Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 Revived Site

TRS-80 Revived Site by Ira Goldklang's is an archive of everything related to the Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 microcomputer lines. Site contains emulators, programs, manuals, books, patches, games, hints, discussions, questions, forums, and tons more.

September 15, 2010

September 15, 2010 – New H&E Magazine (Cover) thanks to Katz

by @ 11:47 am. Filed under Magazine

September 15, 2010 – New Magazine (Cover) thanks to Katz

      Michael Baldwin has provided a number of new magazines, information about the first can be found here. It has already been added as a new section to the H & E Computronics Page and has been added to the Magazine Search Page.

September 10, 2010

September 10, 2010 – New Downloads thanks to Vernon B Hester

by @ 10:51 pm. Filed under MultiDOS

September 10, 2010 – New Downloads thanks to Vernon B Hester

Vernon B. Hester, author of MultiDOS and other wonderful programs, has provided some additional copies of his DOS’s:

Esoteric DOS v2.11 for Model 4
MultiDOS v4.01 for Model I
MultiDOS v4.01 for Model III
MultiDOS v5.11 for Model 4

ESOTERIC is a Model 4 version of MULTIDOS with two differences: Video (Esoteric is 80×24 vs. MultiDOS which is either 80×24 or 64×16) and ESOTERIC is mapped significantly different than Model 4 MULTIDOS. The mapping of the Model 4 is very similar to the Model I, Model III, and MAX-80 version of MULTIDOS, while ESOTERIC’s mapping difference was desired to keep the DOS in contiguous memory (0000H through 1AFFH) allowing one to ORG applications at 1B00H.

September 7, 2010

September 7, 2010 – Flash Emulator

by @ 10:39 am. Filed under Emulators

September 7, 2010 – Flash Emulator

Alain Boudreault is working on a TRS-80 emulator running in flash player (using flashbuilder 4 mxml/as3 as the development tool). Eventually, it will emulate a MODEL I Level II BASIC with floppy drives, although the emulator is currently working in beta without floppy emulation.

A video of the emulator is available at:

September 4, 2010

September 5, 2010 – TRS-80 Model 4P – Free for Local Pickup or Pay Shipping

by @ 11:58 pm. Filed under For Sale or Trade

September 5, 2010 – TRS-80 Model 4P – Free for Local Pickup or Pay Shipping

TRS-80 Model 4P is free for local pickup in Oconomowoc, WI or, for those who do not live in Oconomowoc, the cost of pack and ship. Normally I would say to email me, but the owner has advised a number of sites of the availability, so all I can say is, if you want it, email him quick. His email is leemil at att dot net.

August 15, 2010

August 15, 2010 – New Brochure (Cover) Thanks To John Iacono

by @ 9:27 pm. Filed under Catalogs

August 15, 2010 – New Brochure (Cover) Thanks To John Iacono

      Title: TRS-80 Extended Service Plan
Publisher: Radio Shack

August 14, 2010

August 14, 2010 – TRS-80 Virtual Floppy Disk Manager Updated

August 14, 2010 – TRS-80 Virtual Floppy Disk Manager Updated

Miguel Dutra has released v0.7 of his Command Line version of his Virtual Disk Manager utility for Windows. This is a small utility which allows you to access virtual TRS-80 disks at a file level, as if they were normal PC disks.

It appears that this utility can read all known TRS-80 DOS’s except for (1) CPM and (2) anything made by Percom.

Program can be found on Miguel’s web site, on the DSK and DMK Image Utilities page, or HERE for Command Line 0.7 and HERE for GUI 0.5.

The new version brings:

* CLI: Could not recognize the parameters “-td2″ and “-td3″
* CLI: Crashed when “-k” was used with long file names
* CLI: Internal Win2Trs routine generated some ill-formed file names
* CLI: Internal Dump routine now prints blanks instead of dots in the ASCII column data
* TRSDOS1: Caused an abrupt program termination when allocating granules
* TRSDOS3: Caused an abrupt program termination when allocating granules
* NEWDOS/80: Created files with less than the requested space
* NEWDOS/80: Improved disk compatibility through better PDRIVE handling
* DMK: Improved disk compatibility through better geometry detection and sector addressing
* Other: Granule allocation routines failed to properly determine the available disk space
* Other: Improved GetFileDate routines to get date values with as little modification as possible
* Other: Improved OS detection routines to reduce the number of wrong identifications

August 8, 2010

August 8, 2010 – Free DMP2100

by @ 8:09 pm. Filed under For Sale or Trade

August 8, 2010 – Free DMP2100

TRS-80 DMP2100 tractor feed printer (worked when last used) free for local pickup from St. Louis Park, MN but is willing to ship for the costs of pack & ship.

First come first served; I will put you in direct contact in the order I am emailed.

August 8, 2010 – More Downloads (Big Five)

by @ 12:43 pm. Filed under Big Five, Downloads

August 8, 2010 – More Downloads (Big Five)

Bill Hogue has given the ok to put most of the Big Five software online.

August 7, 2010 – More Downloads (Jon Bokelman / Orchestra)

by @ 12:39 pm. Filed under Downloads, ORCHESTRA 80/85/90

August 7, 2010 – More Downloads (Jon Bokelman / Orchestra)

Jon Bokelman has given the ok to put his Orchestra 80/85/90 driver software online.

August 7, 2010

August 7, 2010 – Free Daisywheel for Local Pickup ONLY

by @ 9:06 pm. Filed under For Sale or Trade

August 7, 2010 – Free Daisywheel for Local Pickup ONLY

TRS-80 Daisy Wheel II printer free for local pickup from Colorado Springs, CO but arrangements could be made to meet in Denver, Colorado.

The person with the printer advises that it does not have the daisywheel, but it has the ribbon and everything else seems to be intact.

First come first served; I will put you in direct contact in the order I am emailed.

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