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A0>TYPE WELCOME.TXT Welcome to the *HUMONGOUS* TRS-80 Archives, a humongous collection of TRS-80-related sites, books, magazines and software. TRS-80 enthusiasts enjoy! And please let us know if there's anything we're missing.
A0> |
+------------------------------+ | TRS-80 Software+-------------------------------------+| | | | More than 13,000 software | | packages for the CoCo, Model | | 100, and Models I/III/IV. | | | +------------------------------+
| Looking for the old TRS-80 Revived |
| software archive? Now that was a |
| sweeeeet collection. We don't have | | it. We've got something better! The |
| TOSEC Collection[*], over 13000 |
| software packages for the CoCo, |
| Model 100, MC10 and Model I/III/IV, | | which we proudly make available |
| here. Everything (so far as I've |
| been able to tell) TRS-80 Revived |
| had (save for its small CP/M collec-| | tion) this has too, plus bunches and|
| bunches. Also emulators and ROMs. |
| Share and enjoy! |
| | | [*] The source of these collections |
| is RetroROMs (retro-roms.blogspot. |
| com/), which calls them TOSEC Sets. |
| However, The TOSEC Project doesn't | | make software available, so the |
| actual source of these collections |
| is unclear; perhaps TOSEC's now- |
| defunct sister site TOSECiso.org | | (www.toseciso.org). |
+------------------------------+ | TRS-80 CP/M Software+-------------------------------------+ | If you're looking for the TRS-80 | | Revived CP/M collection, never fear.| | *HUMONGOUS* CP/M has mostly rebuilt | | that in two collections -- one dup- | | licating the 2001 TRS-80 Revived | | collection, the other a much expand-| | ed 2006 collection. Unfortunately, | | we were unable to recover everything| | (see 2001missing and 2006missing), | | but most of what we don't have in | | the TRS-80 CP/M collection is avail-| | able elsewhere on the site in one | | form or another. The software here | | is in .DSK virtual disk images suit-| | able for use with one of several | | TRS80 emulators. | +-------------------------------------+| | | | *HUMONGOUS* CP/M's recrea- | | tion of the TRS-80 Revived | | CP/M collection. | | | +------------------------------+
+------------------------------+ | *HUMONGOUS* Online Library+-------------------------------------+ | 280 reference and programming books | | for TRS-80s and CP/M, including Zaks| | and Cortesi. A dozen periodical | | collections, including Micro80, | | 80Micro, Softside, The Eighty, and | | more, comprising 1,100 individual | | issues. And more than 1,300 hardware| | and software manuals, including the | | full multi-binder Model IV technical| | reference series. Could there poss- | | ibly be anything we don't have? | +-------------------------------------+| | | | Nearly 3000 books, magazines | | and hardware and software | | manuals for TRS-80 & CP/M. | | | +------------------------------+
+------------------------------+ | Matthew Reed+-------------------------------------+ | Matthew Reed is the author of a | | series of very impressive shareware | | (Windows and DOS) TRS-80 Model I, | | III, and IV emulators, which attempt| | to emulate the entire TRS-80 exper- | | ience, right down to sounds and most| | of the add-on hardware that was | | available. Matthew has several emu- | | lators available: a Model-4-only | | emulator for MS-DOS, a Model 1/3 | | emulator, also for MS-DOS, and a | | Model I/III/4 emulator for Windows. | | Also see TRS-80 Software/emulators | | for a few older versions of Mat- | | thew's software. | +-------------------------------------+| | | | Excellent series of TRS-80 | | Model I, III and IV | | emulators. | | | +------------------------------+
+------------------------------+ | 8-N-1+-------------------------------------+ | The online (well, now offline) | | presence of the classic TRS-80 BBS, | | 8N1. The original BBS (and FTP site)| | had a large collection of TRS-80 | | files which are, unfortunately, not | | mirrored here. We're looking. | +-------------------------------------+| | | | 8N1 was a classic TRS-80 BBS | | which later moved online. | | Sadly, now gone. | | | +------------------------------+
+------------------------------+ | TRS-80 Home Page at KJSL | | | |'97 mirror of the KJSL TRS-80 | | Home Page (now offline). Now | | includes the FTP archives! | | | +------------------------------+
+------------------------------+ | TRS-80 Revived+-------------------------------------+ | Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 Revived Site | | was at one time an unparalleled | | source of documentation and software| | for the TRS-80 line. Though it | | remains today an unequalled source | | of information, the software and | | docs libraries were taken offline | | in 2006. *HUMONGOUS* CP/M maintains | | two mirrors: the first, from ca. | | 2001, however lacks the software | | and documentation; the second, from | | 2011, post-dates Ira's removal of | | the software and documentation | | archives. But not to worry - the | | complete TRS-80 Revived documenta- | | tion collection is available in | | *HUMONGOUS* CP/M's TRS-80 Library, | | while *HUMONGOUS*'s TRS-80 Software | | Collection contains everything (near| | as we can determine) Ira had, plus | | gobs and heaps more. | +-------------------------------------+| | | | Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 site | | is an unparalelled source of | | TRS-80 information. | | M1+-------------------------------------+ | An early mirror | +-------------------------------------+M2+-------------------------------------+ | 2011 mirror, taken Sept. 2011 | +-------------------------------------+| +------------------------------+
+------------------------------+ | Tim Mann's Home Page+-------------------------------------+ | Tim 'worked indirectly for Logical | | Systems, the company that produced | | LDOS and Model 4 TRSDOS 6'. More | | recently Tim Mann has worked on | | xtrs, a TRS-80 emulator for Unix | | systems, and has posted a slew of | | Misosys software, including LDOS 5 | | & 6 and a large set of Misosys | | programming tools. | +-------------------------------------+| | | | Misosys software and Logical | | Systems' LDOS operating sys- | | tem are available here. | | M1+-------------------------------------+ | Early mirror | +-------------------------------------+M2+-------------------------------------+ | 2011 mirror, taken Sept. 2011 | +-------------------------------------+| +------------------------------+
+------------------------------+ | David Keil's Emulator Site+-------------------------------------+ | Another classic series of TRS-80 | | emulators, this time by David Keil, | | emulating Models I, III, IV and the | | CoCo. Like nearly all other TRS-80 | | sites, David's is now offline. This | | mirror is from ca. 2001. See 'I' | | below for running David's emulators | | under Linux. | +-------------------------------------+| | | | David Keil's classic series | | of Model I, III, IV and CoCo | | emulators. | | I+-------------------------------------+ | Instructions originally posted to | | the Ubuntu Linux forums on running | | Keil's emulators under DOSBox on | | Ubuntu Linux 10.4. | +-------------------------------------+| +------------------------------+
+------------------------------+ | Miguel Dutra's CP-500 Page+-------------------------------------+ | Miguel's site is dedicated to the | | CP-500, a Brazilian clone of the | | TRS-80 line. Here you will find some| | information, manuals, links (many | | broken) to software for CP500/TRS80,| | and Miguel's own VDISK, a Windows | | utility for reading .DSK/.CMD TRS-80| | virtual disk images. In Dec. 2011 | | the site had disappeared for a time | | but a redesigned version is back | | (albeit, none of the files it prom- | | ises seem to exist). *HUMONGOUS* | | will retain a mirror of the old site| | as well as the new. | +-------------------------------------+| | | | Dedicated to the CP-500, a | | Brazilian line of TRS-80 | | clones. | | M1 M2 | +------------------------------+
+------------------------------+ | Manmrk+-------------------------------------+ | Manmrk.net is an anonymous program- | | ming site with sections on ASM, | | BASIC, C, Cobol, and more, only a | | portion of which is TRS-80 related. | | *HUMONGOUS* CP/M is mirroring its | | TRS-80 section. (Note: as of Oct., | | 2011, the original site appears to | | be offline.) | +-------------------------------------+| | | | Anonymous site; ASM, BASIC, | | C, Cobol, more. *HUMONGOUS* | | mirrors the TRS-80 section. | | M | +------------------------------+
+------------------------------+ | Vavasour's Emulators+-------------------------------------+ | Jeff Vavasour's site dedicated to | | his line of (mostly) DOS-based TRS- | | 80 emulators, formerly a mix of | | shareware and commercialware, not | | offered for free (though no longer | | supported. Includes emulators for | | everything from the Coco to the TRS-| | 80 I, III and IV. | +-------------------------------------+| | | | Series of excellent DOS-based| | emulators for Coco, TRS-80 I,| | III, IV and more. | | M | +------------------------------+
+------------------------------+ | TRS80Stuff.net+-------------------------------------+ | A now-small (once-larger) site dedi-| | cated to the TRS-80. Only the down- | | loads section has been retained to | | to preserve TRS80 software. | +-------------------------------------+| | | | Once a more active site, only| | Downloads remain in an effort| | to preserve TRS80 software. | | M | +------------------------------+
+------------------------------+ | TRS-80 CoCo Archives+-------------------------------------+ | This is a wonderful and wonderfully | | designed archive dedicated to the | | TRS-80 Color Computer (the CoCo). | | It is stuffed to the gills with | | books, manuals, magazines, and of | | loads of software! This site is not | | to be missed. Currently *H*CP/M | | does not maintain an archive of this| | site. | +-------------------------------------+| | | | A stunning collection of all| | things CoCo: books, mags & | | software galore! | | | +------------------------------+
+------------------------------+ | George's Home Page+-------------------------------------+ | Far too much here to begin to des- | | cribe: George has done an amazing | | amount of work on both the hardware | | and software sides of the whole | | range of TRS-80 models. Of particu- | | lar note are the zmac Z80 cross-ass-| | embler and his new TRS-80 emulator. | | One could get thoroughly lost in | | this site. | +-------------------------------------+| | | | George Phillips' extraordi- | | nary site, including a new | | TRS80 emulator. Must see! | | M | +------------------------------+