Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 Revived Site

TRS-80 Revived Site by Ira Goldklang's is an archive of everything related to the Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 microcomputer lines. Site contains emulators, programs, manuals, books, patches, games, hints, discussions, questions, forums, and tons more.

July 14, 2007

July 14, 2007 – New Radio Shack Catalog

by @ 12:13 pm. Filed under Catalogs, Radio Shack


RSC-09 Computer Catalog
With OCR
Year: 1983
Publisher: Radio Shack/Tandy
Pages: 60

July 13, 2007

July 13, 2007 – New Vernon B Hester Software

by @ 12:14 pm. Filed under Astrocal, MultiDOS, Vernon B Hester, Zeus

Description Size
Astrocal [MULTIDOS 4.01] (CMD) – Vernon B Hester (19xx) (18.1k)
MultiDOS v4.01 (DMK) – Vernon B Hester (2005) (176.27k)
Zeus Editor/Assembler v7.4 [MULTIDOS 4.01] (CMD) – Vernon B Hester (2004) (17.37k)

July 13, 2007 – New Vernon B Hester Disks Received

by @ 12:12 pm. Filed under Astrocal, Vernon B Hester, Zeus
Vernon B Hester has sent over his 2005 version of Model III MultiDOS and his Model III copies of ASTROCAL and ZEUS. I hope to have them up shortly.

July 12, 2007

July 12, 2007 – New Ads

by @ 12:12 pm. Filed under Site Updates

July 6, 2007

July 6, 2007 – New CP/M Utility

by @ 12:10 pm. Filed under CP/M, Windows Utilities

Jeff Post has updated his Linux/Windows utility to display a CP/M Disk Directory to v1.7.

It is distributed under the GPL version 3 license.

July 5, 2007

July 5, 2007 – New Ads

by @ 12:10 pm. Filed under Site Updates

July 3, 2007

July 3, 2007 – Updated Emulator, ReadDisk, and More!!

BIG NEWS! Matthew Reed has updated his Windows emulator to v1.16 and his fantastic READDISK utility to v2.1, all under a brand new domain name of

I have updated all the links here, or you can go directly to his web site and download the software there.

There have been many bug fixes and tweaks, including:

  • Revamping the keyboard handling to work better with CP/M
  • Autostarting now resets the pause state; and
  • TRSDOS 6.01.00 now autostarts.

    Registration of the emulator (I get NO share or incentive for your registrations) provides you with:

  • Multiple types of high-resolution graphics boards
  • Orchestra 85/90 music generation
  • Several types of real-time-clocks
  • Up to 1Mb of additional memory (in Model 4 mode)
  • Virtual hard drive support; and
  • Epson FX-80 compatible printer emulation

    This is the emulator I use in maintaining the site.

  • July 3, 2007 – New TRS-80 Paperback Book Hits The Shelves

    by @ 12:07 pm. Filed under Books
    The following is an announcement by Theresa Welsh about her new book.
    Priming the Pump: How TRS-80 Microcomputer Enthusiasts Helped Spark the PC Revolution
    355 pages, with full Index and over 100 illustrations
    Paperback Edition. ISBN 0780979346804
    Only $19.95

    This is the first book to capture the unique era of the late 1970s and early 1980s, when personal computing was just getting started. David and Theresa Welsh were part of the community of small software entrepreneurs and personally knew many of the principle players whose accomplishments are the stuff of legends.

    Some of What’s in this One-of-a-Kind Book:

    a. Steve Leininger, hired away from Silicon Valley by Tandy Corp., worked alone amid the grimy surroundings of an old Fort Worth saddle factory and built the prototype TRS-80; the final development cost was less than $150,000.
    b. John Roach, Tandy’s product manager, got an agreement from Charles Tandy to build 3500 units after Leininger demonstrated the prototype; this was exactly the number of stores they had — Roach figured if no one bought the computers, at least the stores could use them. Don French, a true believer, predicted they’d sell 50,000 the first year and urged the company to gear up the factory for mass production. Tandy managers, thinking they could never sell that many, were surprised when, in the weeks after the introduction, the Tandy switchboard was paralyzed with over 15,000 calls from people wanting to order a TRS-80. In the first year, over 250,000 people went on waiting lists to buy a TRS-80!
    c. Tandy contracted with Randy Cook to create a Disk Operating System (TRSDOS) for the TRS-80 Model I and III, which would support floppy disk drives. The company agreed Cook would retain ownership of the code. But Cook, believing Tandy violated the agreement, created a rival DOS which he sold through his own company. Tandy managers found Cooks’ name embedded in the TRSDOS code.
    d. TRSDOS replacements appeared – five of them – and programmers made up their own homespun magazine ads touting their products great features and attacking their rivals’ products in the pages of magazines like 80 Micro, the most popular of many publications devoted to the TRS-80. e.g. Wayne Green, publisher of popular computer magazines, promised to “editorially break” Radio Shack because they would not carry his 80 Micro magazine in their stores; his magazine column often lambasted Radio Shack CEO John Roach.
    e. Bill Schroeder, a successful businessman, bankrolled Logical Systems, Inc. and sold Tandy on LDOS as the company-sponsored TRSDOS replacement. A state-of-the-art headquarters and good money followed the lucrative contract, but once he sensed the coming demise of the TRS-80, Schroeder simply shut down his company.
    f. Scott Adams created popular Adventure games for the TRS-80 and other early microcomputers, became a celebrity in the magazines, but produced too many game cartridges for a computer that died in the marketplace.
    g. Along with microcomputers, home robots were hot. Meet the robots of the 1980s – and the man who said we were all going to have mechanical men in our homes by the year 2000. Unlike microcomputers, robots just didn’t catch on.
    h. A notorious scam artist preyed on the gullibility of microcomputer enthusiasts, destroying the Southern California Computer Society with a Ponzi scheme, then bilking TRS-80 owners out of thousands of dollars with magazine ads from a bogus company called World Power Systems showing phony products.

    Here is the real story of the first microcomputers, based on the Welsh’s personal experiences selling TRS-80 software and our interviews with amazing microcomputer pioneers.

    Visit the book website to read excerpts.

    At present, the book is available only from the Welsh’s, but it will be listed on in the coming few weeks.

    July 3, 2007 – New Ad Scans

    by @ 12:05 pm. Filed under Site Updates

    July 3, 2007 – New Media Scans

    by @ 12:02 pm. Filed under Site Updates

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