74 |
Micros in Medicine |
G Michael Vose |
Even micros can have a bedside manner. Read how the medical profession uses micros to diagnose, educate, and gather information. |
148 |
Heat Stress Index |
David B Heckenlively, et al |
Does your job get you hot under the collar? This program determines whether the heat from your workplace is harmful to your health. |
174 |
Micros in the Lab |
Tom Hager |
Microcomputers are not used extentively yet in scientific exploration, but some pioneering scientitst are leafing a micro revolution. |
188 |
Nike Sport Research Lab |
J L Larsen |
Scientific research benefits from using microcomputer sfor data collection and analysis. |
197 |
TRS-80 Laboratory |
Wynne Keller |
Trying to convince the boss you need a computer in the lab? This article will help you. |
205 |
Astrodynamics for Beginners |
John D Fowler, Jr |
Gravity got you down? This program shows you its effects on orbits of heavenly bodies. |
88 |
The Color Computer on Parade: Part II |
William Barden, Hr. |
In this segment, author Barden explains the Line, Circle, Draw, Poiunt, Get and Put commands, as well as how to change your video display graphics. |
90 |
Medical Family History |
Miguel Diaz |
Computerize your family medical histories and make life a little easier by keeping health records. |
92 |
Bit Smitten: Part IV |
Jay Chidsey |
Save memory space with Basic’s Reaad … Data function. It’s not as difficult as you think. |
96 |
Practical Regression Analysis |
Delmar D Hinrichs |
Regression analysis lets you get the most from a set of data. Author Hinrichs will take you step by step through this useful technique. |
112 |
Hardware Hacker: Part II |
Philip M Van Praag |
In this episode, add 32K of RAM to your Model I. |
130 |
The Calculating Genius: Part I |
Rick Cook |
Charles Babbage invented the speedometer, railway cowcatcher, and occulting lighthouse – as well as the first digital computer. |
142 |
William Barden Jr. |
This Editor/Assembler for cassette-based Color Computer owners almost has it all |
168 |
More Color Conversion |
Jimmy L. Freeman |
When the Air Force took Jimmy’s hobby – ham radio – away, he found a new way to while away the hours … converting Model I programs to Color Computer ones. |
182 |
Curse You, Cursor! |
Joseph L Frese |
Poke out your Model II’s blinker. |
190 |
Trick your ROM |
Bob Boothe |
LPRINTing CHR$s 0 and 10. |
214 |
Color Assembler |
John Heusinkveld |
A way to speed up your Color Computer programs. |
222 |
Relativity and the TRS-80 |
Sidney Levin |
Let your micro strip the veils from relativity theory and ignite your own intuitive files. |
230 |
Epson Airfoils |
Bob Boothe |
Design model airplane wings or modify this program to plot points for other applications. |
242 |
Plant a Binary Tree |
Ken Knecht |
Unlock the door to fast searches using key data. |
246 |
Casino Draw Poker |
Ron Balewski |
Who as the better poker face, you or your 80? |
260 |
Make Those Headlines Fit |
Richard Ramella |
Making heads of a different column fit together. |
264 |
Cybernetics: Part II |
Stephen Davids |
All about sensors, decision bases, and actuators. |
272 |
Show the Score |
Frederick F Battiste |
You need some additional knowledge if you want to display numbers and graphics on your Color Computer. |
282 |
Cassbox |
Charles E Gillen |
Tired of fumbling through unlabaled cassette boxes or trying to read chicken tracks passing for handwriting? Your 80 can give you a helping hand. |
287 |
James H DeFrancis |
When you buy an MX-80 cable when you can make your own? |
288 |
Color Computer Pointers |
E O Gilliland Jr. |
Combine programs and save memory with this know-how. |
292 |
Model II Math Skills |
Mike Kilroy |
Mike wanted his kids to dissect math problems but found they’d rather dissect his Basic programs instead. |
300 |
Model III Microchess |
Mohan Embar |
You need more than CONVERT for this one. |
304 |
Test Patterns |
Richard L Kilmon |
Now you don’t have to wait until the wee hours to see late-night fare on your tv. |
306 |
The Sieve of Erathosthenes |
D R Cecil |
It may be Greek to you but not to your 80. |
308 |
Music Marvel |
Steve Blyn |
It helps mentally retarded persons play music on the Color Comptuer. |
318 |
Kwikmaze |
Dan Rollins |
For fast mazes you need machine language. |
357 |
The Evolution of a Language |
Ken Waltjen |
Understanding the magic of binary and hardwre. |
364 |
Pixel Printer |
Charles E Gillen |
Model I graphics screen dump. |
372 |
Computer Assisted Electronics Design |
John Harper |
The ultimate do-it-yourself project — designing your own comptuer. |
386 |
Stephen Mills |
How to get enhanced printouts from a limited system. |
390 |
SFC Roger E Donais |
Disabled by not forgotten. |
392 |
Analysis of Variance |
George L Gille |
What happens when IBM Fortran meets Microsoft Basic? |
396 |
We Interrupt This Program … |
Dennis Workman |
… for a word that will make your Model I More versatile. |
398 |
The Family Tree |
Richard W Castor |
Genealogies for home comptuers. |
404 |
To Baffle a Pirate |
Randy Hawkins |
By making your Basic programs look like machine language, you can deter many copy cats. |
406 |
Clean Up Your TRON/TROFF |
Arne Rhode |
Debug your Basic programs with a trace table. |
410 |
Checksum |
Howard F Batie |
Debugging long listings made easy. |
414 |
Quicksort |
Don C Brumm |
The fastest sort in the West … and elsewhere. |
420 |
Relocated ULCBAS |
Samule D Pincus |
This simple patch protects high memory. |
422 |
Sound OFF! |
Bertram A Thiel |
Use a second cassette recorder to add sound to your programs. |
424 |
Barry Kornfeld |
Write machine language patches, load your main program, and save as one file. |
426 |
Algebraic Archery |
Michael A Duffin |
Hit a bullseye with this polynomial factoring program. |
436 |
Homebrew Librarian |
Larry R Hamilton |
Use your 80 to keep track of your books. |
440 |
Find a Number’s Roots |
David R Cecil |
Getting to the roots of some problems |
444 |
Things Still Crawl in the Level II ROM |
Gregg E Marshall |
Explaining a sometimes persistent SYSTEM-load error. |
450 |
Invader |
Jeffrey Fisher |
Computer warfare beyond three dimensions |
456 |
Scripsit Makes It Easy |
Peter C Bennett |
Mail-merge on a shoestrong. |
8 |
Remarks |
Wayne Green |
Education in the future — now there’s a subject that should be good for a whole book. |
12 |
Proof Notes |
Micros can help people tune in to technology and explore it. |
16 |
Input |
The pain of protected disks. profile update. Error in Individual Retirement Account program. A program to calculate inflation forever. More on disk directory for the Model III. Concerns for a first-generation hacker. Error in “For the Novice.” Model I expansion without Radio Shack support. Color Computer voice synthesizer. More. |
26 |
Aid |
Bug in baud rate. Tic-tac error. Missing parts for bare bones communcator. |
28 |
Debug |
Request for Model III card reader. The rest of “Tee for Six” Form feed for the MX-80. |
32 |
Gamers Cafe |
Rodney Gambicus |
Rodney Gambucus and his friend Wintrop set up shop in 80 Micro to talk with you about games. |
34 |
Soft Bits |
Roger Fuller |
One of the most powerful features of Level II BAasic is the Print Using statement |
38 |
Kitchen Table Inc. |
David Busch |
Kitchen Table Inc. breaks new ground by introducing user-hostile software |
40 |
Reviews |
Extended muMATH, Color Forth. Sole, double desnity for the Model I, Spectaculator, Color Computer spreadsheet, Sprinter II, Z80 in the fast lane. Micro Mainframe disk contoroller for Model III. Smith-Corona TP-1. Colorterm, terminal program for CC. Master Reversi. Spell ‘N Fix. CC spelling checker. |
71 |
Review Digest |
Color Logo. Electric Webster. The UPI-3 Serial Interface. Space War. Basic Handbook, 2nd edition. Versafile. |
455 |
Index to Advertisers |
458 |
News |
Tandy distributes Color Computer outside Radio Shack stores. End of Tandy customer service hotline riles some users. Associated Press-CompuServe end electronic newspaper experiment. Public education rapped at conference. network Nation authors meet in Electronic Agora. |
474 |
Copernica Mathematic |
Bruce Douglass |
Statistics 101 |
482 |
Feedback Loop |
Terry Kepner |
Disk back-up problems. Mailing list of Tandy owners. Epson emphasised mode. Color merge. RFI problems. Corona discharge. DEC to TRS-80, Scrinput. Power supply hum. Irwin hard disk drives. |
488 |
Fun House |
Richard Ramella |
Gather round boys and girls as the old Saturday seial is revived and we take a trip through the dangerous world of Subterra. |
497 |
Notes from Beneath the Keyboard |
Paul Wiener |
Farewell to a friend. TRS-80s run a liquor store and sell used cars. Second-ahdn software. |
500 |
Calendar |
502 |
J M Keynes |
More on Keyne’s never-fail commodity system. |
504 |
Medical Opinion |
Philip R Mills, MD |
RX for word processing. |
508 |
Art Huston |
Color Load 80 announced. Load 80 takes it on the chin. Wonder why some August games didn’t work? |
510 |
New Products |
Lead CRT screen. Meet the Computer, a book for children. MTI MOD III PLUS 8 series. Visicalc surrogates. Model III hard disk. DOSPLUS for the Model II. Foorball Compu-Stat. Hayse Stack Smartmodem 1200. CP/M File Indexer. |