Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 Revived Site

TRS-80 Revived Site by Ira Goldklang's is an archive of everything related to the Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 microcomputer lines. Site contains emulators, programs, manuals, books, patches, games, hints, discussions, questions, forums, and tons more.

TRS-80 Information: Getting Software Onto An Emulator

by @ 10:12 am on March 24, 2009.
[Model I]      [Model III] Getting Software Onto An Emulator     [Model 4]      [Model 100]

How do I Run a File I Have Downloaded?
Step By Step Instructions on How to Use a Downloaded File (Windows)
This example is meant to be beginning to end step-by-step instructions on how to take a file which has been downloaded from the internet, and run it in a TRS-80 emulator
For purposes of this example, I will assume:
1)  That you downloaded a zip file named “FILENAME.ZIP” containing the file named “FILENAME.CMD”
2)  That you have a copy of PKUNZIP for DOS somewhere in your path
3)  You want to put it on a disk image named “DSKIMAGE.DSK”
4)  Your TRS-80 directory on your hard drive is located at “C:\TRS-80″
5)  Items in BOLD should be typed as is (modified to change the assumptions in 1-3)
6)  “[ENTER]” means to hit the enter key; “[TAB]” means hit the tab key; “[F9]” means hit the F9 key, etc.
7)  That you know how to unzip a file, make a directory, download from the internet, and go to a DOS prompt.
8)  That have obtained ROMs for the computer. I will not provide these ROMs but they can be easily found on the net.
Steps for Vavasour, Reed, and Keil
1)  Download the file you want from the internet (download to C:\TRS-80)
2)  Click here to download Jeff Vavaour’s File Utilities (download to C:\TRS-80)
3)  Click here to download a Model 1 Boot Disk (download to C:\TRS-80)
4)  Go to DOS PROMPT under Windows
5)  CD\TRS-80 [ENTER]
(It should say ‘Formatting 35 tracks. Done.’)
(It should say ‘Writing FILENAME.CMD’)
11)  Start the emulator, mount the disks, reboot the emulator as follows…


Jeff Vavasour’s
Model I Emulator

Matthew Reed’s Model I
DOS Emulator

Dave Keil’s
Model I Emulator

Matthew Reed’s Model I
Windows Emulator

Run the Emulator

MODEL1 [Enter]

TRS [Enter]

TRS81 [Enter]

Double-Click on TRS23 [Enter]

Mount Roms

(Needs to already have been placed in emulator directory). ROMs should be named LEVEL1.ROM, MODEL1.ROM, MODEL3.ROM. If your ROM is named LEVEL2.ROM and you get an error, this may be why.

If you get a “ROM Image Not Found” error, be sure to point to your ROM files using OPTIONS -> ROM Image Paths.

Mount :0 …

Press the [F2] key, then hit 0

Press the [F8] key, then hit 0

Press the [F9] key, then hit [ENTER]

Press the [F6] key

… with LDOS1.DSK



Use the arrows to scroll to LDOS1 and then hit [ENTER]

Navigate to LDOS1 and Double-Click

Mount :1 …




Press the [SHIFT][F6] keys




Then use the arrows to scroll to DSKIMAGE and then hit [ENTER]

Navigate to DSKIMAGE and Double-Click




Press the [F10] Key

Press the [SHIFT][F8] Keys

12)  Enter a valid date and press [ENTER] X
13)  Enter a valid time and press [ENTER]
The next steps depend on whether you want to run a BASIC or a CMD file.

If you want to run a CMD program (called FILENAME/CMD) instead of a /BAS Program do the following step …

If you want to run a BASIC program (called FILENAME/BAS) instead of a /CMD Program do the following two steps …
Steps for SDLTRS
1)  Click here to download sdltrs. Install it on your machine.
2)  Download the file you want from the internet to your home directory. Let’s assume it’s called filename.cmd
3)  Click here to download a Model 1 boot disk. Save it in your home directory.
4)  Go to a shell and type cd to go to your home directory.
5)  unzip -L [ENTER]
6)  Start the emulator in model 1 mode, putting the bootable ldos1.dsk in drive 0, and the utility.dsk that came with sdltrs in drive 1. A command line to do that might look like this

open /Applications/sdltrs/ –args -model1 -disk0 ~/ldos1.dsk -disk1 /Applications/sdltrs/diskimages/utility.dsk

7)  In the Media menu, select “Floppy disk management” and confirm that it found both disks. Then hit the “New Disk Image…” button. Select JV3 as the format, and check the “Inserrt new disk image into drive” checkbox, and hit the “Create” button. Type a filename with a .jv3 extension in the “Save As” dialog and hit the Save button. Then hit OK to close the “Floppy disk management” dialog.
8)  You should still be at the LDOS opening screen. If you are not, make sure that ldos1.dsk is in drive 0, and select “Soft Reset” from the “Control” menu.
9)  Enter a valid time and press [ENTER]
11)  FORMAT :@ [ENTER]
The next steps depend on whether you want to run a BASIC or a CMD file …

For a CMD File called “filename/cmd”…

12)  import filename.cmd filename/cmd:2 [ENTER]
13)  filename/cmd:2 [ENTER]
For a BASIC File called “filename/bas”…
12)  import filename.bas filename/bas:2 [ENTER]
**)  Don Ady has figured out how to use the CAPS LOCK and CLEAR key:
**)  to emulate the CAPS LOCK key, use any of “~ _ [ ] { } \ |”
**)  to emulate the CLEAK key, use use combo or “fn-left arrow”

How can I get individual files on and/or off a .DSK?
Most of the TRS-80 emulators have programs for doing this. Read the instructions for your emulator to find out how to use them. Sometimes the program runs on the emulated Z-80 (a /CMD file); other times it runs on the host operating system (an .EXE file).

Getting Files Off of a DSK:

For Windows, Miguel Dutra is developing GUI and Command Line versions of a program which will extract files from DSK and DMK images. The most current versions can be found on his VDISK Web Page.

For Linux, you can use the EXPORT/CMD (not the same program as Jeff’s) from Tim Mann’s XTRS emulator

Otherwise, under Jeff Vavasour’s Model I Emulator, the relevant program is VREAD.EXE. Under Jeff’s Model III/4 emulator, it is EXPORT/CMD. Under Matthew Reed’s Model I/III emulator, the program is TRSREAD.EXE and is available only with the registered version.

Getting Files Onto a DSK:

Under Jeff Vavasour’s Model I Emulator, the relevant program is VWRITE.EXE. Under Jeff’s Model III/4 emulator, it is IMPORT/CMD. Under Matthew Reed’s Model I/III emulator, the program is TRSWRITE.EXE and is available only with the registered version. Under xtrs, the program is called IMPORT/CMD (not the same program as Jeff’s).

How to create a DSK or DMK image for use with a TRS-80 Emulator
Larry Kraemer has prepared a guide, in PDF. Download here.

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