Processor Technology - GPM
This was a combined RAM and EPROM S-100
The GPM was an early S-100 bus
compatible memory module available in kit or assembled form for use in
8080-based computers including the Processor Technology Sol, and models by
several other manufacÂturers. It has a capacity of 10,240 of 8-bit bytes
of read-only-memory (ROM) for storing programs as "firmware", and 1024 bytes of
read-write-memory (RAM) which was normally used as a "scratch-pad" memory.
The user could store any frequently used programs on the GPM, or use the module
to house a companion product, the ALS-8 program development system, a resident
monitor-assembler system, available in ROM. GPM could be adapted for use
with several types of ROM's and PROM's including types such as 9216B, 8316E,
34000P, and 2708's. A switch-selectable automatic start-up mode was
included, so that the system is "up" and ready to accept commands as soon as
power is applied. All signal lines were fully buffered.
The GPM memory was available separately
or as a component module in a system of five modules; "Subsystem B", by
Processor Technology. Subsystem B included CUTS, VDM-1, 3P+S, and a choice of
RAM memory boards, as well as the GPM. CUTS provided cassette tape mass storage
interface; VDM-1 provided a video display interface; 3P+S provided parallel and
serial data channels for keyboard, TTY, paper tape reader or other peripherals;
the RAM memory provided working systems storage area. GPM fit into this system
by providing the CUTER monitor program, and space for the ALS-8 program
development system or other "firmware".
The manual for this board can be
obtained here.
Other Processor Technology
S-100 Boards
8K RAM 48K
16K Dynamic RAM
Helios-II FDC
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