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June 24, 2009 – New Softside Cover # 44 from Thomas McNair

by @ 9:56 am on June 24, 2009. Filed under Magazine, Softside

June 24, 2009 – New Softside Cover # 44 from Thomas McNair

      SoftSide Magazine
Issue: Vol 6 No 11 / 44
Year: 1983
TOSEC: SoftSide Magazine Vol 6 No 11 (1983)(SoftSide Publications)
Pages: 108
SIZE: 69.6MB
Table of Contents:
6 THE WORLD CONNECTION: Computer Crime: Pirates and Phone Phreaks
by Tim Knight
Technological crime is burgeoning in the microcomputer age. The source of the illness lies in the expanded capabilities the new technology offers, but so does the cure.
9 ENTERTAINMENT TOMORROW: The Futurephone: A Broader View
by Allen L. Wold
The telephone is a familiar device most of us use every day. Major changes are ahead which may affect our lives in significant ways as the simple phone evolves into a sophisticated communications tool for much more than voice transmission alone.
by Steve Birchall
A Doomsday Computer playing war games with a young computer freak takes the world to the brink of total destruction. In the process, they raise troubling questions about humanity permitting large arsenals of nuclear weapons to exist, and how wisely our military and political leaders control them.
18 THE BATTLE FOR YOUR MIND (Part II): Arousing Fantasy
by Peter J. Favaro
Adventure games can be much more exciting when you harness the power of fantasy to involve the player in the situation. Give him a scenario which stimulates him to act out his own role, and supply him with characters who have dramatic personalities.
by J. M. Keynes
You can succeed in the commodities markets. This program tracks price trends and accurately predicts major movements so you can optimize your profits – and avoid taking big losses.
38 CALC/SIDE: VisiCalc Plays Games Too!
by David Peters
Have fun with your spreadsheet. This adaptation of the old pencil and paper game of Battleship uses VisiCalc’s logic functions and grid system to hide stars in an imaginary universe.
by M, M. McClung
Have you ever asked yourself, “What kind of a mind would design such a twisted game?” Find out in this rollicking, free-form interview with two of the industry’s most creative game designers, Marc Blank and Mike Beriyn.
by Steve Birchall
It’s not easy being a robot. The oppression of our Silicon Citizens has reached intolerable levels, and Murphy bares his chips in this moving account of the widespread discrimination against robots.
Reviewed by Mark Renne
One of the most sophisticated and enjoyable adventure games, Zork I enables you to talk to the computer in complete, natural sentences. It also “understands” the implications of your actions and relates the command you just typed to previous actions.
Reviewed by Arlan Levitan
Cryogenically frozen, you must find a way to escape, using a corps of robots, each with specialized abilities. Meanwhile, the authorities have a couple of clones of yourself “frozen in butter sauce” so you’ll have to be careful.
2 Editorial
4 Input
12 The Data Stack
55 The Sides of SoftSide
89 Hints and Enhancements
90 Bugs, Worms & Other Undesirables
92 New Products
94 MicroLog: Resources Received
96 Market/Side
96 Advertisers’ Index
97 Machine Head
56 Night Mission Pinball
Reviewed by Robert L. Gray
58 Genesis
Reviewed by Cary W. Bradley
60 Prisoner 2
Reviewed by Jeff Hurlburt
62 Adventuring on the Apple
by Edward E. Anuff
68 Ultima II: Revenge of the Enchantress
Reviewed by Carl M. Firman
70 Jumbo Jet Pilot
Reviewed by John Ludtke
72 Shamus Case 2
Reviewed by David Plotkin
73 Matchboxes
Reviewed by David Plotkin
74 Exploring The Atari Frontier
by Alan J . Zett
Manipulating Players and Missiles
84 Fredericksburg
Reviewed by Stuart Hawkinson

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