette. Prints bull of materials, material requirements, pull sheets, finished goods list, inventory worksheets, “where used” reports and more. |
26‑1563 |
$99.95 |
Hard Disk Profile III PlusVisiCalc
| 26‑1569 |
$199.00 [RSC‑11] $99.95 [RSC‑12] |
All the features of the Model 4 version except screen display is 64 x 16 and memory capacity is 48K. |
Real Estate Finance |
26‑1579 |
$99.95 |
Ideal for the agent, investor, broker, lender or appraiser. Features Complete Morgage, Equity, Present Worth and Building Developmental Analyses, as well as Rate of Return, Income and Expense Projections and more. |
Project Manager |
26‑1580 |
$99.95 |
Graphically displays a project in different ways to allow evaluation and scheduling. View project by time, sequence, personnel, materials or resources. |
Personnel Manager |
26‑1581 |
$99.95 |
Our Personnel Manager program helps you keep track of your most important asset – people. Think of it as a computerized file folder. You can enter data directly, or transfer information from our Time Manager program to track individual work schedules. Keep track of employee’s responsibilities, along with planned and actual start and end dates for their projects. Type in or transfer data to Personnel Manager’s “resume” level to maintain detailed professional histories and current status reports for each employee in your file. Record professional progress, special aptitudes, salary adjustments and more. And because you can search your files using up to 21 user-defined codes, it’s easy to quickly find and retrieve the information you need! It’s a powerful tool any executive can appreciate. Requires 48K 2-Disk Model III or I. |
Time Manager |
26‑1582 |
$99.95 |
Time Manager turns your TRS-80 into a personal calendar/reminder that never forgets! Keep track of appointments, job schedules – even expense records. No programming is necessary-just type in your meeting dates, important phone calls, due dates, even notes that you used to jot down and lose! Now, every day your TRS-80 will automatically show you just what needs to be done. There’s also a “to do” list with items that follow you from day to day until they’re finished. You can look ahead at what’s coming up (summarized by priority) or scan a whole year’s schedule by category or keyword, such as specific customers, accounts or trips. You can even recall all business expenses at tax time! Maintain up to nine accounts and get separate totals for any period during the year. Requires 48K 2-Disk Model III or I. |
Check Writer-80 |
$26-1584 |
99.95 |
Gives you a check writer and register, plus an expense tracking and bank reconciliation system that’s ideal for small business bookkeeping. It’s as easy to use as filling out a check or deposit slip, yet you get all the speed and accuracy of the computer. Handles multiple banks and up to 9 bank accounts, 75 payees, 31 expense categories, and about 2700 active checks. Even enter hand-written checks. Prints check registers, expense summaries, description lists of banks, and payees. Requires printer. (48K 2-Disk-Model III only). [RSC-6] |
Business Checkwriter |
26‑1585 |
$149.95 |
Ideal for small business! You get a check writer, a detailed check stub for paying multiple invoices, and a bank reconciliation system. Handles multiple accounts individually. 100 payees, 100 expense categories and 375 total checks and deposits per period. Records handwritten checks and multiple daily deposits. Maintains current bank total. Check stub details discounts and expenses. Prints checks, detailed stubs, check register, expense and payee-to-date summaries, payee lists and expense list. Requires printer. |
VideoTex |
26‑1588 |
$49.95 |
Requires telephone modem. Includes one free hour on CompuServe and Dow Jones. |
Micro/Courier |
26-1589 |
$149.95 |
Send and receive electronic mail quickly, inexpensively and reliably! Micro/Courier lets you send any TRSDOS file you can store and access with your computer to an other personal computer with the same communications protocol. Or access information services like Dow Jones News/Retrieval or CompuServe. Includes “un-attended” mode that allows automatic dialing after business hours for reduced rate. Requires Modem II and RS-232C interface. |
26‑1590 |
$199.00 |
Includes all of the features of Model 4 SuperSCRIPSIT but in a 64 x 16 display format and no reverse video. |
SCRIPSIT Spelling Dictionary |
26‑1591 |
$149.00 [RSC‑11] $99.95 |
For text material prepared with SCRIPSIT, SuperSCRIPSIT or ASCII files. |
Profile III Plus |
26‑1592 |
$199.00 |
Stores up to 700 records of 255 characters in length on a 2-disk data base, 2100 with 4 disks. Create 99 fileds per record. |
Hard Disk Profile III Plus |
26‑1593 |
$299.00 |
Designed for hard disk users. Increase the number of records in your system and offers extra sorting features. |
Business Analysis with Desktop/Plan-80 |
26‑1594 |
$199.00 |
Analyze probable results 0f business decisions. This sophisticated financial planning program guides you from model development to printing high-quality reports. Consolidates sub-models into one summary model, transfers several budgets to a summary budget, reads VisiCalc files to produce reports and more. Plots points for line charts and automatically formats printed reports (with optional printer). |
Business Graphics Analysis Program |
26‑1597 |
$174.95 |
For corporate planners, analysts, and managers. Select pie, bar, line or scatter charts, supply the data and the program quickly displays your graph on the screen. Allows editing of titles and labels before printing. Enter data from keyboard or disk files using VisiCalc. |
![](../../../../images/hw-model3-bizgrphxprg.gif) |
Business Management AgDisk VisiCalc Template |
26‑1610 |
$69.95 |
AgDisk makes the popular VisiCalc “electronic worksheet” program easy to use for agricultural applications. AgDisk templates automatically load your headings and formulas into VisiCalc. You just input the data requested – and when you change an entry, you instantly see the results. This package includes templates for depreciation, land purchase, business analysis, credit line, installment loan, investment pavback and net present value |
Cow-Calf Herd Management AgDisk VisiCalc Template |
26‑1611 |
$69.95 |
Includes templates for beef cow-claf, cattle weaning, yearling weight, bull test records, gestation calendar, metabolizable protein and urea fermentation potential, and ration formula |
Crop Management AgDisk VisiCalc Template |
26‑1612 |
$69.95 |
Includes templates for grain marketing, grain yield, corn yield, gross margin, hybrid selection, growing days, field calculations, lime recommendation, pivot application, fertilizer needs and cost |
Feedlot Cattle Management AgDisk VisiCalc Template |
26‑1613 |
$69.95 |
Templates for cattle feeder, higher grade, steer marketing, carcass evaluation, cattle net energy, metabolizable protein and urea fermentation potential, protein supplement and ratio formulation. |
Money Decisions |
26‑1620 26‑1621 26‑1622 26‑1623 26‑1624 |
$49.95 |
Each program puts the most frequently used business and financial problem-solvers at your fingertips! Takes your information from prompts and performs sophisticated calculations. Lets you create a set of problem-solving assumptions and then calculates “before and after” effects of multiple alternatives. Each can be used alone or in conjunction with the other Money Decisions programs. Produce formatted reports with optional printer. Each comes with extensive tutorial manual. |
Introduction to the Alphabet |
26-1718 |
$39.95 |
Skill-building drill to help children ages 4 to 6 become familiar with the capital and small letters of the alphabet and their locations on the TRS-80 computer keyboard. |
Hall of the Mountain King |
26-1921 |
$39.95 |
Classroom version of the Model III/4 action game by graphics wizard Leo Christopherson. Player battles trolls and finds the way through a maze in an underground kingdom where a princess is held prisoner. Students key in answers to any multiple-choice quiz as they play the game. |
Zork I Adventure Game |
26-1951 |
$39.95 |
One of the Most Popular Adventure Games Ever Offered. You must stay alive and find the hidden treasures of this challenging, complex adventure game. |
![](../../../../images/computer-mod3sw-zork1.png) |
Monty Plays Monopoly |
26-1952 |
$34.95 |
A tough, entertaining competitor! Computer-generated dice. Board game and 32K 1-Disk Model III required. |
![](../../../../images/hw-model3-montymonopoly.jpg) |
Monty Plays Scrabble |
26-1954 |
$34.95 |
Challenging word fun! Features 54,000 word vocabulary, dlfferent skill levels and automatic score keeping. Add a mini-amplifier for sound effects. Requires board game. |
Mastering the ECAT |
26-1970 |
$129.95 |
Get ready for the College Board Achievement Test in English composition with this helpful program. Designed specifically to prepare high school students for entrance into selected colleges and to help them qualify for advanced placement in college English courses. The five-disk program contains more than 1000 English problems presented in random groups of 16, so study remains interesting and challenging. Includes practice in rewriting sentences, phrasing, identification of grammatical errors and pointers on sentence structure. Supportive responses follow every answer to encourage further study. Provides an approximate score and error analysis to indicate areas for further study. |
Success with Math I: Addition/Subtraction |
26-1971 |
$19.95 |
Introduce your children to the basics of mathematics with programs available for students in grades 1-12. Each program allows students to learn at their own pace. Programs take students through mathematlcal operations one step at a time, with encouraging responses from the computer after every answer. Varying levels of difficulty let children start where they feel comfortable, then progress into more complex operations.
Start students in grades 1-4 with basic computation practice. Concepts of “carrying” and “borrowing”. Choose the level of difficulty, up to problems with nine rows and nine columns. |
Success with Math II: Multiplication and Division |
26-1972 |
$19.95 |
For grade levels 2-8 or for older children needing to review multiplication or division skills. Students choose a one, two or three-digit number to multiply by a three-digit multiplicand. Choose one to three-digit numbers for division problems. |
Success with Math III: Linear Equations |
26-1973 |
$19.95 |
For students in grades 7-11. Practice solving randomly generated problems in the form AX + B = C. Requires basic arithmetic operations on both sides of the equation. |
Success with Math IV: Quadratic Equations |
26-1974 |
$19.95 |
For grades 9-12. Generates quadratic equations at two levels of difficulty. Divides the screen into three areas: original equation, work area and message/instruction area. Inlcudes extensive practice in factoring. |
Mastering the SAT |
26-1975 |
$129.95 |
A comprehensive program to help high school students prepare for the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Provides practice in all skill areas tested on the SAT-Math: arithmetic, algebra. geometry, use of reference tables, graphs and reasoning: Verbal: analogies. antonyms, sentence completion, reading comprehension and vocabulary: and Standard Written English. Students are first tested to identify areas for further study. Self-paced study with the computer provides additional instruction and hints for test-taking. A final test, similar to the SAT, analyzes the student’s progress. Includes a 96-page workbook with additional practice exams. |
Editor/Assembler, Series I |
26‑2013 |
$34.95 |
Allows advanced programmers to program in Z-80 assembly language. Includes editor/assembler, sample programs and extensive 255-page manual — including detailed descriptions of the Z-80 mneumonics. |
Assembly Language Tutor |
26‑2018 |
$69.95 |
A self-paced teaching program introducing assembly language programming. Learn to execute Z-80 machine-language instructions that are much faster than BASIC. Includes a complete text, plus hands-on software training. |
BFBLIB BASIC Routines Diskette |
26‑2021 |
$19.95 |
Supercharge your programs with these 121 subroutines, functions and utilities described in BASIC Faster and Better & Other Mysteries. Modify routines or use “as is”. |
![](../../../../images/hw-model3-bfblibx400.png) |
PowerTool |
26‑2022 |
$49.95 |
A flexible, powerful utility package. PowerTool contains utility routines that allow you to directly examine and modify diskettes written in any version of TRSDOS and LDOS, restore many unreadable diskettes to a readable condition, and format or backup all or part of a diskette. Contains its own operating system. |
Dean Vaughn Memory Course |
26-2024 |
$89.95 |
Learn to develop your memory through the process of association. This two-disk course shows you how to find audionyms – words with similar sounding syllables – to remember key words or groups of words, how to use association and how to test for a job. |
Fortran |
26‑2200 |
$99.95 |
26‑2203 |
$199.00 |
Compiler BASIC |
26‑2204 |
$149.00 |
Single-key ISAM, DEBUG and cross reference. (Intended for program development and not for conversion of existing software. Not compatible with Level II or Model III BASIC programs). |
26‑2210 |
$195.00 |
Alcor Pascal for Model I/III |
26‑2211 |
$249.95 |
LDOS 5.1 Operating System |
26‑2214 |
$129.00 |
LDOS is an advanced operating system developed for the TRS-80 Model III (or Model 4 in the Model III mode) by Logical Systems. It offers the TRS-80 user manu features and enhancements that are not included in TRSDOS. First of all, it adds data transportability – you can read LDOS diskettes on a TRS-80 Model I, or on a Model III or 4. Other important features include a Job Control Language to control an unattended computer, a terminal utility, keyboard type-ahead, printer spooling to memory and/or disk, a printer output formatting program, and device independence – linking, routing and filtering. Supports 5-1/4″ and 8″ floppy disk drives in single or double-density and in single or double-sided configurations (requires appropriate hardware). Included in the LDOS package is an extensive operating manual with examples of functions, a glossary and handy cross-reference index. Most Radio Shack software is supported under LDOS (documented with purchase). |
AgriData |
26‑2227 |
$399.00 |
Access the latest agricultural marketing, finance, news, weather, general business and production information from the Agridata Network (formerly the AgriStar service). All you need is a Model 4 or Model III and a telephone interface. Includes a user’s manual with quarterly updates, a reference flip chart, a subscription to Farm Futures magazine, a newsletter and a toll-free 24-hour support service from AgriData Resources. |
![](../../../../images/hw-model3-sw-agridata.gif) |
High Motivation Reading Series: Charles Lindbergh/Amelia Earhart |
26-2513 |
$74.95 |
Each program in the series comes with four student readers and an audio cassette. Computer programs measure reading comprehension. For grades 4-6. Programs require 32K with one drive and TRS-80 MicroPILOT. |
![](../../../../images/computer-mod1sw-highmotivx200.png) |
High Motivation Reading Series: Hound of the Baskervilles |
26-2514 |
$69.95 |
High Motivation Reading Series: Dracula |
26-2515 |
$69.95 |
High Motivation Reading Series: Moby Dick |
26-2516 |
$69.95 |
High Motivation Reading Series: Beatles |
26-2517 |
$69.95 |
High Motivation Reading Series: 20.000 Leagues Under the Sea |
26-2518 |
$69.95 |
High Motivation Reading Series: Time Machine |
26-2519 |
$59.95 |
High Motivation Reading Series: Frankenstein |
26-2520 |
$59.95 |
High Motivation Reading Series: Student Recording System |
26-2521 |
$29.95 |
Numeric Data Entry Practice |
26-2601 |
39.95 |
25-lesson practice course to help students develop speed and accuracy in entry of numeric data using a 10-key pad. Printer optional. |
Computer Assisted Reading Development: Volume I – Sentences |
26-2603 |
199.00 |
Adapted from the Philadelphia Computer Assisted Reading Development Program for supplemental reading instruction at the 4th-8th grade level. Requires AUTHOR I Lesson Presentation Package or TRS-80 AUTHOR I. Compatible with Network 3 using the Network 3 Lesson Presentation Package. Covers sentence recognition, relationships, ordering and labeling |
Computer Assisted Reading Development: Volume II – Paragraphs |
26-2604 |
199.99 |
Students define sentence relationships within a paragraph. |
Computer Assisted Reading Development: Volume III – Directions |
26-2605 |
199.99 |
Focuses on details and order to help improve ability to read and follow directions. |
Corplan |
26-2619 |
49.95 |
Management-decision simulation game designed to supplement business instruction at the college or advanced secondary level. Allows an individual student or a team to make the quarterly production, sales and financial decisions that will make or break an imaginary company. Combining role-playing and team-work, Corplan can aid teachers in expanding the basic rules of running a business and the value of long-range planning. Produce charts and screen reports with optional printer. Minimum of 48K required in all stations when used in Network 3 environment. |
![](../../../../images/computer-mod1sw-corplanx150.png) |
Computer Discovery: Junior High |
26-2630 |
$189.95 |
Introduces students to computers and discusses their history and impact on society. Also presents basic computer programining concepts. Each package includes interactive exercises, 25 student handbooks and instructor’s manual. |
![](../../../../images/computer-mod3sw-compliteracy.png) |
Computer Discovery Junior High: Additional Workbook |
26-2636 |
$4.25 |
Computer Discovery: Senior High |
26-2632 |
$189.95 |
Introduces students to computers and discusses their history and impact on society. Also presents basic computer programining concepts. Each package includes interactive exercises, 25 student handbooks and instructor’s manual. |
Computer Discovery Senior High: Additional Workbook |
26-2636 |
$4.25 |
High Motivation History Series |
26-2645 |
299.00 |
Inludes 12 illustrated books on American history from 1500 to the 1980′s. Includes read-along audio tapes and computer activities diskettes. Requires TRS-80 AUTHOR I Lesson Presentation Package or TRS-80 AUTHOR I. Compatible with Network 3 using the Network 3 Lesson Presentation Package. |
![](../../../../images/computer-mod3sw-basichistoryx150.png) |
Business Education: Computer Applications in Small Business |
26-2654 |
599.00 |
Designed as a complete program to supplement business accounting curriculum, the package includes visual materials, student workbooks and four businessp programs: General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Disk Payroll. The course is based on a field-tested, structured teaching model and is divided into four parts for each topic. The instruction manual and student workbooks parallel each other in content, form and wording. Includes transparencies with teaching guides for their use. Requires 48K Model III or 64K Model 4 with 2 disk drives. Printer required. |
High Motivation History Series: Next Four Years: Electing the Presldent |
26-2664 |
$19.95 |
A study of the American election process. Includes a cassette-based election simulation. With teacher’s manual, activity masters and wall chart. |
Intro to Pascal |
26-2674 |
$350.00 |
This complete, structured teaching package comes with a teacher’s manual, overhead transparencies and 25 student workbooks. Provides an introduction to structured programming, editing and compiling a Pascal program, simple Pascal data types, variables, more. |
TRS-80 Network 3 Lesson Presentation Package. |
26-2713 |
299.00 |
Allows you to use Network 3 to present lessons created with TRS-80 AUTHOR I. Create a lesson score file for storing performance data on diskette. Prints scores and timings with optional printer. Requires host with two disk drives and Network 3 Operating System. |
TRS-80 MicroPILOT |
26-2718 |
119.95 |
A Create your own TRS-80 courseware or adapt it from any curriculum suitable for computer assisted instruction. TRS-80 MicroPILOT is command-oriented. It’s based on the PILOT computer language, but offers extended graphics and disk file-handling capabilities. Features one-letter commands, upper and lower case characters and branching. Includes user’s manual with a reference section and a sample lesson. |
REKORD Planner: Administrator |
26-2725 |
499.99 |
Record-keeping system you can personalize to fit your own data management needs. File student data, print out student and school information and generate reports. This versatile. timesaving system makes information instantly avilable about any student in the file. Includes a program and tutorial diskette, plus sample formats. Available in three versions to suit your schools’s special requirements. |
![](../../../../images/computer-mod3sw-rekordkpr.png) |
REKORD Planner: Counselor |
26-2726 |
499.00 |
Record-keeping system you can personalize to fit your own data management needs. File student data, print out student and school information and generate reports. This versatile. timesaving system makes information instantly avilable about any student in the file. Includes a program and tutorial diskette, plus sample formats. Available in three versions to suit your schools’s special requirements. |
REKORD Planner: Special Programs |
26-2727 |
499.00 |
Record-keeping system you can personalize to fit your own data management needs. File student data, print out student and school information and generate reports. This versatile. timesaving system makes information instantly avilable about any student in the file. Includes a program and tutorial diskette, plus sample formats. Available in three versions to suit your schools’s special requirements. |
Network Pascal |
26-2739 |
$799.00 |
A new version of TRS-80 Pascal designed specifically for use with Model III/4 and Network 3 in a classroom environment. New, enhanced features include a combined editor/compiler program that minimizes host disk access time. Pascal programs can be created at each network student station. TRS-80 Pascal diskettes for stand-alone Model III/4 machines are also included for use with stand-alone disk machines. Includes 16 Student Manuals. |
![](../../../../images/computer-mod3sw-networkpascal.png) |
Network Pascal: Additional Student Manual |
26-2740 |
$14.95 |
Basic Arithmetic |
26-2790 |
$44.95 |
Contains four programs that provide practice in arithmetic skills. For grades 2-6. |
Word Games |
26-2791 |
$44.95 |
Students learn to work with words using visual recall, logical guessing, and word association. For grades 1-6. |
Expeditions |
26-2792 |
$44.95 |
Students test decisions and consider the hardships of different groups of Americans durlng three historic periods. For grades 5-9. |
Puzzles and Posters |
26-2793 |
$44.95 |
Design posters and puzzles or create your own tests and drills. |