Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 Revived Site

TRS-80 Revived Site by Ira Goldklang's is an archive of everything related to the Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 microcomputer lines. Site contains emulators, programs, manuals, books, patches, games, hints, discussions, questions, forums, and tons more.

July 8, 2010

July 8, 2010 – Orchestra/90-PC Updated

by @ 6:05 pm. Filed under ORCHESTRA 80/85/90

July 8, 2010 – Orchestra/90-PC Updated

Jon Bokelman, creator of the ORCH-80/85/90, has updated his Orchestra/90-PC program to v2.0.

For those who don’t know, Orchestra-90/PC is a simple, no-frills program that plays original Orchestra-80/85/90 and Piano-85/90 ASCII files on a PC using a sound card. It is launched from the command line.

The main change is that a new command line switch, “-w filename” has been added to output the ORC file to a WAV file of filename filename.
A readme file is included in the archive

Orchestra-90/PC can be downloaded from the Orchestra 80/85/90 page or from right here.

June 28, 2010

June 28, 2010 – Vintage Computer Festival Southwest

by @ 10:36 am. Filed under Site Updates

June 28, 2010 – Vintage Computer Festival Southwest

A. G. (Gil) Carrick, the Director of the Museum of Information Technology at Arlington, has asked that I post the following about the upcoming Vintage Computer Festival Southwest …

The 1st annual Vintage Computer Festival Southwest will be held August 7th and 8th, in the Rio Grande Ballroom, in the E.H. Hereford University Center, University of Texas Arlington. The event is sponsored by the Museum of Information Technology at Arlington, the UTA College of Engineering, the UTA Office of Information Technology and Vintage Tech. The VCF is an international event that celebrates the history of computing. There have been VCFs at several locations since 1997.

The mission of the VCF is to promote the preservation of early computers by allowing people to experience the technologies, people and stories that embody the remarkable tale of the computer revolution. Southern US companies played a large role in the early days of the computer industry and the VCF Southwest hopes to focus on their contributions.

VCF is not a swap meet, but you will have a chance to buy things or even come home with prizes. There will be speakers and videos each morning, exhibits each afternoon, and special events throughout the weekend. More details about the schedule will be available soon.

The VCF is held indoors, rain or shine. Admission is $10 for one day, $15 for both days, and free for ages 17 and younger. Parking is free. Hours are 9 A.M. – 5 P.M. on both Saturday and Sunday.

Their web page giving more details about the event is at

June 24, 2010


by @ 10:40 pm. Filed under Site Updates


UPDATE 3: Ebay drives are in; disk requests are back online.

UPDATE 2: I am limping along right now on a drive which may or may not be good. It is entirely possible that it is good, but the disk set remains bad. I will hold off restoring the link to the Disk Requests until the new drives come in.

UPDATE 1: I have now spent a fairly decent amount of money to acquire 4 floppy drives (will they work, who knows) on eBay.

A particularly dirty set of disks sent to me for conversion has knocked my disk drive out; and my attempts to use spares are proving futile. I will not be able to convert disks or make DOS disks until this has been resolved.

June 23, 2010

June 23, 2010 – Update to TRS32 Emulator

by @ 9:05 am. Filed under Emulators, Matthew Reed

June 23, 2010 – Update to TRS32 Emulator

Matthew Reed has updated his wonderful TRS32 Emulator to v1.24. This update includes:

  • Eliminated “Parity error during read” errors sometimes generated by NEWDOS/80 while formatting double-sided virtual disks
  • Corrected behavior when pasting TAB characters

The updated emulator can be downloaded from Matthew Reed’s Download Page, the emulator page, or directly right here

June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010 – TRS-80 MODEL III and MODEL 4 Free for Local Pickup

by @ 10:59 am. Filed under For Sale or Trade

June 9, 2010 – TRS-80 MODEL III and MODEL 4 Free for Local Pickup

There is a TRS-80 Model III and Model 4 which are free for pickup (NO SHIPPING) in Chattanooga, TN.

As always, first come, first served (through emailing me only – not through usenet postings). If you are willing to pickup, please let me know, and I will put you in contact with the donator.

May 15, 2010

May 15, 2010 – New Book (Cover) Thanks To Mike Ballantyne

by @ 7:57 pm. Filed under Books

May 15, 2010 – New Book (Cover) Thanks To Mike Ballantyne

      Title: TRS-80 Pocket Handbook
Year: 1982
Author: William Barden
Publisher: Radio Shack

May 8, 2010

May 7, 2010 – New Hardware Manuals (Covers) Thanks To Pascal Holdry

by @ 7:20 pm. Filed under Hardware Manual

May 7, 2010 – New Hardware Manuals (Covers) Thanks To Pascal Holdry

      Video Display (European)
Pages: 12
Year: Unknown
TOSEC: Video Display (19xx)(Tandy)(Eu)
Cat: 26-9201A
Publisher: Tandy
      MDX-2 Interface Expansion Board v1.6
Pages: 62
Year: 1980
TOSEC: MDX-2 Interface Expansion Board v1.6 (1980)(Micro-Design)
Publisher: Micro-Design

May 7, 2010 – New TRACE Covers Thanks To Pascal Holdry

by @ 4:50 pm. Filed under Magazine

May 7, 2010 – New TRACE Covers Thanks To Pascal Holdry

Pascal Holdry has provided the missing three TRACE MAGAZINES, and their information has been added to the TRS-80 Magazine Table of Contents Search. Thanks Pascal!

April 28, 2010

April 28, 2010 – Update to TRSTOOLS DSK/DMK Import/Export Utility

by @ 9:25 am. Filed under DSK and DMK Utilities, Windows Utilities

April 28, 2010 – Update to TRSTOOLS DSK/DMK Import/Export Utility

Matthew Reed has released v1.03 of Windows GUI DSK/DMK image utility TRSTOOLS.

The changelog includes:

  • Improved Windows 7 support in several areas
  • Improved viewing CMD files on MULTIDOS disks
  • Eliminated extraneous beep when viewing files under certain sound schemes

The new version can be downloaded from:

April 20, 2010

April 20, 2010 – Revlon Run/Walk for Cancer

by @ 6:41 pm. Filed under Uncategorized

April 20, 2010 – Revlon Run/Walk for Cancer

The time of the year has arrived for my only charity solicitation! For those who have lost someone to breast cancer, or wish to donate toward the cure, my wife is participating in the Revlon Run/Walk for Cancer. If you wish to donate, go to this site

NOTE: Nothing comes to me, nothing comes to the site; this is a direct matter between you and the charity. All donations are U.S. tax-deductible (to the extent allowed by law; the site says it and so will I).

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