Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 Revived Site

TRS-80 Revived Site by Ira Goldklang's is an archive of everything related to the Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 microcomputer lines. Site contains emulators, programs, manuals, books, patches, games, hints, discussions, questions, forums, and tons more.

December 9, 2010

December 9, 2010 – Program to Dump ROM to Cassette

by @ 2:07 pm. Filed under Model I

December 9, 2010 – Program to Dump ROM to Cassette

Kurt Baumgardner wrote a short BASIC program to allow those with Model I’s to dump their ROM’s to cassette if that is their only option. Kurt advises that it needs 16K of RAM and takes a little less than 3 and a half minutes to run. He did not test it on a Model III but assumes, at the very least, that the ROM line would need to be changed from ROM=12 to ROM=14

20 FOR T = 32512 TO 32537 : READ B : POKE T,B : NEXT T
30 POKE 16526, 0 : POKE 16527, 127
50 POKE 32523, ROM * 4
70 T = USR (0)
100 DATA 175, 205, 18, 2, 205, 135, 2, 33, 0, 0
110 DATA 14, 48, 126, 205, 100, 2, 35, 16 ,249
120 DATA 13, 32, 246, 205, 248, 1, 201

December 5, 2010

December 5, 2010 – New Guestbook

by @ 1:57 pm. Filed under Site Updates, Uncategorized

December 5, 2010 – New Guestbook

The Guestbook has been replaced AGAIN, as it became a spam magnet. Links have been updated. New guestbook is here and the old guestbook, converted to HTML for posterity, is here

October 27, 2010

October 27, 2010 – Model I ROM v1.1 Found

by @ 8:25 pm. Filed under Model I

October 27, 2010 – Model I ROM v1.1 Found

v1.1 of the Model I ROM has been dumped by John Benson. The ROM Checksums check out under the TRSDOS ROM tester. Thank you John!

October 26, 2010

October 26, 2010 – Explanation as to Model I ROM Versions

by @ 9:24 am. Filed under Matthew Reed, Model I

October 26, 2010 – Explanation as to Model I ROM Versions

In hopes of answering all of the questions which have arisen from the realization that there are 4 versions of the Model I ROM and we (at the time) had only 1 of them, Matthew Reed, author of the amazing TRS32 emulator, has posted a brief explanation of the ROM versions. Jump here for the explanation.

October 15, 2010

October 16, 2010 – More Model I MultiDOS Images

by @ 9:30 pm. Filed under DOSes, Model I, Vernon B Hester

October 16, 2010 – More Model I MultiDOS Images

Vernon Hester has kindly provided Model I MultiDOS versions 1.0, 1.5S, 1.5D, and 1.5P. Enjoy.

October 15, 2010 – Model I ROM v1.0 Found; v1.1 Still Missing

by @ 2:25 pm. Filed under Model I

October 15, 2010 – Model I ROM v1.0 Found; v1.1 Still Missing

v1.0 of the Model I ROM has been dumped. Sadly, while the individual thought he had v1.1 too, it turned out to be v1.2. Anyone with v1.1, please give a shout out. Thanks!

(v1.0 ROM Chips)

October 13, 2010

October 13, 2010 – Update to TRS32 Emulator

by @ 10:11 am. Filed under Emulators, Matthew Reed

October 13, 2010 – Update to TRS32 Emulator

Matthew Reed has updated his wonderful TRS32 Emulator to v1.25. This update includes:

•   BUG FIX: There was a a one bit error in the emulated interrupt status ports which caused one NEWDOS/80 boot disk to kept generating “Device not available” errors instead of displaying a directory.

•   BUG FIX: There was a Model III boot disk which was being identified as Model 4 by the “Autostart” feature. Although the disk still worked (it just ran in Model III mode), recognition of this unusual boot sector was added to the autostart routine.
•   NEW FEATURE: Hovering the mouse cursor over the floppy drive indicator light in the status bar will display the current drive status and position; making it easier to determine if a boot disk is loading or just cycling endlessly.

The updated emulator can be downloaded from Matthew Reed’s Download Page, the emulator page, or directly right here

October 12, 2010

October 12, 2010 – Possibly Found v1.0 ROMs

by @ 2:27 pm. Filed under Model I

October 12, 2010 – Possibly Found v1.0 and v1.1 ROMs

A site visitor has indicated that he believes he has a Model I which has the v1.0 and the v1.1 ROMs and intends to either dump them to cassette or read them in an EPROM reader. Of course, if anyone finds they have v1.0 or v1.1 ROMs, please let me know. ROMs can be dumped to disk as follows:

   10 PC=0 : IR=0
   20 OPEN "O",1,"NEWROM/ROM:0"
   30 FOR X = 0 TO &H2FFF
   40 PRINT #1,CHR$(PEEK(X)); : IR=IR+1
   50 IF IR = 614 THEN IR = 0: PC=PC+5: PRINT PC"% ...";
   60 NEXT X
   80 CLOSE

It takes about 1/2 hour to run (which is why I coded in 5% increment status updates)

October 12, 2010 – MultiDOS Update

by @ 1:28 pm. Filed under DOSes, Vernon B Hester

October 12, 2010 – MultiDOS Update

The existing copies of MultiDOS for the Model I have been reviewed by Vernon Hester who has explained some of the images, and provided information necessary to restore others to verified true copies. If you downloaded the Model I MultiDOS images in the past, you might want to re-download them.

Interesting Notes:
•   MultiDOS for the Model I came in three formats: Single-Density, Double-Density (similar to DOSPLUS and LDOS), and “P”-Density (similar to NEWDOS/80 Double-Density which has track 0 as single density, and all other tracks as double density).
•   MultiDOS v1.5SK (at least my copy) was really just a special kernel made for Computer Shack so they could distribute SuperDirectory (since a disk cataloging program needs to be able to read as many DOS’s as possible; which is MultiDOS’s specialty). That is why the system files are all called CSx/sys (Computer Shack) and the version is SK (Special Kernel)! It has only 16 Library commands: Auto, Boot, Clear, Clock, Cls, Config, Date, Dir, Forms, Kill, Lib, List, Print, Skip, Time, Verify.
•   MultiDOS II (at least my copy) was really just a distribution diskette for ZEUS. This DOS will boot on a Model I and a Model III.
•   While most of my MultiDOS images were modified to some level, the copies of v1.4S, 1.4D, 1.6D, 1.6S, 1.7D, and 1.7P are all now “correct.” Vernon *may* be providing “correct” copies of v1.0 and v1.5 in the future. Of course, Vernon has provided 2004 and 2005 updates to MultiDOS, but for those who want the classic versions, there you go.

September 30, 2010

September 30, 2010 – Updates to Matthew Reed’s DMK Utilities

by @ 11:11 am. Filed under DSK and DMK Utilities

September 30, 2010 – Updates to Matthew Reed’s DMK Utilities

Matthew Reed has released:
•   v1.04 of Windows GUI DSK/DMK image utility TRSTOOLS; and
•   v4.27 of his TRSREAD and TRSWRITE command line utilities for TRS-80 virtual disks.

The changelog for both includes:
•   Improved viewing of MULTIDOS BASIC programs; and
•   Improved recognition of DOSPLUS and NEWDOS/80 disks.

The new versions can be downloaded from:
•   Matthew’s web site or
•   from the DSK and DMK Image Utilities page or
•   Direct Link for TRSTOOLS v1.04 and for TRSREAD and TRSWRITE v4.27.

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