Prompt |
Enter |
Computer’s Response |
I’m in a chapel |
Open Coffin |
I’m in a chapel |
Take Ring |
I’m in a chapel |
Go West |
I’m in a Ballroom |
Enter Fireplace |
I’m in a large fireplace |
Get Idol |
I’m in a large fireplace |
Go South |
I’m in a Ballroom |
Clean Idol |
I’m in a chapel |
Go South |
I’m in a Dingy Looking Stairwell |
Go West |
I’m in a dungeon |
Go South |
I’m in a torture chamber |
Go East |
I’m in the Armory |
Get Shield |
I’m in the Armory |
Get Sword |
I’m in the Armory |
Go West |
(… Returning to the Stairwell) |
I’m in a torture chamber |
Go North |
(… Returning to the Stairwell) |
I’m in a dungeon |
Go East |
(… Returning to the Stairwell) |
I’m in a Dingy Looking Stairwell |
I’m in a room in the castle |
Go East |
I’m in a room in the castle |
Go North |
I’m in a room in the castle |
Get Heads |
I’m in a room in the castle |
Drop Sword |
I’m in a room in the castle |
Drop Heads |
I’m in a room in the castle |
Go East |
… Until you get to the lab |
I’m in a room in the castle (Pot Room) |
Go East |
… Until you get to the lab |
I’m in a Lab |
Get Chemicals |
I’m in a Lab |
Go West |
I’m in a room in the castle (Pot Room) |
Drop Shield |
I’m in a room in the castle (Pot Room) |
Go West |
(… Going to the Torture Chamber) |
I’m in a room in the castle (Head Room) |
Go South |
(… Going to the Torture Chamber) |
I’m in a room in the castle (Kettle Room) |
Go West |
(… Going to the Torture Chamber) |
I’m in a Dingy Looking Stairwell |
Go West |
(… Going to the Torture Chamber) |
I’m in a dungeon |
Go South |
(… Going to the Torture Chamber) |
I’m in a torture chamber |
Go East |
I’m in a torture chamber |
Mix Chemicals |
I’m in a torture chamber |
Drink Chemicals |
“There’s a CLAP OF THUNDER! I’m now 4 feet tall!” |
I’m in a torture chamber |
Go Door |
I’m in a Graveyard |
Clean Idol |
“A beam of light shines on grave As I dust of the Idol it begins to glow!” |
I’m in a Graveyard |
Get Saw |
I’m in a Graveyard |
Look Graves |
“Amongst the GRAVES is a four leaf clover. A sign here says: This grave reserved for you!” |
I’m in a Graveyard |
Get Clover |
I’m in a Graveyard |
Go East |
I’m in a torture chamber |
Go North |
(… Returning to the Chapel) |
I’m in a dungeon |
Go East |
(… Returning to the Chapel) |
I’m in a Dingy Looking Stairwell |
Go North |
(… Returning to the Chapel) |
I’m in a chapel |
Go East |
I’m in a Tunnel |
Wave Ring |
I’m in a Tunnel |
Drop Ring |
I’m in a Tunnel |
Slide Chute |
I’m in a room in the castle |
Get Plaque |
I’m in a room in the castle |
Go Hole |
“I’m in Medium Maegen’s Mad Room” |
I’m in Medium Maegen’s Mad Room |
Look Ball |
“I see nothing very special. Spirit vibrations drive me from room.” |
I’m in a Tunnel |
Get Knife |
I’m in a Tunnel |
Go West |
(… Returning to the Chapel) |
I’m in a chapel |
Drop Knife |
I’m in a chapel |
Go South |
I’m in a Dingy Looking Stairwell |
Get Glass |
I’m in a Dingy Looking Stairwell |
Go East |
I’m in a room in the castle (Kettle Room) |
Move Kettle |
I’m in a room in the castle (Kettle Room) |
Drop Idol |
I’m in a room in the castle (Kettle Room) |
Go Hole |
“I can’t see. It is too dark!” |
I can’t see. It is too dark! |
Read Plaque |
Plaque says: “safe –> XX YY” (Write Down Whatever XX and YY Are) |
I can’t see. It is too dark! |
Drop Plaque |
I can’t see. It is too dark! |
Drop Glass |
I can’t see. It is too dark! |
Get Foot |
I can’t see. It is too dark! |
Go Up |
“Dangerous to move in the dark!” |
I’m in a room in the castle |
Get Idol |
I’m in a room in the castle |
Go North |
I’m in a room in the castle (Head Room) |
Turn XX |
(Turn the Safe to the First Number) |
I’m in a room in the castle (Head Room) |
Turn YY |
(Turn the Safe to the Second Number) |
I’m in a room in the castle (Head Room) |
Open Safe |
I’m in a room in the castle (Head Room) |
Get Hammer |
I’m in a room in the castle (Head Room) |
Go South |
(… Returning to the Ballroom) |
I’m in a room in the castle (Kettle Room) |
Go West |
(… Returning to the Ballroom) |
I’m in a Dingy Looking Stairwell |
Go North |
(… Returning to the Ballroom) |
I’m in a chapel |
Look Coffin |
(… Returning to the Ballroom) |
I’m in a chapel |
Drop Foot |
(… Returning to the Ballroom) |
I’m in a chapel |
On Man |
“OK There’s a CLAP OF THUNDER!” |
I’m in a chapel |
Go West |
I’m in a Ballroom |
Go Fireplace |
I’m in a large fireplace |
Open Flue |
I’m in a large fireplace |
Go Flue |
I’m in a large fireplace |
Get Nails |
“Nails were rusted but I got them out.” |
I’m in a large fireplace |
Get Boards |
I’m in a Chimney |
Saw Grating |
“It’s hard work but it seems to be coming loose OK I’ve got it!” |
I’m in a Chimney |
Push Button |
“Heavy duty exhaust fan comes on & sucks me up!” |
I’m in a narrow part of the chimney |
Push Sweep |
“I hear strange sounds, as if someone were moaning. Sweep pops out, thanks me, hands me a piece of paper then vanishes!” |
I’m in a narrow part of the chimney |
Go Down |
I’m in a Chimney |
Go Down |
I’m in a large fireplace |
Go South |
I’m in a Ballroom |
Go East |
I’m in a chapel |
Go South |
I’m in a Dingy Looking Stairwell |
Go Stairs |
I’m in a parlor |
Read Paper |
“says: SAY (ZZ) to restore someone changed to stone!” |
I’m in a parlor |
Say (ZZ) |
“zap There’s a Clap of Thunder & then suddenly the stone statue begins to crack. I may be in trouble now, there’s someone in the room with me! I hear someone mumbling.” |
I’m in a parlor |
Go Down |
I’m in a Dingy Looking Stairwell |
Go East |
(… Returning to the Laboratory) |
I’m in a room in the castle (Kettle Room) |
Go North |
(… Returning to the Laboratory) |
I’m in a room in the castle (Head Room) |
Go East |
(… Returning to the Laboratory) |
I’m in a room in the castle (Pot Room) |
Get Shield |
(… Returning to the Laboratory) |
I’m in a room in the castle (Pot Room) |
Drop Nails |
(… Returning to the Laboratory) |
I’m in a room in the castle (Kettle Room) |
Go East |
(… Returning to the Laboratory) |
I’m in a Lab |
Get Bag |
I’m in a Lab |
Go West |
(… Returning to the Tunnel) |
I’m in a room in the castle (Pot Room) |
Drop Shield |
(… Returning to the Tunnel) |
I’m in a room in the castle (Pot Room) |
Get Nails |
(… Returning to the Tunnel) |
I’m in a room in the castle (Pot Room) |
Go West |
(… Returning to the Tunnel) |
I’m in a room in the castle (Head Room) |
Go South |
(… Returning to the Tunnel) |
I’m in a room in the castle (Kettle Room) |
Go West |
(… Returning to the Tunnel) |
I’m in a Dingy Looking Stairwell |
Go North |
(… Returning to the Tunnel) |
I’m in a chapel |
Go East |
(… Returning to the Tunnel) |
I’m in a Tunnel |
Slide Chute |
I’m in a room in the castle |
Wave Bag |
“There’s a CLAP OF THUNDER!” |
I’m in a room in the castle |
Go Crack |
I’m in a hidden VOODOO room |
Drop Grating |
I’m in a hidden VOODOO room |
Drop Paper |
I’m in a hidden VOODOO room |
Get Page |
I’m in a hidden VOODOO room |
Open Bag |
I’m in a hidden VOODOO room |
Get Book |
I’m in a hidden VOODOO room |
Read Book |
I’m in a hidden VOODOO room |
Read Page |
I’m in a hidden VOODOO room |
Drop Book |
I’m in a hidden VOODOO room |
Drop Page |
I’m in a hidden VOODOO room |
Get Stick |
I’m in a hidden VOODOO room |
Go South |
I’m in a room in the castle |
Go Hole |
I’m in Medium Maegen’s Mad Room |
Look Ball |
“I see nothing very special. Spirit vibrations drive me from room.” |
I’m in a Tunnel |
Go West |
I’m in a chapel |
Go North |
I’m in a room in the castle |
Go Window |
“Raven crys something outside OK” |
I’m on a ledge |
Get Doll |
I’m on a ledge |
Go South |
I’m in a room in the castle |
Go South |
I’m in a chapel |
Drop Nails |
I’m in a chapel |
(Follow the Instructions from the Book) |
I’m in a chapel |
Get Knife |
I’m in a chapel |
Circle Coffin |
“OK Nothing happened There’s a CLAP OF THUNDER! Its very dark, the only light is from the idol.” |
I’m in a chapel |
Wave Stick |
“OK Nothing happened There’s a CLAP OF THUNDER! Double bubble toil & trouble the encantations are about to peak!” |
I’m in a chapel |
Yell Chant |
“There’s a CLAP OF THUNDER! Pins fall out of doll HURRAH! Look who is in the room! The game is now over.” |