![](../../../../covers/book-1001thingstodowithyourtrs-80(1984)(tabbooks).jpg) Title: 1001 Things To Do With Your TRS-80 Year: 1984 Author: Mark R. Sawusch Publisher: Tab Books Pages: 262 |
![](../../../../covers/book-101programmingsuprisesandtricksforyourtrs-80computer(1984)(tabbooks).jpg) Title: 101 Programming Surprises and Tricks for Your TRS-80 Computer Year: 1984 Author: David L Heiserman Publisher: Tab Books Pages: 212 |
![](../../../../covers/book-24testedready-to-rungameprogramsinbasic(1978)(tabbooks).jpg) Title: 24 Tested Ready-To-Run Game Programs in BASIC Year: 1978 Author: Ken Tracton Publisher: Tab Books Pages: 254 |
![](../../../../covers/book-25graphicsprogramsinmicrosoftbasic(1983)(tabbooks).jpg) Title: 25 Graphics Programs in MS Basic Year: 1983 Publisher: Tab Books |
![](../../../../covers/book-33adultcomputergamesinbasic(1983)(tabbooks).jpg) Title: 33 Adult Computer Games in BASIC Year: 1983 Author: David W. Chance Publisher: Tab Books Pages: 504 |
![](../../../../covers/book-33challengingcomputergames(1981)(tabbooks).jpg) Title: 33 Challenging Computer Games Year: 1981 Publisher: Tab Books Pages: 256 |
![](../../../../covers/book-34moretestedgameprogramsinbasic(1981)(tabbooks).jpg) Title: 34 More Tested Game Programs in BASIC Year: 1981 Author: Delton T Horn Publisher: Tab Books Pages: 226 |
![](../../../../covers/book-55advancedcomputerprogramsinbasic(1981)(tabbooks).jpg) Title: 55 Advanced Computer Programs in BASIC Year: 1981 Publisher: Tab Books Pages: 254 |
![](../../../../covers/book-57practicalprogramsandgamesinbasic(1978)(tabbooks).jpg) Title: 57 Practical Programs and Games in BASIC, 1st Ed. Year: 1978 Author: Ken Tracton Publisher: Tab Books Pages: 206 |
![](../../../../covers/book-80microsreviewguide1stedition(1983)(waynegreeninc).jpg) Title: 80 Micro’s Review Guide 1st Ed. Year: 1983 Publisher: Wayne Green Inc. Pages: 482 |
![](../../../../covers/book-80practicaltimesavingprograms(1982)(tabbooks).jpg) Title: 80 Practical Timesaving Programs Year: 1982 Author: Charles L. Carroll Publisher: Tab Books Pages: 254 |
![](../../../../covers/book-80programsforthetrs-80(1979)(jimperry).jpg) Title: 80 Programs for the TRS-80 Year: 1979 Editor: Jim Perry & Chris Brown Publisher: 10101 Inc. Pages: 236 |
![](../../../../covers/book-abitofbasic(1980)(addison-wesleypublishing).jpg) Title: A Bit of BASIC Year: 1980 Author: Thomas A Dwyer & Margot Critchfield Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publishing Pages: 194 |
![](../../../../covers/book-advancedbasic(1977)(haydenbookcompany).jpg) Title: Advanced BASIC Year: 1977 Author: James S. Coan Publisher: Hayden Book Company Pages: 194 |
![](../../../../covers/book-advancedleveliibasic(1981)(doninman).jpg) Title: Advanced Level II BASIC Year: 1981 Author: Don Inman, Ramon Zamora, Bob Albrecht Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Cat No: 62-2072 Pages: 290 |
![](../../../../covers/book-aguidetoprogramminginleveliibasic(1982)(laurencevillepress).jpg) Title: A Guide To Programming In Level II BASIC Year: 1982 Author: Bruce Presley Publisher: Laurenceville Press Pages: 270 |
![](../../../../covers/book-announcingcomputergamesforbusinessschoolandhome(1980)(winthroppublishers).jpg) Title: Announcing Computer Games for Business School and Home Year: 1980 Author: J Victor Nahigian and William S Hodges Publisher: Winthrop Publishers Pages: 162 |
![](../../../../covers/book-atozbookofcomputergames(1979)(thomascmcintire).jpg) Title: A to Z Book of Computer Games Year: 1979 Author: Thomas C. McIntire Publisher: Tab Books, Inc. Pages: 310 |
![](../../../../covers/book-basicbasic2ndedition(1978)(haydenbookcompany).jpg) Title: Basic BASIC 2nd Ed. Year: 1978 Author: James S. Coan Publisher: Hayden Book Company Pages: 286 |
![](../../../../covers/book-basicbasic-englishdictionary(1982)(dilithiumpress).jpg) Title: Basic BASIC-English Dictionary Year: 1982 Author: Larry Noonan Publisher: Dilithium Press Pages: 162 |
![](../../../../covers/book-basiccomputerlanguageitseasierthanyouthink!(1978)(radioshack).jpg) Title: BASIC Computer Language: It’s Easier Than You Think! Year: 1978 Author: Dr. David A Lien Publisher: Radio Shack |
![](../../../../covers/book-basicconversionshandbook(1981)(haydenbookcompany).jpg) Title: BASIC Conversions Handbook Year: 1981 Author: David A. Brain Publisher: Hayden Book Company Pages: 90 |
![](../../../../covers/book-basicconversionshandbook(2nded)(1984)(hayden).jpg) Title: BASIC Conversions Handbook (2nd Ed) Year: 1984 Author: David A. Brain Publisher: Hayden Book Company Pages: 306 |
![](../../../../covers/book-basicconversionshandbook(1981)(haydenbookcompany).jpg) Title: BASIC Conversion Handbook Year: 1981 Publisher: Prentice Hall Inc Pages: 90 |
![](../../../../covers/book-basiccookbook(1978)(tabbooks).jpg) Title: BASIC Cookbook, The Year: 1978 Author: Ken Tracton Publisher: Tab Books Cat. No. 62-2007 Pages: 142 |
![](../../../../covers/book-basicforbusiness(1982)(restonpublishing).jpg) Title: BASIC for Business Year: 1982 Author: Alan J. Parker Publisher: Reston Publishing Pages: 288 |
![](../../../../covers/book-basicformicrocomputers(1983)(pwspublishers).jpg) Title: BASIC for Microcomputers Year: 1983 Author: Robert W. Haigh Publisher: PWS Publishers Pages: 354 |
![](../../../../covers/book-basichandbook(1979)(compusoftpublishing).jpg) Title: BASIC Handbook, The Year: 1979 Author: David A. Lien Publisher: Compusoft Publishing Pages: 364 |
![](../../../../covers/book-basichandbook2ndedition(1981)(compusoftpublishing).jpg) Title: BASIC Handbook 2nd Year: 1981 Author: David A. Lien Publisher: CompuSoft Publishing Pages: 480 |
![](../../../../covers/book-bestofcreativecomputingvol1(1978)(creativecomputingpress).jpg) Title: Best of Creative Computing Vol 1 Year: 1978 Editor: Dave Ahl Publisher: Creative Computing Press Pages: 340 |
![](../../../../covers/book-Build-Your-Own-Z80-Computer-(1981)(Steve-Ciarcia).jpg) Title: Build Your Own Z80 Computer Year: 1981 Author: Steve Ciarcia Publisher: Byte Books Pages: 328 |
![](../../../../covers/book-businessapplicationsprogrammingguide(1982)(radioshack).jpg) Title: Business Applications Programming Guide Year: 1982 Author: William Barden Publisher: Radio Shack Pages: 290 |
![](../../../../covers/book-businessprogramsfortrs-80modeliandiii(1980)(haydenbookcompany).jpg) Title: Business Programs for TRS-80 Model I and III Year: 1980 Author: Charles D. Sternberg Publisher: IJG |
![](../../../../covers/book-Ciarcia's-Circuit-Cellar-Vol-1-(1979)(Steve-Ciarcia-Byte-Publications).jpg) Title: Ciarcia’s Circuit Cellar Vol 1 Year: 1979 Author: Steve Ciarcia Publisher: Byte Publications Pages: 125 |
![](../../../../covers/book-Ciarcia's-Circuit-Cellar-Vol-2-(1981)(Steve-Ciarcia-Byte-Publications).jpg) Title: Ciarcia’s Circuit Cellar Vol 2 Year: 1981 Author: Steve Ciarcia Publisher: Byte Publications Pages: 213 |
![](../../../../covers/book-Ciarcia's-Circuit-Cellar-Vol-3-(1982)(Steve-Ciarcia-Byte-Publications).jpg) Title: Ciarcia’s Circuit Cellar Vol 3 Year: 1982 Author: Steve Ciarcia Publisher: Byte Publications Pages: 233 |
![](../../../../covers/book-circuitdesignprogramsforthetrs-80(1980)(howardw.sams).jpg) Title: Circuit Design Programs For The TRS-80 Year: 1980 Author: Howard M. Berlin Publisher: Howard W. Sams Pages: 140 |
![](../../../../covers/book-cobolforthetrs-80volume1classnotes(1983)(tandy).jpg) Title: Cobol for the TRS-80 Volume 1 Class Notes Year: 1983 Author: Robert T Graver Publisher: Tandy Pages: 186 |
![](../../../../covers/book-computerartandanimationforthetrs-80(1983)(davidlheiserman).jpg) Title: Computer Art and Animation for the TRS-80 Year: 1983 Author: David L Heiserman Publisher: Prentice-Hall Pages: 256 |
![](../../../../covers/book-computerbiblegames(1984)(accentbooks).jpg) Title: Computer Bible Games Year: 1984 Author: J. Conrod Publisher: Accent Books Pages: 194 |
![](../../../../covers/book-computerdiscoveryjunior(sra).jpg) Title: Computer Discovery: Junior High Year: 1981 Publisher: Science Research Associates Pages: 130 |
![](../../../../covers/book-computerprogramminginbasicforeveryone(1973)(houghtonmiflin).jpg) Title: Computer Programming in BASIC for Everyone Year: 1973 Publisher: Houghton Miflin Pages: 162 |
![](../../../../covers/book-computerprogrammingforthecompleatidiot1sted(1979)(designenterprises).jpg) Title: Computer Programming for the Complete Idiot Year: 1979 Author: Donald H McCunn Publisher: Design Enterprises of San Francisco Pages: 130 |
![](../../../../covers/book-computerprogrammingforthecompleatidiot2nded(1984)(designenterprises).jpg) Title: Computer Programming for the Compleat Idiot Year: 1984 Author: Donald McCunn Publisher: Design Enterprises of San Diego Pages: 228 |
![](../../../../covers/book-computersforkids(1980)(creativecomputingpress).jpg) Title: Computers For Kids Year: 1980 Author: Sally Freenwood Larsen Publisher: Creative Computing Press Pages: 64 |
![](../../../../covers/book-computerbattlegames(1982)(usbornepublishing).jpg) Title: Computer Battlegames Year: 1982 Publisher: Usborne Publishing Pages: 52 |
![](../../../../covers/book-computerspacegames(1982)(usbornepublishing).jpg) Title: Computer Spacegames Year: 1982 Author: Daniel Isaaman and Jenny Tyler Publisher: Usborne Publishing Pages: 52 |
![](../../../../covers/book-computerdemonstrator(19xx)(radioshack).jpg) Title: Computer Demonstrator Year: 19xx Publisher: Radio Shack Pages: 26 |
![](../../../../covers/book-computer-spielemittrs-80(1984)(unitedfeaturesyndicate).jpg) Title: Computer-Spiele mit TRS-80 Year: 1984 Publisher: United Feature Syndicate |
![](../../../../covers/book-computerspygames(1984)(usbornepublishing).jpg) Title: Computer Spy Games Year: 1984 Author: Jenny Tyler and Chris Oxlade Publisher: Usborne Publishing Pages: 19 |
![](../../../../covers/book-controlyourtrs-80(1983)(ianstewart).jpg) Title: Control Your TRS-80 Year: 1983 Publisher: Ian Stewart Pages: 202 |
![](../../../../covers/book-creatingsimulationgamesonyourcomputer(1986)(ballantinebooks).jpg) Title: Creating Simulation Games on Your Computer Year: 1986 Author: Tim Hartnell Publisher: Ballantine Books |
![](../../../../covers/book-creativetrs-80(1983)(creativecomputingpress).jpg) Title: Creative TRS-80 Year: 1983 Author: Ken Mazur Publisher: Creative Computing Press |
![](../../../../covers/book-creatingthecomputer(1988)(brookingsinstitution).jpg) Title: Creating the Computer Year: 1988 Author: Kenneth Flam Publisher: Brookings Institution |
![](../../../../covers/book-creepycomputergames(1983)(usbornepublishing).jpg) Title: Creepy Computer Games Year: 1983 Author: Jenny Tyler Publisher: Usborne Publishing Pages: 19 |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80datacommunicationsystems(1982)(prenticehall).jpg) Title: TRS-80 Data Communication Systems Year: 1982 Author: Frank J Derfler Jr Publisher: Prentice Hall |
![](../../../../covers/book-dontorhowtocareforyourcomputer(1981)(sybex).jpg) Title: Dont or How To Care For Your Computer Year: 1981 Author: Rodnay Zaks Publisher: Sybex Pages: 238 |
![](../../../../covers/book-explorecomputingwiththetrs-80(1980)(richardv.andree).jpg) Title: Explore Computing with the TRS-80 Year: 1980 Author: Richard V. Andree Pages: 230 |
![](../../../../covers/book-explorecomputingwiththetrs-80(1982)(prenticehallinc).jpg) Title: Explore Computing with the TRS-80 Year: 1982 Author: Richard V. Andree Publisher: Hayden Book Company Pages: 244 |
![](../../../../covers/book-gettingstartedwithtrs-80basic(1981)(tandy).jpg) Title: Getting Started with TRS-80 Basic Year: 1981 Tandy |
![](../../../../covers/book-graphicsandanimationonthetrs-80(1985)(christopherlampton).jpg) Title: Graphics and Animation on the TRS-80 Year: 1985 Author: Christopher Lampton Publisher: Franklin Watts Pages: 116 |
![](../../../../covers/book-guidetoprogramminginleveliibasic-answerkey(19xx)(brucepresley-lawrencevillepress).jpg) Title: Guide to Programming in Level II BASIC – Answer Key Year: 19xx Author: Bruce Presley Publisher: Lawrenceville Press Pages: 42 |
![](../../../../covers/book-hardwareinterfacingwiththetrs-80(1983)(prentice-hall).jpg) Title: Hardware Interfacing with the TRS-80 Year: 1983 Author: John E Uffenbeck Publisher: Prentice-Hall |
![](../../../../covers/book-howtousethemodel100portablecomputer(1984)(alfredpublishing).jpg) Title: How To Use The Model 100 Portable Computer Year: 1984 Publisher: Alfred Publishing Pages: 66 |
![](../../../../covers/book-howtouseyourradioshackprinter(1985)(microtrend).jpg) Title: How To Use Your Radio Shack Printer Year: 1985 Author: William Barden Jr Publisher: Microtrend |
![](../../../../covers/book-howtoprogrammicrocomputers(1977)(howardwsams).jpg) Title: How to Program Microcomputers Year: 1977 Author: William Barden Jr Publisher: Howard W Sams |
![](../../../../covers/book-howtowriteatrs-80program(1982)(datamost).jpg) Title: How To Write A TRS-80 Program Year: 1982 Author: Ed Faulk Publisher: Datamost Pages: 226 |
![](../../../../covers/book-insidecpm-aguideforusersandprogrammers(1982)(davidcortesi).jpg) Title: Inside CP/M: A Guide for Users and Programmers Year: 1982 Author: David Cortesi Publisher: CBS College Publishing Pages: 594 |
![](../../../../covers/book-intermediateprogrammingforthetrs-80(1982)(davidlheiserman).jpg) Title: Intermediate Programming for the TRS-80 Year: 1982 Author: David L. Heiserman Publisher: Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. Pages: 242 |
![](../../../../covers/book-introductiontobasicstudentmanual(1979)(radioshack).jpg) Title: Introduction to BASIC: Student Manual Year: 1979 Publisher: Radio Shack Cat. No. 26-2151 Pages: 85 |
![](../../../../covers/book-introductiontoleveliibasic(1980)(prenticehall).jpg) Title: Introduction to Level II BASIC Year: 1980 Author: Michael Zabinski Publisher: Prentice Hall Pages: 202 |
![](../../../../covers/book-introductiontomicrocomputers-volumeii(1977)(osborneandassociates).jpg) Title: Introduction to Microcomputers Volume II Year: 1977 Author: Adam Osborne Publisher: Osborne and Associates |
![](../../../../covers/book-introductiontotrs-80graphics(1979)(doninman).jpg) Title: Introduction to TRS-80 Graphics Year: 1979 Author: Don Inman Publisher: Dilithium Press Pages: 154 |
![](../../../../covers/book-ispeakbasictomytrs-80(1982)(haydenbookcompany).jpg) Title: I Speak BASIC To My TRS-80 Year: 1982 Author: Aubrey B. Jones Jr. Publisher: Hayden Book Company Pages: 226 |
![](../../../../covers/book-introductiontographics(1981)(johngrillo).jpg) Title: Introduction to Graphics Year: 1981 Author: John Grillo Publisher: Radio Shack Cat: 62-2073 Pages: 143 |
![](../../../../covers/book-introductiontotrs-80leveliibasic(1980)(michaelzabinski).jpg) Title: Introduction to TRS-80 Level II BASIC Year: 1980 Author: Michael P. Zabinski Publisher: Prentice-Hall Cat: 26-2116 Pages: 204 |
![](../../../../covers/book-katieandthecomputer(1979)(creativecomputingpress).jpg) Title: Katie and the Computer Year: 1979 Author: Fred D’Ignazio Publisher: Creative Computing Press Pages: 44 |
![](../../../../covers/book-kidsworkingwithcomputers(1985)(childrenspress).jpg) Title: Kids Working with Computers Year: 1985 Author: Thomas Milton Kemnitz Publisher: Childrens Press Pages: 50 |
![](../../../../covers/book-lapratiquedutrs-80vol1(1979)(psi)(fr).jpg) Title: La Pratique du TRS-80 Vol 1 Year: 1979 Author: Pierre Giraud and Alain Pinaud Publisher: P.S.I. Pages: 122 |
![](../../../../covers/book-learninglevelii(1979)(compusoftpublishing).jpg) Title: Learning Level II Year: 1979 Author: David A Lien Publisher: Compusoft Publishing Pages: 362 |
![](../../../../covers/book-learningtrs-80basic(1982)(compusoftpublishing).jpg) Title: Learning TRS-80 BASIC Year: 1982 Author: Dr. David A Lien Publisher: Compusoft Publishing Pages: 546 |
![](../../../../covers/book-micromputersmeanbusiness(1983)(tandy).jpg) Title: Micromputers Mean Business Year: 1983 Publisher: Tandy Pages: 146 |
![](../../../../covers/book-modelidiskinterfacingguide(19xx)(williambardenjr).jpg) Title: Model I Disk Interfacing Guide Year: 19xx Author: William Barden Jr Publisher: Unknown Pages: 29 |
![](../../../../covers/book-model100portablecomputerlearnersmanual(1983)(compusoftpublishing).jpg) Title: Model 100 Portable Computer Learner’s Manual Year: 1983 Publisher: Compusoft Publishing Pages: 576 |
![](../../../../covers/book-modeliiiprogrammingandapplications(1982)(prenticehall).jpg) Title: Model III Programming and Applications Year: 1982 Author: Larry Joel Goldstein Publisher: Prentice Hall Pages: 320 |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80morethanbasic(1981)(johnfroehlich).jpg) Title: More Than BASIC Year: 1981 Author: John Paul Froehlich Publisher: Howard W. Sams & Co. Pages: 226 |
![](../../../../covers/book-moretrs-80basic(1981)(johnwiley).jpg) Title: More TRS-80 BASIC Year: 1981 Author: Don Inman Publisher: John Wiley Pages: 290 |
![](../../../../covers/book-mytrs-80likesme(1979)(bobalbrecht).jpg) Title: My TRS-80 Likes Me Year: 1979 Author: Bob Albrecht Publisher: Bob Albrecht Pages: 8 |
![](../../../../covers/book-mytrs-80likesme(1979)(bobalbrecht)[a].jpg) Title: My TRS-80 Likes Me [a] Year: 1979 Author: Bob Albrecht Publisher: Tandy Pages: 8 |
![](../../../../covers/book-numericalanalysiswiththetrs-80(1984)(prentice-hall).jpg) Title: Numerical Analysis with the TRS-80 Year: 1984 Publisher: Prentice-Hall Pages: 220 |
![](../../../../covers/book-omnicompletecatalogofcomputerhardwareandaccessories(1984)(omnipublications).jpg) Title: Omni Complete Catalog of Computer Hardware and Accessories Year: 1984 Publisher: Omni Publications Pages: 354 |
![](../../../../covers/book-pascal(1980)(tabbooks).jpg) Title: Pascal Year: 1980 Author: David L Heiserman Publisher: Tab Books Pages: 352 |
![](../../../../covers/book-personalcomputerbasicreferencemanual(1983)(prenticehall).jpg) Title: Personal Computer Basic Reference Manual Year: 1983 Author: Donald A. Sordillo Publisher: Prentice Hall Pages: 338 |
![](../../../../covers/book-portablecomputingwiththemodel100(1984)(tandy).jpg) Title: Portable Computing with the Model 100 Year: 1984 Publisher: Tandy Corporation Cat No: 26-3820 Pages: 182 |
![](../../../../covers/book-practicalbasicprograms(1980)(osborne).jpg) Title: Practical Basic Programs Year: 1980 Edited: Lon Poole Publisher: Osborne/McGraw Hill Pages: 189 |
![](../../../../covers/book-programmierenmittrs(stubs).jpg) Title: Programming Microprocessors Year: 1981 Author: M. Stubs Publisher: Ing W Hofacker Pages: 217 |
![](../../../../covers/book-programmingmicroprocessors(1977)(wmmcmurran).jpg) Title: Programming Microprocessors Year: 1977 Author: W. M. Mcmurran Publisher: Tab Books Pages: 282 |
![](../../../../covers/book-programmingtechniques-volume1(1978)(bytepublications).jpg) Title: Programming Techniques Volume 1 Year: 1978 Publisher: Byte Publications Pages: 106 |
![](../../../../covers/book-programmingtechniquesforleveliibasic(1981)(williambarden).jpg) Title: Programming Techniques for Level II BASIC Year: 1981 Author: William Barden Jr. Publisher: Radio Shack Cat: 62-2062 Pages: 226 |
![](../../../../covers/book-programsforbeginnersonthetrs-80(1981)(haydenbookcompany).jpg) Title: Programs for Beginners on the TRS-80 Year: 1981 Author: Fred Blechman Publisher: Hayden Book Company Pages: 164 |
![](../../../../covers/book-radioshackintroducestheworldofcomputing(1977)(radioshack).jpg) Title: Radio Shack Introduces The World of Computing Year: 1977 Publisher: Radio Shack Cat No: 68-8080 Pages: 27 |
![](../../../../covers/book-restof80the(1983)(waynegreenbooks).jpg) Title: Rest of 80, The Year: 1983 Publisher: Wayne Green Books |
![](../../../../covers/book-secretguidetocomputers(1980)(scelbi).jpg) Title: Secret Guide to Computers Year: 1980 Publisher: Scelbi Pages: 106 |
![](../../../../covers/book-smallcomputersystemshandbook(1978)(hayden).jpg) Title: Small Computer Systems Handbook Year: 1978 Publisher: Hayden Pages: 210 |
![](../../../../covers/book-softsidesampler(1982)(haydenbookcompany).jpg) Title: Softside Sampler, The Year: 1982 Publisher: Hayden Book Company Pages: 126 |
![](../../../../covers/book-softwaretechnicalmanual(1979)(houstonmicro-computer).jpg) Title: Software Technical Manual Year: 1979 Publisher: Houston Micro-Computer Pages: 44 |
![](../../../../covers/book-somecommonbasicprograms3rded(1979)(osborne).jpg) Title: Some Common Basic Programs 3rd Ed Year: 1979 Author: Lon Poole and Mary Borchers Publisher: Osborne Pages: 210 |
![](../../../../covers/book-teachyourtrs-80toprogramitself(1984)(tabbooks).jpg) Title: Teach Your TRS-80 To Program Itself Year: 1984 Author: David Busch Publisher: Tab Books Pages: 240 |
![](../../../../covers/book-thealternatesource-volume1(1981)(thealternatesource).jpg) Title: The Alternate Source Volume 1 Year: 1981 Author: Charles Butler/Joni Koslowski Publisher: The Alternate Source |
![](../../../../covers/book-thingstodowithyourmodel4(1983)(signet).jpg) Title: Things To Do With Your Model 4 Year: 1983 Author: Jerry Willis/Merl Miller Publisher: Dilithium/Signet Pages: 226 |
![](../../../../covers/book-troubleshootingmicroprocessorsanddigitallogic(1980)(tabbooks).jpg) Title: Troubleshooting Microprocessors and Digital Logic 1st Ed. Year: 1980 Author: Robert L. Goodman Publisher: Tab Books Pages: 310 |
![](../../../../covers/book-troubleshootingandrepairingpersonalcomputers(1983)(tabbooks).jpg) Title: Troubleshooting and Repairing Personal Computers Year: 1983 Author: Art Margolis Publisher: Tab Books Pages: 324 |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80computerreferencehandbook2nd(1982)(radioshack).jpg) Title: TRS-80 Computer Reference Handbook 2nd Ed. Year: 1982 Author: William Barden Jr. Publisher: Radio Shack Pages: 172 |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80datafileprogramminginbasic(1981)(leroyfinkel).jpg) Title: TRS-80 Data File Programming In BASIC Year: 1981 Author: Leroy Finkel and Jerald R. Brown Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Cat No: 62-2085 Pages: 319 |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80datafileprogramming(1983)(johnwileyandsons).jpg) Title: TRS-80 Data File Programming Year: 1983 Author: Leroy Finkel and Jerald Brown Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Pages: 318 |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80basiccomputercamp(1983)(tandy).jpg) Title: TRS-80 Basic Computer Camp Publisher: Tandy Pages: 64 Year: 1983 |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80cobol(1983)(prentice-hall).jpg) Title: TRS-80 Cobol Year: 1983 Author: Robert T. Grauer Publisher: Prentice Hall Pages: 322 |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs80forkids8to80vol1(sims).jpg) Title: TRS-80 for Kids from 8 to 80 – Volume 1 Year: 1982 Publisher: Howard W Sams Pages: 146 |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs80forkids8to80vol2(sims).jpg) Title: TRS-80 for Kids from 8 to 80 – Volume 2 Year: 1982 Publisher: Howard W Sams Pages: 210 |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80forthebeginningbeginner(1983)(enrichohaus).jpg) Title: TRS-80 For The Beginning Beginner Year: 1983 Author: Margaret Steimer Publisher: Enrich/Ohaus Pages: 132 |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80graphics(1979)(radioshack).jpg) Title: TRS-80 Graphics Year: 1979 Author: Don Inman Publisher: Dilithum Press Cat: 62-2063 Pages: 154 |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80graphicsbook(1984)(dennistanner).jpg) Title: TRS-80 Graphics Book Year: 1984 Author: Dennis Tanner Pages: 251 |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80graphicsforthemodeliandmodeliii(1982)(davidakater).jpg) Title: TRS-80 Graphics for the Model I and Model III Year: 1982 Author: David A Kater & Susan J Thomas Publisher: Byte Publications Inc. Cat: 62-2087 Pages: 306 |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80graphicsforthemodeliandiii(1982)(bytepublications)[a].jpg) Title: TRS-80 Graphics for the Model I and Model III [a] Year: 1982 Author: David A Kater & Susan J Thomas Publisher: Byte Publications Inc. Cat: 62-2087 Pages: 306 |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80leveliibasic-ateachingguide(1980)(johnwileyandsons).jpg) Title: TRS-80 Level II BASIC-A Teaching Guide Year: 1980 Publisher: John Wiley & Sons |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80meansbusiness(johnwileyandsons)(1982).jpg) Title: TRS-80 Means Business Year: 1982 Publisher: John Wiley & Sons |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs80pockethandbook1st(barden-rs).jpg) Title: TRS-80 Pocket Handbook Year: 1982 Author: William Barden Publisher: Radio Shack |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80portablecomputersubroutinecookbook(1984)(davidbusch).jpg) Title: TRS-80 Portable Computer Subroutine Cookbook Year: 1984 Author: David Busch |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80programminginstyle(1980)(radioshack).jpg) Title: TRS-80 Programming In Style Year: 1980 Author: Thomas Dwyer and Margot Critchfield Publisher: Radio Shack Cat: 62-2067 Pages: 353 |
![](../../../../covers/book-trs-80programs(1980)(tomrugg).jpg) Title: TRS-80 Programs Year: 1980 Author: Tom Rugg and Phil Feldman Publisher: Dilithium Press Cat No: 62-2064 Pages: 284 |
![](../../../../covers/book-understandingdigitalcomputers(1978)(radioshack).jpg) Title: Understanding Digital Computers Year: 1978 Author: Forest M Mims Publisher: Radio Shack Pages: 162 |
![](../../../../covers/book-usborneguidetocomputerjargon(1983)(usbornepublishing).jpg) Title: Usborne Guide to Computer Jargon Year: 1983 Publisher: Usborne Publishing Pages: 52 |
![](../../../../covers/book-usingtheradioshacktrs-80inyourhome(1981)(vannostrandreinhold).jpg) Title: Using the Radio Shack TRS-80 In Your Home Year: 1981 Author: Kenniston W. Lord Jr. Publisher: Van Nostrand Reinhold Pages: 472 |
![](../../../../covers/book-usingthetrs-80inyourhome(1980)(radioshack).jpg) Title: Using the TRS-80 In Your Home Year: 1980 Author: Charles D. Sternberg Publisher: Hayden Book Company Cat:62-2069 Pages: 338 |
![](../../../../covers/book-verbalcontrolwithmicrocomputers(1982)(tabbooks).jpg) Title: Verbal Control with Microcomputers Year: 1982 Publisher: Tab Books Pages: 314 |
![](../../../../covers/book-weirdcomputergames(1984)(usbornepublishing).jpg) Title: Weird Computer Games Year: 1984 Author: Jenny Tyler and Chris Oxlade Publisher: Usborne Publishing Pages: 19 |
I’ve been looking for Mims’ “Understanding Digital Computers” all over, and it’s not available new or used… Such a pity that these kind of books get lost…