This is an information zap. Many people on the model 1 are having trouble initially shifting NEWDOS/80 Version 2 to a system diskette other than 35 track, single density, single sided, which is the format of the distribution diskette. For this discussion, you are assumed to have read chapter 12 and sections 2.14 and 2.37.
A. |
To make a double density, single sided NEWDOS/80 Version 2 system diskette. |
1. |
You must have an excellent working Percom or LNW double density modification in your expansion interface. |
2. |
Take the NEWDOS/80 NEWDOS/80 Version 2 master diskette or an exact duplicate of it, place a write protect tab on it, place it in drive 0 and press RESET to bring up the system to NEWDOS/80 READY, responding with date and time if necessary. |
3. |
Execute the DOS command: |
The SYSTEM and SOURCE are both the diskette with the write protect tab on. The DESTINATION diskette is the diskette to contain the double density, single sided NEWDOS/80 Version 2 system. If you have two drives available, you may use the command COPY,0,1,,USD,FMT,DPDN=6 instead. If the destination drive is not a 40 track drive, then use COPY,O,dn2-tc2,,USD,FMT,DPDN=6 where dn2 is the destination drive number and tc2 is one less than the number of tracks for that drive (i.e., 34 for 35 track drive and 79 for an 80 track drive)(example, COPY,0,1-79,,USD,FMT,DPDN=6). Further, if the destination drive has more than 40 tracks, that drive must be other than drive 0 during the COPY (otherwise you must obtain a special system diskette from Apparat at an extra charge)(after the COPY is over, you may shift that drive back as drive 0 to use it as the system drive). |
4. |
When the COPY command completes successfully and the system has returned to NEWDOS/80 READY, mount the destination diskette on drive 0 and press RESET. The NEWDOS/80 system on that double density, single sided diskette is now the system. |
5. |
Perform a DIR 0 command to ascertain the extra granules are available. Then execute PDRIVE,0 to observe that the specifications for drive 0 are now single aided, double density with track 0 reserved for opposite density. Please note that the specifications for drives 1 through 9 have not been changed. If they are to be changed, you must do it, studying carefully the PDRIVE command, see section 2.37 |
B. |
To make a double sided, single density NEWDOS/80 Version 2 system diskette. |
1. |
Make a copy of the NEWDOS/80 Version 2 master diskette. When done, mount that copy of the NEWDOS/80 Version 2 system in drive 0 and press RESET. |
2. |
Execute the following DOS command: |
PDRIVE,0,6,TI=A,TD=C,TC=40,SPT=20 |
This changes the specifications for drive 6 to be 5 inch, single sided, single density, 40 tracks. If you wish other than 40 tracks, change the TC parameter above to the desired track count. |
3. |
Place a write protect tab on the system diskette you have just changed. |
4. |
Execute the following command: |
The source and system diskettes are the same and are the one with the vrite protect tab. The destination diskette is the one to contain the double sided, single density NEWDOS/80 Version 2 system. If you have two drives available, you may use COPY 0,1,,USD,FMT,DPDN=6 instead. The destination must be on drive 1 if it is to have more than 40 tracks (when the COPY in finished, that drive can be made drive 0). |
5. |
When the COPY command has completed successfully and returns to NEWDOS/80 READY, mount the destination diskette in drive 0 and press RESET to bring up the double sided, single density system. Perform DIR 0 and PDRIVE,0 as discussed above to observe the changed system. Proceed with additional PDRIVE re-specifications, if necessary. |
C. |
To make a double sided, double density NEWDOS/80 Version 2 system diskette. |
1. |
You must have an excellent working Percom or LNW double density interface in your expansion interface. |
2. |
Proceed as for single sided, single density discussed above excepting that the PDRIVE command is: |
This is for a 40 track drive, for 35 use TC=34, for 80 use TC=79. |
Further: |
1. |
For a destination drive more than 40 tracks use GPL=8 and you will probably want an expanded directory, say DDGA=6 for maximum size, giving 224 directory entries. However, if any of GPL, DDSL or DDGA are different between the source and destination drives during COPY or if the number of sectors, granules or tracks for the destination diskette is less than the source diskette, the CBF (Copy By File) parameter must be specified in the COPY command (example: COPY 0,0,,USD,FMT,DPDN=6,CBF). So, in the case here for driven over 40 tracks, since the GPL is different (the source’s GPL is 2 and the destination’s GPL in now 8), you must use the CBF parameter. Actually, you could have used the W option in any of the COPY’s mentioned above in this zap, but CBP runs slower and should only be used where necessary. |
2. |
For LNW interface, you can specify TI flag E instead of flag C (example, TI=EK instead of TI=CK, if any 8 inch drives are to be used with the LNW, E must be specified instead of C). However, remember, flags E and C are interdrive mutually exclusive; so if you change one of the 10 drive specs from using flag C to using flag E, you must change any of the others that use flag B or C (see next section). |
3. |
Users setting up their systems to use the 8 inch drives through the OMIKRON interface (TI=BH) are experiencing trouble with the PDRIVE error code **** TISPEC BETWEEN DRIVES INCOMPATIBLE. Please refer to the last two sentences of the TItypel paragraph in the middle of page 2-34. If any drive’s TI specifies flag B, then no other can specify either flag C or E. You must change the PDRIVE specifications for drives 4, 6, 8 and 9 an they conflict with flag B. To do this, simply execute the DOS commands |
Remember, you should not make any PDRIVE changes to the NEWDOS/80 Version 2 matter diskette; perform the changes on working copies of it.