Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 Revived Site

TRS-80 Revived Site by Ira Goldklang's is an archive of everything related to the Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 microcomputer lines. Site contains emulators, programs, manuals, books, patches, games, hints, discussions, questions, forums, and tons more.

February 17, 2009 – Site Updates

by @ 11:31 am on February 17, 2009. Filed under Site Updates, Softside

While I am continuing my efforts to continue scanning SoftSide magazines, I am also continuing the efforts of breaking magazine pages out so that each issue has its own page with tables of contents (like the 80 Micro pages have always had). I am currently pushing through the 80-US JOURNAL pages, and will not post news items for each update, but as of this writing, I have updated Volumes 2 and 3, and am in the middle of Volume 4.

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