JAqua, a JAVA application for the Neptune AquaController 2
Copyright © 2000, Bill Esposito, All Rights Reserved.


Support: bespo@cereal.mv.com

This is a Time Limited Trial copy.

Not all of JAqua's features will be accessable until JAqua is Registered. **********************************************************************
DISCLAIMER: This software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. **********************************************************************
You are authorized to try out JAqua for 15 days. If after that time you wish to still use JAqua, then a payment is required.

New Lower Price!

Price. $19.95 USD JAqua is currently at version v1.0

Payment will be accepted via either Money Order or via the internet by using PayPal.
When paying by PayPal, I will return the required registration numbers to the return email address contained in the PayPal notification email. Please include your full name in the PayPal email. Make sure the software works before you register it as there are no returns.

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Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

For Money Orders, please send payment, your name, and your email address so that I can send you the registration numbers.

Mail payment to:

Bill Esposito
48 Converseville Rd
Rindge, NH 03461