JAqua is a program written in 100% pure JAVA. It will run on Windows, Mac,
Linux, and OS/2 platforms.
I will also be integrating my program ReefNotes
into JAqua.
JAqua is an application which interfaces with the Neptune AquaController
and provides realtime monitoring and control of the AquaController. Some of it's
features are:
Here's examples of alarm messages. the first one notifying you of a power
loss, the second one when the power was restored. *The pager is not implemented
yet. Here's the latest. Below is an actual plot of temp data over a couple
of days. I cant capture the mouse pointer but be assured that if you rest
the mouse over a time interval, it will pop up with the time and the temp
value. You can select from any of the chart types, here's just two of them.
My current programming abilities are limited in this area. JAqua will save
both daily and weekly data files. I'm not sure if the weekly data will be
able to display all those hour labels because of the number of them and the
chart size. I'm guessing that I'll figure out at what point (number of entries)
the lables have to change from what you see below to just the days and maybe
a few points in between.
Here's an actual plot of a weekly data file. I had to cut and paste the info
on the plot for the same reason as above, I cant capture the mouse pointer.
But you get the idea:
Here's a pic of ReefNotes incorporated into JAqua and opened. You can define
up to 14 fields to be entered and of course Temp, pH, and ORP are automatically
filled in from JAqua.