Lajos Kintli has released v1.01 of FastZ80, a HT1080Z (Hungarian TRS-80) emulator. You can download it from His Site.
Main features:
very fast and accurate Z80 engine
Z80 undocumented instructions/flag bits are implemented
RESET and NMI support
Four running speeds including ‘full’ for maximum performance
64*16 character video display (including 128*48 pixel graphics)
8*8 memory mapped ‘wired or’ keyboard matrix
Sound chip is not emulated
Tape emulation through CAS files for basic language and system programs
Direct load of TRS80 CMD & CAS & Intel Hex files
ROM extension is included (use SYSTEM and /12288 for activating)
ROM includes simple monitor (use SYSTEM and /12710)
Content of ROM can be loaded from binary file
Character generator ROM can be loaded from bitmap file
Default ROM and character generator can be patched into the EXE file
Small sized single EXE program, no external files are needed
Running on standard WIN32 environment (Windows 95 and up)
System requirements & installation:
The program was written and compiled in a special way with the “Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition” using only standard WIN32 API interface, not referring to any external run time library. It runs from Windows 95 to the latest windows releases. The program in standard mode consumes insignificant system resources, however in “full speed” mode it eats up one processor.
No special installation is needed, the files should be extracted from the downloaded zip package into any directory, and FASTZ80.EXE can be run.
Basic features of the simulated hardware:
Machine cycle accurate instruction set of Z80 processor is implemented
Undocumented instructions are implemented. See “The undocumented Z80″ for details.
The content of ROM & ROM Extension is coming from the original HT1080Z, but it can be configured
Sound chip is not emulated, however it was a special addition in HT1080Z
The first version of the original machine contained only 16 kByte RAM, this implementation contains 48 kByte
OUT instruction has no effect
IN instruction results reading value FF, except port FF, where bit 7 is simulated as the TAPE input
NMI is supported (can be triggered from menu), however maskable interrupt (INT) is not
Includes two Z80 engine, one contains some simplifications for reaching better performance. See “Tuning the emulator”.