Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 Revived Site

TRS-80 Revived Site by Ira Goldklang's is an archive of everything related to the Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 microcomputer lines. Site contains emulators, programs, manuals, books, patches, games, hints, discussions, questions, forums, and tons more.

July 13, 2009

July 13, 2009 – Another Magazine Updated

by @ 6:15 pm. Filed under Magazine, Site Updates

July 13, 2009 – Another Magazine Updated

The few issues I had of the French magazine, Trace, has had its tables of contents added to the searchable table of contents. Of course, since it is in French, results which search for words (instead of, for example, by issue number, year, etc) are unlikely to show up given the incompatibilities of the international character set.

July 11, 2009

July 11, 2009 – Terry Stewart’s Blog

by @ 8:27 pm. Filed under Site Updates

July 11, 2009 – Terry Stewart’s Blog

For those who do not know, Terry Stewart has been spearheading the effort to get Exatron Stringy Floppy images moved over for use in Matthew Reed’s emulator. Terry has a blog on a fairly diverse set of topics, sometimes discussing TRS-80′s, but in almost all cases, involving problem solving. Terry’s blog can be found at

July 10, 2009

July 10, 2009 – One More Magazines in Search

by @ 1:50 pm. Filed under Magazine, TRSTimes

July 10, 2009 – One More Magazines in Search

TRSTimes has been added to the searchable table of contents.

By the way, for those who are uaware, all of the TRSTimes issues are downloadable.

July 9, 2009

July 9, 2009 – TRS-80 Virtual Floppy Disk Manager by Miguel Dutra

by @ 11:45 pm. Filed under DSK and DMK Utilities, Miguel Dutra

July 9, 2009 – TRS-80 Virtual Floppy Disk Manager by Miguel Dutra

Miguel Dutra has released a BETA of his new Virtual Disk Manager utility for Windows. This is a small utility which allows you to access virtual TRS-80 disks at a file level, as if they were normal PC disks.

Explanations and the program can be found on Miguel’s web site.

July 9, 2009 – Three More Magazines in Search

by @ 6:48 pm. Filed under Site Updates

July 9, 2009 – Three More Magazines in Search

Three more magazines have been added to the searchable table of contents: Barons Microcomputing (the few issues I had), The 8ighty (the few issues I have), and The 80 Notebook (all of them). The corresponding pages have also been updated to include the tables of contents.

July 7, 2009

July 7, 2009 – More Magazines in Search

by @ 5:50 pm. Filed under Magazine, Site Updates

July 7, 2009 – More Magazines in Search

While I continue to scan the manuals which Kim Watt kindly sent over, I have updated the searchable table of contents to include all of the 80-NW Journal and 80-US Journals, as well as all the Basic Computing (which is what 80-US turned into) I have. I do not know the last published issue, so I have flagged it as yellow (=entered all I have) rather than green (=all known issues entered).

July 1, 2009

July 1, 2009

by @ 11:35 pm. Filed under Site Updates

July 1, 2009

Sorry about the lack of updates … I have been adding Tables of Contents of various magazines to the web site and to the searchable table of contents archive. As of now, all of my 80 Micro’s, SoftSides, Micro-80′s, Prog-80′s, H & E Computronics, and The Alternate Source have been added. The archive page shows the status of all of the magazines, and that status will update as more tables of contents come online.

Additionally, Kim Watt was kind enough to send over a box of disks and manuals, and I have been reading the disks and scanning the manuals.

June 29, 2009

June 29, 2009 – Exatron Helpful Hints

by @ 11:05 am. Filed under Site Updates

June 29, 2009 – Exatron Stringy Floppy Basic Operation

For those of you who use Matthew Reed’s TRS32 emulator and wish to make use of the ESF module, please note the following:

  • The ROM esf.rom needs to be in your ROMs directory
  • Exatron Stringy Floppy needs to be enabled in your configuation screen
  • You need to invoke the ROM through a SYSTEM command
  • For file I/O, you will need to mount a virtual wafer.
To invoke the ESF ROM use the SYSTEM command with the following addresses:

/12340 To enable the ROM and load the next file on the wafer
/12341 To enable the ROM and load the 1st file on the wafer
/12342 To enable the ROM and load the 2nd file on the wafer
/12343 To enable the ROM and load the 3rd file on the wafer
/12344 To enable the ROM and load the 4th file on the wafer
/12345 To enable the ROM from non-disk BASIC with Debounce (MOST COMMON)
/12346 To enable the ROM from non-disk BASIC WITHOUT Debounce
ESF Commands are:

@NEW Erase the entire wafer. After execution the @NEW command will display the number of bytes available on the wafer.
@NEW1 Erase the entire wafer
@NEW[x] Erases program #x (e.g., @NEW4 erases program 4).
@SAVE[x] Saves a BASIC program to location #x (e.g., @SAVE2 saves to program 2). Attempting to @SAVE a program without a file number, or using a file number 0, will result in a syntax error. All files must be saved in sequential order, starting with 1 and progressing up to a maximum of 99. There can be no gaps in the file numbers on a wafer. The ESF software will allow up to 99 files to be saved on one wafer.
@SAVE [x], Start Address, Length[, Autostart Address] Saves a machine language program (e.g., @SAVE1, 17152, 3800, 18000 will save 3800 bytes starting at 17152 with program entry at 18000 to wafer location 1). If you do not want your program to execute automatically autostart, then do not include an autostart address as part of the command. When you want to load your machine-language program back into the computer, it is done in exactly the same manner as is a BASIC program: i.e., through the use of the @LOAD command, with or without a file number.
@LOAD[x] Loads the program stored in location [x] (e.g., @LOAD3 loads the third program). If you simply enter the @LOAD command without a file number then the next file, that the ESF software finds, will be loaded.
The following commands will only work if you load the “Data I/O Program” from a wafer that came with the Stringy Floppy. To date, no wafers have been dumped.
@OPEN[x], @PRINT lexp, @INPUT lexp, @CLOSE    OPEN, PRINT, READ, and CLOSE to the wafer similar to Tape and Disk Data File I/O. These all function exactly the same as they do for TAPE and DISK.

June 26, 2009

June 26, 2009 – Update to Matthew Reed’s TRS32 Emulator

by @ 3:12 pm. Filed under Downloads, Emulators, Matthew Reed

June 26, 2009 – Update to Matthew Reed’s TRS32 Emulator

Matthew Reed has updated his fantastic TRS32 emulator to v1.20, this time adding Exatron Stringy Floppy emulation support (and increasing the window margin sizes to improve readability).

This is the emulator I use in maintaining the site and in addition to being one of the very few emulators out there which is Windows NT/XP/Vista compatible, it is also the only one which is updated regularly

You can download a copy from Matthew’s web site or from the first entry on the emulator page.

I heartily recommend you register the emulator (and no, I do not get a penny from that registration; it is just very very good software).

June 25, 2009

June 25, 2009 – Also updating magazine search

by @ 11:34 am. Filed under Site Updates

June 25, 2009 – Also updating magazine search

As I add magazine (covers) to the web site, I am also expanding the Magazine Table of Contents search with those magazines. As always, if anyone is interested in helping add magazines to the searchable index, please let me know!

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