Copyright © 1982
Digital Research
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Copyright © 1980, 1981, 1982 by Digital Research. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Digital Research, Post Office Box 579, Pacific Grove, California, 93950.
Portions of this manual are, however, tutorial in nature. Thus, the reader is granted permission to include the example programs, either in whole or in part, in his own programs.
Digital Research makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Digital Research reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Digital Research to notify any person of such revision or changes.
CP/M and CP/NET are registered trademarks of Digital Research. ASM, CP/NOS, DDT, LINK-80, MP/M II, RMAC, SID, and ZSID are trademarks of Digital Research. Altos is a registered trademark of Altos Computer Systems. Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Keybrook is a registered trademark of Keybrook Business Systems, Inc. ULCnet is a registered trademark of Orange Compuco, Inc. Xerox, 820 Computer, and R820-II are registered trademarks of Xerox Corporation. Z80 is a registered trademark of Zilog, Inc. Corvus OMNINET is a trademark of Corvus Systems, Inc. DSC-2 is a trademark of Digital Microsystems. DB8/5200 is a trademark of Dynabyte. FileServer is a trademark of Keybrook Business Systems, Inc.
The CP/NET Network Operating System Reference Manual was prepared using the Digital Research TEX Text Formatter and printed in the United States of America by Commercial Press/Monterey.
Fifth Edition: November 1982
CP/NET®, a network operating system, enables microcomputers to access common resources via a network. CP/NET allows microcomputers to share and transfer disk files, to share printers and consoles, and to share programs and data bases. CP/NET consists of servers running MP/M II® and requesters running CP/M®. The servers are hosts that manage the shared resources that the network requesters can access.
The hardware environment for CP/NET must include two or more microcomputers that can communicate in some way.
One of the microcomputers must execute the MP/M II operating system to provide the CP/NET server facilities. The processor executing MP/M II must be an 8080, 8085, or Z80 CPU with a minimum of 32K bytes of memory, 1 to 16 consoles, 1 to 16 logical or physical disk drives each containing up to eight megabytes, a clock/timer interrupt, and a network interface.
The CP/NET requester microcomputers must have 8080, 8085, or Z80 CPUs with at least 16K bytes of memory, 0 to 16 logical or physical disk drives each containing up to eight megabytes, and a network interface. A console is not absolutely required although it is strongly recommended.
The CP/NET Network Operating System Reference Manual is intended for several different levels of CP/NET users. It contains all the information you need to use CP/M applications programs on a CP/NET requester, to write new application programs under CP/NET, and to customize CP/NET for a specific network.
Section 1, an overview of the CP/NET system, discusses CP/NET features, network topologies, and the principles behind CP/NET operation.
Section 2 contains all the information you need to use the network when executing CP/M application programs. You need no skill level beyond that required for normal CP/M operation.
Section 3 describes the CP/NET interprocessor message format and each of the Network Disk Operating System (NDOS) functions you can invoke from application programs. This section provides the information you need to access the network primitives. Section 3 also discusses the implications of performing CP/M operations on a resource controlled by the MP/M II operating system.
Section 4 provides information for the systems programmer. This section describes how to write a custom Slave Network 1/0 System (SNIOS) that performs the CP/NET requester network functions. The mechanics of implementing and debugging a custom SNIOS are also discussed. Programmers attempting to develop an SNIOS should be familiar with CP/M and experienced in writing a custom CP/M BIOS. This section also explains how to write a custom Network Interface Process (NETWRKIF) that performs the CP/NET server network functions.
Section 4 also discusses implementing and debugging the NETWRKIF module. You must have a high degree of competence and experience with MP/M II to develop a custom NETWRKIF. You must be familiar with the process and queue descriptor data structures and the MP/M II XDOS primitive functions. Experience with implementing an XIOS for MP/M II might also be necessary.
Appendixes to this manual contain several example network communications packages.
Table of Contents
1 CP/NET Overview
1.1 CP/NET Features
1.2 CP/NET Configurations
1.3 How the Requester Works
1.4 How the Server Works
2 CP/NET Utilities
2.1 The LOGIN Command
2.2 The LOGOFF Command
2.3 The NETWORK Command
2.4 The LOCAL Command
2.5 The ENDLIST Command
2.6 The DSKRESET Command
2.7 The CPNETLDR Command
2.8 The CPNETSTS Command
2.9 CTRL-P
2.10 The MAIL Utility
2.10.1 Menus
2.10.2 Data Entry
2.10.3 MAIL Options
2.10.4 Error Messages
3 CP/NET Programmer's Guide
3.1 CP/NET Interprocessor Message Format
3.1.1 Message Format Code
3.1.2 Message Destination Processor ID
3.1.3 Message Source Processor ID
3.1.4 CP/M Function Code
3.1.5 Size
3.1.6 CP/NET Message
3.1.7 Additional Packaging Overhead
3.2 Running Applications Transparently Under CP/NET
3.2.1 MP/M II vs. CP/M File Systems
3.2.2 Error Handling Under CP/NET
3.2.3 Temporary Filename Translation
3.2.4 Opening System Files on User 0
3.2.5 Compatibility Attributes
3.2.6 Password Protection Under CP/NET
3.2.7 Networked List and Console Devices
3.3 CP/NET Function Extensions to CP/M
3.4 CP/NET Applications
4 CP/NET System Guide
4.1 General Network Considerations
4.1.1 Functions of the CP/NET Physical Modules
4.1.2 Interfacing a Computer to a Network
4.1.3 Developing a Network Layer
4.1.4 Error Recovery
4.2 Customizing the Requester's SNIOS
4.2.1 Slave Network 1/0 System Entry Points
4.2.2 Requester Configuration Table
4.2.3 Prefiguring the Configuration Table
4.2.4 Sending and Receiving Messages
4.2.5 Generating and Debugging a Custom SNIOS
4.3 Customizing the Server
4.3.1 Detecting and Receiving Incoming Messages
4.3.2 The Architecture of the NETWRKIF Module
4.3.3 Elements of the NETWRKIF
4.3.4 Enhancements and Additions to the NETWRKIF
4.3.5 MP/M II Performance Factors and NETWRKIF
4.3.6 Generating the NETWRKIF
4.3.7 Debugging the NETWIRKIF
4.4 Implementing Non-MP/M II Servers
A.1 Overview
A.2 System Requirements
A.3 Customizing the CP/NOS
A.4 Building the CP/NOS System
A.5 Debugging the System
B CP/NET 1.2 Standard Message Formats
C CP/NET 1.2 Logical Message Specifications
E A Simple RS-232C CP/NET System
E.1 Protocol Handshake
E.2 Binary Protocol Message Format
E.3 ASCII Protocol Message Format
E.4 Modifying the SNIOS
E.5 Modifying the NETWRKIF
F A CP/NET System for Use with ULCnet
F.1 Overview of ULCnet
F.2 Customizing a ULCnet SNIOS for the Requester
F.3 Creating the ULCnet Server
G Using CP/NET 1.2 With Corvus OMNINET
G.1 The Corvus Engineering Transporter
G.2 Implementation Structure
G.3 The SNIOS Implementation
G.4 The NETWRKIF Implementation Model
G.5 Possible Improvements to NETWRKIF
2-1. Receive Mail Message-handling Options
3-1. Interface Attributes
3-2. BDOS Error Modes
4-1. Requester Configuration Table
4-2. Server Configuration Table
4-3. Requester Control Block
B-1. Message Field Length Table
C-1. Conventional CP/NET Messages
G-1. Transporter Command Block
G-2. Receive Result Block
1-1. Standard CP/NET Configuration
1-2. CP/NOS Configuration
1-3. Single Requester Networked to MP/M II Server
1-4. Multiple Requesters in Hub-star Configuration
1-5. Multidrop Network
1-6. Hybrid Network
1-7. CP/NET Memory Structure
1-8. A Simple Server Supporting Three Requesters
4-1. Layered Model of a CP/NET Network Node
4-2. Network Status Byte Format
4-3. Algorithm for Interrupt-driven Requester Node
4-4. Server Architecture
4-5. Two-process NETWRKIF
4-6. Transport Process/Data-link Processes Interface
4-7. Directly Interfacing NETWRKIF to XIOS Routines
4-8. Synchronizing Data-link Activity Using Flags
4-9. A Typical Server Memory Map
4-10. Implementing Timeouts with Flags
B-1. CP/NET 1.2 Logical Message Format
E-1. Protocol Handshake
E-2. Binary Protocol Message Format
E-3. ASCII Protocol Message Format
2-1. A Typical CPNETLDR Execution
2-2. A Typical CPNETSTS Execution
4-1. SNIOS Jump Vector
4-2. Stack and Process Descriptor Allocation for Four-requester Server
E-1. Requester Network I/O System
E-2. Server Network I/F Module
F-1. Requester Network I/O System for ULCnet
F-2. NETWRKIF for Systems Running ULCnet
F-3. ULCnet Data-link Layer MP/M XIOS Module
G-1. Sample SNIOS for Corvus OMNINET
G-2. Sample Server Network I/F for Corvus OMNINET
By separating the logical operating system from the hardware environment and placing all hardware-independent code in a separate I/O module, CP/M and MP/M II have gained widespread industry acceptance. The CP/NET operating system uses this same design approach. CP/NET is network independent. The Slave Network I/O System (SNIOS) module contains all network-dependent code for the requester. The Network Interface Process (NETWRKIF) module contains all network-dependent code for the server. Logical messages passed to and from the SNIOS or NETWRKIF are transmitted over an arbitrary network between servers and requesters using an arbitrary network protocol.
CP/NET and CP/NOS can be combined in a composite network consisting of MP/M II servers, CP/M requesters, and diskless CP/NOS requesters.
CP/NET is a bridge between a microcomputer running MP/M II and a microcomputer running CP/M. The MP/M II server manages resources that are considered public to the network. The CP/NET requesters executing CP/M have access to the public resources of the server and to their own local private resources, which cannot be accessed from the network. This architecture permits the server's resources to be shared among the requesters, yet guarantees the security of the requester's resources.
The MP/M II server responds to the network asynchronously in real-time; the CP/M requesters perform sequential I/O and are usually not capable of monitoring a network interface in real-time. Figure 1-1 illustrates the relationship between CP/M, MP/M II, and CP/NET.
![]() |
CP/NOS, the second network operating system product, is designed for applications where the requester microcomputer lacks disk resources and is therefore unable to run CP/M. CP/NOS consists of
At the user level, CP/NOS provides a virtual CP/M 2.X system to the requester microcomputer. A requester microcomputer can consist of no more than a processor, memory, and an interface to the network. Thus, a CRT with sufficient RAM can execute CP/M programs, performing its computing locally and depending on the network to provide all disk, printer, and other I/O facilities. Figure 1-2 illustrates the relationship between CP/NOS, MP/M II, and CP/NET.
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CP/NET operates in multiple-processor environments ranging from tightly to loosely coupled to networked processors. In this manual, tightly coupled processors are those sharing at least a portion of common memory. Interprocessor messages communicate at memory speed. Loosely coupled processors do not have access to memory that is common or accessible by both processors; they communicate via a short, high-speed bus. Loosely coupled processors usually reside in the same physical box. Networked processors are usually physically separated and communicate over a serial link.
The CP/NET operating system is an upward-compatible version of CP/M 2.2, which provides system I/O facilities to requester microcomputers through a network. Additions to the Basic I/O System (BIOS) called the Slave Network I/O System (SNIOS) , and a new Basic Disk Operating System (BDOS) called the Network Disk Operating System (NDOS) , provide network access to System I/O facilities. The requester NDOS and NIOS are loaded and executed while running under CP/M 2.2.
In addition to the standard CP/M facilities, CP/NET provides the following capabilities:
The MP/M II server is implemented by adding some resident system processes at system generation (GENSYS) time. The resident system processes include server processes (SERVER) that perform the logical message-handling functions for the server and network interface processes (NETWRKIF) that you can customize for a particular hardware network interface.
CP/NET supports a number of different network topologies and a variety of system resources. The interprocessor message formats permit a requester to access more than one server for different resources.
Figure 1-3 illustrates an MP/M II system supporting a single CP/NET requester. The requester is a totally independent system, with its own console, printer, and disk resources. The requester can also access the MP/M II system's resources over the network. The MP/M II system also supports other users using local terminals.
Figure 1-4 shows an active hub-star network running CP/NET. Each requester is networked to the server through a unique network port. The requesters have their own local resources, but they also share the server's disk and printer resources. This topology is simple to implement because you can adapt the network protocol from the protocol used for RS-232 console drivers. The sample system in Appendix E uses this topology.
Figure 1-5 shows a system of three requesters and two servers networked together in a bus or multi-drop configuration. The network protocol must be capable of resolving conflicts when nodes attempt to use the network simultaneously. Each requester has access to the resources of both servers, in addition to its own local resources. Appendixes F and G provide examples of CP/NET systems using this network topology.
Finally, you can combine these topologies, as well as other topologies like loops and trees, into a hybrid network topology. Figure 1-6 depicts such a topology, combining the bus, star, and loop forms.
The CP/NET requester software runs under an unmodified CP/M version 2 operating system. The requester operating system consists Of three object modules: NDOS.SPR, SNIOS.SPR, and CCP.SPR. These modules are system page relocatable files that can be loaded directly under the CP/M BDOS and BIOS, regardless of their size or their location in memory.
The module NDOS.SPR contains the Network Disk Operating System (NDOS) , the logical portion of the CP/NET system. The NDOS determines whether devices referenced by CP/M function calls are local to the requester or whether they are located on a remote system across a network. If a referenced device is networked, the NDOS, prepares messages to be sent across the network, controls their transmission, and finally reformats the result received from the network into a form usable by the calling application program. NDOS.SPR is distributed in object form by Digital Research. No modification to this module is required to run CP/NET.
The Slave Network I/O System (SNIOS) is contained in the module SNIOS.SPR. The systems implementer must customize this software to run on a particular computer and network system. The SNIOS performs primitive operations that allow the NDOS to send and receive messages across a network. The SNIOS also provides a number of housekeeping and status functions to the NDOS. Digital Research distributes a number of example SNIOS modules in source form with CP/NET.
The final module, CCP.SPR, is a replacement for the normal CP/M CCP. Like the regular CCP, CCP.SPR is loaded directly below the operating system. However, CCP.SPR performs a number of special network functions that initialize the environment for a program.
The logical origin of SPR files is location zero. Each file has a 256-byte header, with locations 1 and 2 defined as the length of the code in the f ile. A bit map, appended to the end of the code, identifies bytes of the code that must be relocated when the code is loaded on a particular page (256-byte) boundary.
The CP/NET utility CPNETLDR relocates the bytes def ined by the bit map. CPNETLDR loads SNIOS.SPR directly below the CP/M BDOS. NDOS.SPR is loaded directly below the SNIOS. CPNETLDR then passes control to an initialization routine. This routine modifies key areas of the operating system:
After these modifications have been made, the NDOS calls the SNIOS to initialize the network. The NDOS then jumps to its own warm boot routine, which performs a disk system reset, loads CCp.SPR, and then passes control to the CCP.
When an application program calls the CP/NET operating system via location 5, the NDOS is entered instead of the BDOS. Invalid functions return to the user program immediately as errors. Functions dealing with console or printer I/O immediately pass through to the local BDOS; but these functions are intercepted by the NDOS again when the BDOS calls the BIOS. At this level, the NDOS checks whether the console or printer is a networked device. If so, the NDOS sends a request across the network for the input or output.
Some functions have no meaning when they are sent across the network to a remote server. Examples of these are Function 26 (Set DMA Address), Function 32 (Get/Set User Number), and Function 12 (Return Version Number) . The local BDOS always handles these functions. But the NDOS saves certain parameters from these functions for its own use, processing them before allowing them through to the BDOS.
Finally, the NDOS checks most functions that deal with either the disk drive system or the file system to determine whether they reference local devices. If so, these functions pass unmodified to the BDOS. The NDOS also checks whether these functions reference devices that exist somewhere out on the network. If they do, the NDOS constructs a network message to be sent to the system on which the device exists. The network message contains the network function to be performed and the information necessary to perform it.
Figure 1-7 illustrates how the CP/NET operating system is organized. The solid line outlines the function flow of an operation on a networked disk drive. The dotted line traces the flow of an I/O operation to a networked list device or console. Arrows indicate possible function flow.
When an NDOS requester sends a function message out over the network, a response from the addressed server is implied. As soon as the NDOS has successfully called the SNIOS to send the message, the NDOS calls the corresponding message receive routine, also in the SNIOS. This procedure precludes the problem of trying to recover sequencing information from an arbitrary stream of messages.
The NDOS uses the network response to update the application program that made the function call. The NDOS then returns to the application program. If the device referenced was local, then the requester's BDOS updates the application program.
Unlike the requester, the server software that runs under Mp/M II does not modify the actual operating system. Rather, the operating system is a set of cooperating processes under MP/M II.
In its most basic form, each requester to be attached to a server requires two processes, communicating through two queues. One process, resident in the NETWRKIF.RSP module, performs the physical message transport task. The systems implementer must modify this process to accommodate the network's node-to-node protocol. The process's protocol must be compatible with that of the requester's SNIOS.
The NETWRKIF must be capable of monitoring one or more network lines in real-time and detecting when a requester is trying to send a message. The NETWRKIF must then receive the message, check it for data integrity, and send it on to the logical portion of the server, contained in the module SERVER.RSP. When the SERVER module returns its response to the logical message, the NETWRKIF must receive the message and then transmit it across the network back to the requester.
The module SERVER.RSP performs the logical operation the requester specifies. After receiving the message from the NETWRKIF, SERVER.RSP checks to make sure that the requester is logged in properly. Then SERVER.RSP responds to the message by performing a series of MP/M II operating system calls. Using the information returned by those calls, the SERVER constructs a response message and sends it to the NETWRKIF module for transmission.
Both the NETWRKIF and SERVER modules are Resident System Process files (RSPs) . RSPs are built into the MP/M II system during its GENSYS operation. When MP/M II is cold started, all RSPs are automatically dispatched. Each RSP module might contain multiple processes, but only one process per RSP is automatically dispatched. Because each requester bound to a server might require one process from the NETWRKIF and one from the SERVER, both RSPs contain initialization code to create additional copies of themselves. These processes can be reentrant. They can share the same code, but they have separate data areas to avoid conflict between program variables.
One of the simplest server architectures is shown in Figure 1-8.
Processes from the NETWRKIF are named NtwrkIP<x>
where <x>
is the ASCII representation of a hexadecimal number
between 0 and F. SERVER processes are named
A NtwrkIP<x> process writes the address of an input message to a queue named NtwrkQI<x>. A SERVR<x>PR process reads this queue while waiting for an input message. Because the queue is empty when the requester is not requesting service, the SERVR<x>PR process is suspended and consumes no CPU resources.
When the NtwrkIP<x> process writes to the queue, the SERVR<x>PR process is dispatched, and it begins to operate on the message. As soon as the NtwrkIP<x> process has finished sending the incoming message to NtwrkQI<x>, NTWRKIP<x> immediately tries to read a second queue, named NtwrkQO<x>. This queue is empty, and the NtwrkIP<x> process is consequently suspended until the SERVR<x>PR process writes the response message to it. The NtwrkIP<x> can then transmit the message back to the requester.
Server functions can be divided into four categories:
Session control functions permit a requester to log on to a server, log off, set compatibility attributes, set default passwords, and examine the server configuration table.
File serving functions make up the bulk of the server's work. These functions include opening and closing networked files, reading and writing files, and managing disk devices.
The server can operate as a print server in two different modes. If the MP/M module SPOOL.RSP is present in the system, requester outputs to a networked list device are spooled to a file for future printing. If no spooler exists in the system, the server manages the attaching and detaching of various print devices.
Finally, the NETWRKIF module can be designed to recognize a logical message that has no meaning to the SERVER module, but that can be operated on by a user-defined process. This feature allows you to use functions CP/NET does not provide.
Section 2 This section describes the requester commands that enable you
to access the network and use its resources. All the requester
commands are actually COM files that reside on disk at the
The LOGIN command allows a requester to log in to a specified
server. A requester must log in before any resources on the server
can be accessed. Once a requester has logged in, it is not
necessary to log in again even though the requester might power down
and then power up again. A requester can only be logged off a
server by an explicit LOGOFF command issued from the requester. The
command takes the general form:
where The LOGOFF command allows a requester to log off f rom a
specified server. Once a requester has logged off, the server
cannot be accessed again until you issue a LOGIN command. The
command takes the general form:
where 2.3 The NETWORK Command
The NETWORK command enables a requester to assign selected I/O
to the network. The NETWORK command updates the requester
Configuration table. The command takes the general form:
Note: when networking drive A: to a server, the file CCP.SPR must
reside on the networked drive, or warm boot operations fail. Do not
network a device to a nonexistent or off-line server because network
errors could result.
The LOCAL command enables a requester to reassign selected I/O
back to local from the network. The LOCAL command updates the
requester configuration table. The command takes the general
where The ENDLIST command sends a hexadecimal 0FF to the list device,
signaling that a list output to a networked printer is finished. If
a spooler is resident on the server, the spool file is closed and
enqueued for printing. If no spool file is present, the networked
list device is freed for use by another requester.
Note: the CCP implements an endlist every time a program
terminates, provided that CTRL-P is not active at the time. Turning
CTRL-P off also causes an endlist.
The DSKRESET command functions exactly like the PRL that
executes under MP/M II. DSKRESET resets the specified drive, so a
disk can be changed. The command takes the general form:
where The following are typical disk resets:
The CPNETLDR command loads the requester CP/NET system.
Specifically, the SNIOS.SPR file loads and relocates directly below
the CP/M BDOS. The NDOS. SPR f ile loads and relocates directly below
the SNIOS.
From that point on, the BIOS, BDOS, SNIOS, and NDOS remain
resident in memory. The CPNETLDR requires no user customization.
CPNETLDR displays an error message when loader errors are
encountered. Listing 2-1 is a typical CPNETLDR execution.
The CPNETSTS command displays the requester configuration
table. The requester configuration table indicates the status of
each logical device that is either local or assigned to a specific
server on the network. Listing 2-2 shows a typical CPNETSTS
A CTRL-P causes console output to be echoed to the list device
until the next CTRL-P. The messages
are displayed at the console. When the requester list device has
been networked, the local system uses the server printer. The
second CTRL-P causes a hexadedimal FF to be sent to the server,
causing the server to close and print the spool file.
Note: when the requester uses the server printer with a CTRL-P
active, the requester must issue a second CTRL-P to cause the server
to close the spooled file and begin printing it. When the requester
is using the server printer and has invoked it with a program such
as PIP, the warm boot at program termination causes the required
endlist character to be sent to the server to close and print the
spooled file.
The program ENDLIST is not needed to terminate network list
output in these situations.
The MAIL utility allows you to send, receive, and manage
electronic mail in a network environment. MAIL operates using file
based function calls, so special processing by the server is not
required. MAIL runs transparently on either server or requester, so
only one program is required throughout the entire electronic mail
MAIL allows you to send messages to a single node, broadcast
messages to all nodes currently logged in, or receive messages.
Messages are stored for your future examination on the
temporary file drives of CP/NET servers. A user's mail file is
where xx corresponds to your node ID. For example, if requester #5C
wants his mail, the MAIL program accesses files named 5CMAIL.TEX on
the temporary file drives of all the servers that node 5C currently
has logged in. Every server in the CP/NET system might have one of
these files, so other nodes in the network that do not have direct
access to all of node 5C's servers can still send messages
indirectly to it.
Menu-driven operation allows you to run the program with a
minimum of instruction. Messages are limited in size to 1.7K bytes.
You can enter messages into the system directly from the keyboard or
through a preedited file. Options allow you to answer a message
immediately while reading your mail and to delete unwanted entries.
Three basic menus can appear during a MAIL session:
The Main Menu determines the basic operation to be performed. The
Input Source Menu specifies whether input comes from a file or
whether you enter it directly. Finally, the Receive Response Menu
determines the disposition of messages you receive.
Enter a menu selection by typing the number associated with the
selection, followed by a carriage return. If you type an invalid
character or no character at all, the menu system defaults to the
last item on the menu. You simply press the carriage return for
common operations.
Main Mail Menu
The main mail menu appears when you enter the mail program and
when any of its options have completed execution. Main mail menu
options are
A simple carriage return or an invalid entry at this level return
you to CP/M or MP/M II command level.
Input Source Menu
The input source menu allows you to specify how message input
is entered into the system. The input source menu has only two
Receive Response Menu
The receive response menu determines the disposition of
messages once the user has examined them. The options are
In addition to the menus, MAIL prompts you for a variety of
inputs. These inputs determine the destination of messages, input
files, and subjects.
Destination ID Prompt
When using the send mail option, MAIL requires an explicit
destination to deliver the message properly. The system prompts for
the destination. The legal value is a 2-digit hexadecimal number,
followed by a carriage return. This value corresponds to a CP/NET
server or requester ID value.
If you enter a value that is not a legal hexadecimal number,
the system displays an error message, and prompts you again. The
system does not check, however, to determine whether a requester or
server with this ID exists on the network.
Subject Prompt
With both the broadcast and send mail options, MAIL prompts for
a subject header. This header is displayed as the title of the
message and is also used for answering mail to the message that is
When the system prompts for subject, you can enter a subject
header from 0 to 80 bytes long, followed by a carriage return.
Input File Prompt
If a preedited file contains the text of a message, MAIL
prompts for the filename. You can then enter a valid CP/M file
specification. If the file specified does not exist, the system
displays an OPEN ERROR, and the program aborts.
Console Input Prompt
If you choose to enter a message directly from the console,
MAIL prompts for input. You can then simply type the message.
Individual message lines can be up to 78 characters long. A
message, whether input from the console or from a file, must be no
longer than 1764 characters, about enough to fill a standard
terminal display. Longer messages are truncated.
To terminate input, the user presses CTRL-Z, followed by a
carriage return.
This section explains how the CP/NET system gathers and
receives mail and how you control the disposition of mail.
The broadcast option sends a message to every node that it can
find logged in to the CP/NET system.
MAIL works differently when it is running on a server under
MP/M II, from the way it works when it is running on a requester
under CP/M or CP/NOS. If a requester is broadcasting, MAIL sends
the specified message to every server on which it is logged in as
well as to every other requester logged in to those servers. If a
server is broadcasting, MAIL sends the message only to every
requester logged in to that server. A server has no means of
initiating transactions with other servers, although it can use its
own local MP/M II system to file mail for its own requesters.
A message cannot be broadcast to the broadcasting node.
To send a message to a given server and its associated
requesters, MAIL must reference that server's temporary file drive
across the network. If a requester has not networked the temporary
file drive of a server, no messages are sent to that server.
When the broadcast option is entered, MAIL prompts you for a
subject and message. When the operation is completed, it returns to
the main menu.
Send Mail
The send mail option sends a message to a specific node in the
CP/NET system. The destination can be either a server or a
requester. If the option is running on a requester, it first
searches the network to see if the node specified is logged in. If
the option finds the node is logged in, it sends the message. if
the option does not find the node, it leaves the message on the
first server located when MAIL searches the local configuration
table. If a destination requester logs in later, its mail will be
waiting for it. Mail files can accumulate that were erroneously
sent to nonexistent requesters or to servers that the requester
sending the message had not logged onto when it sent the message.
If the option is running on a server, mail is left on that
server, whether the node it is being sent to is logged in or not.
Upon selecting the send mail option, MAIL prompts you for a
destination ID, a subject, and for the message itself. MAIL then
attempts to send the message. If MAIL cannot find a server with a
temporary file drive to accept the message, the error NO SERVER MAIL
DRIVE NETWORKED is displayed, and the program aborts.
Receive Mail
The receive mail option permits you to examine messages left
for you on all the servers on which you are currently logged in.
After each message is displayed, you are presented with a number of
message-handling options.
If you are running MAIL on the server, only the mail file on
the server is accessed. However, if MAIL is being run on a
requester, each server to which the requester is logged in is
searched for messages.
Each message is preceded by a header that tells you what node
the message came from and the subject of the message. The actual
message is then displayed. As a message is being displayed, you can
halt the display by pressing CTRL-S and resume display by pressing
CTRL-Q. At the end of the message, bring up the receive response
menu by pressing any key. You can then take one of the options
listed in Table 2-1.
Upon completion of any message-handling options, with the exception
of the reexamine option, the next message is displayed.
In addition to the error messages already mentioned, CP/NET
returns file system errors. These errors display
followed by a filename. After displaying such an error, MAIL
It is possible to get the ERROR OPENING FILE message by
specifying a nonexistent input file for sending or broadcasting a
message. Almost all other instances of the messages, however,
indicate possibly serious trouble with the network, the server file
system, or the mail-handling system.
Section 3 This section provides information for the applications
programmer who wants to write programs to run under CP/NET or to
evaluate the performance and correctness of programs written for
CP/M or MP/M II under the CP/NET operating system.
MP/M II performs all operations on a networked device and makes
file security checks that CP/M does not usually make. Because MP/M
was designed to run unmodified CP/M applications, these checks
seldom prevent the use of a CP/M application under CP/NET.
3.1 CP/NET Interprocessor Message Format
The simple message format that CP/NET uses for interprocessor
communication includes packaging overhead and the message itself.
The packaging overhead is a header consisting of a message format
code, a CP/NET destination address, a CP/NET source address, a CP/M
function code, and a message size. The actual CP/NET message
follows the header.
The message format code is a single byte that specifies the
format of the message itself. Digital Research reserves message
formats 0-127 for general interprocessor message format codes and
future use. The general interprocessor format codes follow the
message format shown below, but differ in length of the individual
fields. (See Appendix B.)
The odd-numbered format codes are for response messages sent
baCk from servers to requesters. Thus, a CP/M disk read function
sent from a requester to a server has a message format code of 0,
and the return code sent back from the server to the requester has a
message format code of 1.
Implement the general interprocessor message formats 0 and 1 as
in Appendix A
because these formats promote standardization among microcomputers
from different vendors.
3.1.2 Message Destination Processor ID
The message destination processor ID field is one byte long.
Destination IDs can be in the range O-0FE hex. An ID of 0FF is
illegal. Many CP/NET utilities use a server destination of 0 as a
default. For this reason, assign the most commonly used network
server a node ID of 0.
3.1.3 Message Source Processor ID
The message source processor ID field is usually one byte long.
The node sending the message always fills this field with its own
ID. Valid source IDs range from 0 to 0FE hex. An ID of 0FF is
The CP/M function code field is one byte long. The size of the
message data field depends on the CP/M function. Each CP/M function
has a specific number of bytes to be sent to the server and a
specific number of bytes to be returned to the requester. Appendix
C provides the logical message specification for each of the CP/M
functions. Some of the CP/M function codes have no equivalent
network function.
The size field is one byte long. The size value has a bias of
1. Thus, a size of 0 specifies an actual size of 1, while a size of
255 specifies an actual size of 256. With a 1-byte size field, the
minimum data field is 1 byte, and the maximum is 256.
The CP/NET message consists of binary data and is from 0 to 256
bytes long. The meaning of the message depends on the format,
function, and size specified by the header.
3.1.7 Additional Packaging Overhead
Some networks might have to modify the standard CP/NET message
to transmit it over the physical network medium, route it to the
proper destination, and ensure its integrity.
For example, the message format shown in
Figure 3-1 contains no
cyclic redundancy code (CRC) or any other error checking as a part
of the packaging overhead. The user-written SNIOS can add the error
checking when it places the message onto the network, and then test
the message when the SNIOS receives a message from the network.
This function is intentionally left to the user, avoiding redundant
error checking where standard interface protocols, both in software
and hardware, might already provide error checking.
The NDOS always constructs messages using format 0. Likewise,
the server processes always expect to receive messages in format 0.
The server sends its response in format 1, which the NDOS requires
to interpret the response. If the SNIOS and NETWRKIF must
communicate using a different format, they must convert all received
messages back into the standard formats 0 and 1.
3.2 Running Applications Transparently under CP/NET
Applications that use local devices under CP/NET use the CP/M 2.2 BDOS file system.
Applications that use networked devices use he MP/M II file system. These operating
systems are largely compatible with each other, so applications written to run under CP/M
should run across the network with no changes.
But there are some differences between the two file systems:
Differences between the CP/M 2.2 BDOS and MP/M II file systems
are more fully described in the following sections.
3.2.1 MP/M II vs. CP/M File Systems
MP/M II is a real-time, multitasking operating system. To
function properly, MP/M II requires a file system capable of sharing
files among multiple processes and resolving access conflicts among
those processes. In contrast, CP/M is a single-task operating
system, so no such conflicts can arise.
One of MP/M II's key methods for maintaining file system
integrity is the File Control Block checksum. The FCB checksum
takes into account the process controlling the FCB, the physical
blocks allocated to the file, whether the file is open in a mode
that allows other processes to share it, and other factors. When
file-related functions are submitted to MP/M II, the checksum is
examined. If the checksum is found to be invalid, MP/M II returns
an error to the calling process.
Mp/M II also returns an error if
Because a single process handles all CP/NET activity on a
server all of these limitations apply to a CP/NET requester
performing file operations on a remote device. These limitations,
however, do not apply to a requester accessing a local device. The
systems implementer should take these factors into account when
designing servers for a CP/NET system.
3.2.2 Error Handling Under CP/NET
Most CP/NET function calls result in specific values returned
in the CPU registers. These values can be pointers to data objects,
bit vectors specifying drive status, directory codes, or success or
error conditions. Directory, success, and error codes are returned
in register A. Pointers and bit vectors are returned in register
HL. Register A is always equal to register L, and register B is
equal to register H for all CP/NET return codes.
Error Handling for Local Devices
When a CP/NET requester performs a local file operation, the
function parameters pass untouched to the CP/M BDOS. The BDOS
checks those parameters for validity and calls the BIOS to perform
physical I/O functions. Two types of errors can arise from these
local operations.
The BDOS can detect certain logical problems with a file
function and return a logical error. If it does, an error code is
returned in register A, but the calling application program is
allowed to continue.
A physical error is returned when the BIOS is unable to
successfully perform a physical operation requested by the BDOS.
When the BDOS is presented with a physical error, it prints the
following message on the console:
where <x> is the drive referenced when the error occurred, and
<error message> is one of the four following errors:
After the physical error message is printed, the BDOS waits for the
user to respond to the error with one of two actions. Pressing
CTRL-C causes the BDOS to perform a warm boot, aborting the program.
Pressing any other key causes the BDOS to ignore the physical error
and continue as if it had not occurred.
For a more complete discussion of CP/M 2.x errors, see the CP/M
Operating System Manual, published by Digital Research.
Error Handling for Network Devices
When an application references a networked device, the MP/M II
server performs the actual file operation and returns a message
defining whether the operation was successful or not. Unlike the
local case, the requester has only indirect knowledge of any error
status. Direct physical error indications are impossible to obtain
because a requester has no contact with the MP/M II XIOS. Instead,
if an error occurs, MP/M II returns a message indicating that an
error occurred and the type of error it was.
When referencing a remote device, the two types of errors
possible under CP/NET are logical errors and extended errors.
Like logical errors under local CP/M, logical network errors
define nonfatal error conditions, such as reading past the end of a
file or attempting to open a nonexistent file. Some serious error
conditions are returned as logical errors for functions that expect
to process their own errors. These functions are
Errors for these functions are returned in the return code field of
a CP/NET message. The NDOS formats this field into register A, so
the condition code upon return to the application program looks
exactly as it does under local CP/M.
Some of the following codes can be returned in register A for
each of the preceding functions:
Extended errors indicate that a potentially fatal condition has
occurred during the execution of an MP/M II function. The condition
can be a physical error, similar to the physical errors that can
occur under CP/M. Or the condition can be an error produced by the
file system, indicating that the specified operation violates the
integrity of the file system.
When an extended error occurs under MP/M II, the default mode
of operation displays the extended error message on the console
attached to the calling process, and the process aborts, MP/M II
provides, however, for returning extended errors to the calling
process without aborting that process. In this return error mode,
register A is set to FF hexadecimal, and register H contains the
extended error code.
The CP/NET server uses return error mode because if the server
aborted, it could not communicate further with the requester it was
servicing until MP/M II was restarted. When the server detects an
extended error, it constructs a special CP/NET message. The message
is two bytes long, with the first byte (the return code) set to FF.
The second byte is set to the extended error code.
When the requester detects one of these special messages, it
checks the error mode set by the application program with Function
45 (Set BDOS Error Mode). There are three possible modes:
If the NDOS is in default mode, it prints the following error
where <xx> is the extended error code in hexadecimal, and <yy> is
the function being performed when the error occurred, also in
hexadecimal. The NDOS then performs a warm boot, aborting thc
In return error mode, the NDOS does not display a message or
abort the program. Instead, the NDOS sets register A to FF and
register H to the extended error code; then it returns to the
application program.
If an extended error is detected in return and display error
mode, the NDOS displays the error message on the console. But the
NDOS does not abort the program, setting the registers in the same
manner as return error mode.
Function 45 (Set BDOS Error Mode) does not exist under CP/M.
Because of this, most CP/M applications automatically run in default
mode. If an extended error occurs, these applications abort.
The following extended error codes can be returned to the NDOS:
Extended error 0C hex is returned, not by MP/M II, but by the
server itself. This error indicates that the server is unable to
process an otherwise valid CP/NET message, either because the
requester is not logged in to that server or because the function
code contained in the message is invalid.
Extended error FF can result only from two special functions,
Get Allocation Vector Address and Get Disk Parameter Address.
Because these functions return a pointer in register pair HL, it is
not possible to detect a regular extended error. Instead, these
functions return an FFFF value in HL if a physical error occurs.
Not all CP/NET functions are capable of returning extended
errors. However, extended error 0C can be returned on any function,
even on MP/M II functions that normally have no extended error
associated with them. If an extended error is returned for such a
function, the NDOS ignores it. The following functions can result
in the performance of a network access but cannot produce an
extended error:
Any other function can cause a program to abort if an MP/M II
extended error occurs, if an unsupported function is passed to the
server, or if the server is not logged in.
3.2.3 Temporary Filename Translation
Many common application programs use temporary files. The
names of these files often have the form FILENAME.$$$ or $$$.SUB.
When multiple copies of these applications run on different
requesters logged on to the same server, a number of these temporary
files can have the same name, causing extended MP/M II errors that
abort the application program.
To solve this problem, each requester's NDOS recognizes
temporary filenames destined for networked drives and implicitly
renames them, so the filename an application presents to the
operating system is not the one the NDOS presents to the MP/M II
file system.
Each occurrence of the string $$$ in the first three bytes of a
filename, as well as any filetype of $$$, forms a CP/NET message
with a filename or filetype of $<xx>, where <xx> is the ASCII
representation of the requester ID byte. Because all requesters
have a unique ID, this modification guarantees the uniqueness of
temporary filenames.
This modification is transparent to the calling application
program. When the NDOS modifies a filename in a CP/NET message, it
converts the filename back to its original form before updating the
application's FCB. The only possible change to the FCB is that
interface attributes set in the high-order bits of the filename
strings modified are reset. This change poses no problems if
temporary files are truly temporary. Treat temporary files like
Read-Write files with the DIR attribute; delete them before the
application program terminates.
Functions 17 (Search For First Directory Entry) and 18 (Search
For Next Directory Entry) do not perform temporary filename
translation when referencing a networked drive. If a user creates
file with a temporary filename and then attempts to locate it within
his directory, this can be confusing.
For example, suppose that a user working on requester 5A enters
the command:
Then the user enters a DIR command. The file previously renamed
appears as
in the directory.
If a temporary file is referenced on a drive that is local to
the CP/NET system, the filename passes unmodified to the BDOS. -No
conversion is necessary, because there is no possibility of
3.2.4 Opening System Files on User 0
Under MP/M II, a requester running in a user number other than
0 can access certain networked files in user 0. If an MP/M II file
has its t2' interface attribute set, the file is a system file. If
a networked file is opened in locked or Read-Only mode from a
nonzero user number, the following actions are taken:
The user of a CP/NET requester can make convenient use of these
options. Because the CCP.SPR always opens files in Read-Only mode,
all COM files can be placed in user 0 and marked as system files,
making them accessible to all user numbers.
Because this facility does not exist under CP/M 2.x, all COM
files on local devices must exist within the user numbers from which
they are to be executed.
3.2.5 Compatibility Attributes
Because of MP/M II's added file security, applications written
under CP/M might not work properly under MP/M II. Two basic factors
contribute to the incompatibility. The first is the FCB checksum
computation that MP/M II performs on open FCBs. Certain CP/M
applications modify their FCBs in a way that makes their checksums
invalid. Second, MP/M II defaults to opening all files in locked
mode, allowing only one process to have a file open at a time.
Although files can be opened in an unlocked or shared mode, an
application must explicitly specify that the file is to be opened
unlocked. CP/M applications have no knowledge of this procedure.
To enable CP/M applications to run unmodified under MP/M II, a
system of compatibility attributes has been added. This feature is
supported under CP/NET. Using compatibility attributes, a user can
selectively disable parts of the MP/M II file security mechanism.
When a requester's CCP opens a COM file for loading and
subsequent execution, it examines the high-order bits of the first,
second, third, and fourth bytes of the filename. These bits are
referred to as interface attributes Fl', F2', F3', and F4'. The CCP
constructs a byte based on the interface attribute set. It then
uses this byte as'a parameter for Function 70 (Set Compatibility
Attributes) . Function 70 causes the NDOS to send a logical
compatibility attribute message to every server of which it has
Table 3-1 defines the interface attributes.
The CCP uses the interface attributes to construct a one-byte
parameter for the set compatibility attributes call by setting the
following bits:
All other bits are set to zero.
The set compatibility attributes logical message causes the
server to change its process descriptor if the user has enabled
compatibility attributes during the MP/M II GENSYS operation.
Otherwise, the message is ignored.
When an application program terminates, the CCP resets all
compatibility attributes. This prevents a subsequent program from
operating in an environment with insufficient file security.
It is advisable to enable the minimum number of compatibility
attributes necessary to allow a program to run properly. Use the
following guidelines for setting the attributes:
You can use the SET utility under MP/M II to enter
compatibility interface attributes into a .COM file's directory entry
from an MP/M II console. For example,
If you cannot use MP/M II, you can set the interface attributes
under program control using Function 30 (Set File Attributes).
3.2.6 Password Protection Under CP/NET
The MP/M II file system limits file access by unprivileged
users through password protection for individual files. There are
three levels of password protection for files:
Use the SET utility to assign passwords under MP/M II. The
procedure for assigning passwords is described in the MP/M II
Operating System User' s Guide. CP/NET does not support the
assignment of passwords across the network.
CP/NET does, however, allow an application program to send a
Password across the network when a file is opened. This allows a
user on a CP/NET requester the most basic form of password support:
operation on networked files that have been previously password
If a read-protected file is opened and no password is
specified, an extended error is returned across the network, and the
Calling application aborts. The same error is also returned when an
application attempts to write to a write-protected file for which no
password was provided when the file was opened. Finally, any
attempt to delete, rename, or change the attributes of a delete
protected file without providing a password results in an extended
CP/NET also supports Function 106 (Set Default Password).
Function 106 provides a password against which all protected files
are checked if no password is provided or if the password is
incorrect. This function can relieve an application of the
responsibility to parse passwords constantly into the first eight bytes
of the current DMA buffer.
CCP.SPR does not support MP/M II's facility of supplying
passwords when the user enters a command line. Because of this, do
not password-protect COM files unless a default password utility is
provided to the user.
Because CP/M 2.x does not support any kind of file protection,
passwords are ignored when referencing files on drives local to a
CP/NET requester.
3.2.7 Networked List and Console Devices Under CP/NET
In addition to the 16 disk devices, CP/NET allows the user to
map the list and console devices across the network. A number of
requesters can share a printer, or a console can be logically
attached to a completely independent system running CP/NET or
CP/NOS. Such a system needs only a network interface to support
full CP/M capability.
Unlike most requester BDOS calls, whether a console or list
device is local or networked is determined, not at the BDOS
intercept level, but at the BIOS-intercept level. This feature
enables application programs to make direct BIOS calls for console
and printer I/O and to continue to run transparently across the
List device I/O is handled in the following manner: when the
BIOS call is made to LISTOUT, the NDOS traps it. The NDOS examines
the configuration table to determine whether the list device is
local to the CP/NET system or networked. If the list device is
local, the call is passed through to the BIOS unchanged.
If the list device is networked, however, the NDOS stores the
character to be listed in a special buffer, located directly below
the requester configuration table. When 128 characters are stored,
the NDOS sends a List Output logical message to the server upon
which the list device is mapped. This buffering process improves
system performance because one-character messages that would congest
the network communication interfaces need not be sent between each
requester and server.
Under CP/M, there is no need to tell the list device when a
listing is complete because only one application can list at a time,
and that application has complete control of the device during that
time. Under CP/NET, however, more than one requester can share a
printer. So a mechanism must be included to notify the server that
a listing is done and that the list device is available to other
A special provision must be included so a partially filled list
buffer can be flushed to the server when a listing is finished, and
so the server can release the list device. Endlist, a special
character equal to FF hex, is intercepted by the NDOS as the signal
to terminate a listing.
The endlist character can come from one of four sources:
The server can handle listing in two different modes. If the module
SPOOL.RSP is present in MP/M II, the server takes all list output
messages and writes them to a dedicated spooler file. When the
server detects an endlist, it inserts a CTRL-Z end-of-file character
into the message, closes the spooler file, and directs the SPOOL
process to begin printing the file on the appropriate list device
If a SPOOL process is not resident under MP/M II, the server,
upon receiving an initial list out message, performs an explicit
attach list function on the specified list device. This prevents
other requesters from using the list device until the requester
being serviced is finished listing. All other requesters are
suspended or receive network errors if they try to use the same list
device. When the server finally receives the endlist character, it
issues a detach list function, freeing the list device for another
Both server modes have potential disadvantages. A printer that
uses a CTRL-Z as an escape sequence for special printing functions
cannot be used with the SPOOL.RSP. Using CTRL-Z causes the spooler
to terminate a print job prematurely, assuming that an end-of-file
was encountered. On the other hand, explicit attaching and
detaching of list devices can cause a network error if a requester
attempts to attach a list device that is already in use, has its
server become suspended, and eventually times out.
Console I/O cannot be buffered and sent across the network in
large blocks because it is not possible to determine when input
critical to the operation of an application is needed. The NDOS
must therefore send such I/O across the network one character at a
As with list output, the NDOS traps console-related BIOS calls.
The NDOS determines whether the console is local or networked. If
the console is local, no action is taken, and the local BIOS is
entered. If the console is networked, a raw or unfiltered console
I/O message is sent to the server. The server performs the I/O
function and sends a response back to the requester.
If a networked console is used with CP/NET, the system behaves
unreliably when the console is also being used as a regular MP/M II
terminal because MP/M II allocates a Terminal Message Process
(TMP) to each known user console. Both a server process and a TMP
can be waiting for input from the same console. Because of this,
typed characters can be echoed normally, doubly echoed, or not
echoed at all. The actual processes might or might not receive
every character.
A networked console user should also be aware that, because
each character must be sent over the network, networked consoles
drastically degrade the performance of the entire CP/NET system.
Networked consoles are not recommended unless there is no way to
support a local console, as in certain industrial process-control
The CTRL-P facility of CP/M is partially handled by the NDOS.
The NDOS must know when CTRL-P is active because it must send an
endlist character when the facility terminates. If the CCP detects
that CTRL-P is active, it will not send an endlist, even if a
program terminates.
3.3 CP/NET Function Extensions to CP/M
Applications accessing networked drives use the MP/M II file
system to perform file operations. Many of those operations have
slightly different meanings than they do under CP/M. For example,
by setting the high-order bits of an FCB filename, a file can be
opened or made in locked mode, unlocked mode, or Read-Only mode.
CP/NET also allows an application to place a password in the current
DMA buffer for opening password-protected files. Similarly, a close
operation can perform either a permanent close or a partial close.
The return codes and side-effects of MP/M II functions also
differ. Error-handling differences are discussed in Section 3.2.2.
The open and make functions also differ. These functions return a
two-byte value, called the file ID, in the random record field of
the opened FCB. The file ID is necessary for performing record
locking functions.
For a complete description of how individual CP/M functions
work under MP/M II, see the MP/M II Operating System Programmer's
This section describes CP/NET functions that have no
counterpart under CP/M. These include MP/M II functions that do not
exist under CP/M, as well as a set of dedicated CP/NET functions.
All of these functions adhere to exactly the same calling
conventions as the rest of CP/M and all follow the same conventions
regarding return codes.
The Access Drive function inserts a dummy open file item in the
stem lock list for each drive specified in the drive vector. The
drive vector is a 16-bit vector in which each possible drive is
presented. Bit 0 represents drive A:, bit 1, drive B:, continuing
through 15 for drive P:.
The NDOS separates the drive vector into a number of drive
vectors, one per server that the NDOS can find in the requester's
configuration table. The NDOS then sends a logical message to each
of these servers. If any of these messages result in an extended
error- thp funni-inn Ahc-)ri--,- [Sorry; I just don't know what to make of
that last bit. --Ed]
If a server's system lock list does not have enough room to fit
all the dummy items for all the drives specified, or if the open
file limit for the server process is exceeded, none of the items is
inserted and Function 38 returns an extended error.
Because the NDOS sends messages to each server in sequence, an
extended error on one server does not indicate that servers accessed
previously failed to insert open file items. This differs from
MP/M II, where only one file system controls the entire lock list.
Note that drives might have to be freed after a failure resulting
from an access drive call.
If the NDOS is in return error mode, an error condition on
function 38 causes register A to be set to 0FFH, and register H
contains one of the following codes:
Because Function 38 is meaningless to local drives under
CP/NET, no call to the local BDOS is made.
The Free Drive function purges servers' lock lists of all items
pertaining to the drives specified. The drive vector is a 16-bit
vector in which each possible drive is represented. Bit 0
represents drive A:, bit 1, drive B:, continuing through 15 for
drive P:.
Because dummy drive accesses, locked records, and open files
are all purged, close all important files before issuing the free
drive call. Otherwise, a checksum error is returned on the next
file access, and data might be lost.
The CP/NET CCP issues a free drive every time a program
terminates. This prevents the server process associated with the
requester from becoming clogged with useless files.
Because Free Drive is meaningless under CP/M, the operating
system ignores entries in the drive vector that specify drives local
to the requester.
Free Drive has no error return.
The Lock Record function grants a requester exclusive write
access to a specific record of a file opened in unlocked mode.
Using this function, any number of requester processes can
simultaneously update a common file.
To lock a record, a requester application must place the
logical record number to be locked in the random record field of the
file's FCB. The file ID number, a two-byte value that is returned
in the random record field when a file is opened in unlocked mode,
must be placed in the first two bytes of the current DMA buffer.
When the lock function is called, a pointer to the FCB must exist in
register pair DE.
The record to be locked must reside within a block currently
allocated for the file. The lock fails if the record is locked by
another process or requester. This prevents two processes from
simultaneously updating the same record and leaving it in an
indeterminate state.
If a file was opened in locked mode, the Lock Record function
always returns successfully, but no explicit action is taken because
the whole file is locked in the first place.
To use the Lock Record function, follow these steps:
The Lock Record function returns a 0 in register A if
successful. Otherwise, the Lock Record function returns one of the
following error codes in register A:
These extended errors can occur:
The Lock Record function has no meaning when a drive local to
the requester is referenced. The function returns with register A
set to 0.
The Unlock Record function releases a previously locked record,
allowing it to be locked and written to by another requester. The
record to be unlocked must be placed in the random record field of
the file's FCB. The file ID is a two-byte value that is returned in
the random field when a file is opened in unlocked mode. The file
ID must be placed in the first two bytes of the current DMA buffer.
Register pair DE must contain a pointer to the FCB.
The Unlock Record function returns successfully if
In all these cases, no action is performed.
Do not unlock a record until the requester's application
program has finished updating the locked record and has written it
back out to the file. Otherwise, another process might
inadvertently destroy the updated information.
The Unlock Record function returns a 0 in register A if
Successful. Otherwise, the function returns one of the following
error codes in register A:
These extended errors can occur:
CP/NET User's Guide
LOGIN {password}{[mstrID]}
is an optional 8 ASCII-character password; the
default password is PASSWORD. [mstrID]
is an optional two-digit
server processor ID; the default is [00]. The simplest form is
LOGOFF {[mstrID]}
is an optional two-digit server processor ID; the
default is [00]. The most simple form is
NETWORK {local dev} {=} {server dev{[srvrID]}}
where local dev
server dev is the specification of a server device such
as A:, B: ... P: in the case of a disk device or 0, 1 .... 15 in the
case of CON: or LST:. A missing server dev
defaults to 0 in the
case of CON: or LST:. [srvrID]
is an optional two-digit hexadecimal
server processor ID. The default is [00]. Typical assignments
A>NETWORK LST:=3[07] (list dev #3 on server 07)
A>NETWORK CON:=2 (console #2 on dflt srvr)
A>NETWORK B:=D:[F] (logical B: is D: on server 0F)
LOCAL {local dev}
local dev
is the specification of a local device such as LST: ,
A:,... CON:. The following are typical assignments:
DSKRESET {drive(s)}
is a list of the drive names to be reset. If any of
the drives specified cannot be reset, the console displays the
***Reset Failed***
A>DSKRESET (resets all drives)
A>DSKRESET B:,F: (reset drive B: and F:)
1 - Broadcast
2 - Send Mail
3 - Receive Mail
4 - Exit Program
1 - File
2 - Console Input
1 - Stop Receiving Mail
2 - Answer Message
3 - Delete Message From Mail File
4 - Answer Message, Then Delete
5 - Re-Examine Last Message
6 - Get Next Message
CP/NET Programmer's Guide
BDOS Err on <x>:
<error message>
20 Read Sequential
21 Write Sequential
33 Read Random
34 Write Random
40 Write Random with Zero Fill
42 Lock Record
43 Unlock Record
00 Function Successful
01 Reading Unwritten Data or No Directory Space Available
02 No Available Data Block (Disk Full)
03 Cannot Close Current Extent
04 Seek to Unwritten Extent
05 No Directory Space Available
06 Random Record Greater than 3FFFF
08 Record Locked by Another Process
09 Invalid FCB
0A FCB Checksum Error
0B File Verify Error
0C Record Lock Limit Exceeded
0D Invalid File ID
0E No Room in System Lock List
NDOS Err <xx>, Func <yy>
01 Bad Sector--Permanent Disk Error
02 Read-Only Disk
03 Read-Only File
04 Drive Select Error
05 File Open by Another Process in Locked Mode
06 Close Checksum Error
07 Password Error
08 File Already Exists
09 Illegal ? in an FCB
0A Open File Limit Exceeded
0B No Room in System Lock List
0C Requester not Logged on to Server or Function Not Implemented on Server
FF Unspecified Physical Error
1 Console Input
2 Console Output
5 List Output
9 Print String
10 Read Console Buffer
24 Return Login Vector
28 Write Protect Disk
29 Get Read-Only Vector
37 Reset Drive
39 Free Drive
64 Login
66 Send Message on Network
67 Receive Message on Network
70 Set Compatibility Attributes
106 Set Default Password
REN $$$.$$$=BLAH.TMP
SET <filespec> [Fl=ON,F3=ON]
Prevents Drives from Being Reset
Register Value
Entry Parameters C 26H
DE Drive Vector
Return Values A Return Code
H Extended Error
0A Open File Limit Exceeded
0B No Room in the System Lock List
0C Server Not Logged In
Free Specified Disk Drives
Register Value
Entry Parameters C 27H
DE Drive Vector
Lock Records in a File
Register Value
Entry Parameters C 2AH
DE FCB Address
Return Values A Return Code
H Extended Error
01 Reading Unwritten Data
03 Cannot Close Current Extent to Access Extent Specified
04 Seek to an Unwritten Extent
06 Random Record Number Greater than 3FFFF
08 Record Locked by Another Process
0A FCB Checksum Error
0B Unlock File Verification Error
0C Process Record Lock Limit Exceeded
0D Invalid File ID in the DMA Buffer
0E No Room on the System Lock List
FF Extended Error
01 Permanent Error
04 Select Error
0C Requester Not Logged In to Server
Unlock Records in a File
Register Value
Entry Parameters C 2BH
DE FCB Address
Return Values A Return Code
H Extended Error
01 Reading Unwritten Data
03 Cannot Close Current Extent to Access Extent Specified
04 Seek to an Unwritten Extent
06 Random Record Number Greater than 3FFFF
0A FCB Checksum Error
0B Unlock File Verification Error
0D Invalid File ID in the DMA Buffer
FF Extended Error
01 Permanent Error
04 Select Error
0C Server Not Logged In
Defines CP/NET Error Handling | ||
Register | Value | |
Entry Parameters | C | 2DH |
E | Error Mode |
The Set BDOS Error Mode function provides the NDOS with these options:
All requester application programs are initially loaded in a default environment that causes the NDOS to abort on extended errors and to display the extended error code. Use Function 45 to change this default mode, according to the contents of register E.
Function 45 is not implemented across the network. The NDOS
maintains its own internal error mode flag and acts upon returning
network messages according to that flag.
The Set BDOS Error Mode function has no effect on physical
errors returned by the requester's local BIOS. These errors always
display an error message, then they give the user the option of
aborting the application program or continuing.
The Login function identifies a requester to a server and
initiates a session with that server. The Login function must
always be successfully called before a requester can access a
serverls resources. Register pair DE must contain a pointer to a
data structure that contains the following two fields:
The NDOS uses this structure to construct a logical LOGIN
message to the server specified. Only the LOGIN message can be
passed to the SERVER module without generating an extended error 0C,
requester not logged in.
The server checks to see whether the password matches the
password defined in the server configuration table. The server then
scans the configuration table to find out whether logging in another
requester exceeds the number of servers present in the system. If a
server exists for the requester, and the password matches, the NDOS
returns a 0 in register A. Otherwise, an error is flagged by
returning an 0FFH in register A. The NDOS also returns a 0 in
register A if the requester is already logged in.
The Logoff function completes a session and breaks the logical
binding between the server specified in register E and the calling
requester. Once a Logoff has been performed, the server process is
free to begin a session with another requester, if the the server's
NETWRKIF can support the dynamic binding of requester nodes to
server processes.
Function 65 returns a 0 if successful. It returns an extended
error 0C, requester not logged on to server, if unsuccessful.
The Send Message on Network function sends messages across the
network that might have no defined function on the MP/M II server.
This allows applications to be written under CP/NET that use non
CP/NET messages. Point-to-point communications packages, special
electronic mail systems, implementation of requester synchronization
functions, and special print spooling systems are examples of such
To use Function 66, the address of the message to be sent must
be passed in register pair DE. The message pointed to might have
the standard CP/NET structure of FMT, DID, SID, FNC, SIZ, and MSG,
or it might take some nonstandard format. In the latter case, the
SNIOS must be able to recognize the nonstandard message and send it
Unlike the usual CP/NET session protocol, the Send Message on
Network function does not automatically attempt to receive a
response to the message that was sent. So an application can send
throw-away messages that do not require a logical acknowledgment or
response. You can also define message types that can be broadcast
to every node in the network.
If an application requires a logical response to a message sent
using Function 66, make an explicit call to Function 67 (Receive
Message on Network).
As a rule, set the FMT field of the message header of any
nonstandard message sent through a CP/NET system to a value other
than those reserved for use by Digital Research. Future releases
can then run applications using Function 66, with minimal
Function 66 returns an FF in registers A, H, and L if a network
error occurred and the message was not sent.
The Receive Message on Network function is the counterpart of
Function 66, Send Message on Network. Invoke it immediately after
performing a send message if a logical response is expected.
Function 67 can also be used to wait for an unsolicited message from
another node.
To use Function 67, an application must pass a pointer to a
buffer area into which the message can be received in register DE.
Upon return, registers A, H, and L are set to OFFH if the function
failed to receive the message properly.
Like Function 66, Function 67 can handle nonstandard messages
across a CP/NET network, provided that the requester's SNIOS is
equipped to handle them. For a more detailed discussion on how to
use Functions 66 and 67, see section 3.4.
The Get Network Status function returns the configuration
table's network status byte in register A. It also resets any error
conditions in the status byte.
For a description of the fields contained in the network status
byte, see Section 4.2.1.
The Get Configuration Table Address function returns the
address of the requester configuration table maintained in the
SNIOS. Using this function, an application can dynamically modify
the mappings of devices across the network. The utilities NETWORK
and LOCAL use Function 69 to accomplish this kind of modification
For a description of the fields in the configuration table, see
Section 4.2.2.
The Set Compatibility Attributes function selectively disables
the file security mechanism on all MP/M II servers to which the
calling requester has networked drives. This allows certain
applications that run under CP/M but not under the MP/M II file
system to run under CP/NET and access networked devices.
The CCP.SPR checks the compatibility interface attributes of
all COM files that it loads for execution and performs a Set
Compatibility Attributes function based on the pattern it finds.
This is the only time to use this function. Applications should not
modify their compatibility mode in midexecution. Doing so might
produce unpredictable results.
The compatibility attribute byte is set according to the
interface attributes found in the COM file's name. The following
attributes cause the corresponding bits to be set in register E
prior to the call to Function 70:
For a complete description of how to use compatibility attributes,
see Section 3.2.5.
Function 70 has no error return. Extended error messages from
servers to which the requester is not logged in are ignored.
The Get Server Configuration Table Address function returns a
pointer to parts of the specified server's configuration table. The
ID of the server to be examined is passed in register E prior to
calling Function 71, and a pointer to the received information is
returned in register pair HL.
The data structure addressed by HL has the following format:
information is identical with that
contained in the server
conguration table, except that the login password has been
[?? --Ed], and a byte containing the server's temporary
file drive has
added to the front of the table.
Function 71 can determine whether other requesters are logged
into a server. The temporary file drive can be used when an
application wants to leave a file on a server but does not know the
capacity or type of the server's disk drives. The MAIL
utility makes frequent use of Function 71.
The server configuration table is returned across the network
in a Special buffer in the NDOS. If more than one call is to be
made to Function 71, and the calls reference a different server each
tim, the buffer is overwritten by each successive call. If an
application must examine more than one server configuration table at
once the table must be copied down into a buffer defined by the
If Function 71 passes a server ID to which the calling
user is not logged on, an extended error 0C, requester not
logged in, is returned.
The Set Default Password function allows an application to
specify a password that is checked if an incorrect password is
presented during an Open File function. If a file is password
protected, MP/M II first checks for a password in the current DMA
buffer. If no match is found, MP/M II then checks the default
password set by Function 106. If MP/M II finds a match, it allows
the requested operation to succeed. Otherwise, MP/M II returns an
When Function 106 is performed on a requester, the requester's
NDOS attempts to set the default password on every server to which a
drive is networked by that requester. Since Function 106 has no
error return, extended requester not logged in errors are ignored
Each server process uses an MP/M II default password slot,
starting with console 0 and using as many slots as there are
requesters supported.
The default password set by Function 106 persists until another
default password is set.
In addition to running standard CP/M applications packages on a
CP/NET requester, you can implement special applications using the
network functions available in CP/NET. The applications can handle
message processing in a distributed environment. Examples include
high-performance print spoolers, node-to-node transfer utilities,
and network management tools.
Using Functions 66 (Send Message on Network) and 67 (Receive
Message on Network) , you can define an entire set of specialized
messages to provide network functions. These messages must be
recognized and processed by the SNIOS and NETWRKIF, but once
implemented, they can be used by application programs as though they
were functions themselves.
Suppose a specific network application requires a print spooler
that provides special formatting features. You can write an
application program that creates messages with a special code in the
format byte of the CP/NET message header. When the application
wants to spool data to the special spooler on the server, it uses
Function 66 to send the data.
On the server side, the NETWRKIF must be capable of recognizing
the specially defined format code. When the NETWRKIF sees this
format, instead of routing the message to a server process, it
writes the message to a special queue. The actual spooler can
reside as a process under MP/M II. The spooler reads the queue and
spools the data.
Notice that Functions 66 and 67 are independent of the logical
protocol of CP/NET, where every message sent by a requester implies
that the requester waits to receive the message. This independence
permits an application using a feature like a special spooler to
return immediately after sending its message. The application need
not wait for a logical acknowledgment.
Another convenient application is a file copy program that
works without server intervention. Under the regular CP/NET
protocol, the only way to copy a f ile on a local requester drive to
the local drive of another requester is first to copy the file to a
common networked drive, then copy it back to the other requester's
drive. This is inefficient.
Instead, suppose that the users of the two requesters agree to
cooperate in the copying of the file. They can do this by sending
each other mail. One user invokes an application program called
RECEIVE, while the other brings up an application program called
The SEND program merely reads the file into memory, then
sequentially sends it to the other requester, using Function 66.
The SEND program might or might not request verification from the
receiving requester via Function 67. In the meantime, the RECEIVE
program reads the messages from the network. No server intervention
is required; only the two SNIOS modules of the requester are
involved in the transmission. Even though the two requesters are
only capable of sequential processing, they are still able to send
and receive messages synchronously. This application does not
require modif ications to the SNIOS and NETWRKIF; the standard CP/NET
protocol is sufficient, because such applications never reference
the server.
Finally, a complex network might require automatic system
monitoring and maintenance utilities. Using special message
formats, you can design a set of messages that check which drives
are usable on various servers, compute the best path from a
requester to a given server and back, and notify the system's users
of servers and requesters going on or off line. These messages can
be handled automatically by the SNIOS or NETWRKIF software, or they
can be implemented under the control of special application
The requester's NDOS and the server's SERVER module are key
components in the logical structure of the CP/NET operating system.
These modules, however, do not deal with the physical problems of
moving a logical message from the source requester to the
destination server and back again. Implementing this task varies
depending on network topology, hardware, and the characteristics of
the host computer systems. These modules are therefore not portable
from machine to machine. You must customize them.
This section provides the network systems implementer with the
information necessary to design and implement a CP/NET system
efficiently. Section 4 is divided into four parts.
Section 4.1
discusses general network design issues that affect CP/NET
implementation. Section 4.2
details how to implement the requester
network software, the SNIOS.SPR. Section 4.3
discusses the design
and implementation of the server communications software, the
NETWRKIF.RSP. Section 4.4 describes
the design of a CP/NET server
that runs under an operating system other than MP/M II. Appendixes
to this manual contain several example network communications
4.1 General Network Considerations
This section explains some of the basic functions of network
communications software and describes, in the most general way, how
communications software fits into the overall architecture. If any
of the material in this section is unfamiliar to you, consult one of
the many excellent textbooks available on modern networking
technology. Theoretical knowledge can help you enormously in the
design and implementation of your network system.
4.1.1 Functions of the CP/NET Physical Modules
The SNIOS and NETWRKIF modules function on four levels. At the
lowest level, they must handle the physical transfer of a bit stream
from one network node to another. This physical layer must take
into account the I/O port numbers being used for communication, the
physical characteristics of the network medium, network contention
schemes, and other factors.
The next layer of functions must address the problem of getting
complete messages from one node to another with no errors or
redundant data. This data-link layer takes the bit stream from the
physical layer and processes it according to its own protocol.
If any routing from node to node is required, you must include,
a network-level protocol. The network layer can be as simple as
identifying when a message is destined for a particular node, or it
can perform complex store-and-forward operations, compute the best
route from node to node, and maintain open circuits for nodes that
want to communicate.
The last layer the SNIOS and NETWRKIF must address provides an
interface between the low-level communications software and the
logical level operating system software. In the SNIOS, this layer
must transport messages to and from the NDOS. In the NETWRKIF, the
transport layer reads and writes message from and to the appropriate
server queues.
The layered architecture presented here can be indistinct in
implementations, with single subroutines sometimes handling all four
layers at once. Figure 4-1
shows the relationship of the various
layers to the network interface. Notice that the physical, data
link, and network layers might have to participate in the interface
to recover information to perform their functions.
Notice also the interfaces between the various levels. As a
message migrates through the layers, the data in the message can
change. The interface between the physical layer and the data-link
layer yields bit or character data; the message itself is
incomplete. The interface between the data-link and network layers
produces messages, but the messages might contain routing
information irrelevant to the transport layer. When a message
reaches the transport layer, it might be in a format unusable by the
higher logical layers of the operating system. only when the
message is passed to those logical layers must it be complete and in
the standard format of a CP/NET message.
The architecture described above corresponds to the four lowest
layers of the network model described by the International Standards
Organization (ISO). However, there are some slight differences.
For example, the ISO definition of the transport layer concerns
itself mostly with migrating messages from a centralized network
controller to one of many possible hosts. In the model described
above, the transport layer deals with moving messages that have
already reached a host into the correct portion of the operating
system. The model in Figure 4-1
is the basis for the following,
more detailed discussion.
4.1.2 Interfacing a Computer to a Network
All network nodes need some method of controlling the
communication functions that take place on the communications medium
of the network. The simplest method is to have the node's CPU
directly control all network communications protocols.
In this case, the network interface is a direct line into the
host computer. When the communications software is called upon to
send a message, the CPU must initiate the message, possibly waiting
for an appropriate handshake response from the destination node.
The CPU must then transmit the message, receive and process any
acknowledgments, and determine whether the message should be
retransmitted. If the node is receiving a message, it must, under
program control, detect when the sender is trying to initiate a
message, perform any handshake with the sender, receive the message,
verify its correctness, and provide acknowledgment. All these tasks
must be performed using programmed I/O operations or possibly some
form of DMA for parts of the transmission or reception.
These tasks can take up a significant amount of the CPU's
processing power. For an SNIOS, this is not a problem, because the
NDOS is idle in the time interval after a message is sent and before
the response is received. For a NETWRKIF, however, the multitasking
nature of the server can result in serious performance degradation.
Another drawback to this method is that it places the burden of
engineering communications software on the host systems implementer.
This software can be extremely costly to develop for a high
performance network.
The principal advantage of this method is its simplicity. If
two computers have spare RS-232 ports, you can network them together
with no special hardware. Many simple protocols can be readily
modified to provide low-performance networks at low cost. Such a
protocol is provided in Appendix E.
For higher-performance networks, it might be necessary to
relieve the host CPU of the burden of physical, data-link, and
network processing. In this case, an intelligent network
communications controller can be useful. Many such controllers are
available, and there is a variety of methods of interfacing them to
a host computer.
An intelligent communications controller can perform all
physical and data-link processing, as well as many network layer
functions, with no host CPU intervention. The SNIOS and NETWRKIF
modules must be concerned only with a nominal amount of network
routing, if necessary, and with the problem of transporting the
message from the controller. Because the communications controller
can transfer data to the host at high speed with high reliability,
the host's transport layer can be very simple and requires little
CPU time. Appendix G
provides a CP/NET implementation utilizing an
intelligent network controller.
Intelligent controllers require special hardware that must be
added to the host computer. Interfacing this hardware is not always
possible. In addition, each network node needs a controller. This
can be expensive.
CP/NET also works in multiprocessor environments, both loosely
coupled and tightly coupled. A loosely coupled system can send
messages via a high-speed, reliable bus. This reduces the data-link
problem, so simply transferring data is often sufficient to ensure
the message's integrity. Tightly coupled processors can share
memory, so messages can be sent between nodes by mapping memory from
one processor to another.
4.1.3 Developing a Network Layer
Because CP/NET is independent of the network used, the
communication modules must be modified to support various network
topologies. The NETWRKIF that supports a multidrop, contention
network is different from the one that supports an active hub-star
Some CP/NET configurations require extremely complex
interconnections. Messages destined for one server might have to
pass unmodified through several servers or requesters before they
reach their final destination. The network implementer must define
the software necessary to accomplish this routing. For simple
networks, a network layer is barely necessary. For example, a
simple work station cluster, where several requesters share a single
server, requires only that the destination ID field of the message
match the server's ID on a request, and that the destination match
the requester's ID when the server's response is sent back to the
In complex networks, each node might need to keep track of
other nodes on-line in the network. Some algorithms require the
exchange of routing messages to maintain an accurate picture of the
topology of the overall network. To do this, the communications
software must recognize these routing messages as nonstandard CP/NET
messages and not pass them to a server process or to the NDOS for
Even requesters might need a network layer. For example,
consider a daisy-chain network of several requesters with a server
at one end. All the traffic for requesters farther down the chain
passes through the requester adjacent to the server.
Because a CP/M requester can only operate a single task, the
communications software for receiving and forwarding a message must
be written as a series of interrupt routines. Because the NDOS
might call on the SNIOS to transmit or receive a message of its own,
these routines must be reentrant to the extent that NDOS requests
can be held up until an intermediate message has been processed.
Network transmission media are often unreliable. Messages are
occasionally garbled or lost. In addition to data-link errors,
networks can route messages incorrectly, or messages can be lost due
to congestion in a section of the network. Because of these
problems, a node must be able to recover from transmission errors
The most common form of error is garbled data. Bits that
should have been zeros are received as ones, and ones are received
as zeros. The easiest way to detect this type of error is to
transmit a check along with the message. The check is computed by
performing an arithmetic operation on the actual message before it
is transmitted. If the check does not match the result of
performing the same operation when the message is received, then a
transmission error has probably occurred.
Most data-link protocols provide a mechanism for acknowledging
that a message was received correctly. This mechanism requires a
special message as an acknowledgment. The node that received the
original message sends the special message back to the node that
sent the original message. If an error occurs, the receiver either
sends no acknowledgment or sends a negative acknowledgment, telling
the sender to retransmit the message immediately.
The sender must be able to detect a transmission error and take
steps to retransmit the message. This can be a problem because the
sender does not know what the receiver is doing. If an error
message comes back, the sender knows something has gone wrong. But
if a message is lost completely, the receiver might not know it was
sent and never send an error condition.
To solve this problem, the sender can send a message, then wait
a predetermined interval for acknowledgment. If no acknowledgment
arrives, the interval expires, and the sender times out. A timeout
condition can cause the sender to retransmit the message or take
other steps to recover from the error. When the message is finally
sent successfully, the sender can free up the buffer that held it
and continue with other processing.
For a CP/NET requester, two different levels of timeouts might
be necessary. At the data-link level, a timeout can be set on the
amount of time that elapses between sending a message and receiving
the acknowledgment that it was received correctly. This timeout
interval can be fairly short, since the transmission path is not
likely to be very long.
The second timeout addresses the logical structure of CP/NET.
Every message sent to the server implies a response to be sent back
to the requester. A timeout can be set upon entering the
requester's receive message routine. If the requester waits too
long for a response, it can be assumed that the communication link
or the server itself has crashed. With this kind of timeout, the
error recovery involves much more than just retransmitting the
initial message. A logical initialization must take place, probably
including a CP/M warm boot.
A timeout scheme can successfully retransmit lost or garbled
messages. Another problem arises, however, when the receiver's
acknowledgment signal is lost. The sender, not receiving the
acknowledgment, eventually times out and retransmits the message.
In the meantime, the message has actually been successfully
received. When the message arrives from the sender a second time,
the receiver must have some way of knowing that the message is a
duplicate. The receiver should ignore the message, but send an
acknowledgment to stop the sender from sending the duplicate yet
The easiest way to detect duplicates is to assign a sequence
number to each message. If the receiver does not receive the
sequence number it was expecting, it ignores the message, even if
the message was received correctly. Every time a message is
received, the expected sequence number is incremented. Every time
the sender receives an acknowledgment, the sequence number to be
sent is incremented. If a message times out, however, the sequence
number is not incremented.
All error recovery schemes should be free from deadlocks. A
deadlock occurs when the sender is waiting for an action from the
receiver, but the receiver is not performing that action because it
is waiting for the sender to perform another action. Carefully
analyze networks that store and forward messages from node to node
for deadlocks because two nodes can try to transmit to one another
The means of avoiding deadlocks varies according to the network
topology. A multidrop network can use collision detection. if two
nodes attempt to use the network at the same time, they immediately
detect that their messages are garbled and stop transmitting. To
avoid continuous collisions and a consequent deadlock condition, the
two nodes attempt to transmit again based on a random time interval,
so that one node can start transmitting before the other.
In a point-to-point network, a properly designed message
handshake can often avoid data-link deadlocks. At a higher level,
enforcing a buffer allocation protocol can often prevent deadlocks.
Waiting to transmit messages until the receiver has space for
them minimizes the possibility of two messages continuously
timing out.
4.2 Customizing the Requester's SNIOS
The communication interface between the logical NDOS and the
actual network is contained in the Slave Network I/O System module,
SNIOS.SPR. Because this interface varies depending on the computer
system and network hardware, you must customize the SNIOS.
For most applications, the SNIOS need only be a sequential
system. The SNIOS never needs to respond asynchronously to
unsolicited messages. Only the NDOS must direct the SNIOS to
receive messages. However, some networks require real-time response
from their SNIOS modules to pass a message between two network nodes
that have no direct means of communicating with one another.
This section details the design and preparation of an SNIOS for
inclusion with a CP/NET requester and describes the installation of
the utilities necessary to run the requester.
4.2.1 Slave Network I/O System Entry Points
The SNIOS must begin with a jump vector containing the network
I/O system entry points, as shown below:
Each jump address corresponds to a subroutine that performs the
specific function. The exact responsibilities of each entry point
subroutine are given below.
4.2.2 Requester Configuration Table
The configuration table that resides in the CP/NET requester's
SNIOS allows reassignment of logical devices to networked servers.
The configuration table creates a mapping of logical to physical
devices that can be altered during CP/NET processing. The
configuration table specifies the system I/O to be accessed through
the network.
The requester configuration table is defined in
Table 4-1.
4.2.3 Preconfiguring the Configuration Table
In many network systems, there is never any need to modify the
device mappings specified through the NETWORK utility. In such
systems, you can preconfigure the device mappings in the
configuration table. To do this, select the devices to be networked
and set the high-order bit of the first byte in the entries
corresponding to those devices. Set the remote device to which the
local device is to be mapped in the low-order four bits of the same
byte. Finally, set the server ID of the remote device in the second
byte of the entry.
Be careful when preconfiguring devices to servers that might be
off line. Some CP/NET functions send messages to all servers
referenced in the configuration table. If one of these servers is
not capable of receiving messages, functions that might subsequently
send messages to servers on line can prematurely abort.
For example, the CCP might issue a free drive function to
initialize the server environment for a subsequent application
program. If the previous application had left files open on two on
line servers, but a third server was off line, those files are left
open if the free drive message was sent to the off-line server
before the on-line servers. The next application program might
damage the files that were inadvertently left open.
You can solve this problem by having the error recovery in the
SNIOS remove any networked device that experiences continuous
timeouts, converting it back into a local device. This prevents the
NDOS from making continuous references to the off-line server. A
major drawback of this scheme, however, is that an application might
suddenly begin referencing a local device, possibly destroying files
on a local disk drive. A more secure, but less friendly protocol
for dealing with off-line servers is to force a warm boot whenever a
network error is encountered.
It is wise to enforce a protocol that prohibits devices from
being networked until the server to which they are assigned is on
line. Special utilities can be written to accomplish this by
sending a dummy message to every server to which drives are mapped.
4.2.4 Sending and Receiving Messages
In some networks, a requester might have to receive and
retransmit asynchronously a message destined for another node. For
example, consider a loop network, where every node has two network
ports. The network protocol specifies that all messages are sent
via port #1, and all messages are received via port #2. If there is
only one server in the network, but more than one requester, all
messages must pass through every other requester, either as they are
sent to the server or as the response returns from the server.
If a requester must asynchronously handle a communication
channel, it must do so outside of the facilities provided by the
single-tasking CP/M operating system. The communication protocol
must be interrupt driven. An interrupt service routine must at
least detect the start of a message; after that, the rest of the
message can be handled sequentially or under control of additional
interrupt routines. If a requester cannot support interrupts,
asynchronous handling of messages might be impossible. Neither the
application program nor the NDOS can periodically check for incoming
A mechanism must be provided so that the NDOS, sequentially
calling the SNIOS to send a message, does not collide with the
asynchronous transmission of another message. Receiving messages
cannot collide because only one message can come over the network at
a time. To accomplish this, consider implementing the loop network
described above.
As a requester's application is running, another node suddenly
starts sending a message to it. The requester must now receive the
message, verify its correctness, and retransmit it to another node.
All of these operations must be performed without damaging the local
application program. If the data-link routines do not make CP/M
system calls and do not modify the message buffers used by the NDOS,
the entire message can be received and transmitted transparently.
When this operation is finished, the interrupt service routine
returns to the application program, and processing continues. When
the NDOS needs to use the network, the same data-link routines that
handled the asynchronous message can be used to handle the
sequential one.
It is even possible to transmit a message from the NDOS while
receiving a message from some other node. To do this, the message
must be able to be received a piece at a time, giving both the send
and receive routines enough processor time to avoid timing out.
Such a system requires a mechanism for preventing both the NDOS and
the interrupt service routine from attempting simultaneous
transmission. A semaphore variable can be used to control the
Figure 4-3
outlines a possible protocol for such a system.
Both the SNIOS SENDMSG routine and the asynchronous receive
interrupt service routine access a piece of reentrant code to
control access to the message transmission system.
Three external events drive the system:
In this implementation, the message sending software is interrupt
driven, started by enabling a transmitter interrupt. The message
sending software can also operate sequentially, called by the
reentrant routine that controls its use.
4.2.5 Generating and Debugging a Custom SNIOS
Follow these steps to generate and debug a custom SNIOS.
The output of the linker is the SNIOS.SPR file.
If you do not use RMAC and LINK-80 use ASM, PIP,
and GENMOD, as shown below:
The GENMOD program uses the difference in code origins to
produce a bit map of addresses to be relocated. GENMOD
then places this bit map at the end of a copy of the origin
0 code and constructs a 256-byte header to create an SPR
you can use DDT to debug the SNIOS as follows:
where xx is the restart the debugger uses, usually 7.
At this point, CP/NET loads, displaying the memory map, and
then breaks at the specified restart. You can place
breakpoints at desired locations, and then issue a G
command specifying the address following the restart
instruction where the CPNETLDR broke.
Communications software is difficult to debug. Because of its
real-time nature, when the program is interrupted to find out what
is going on, the other side of the network overruns or times out.
These pointers might help you:
This section addresses the problems of designing and
implementing an efficient CP/NET server under the MP/M II operating
system. Because a CP/NET server must be capable of handling several
simultaneous requests in real-time, the Network Interface module
(NETWRKIF) must take full advantage of the real-time primitives of
The server's logical module, SERVER.RSP, consists of a set of
processes, one for each requester supported. This section also
discusses how the NETWRKIF sends and receives messages to and from
those processes.
Finally, this section explains the system generation options
available to the server implementer once the NETWRKIF has been
4.3.1 Detecting and Receiving Incoming
The server is a passive, asynchronous system; it does not
initiate CP/NET transactions. The server performs two distinct
The server detects incoming messages in two ways. The first is
polling, where the server periodically checks the status of the
network interface. If the status changes from an idle to a ready
state, the server receives a message. The second method relies on
the network interface's interrupting the server. The server then
transfers control to a service routine that receives the message.
Either of these methods can accomplish the two functions listed
above. Both methods have advantages and drawbacks.
Once a message has been initiated, it can be received under
interrupt control, where data is processed on demand as it comes in,
or under direct program control, where a process is dedicated to
monitoring the incoming message.
The most efficient choice depends
on the type of network being used and the amount of traffic the
network must handle.
In an interrupt driven communication scheme, the server
responds to network events asynchronously. The network interface
determines when data is processed by the host CPU. For example,
when the network interface presents characters to the host, each
character causes an interrupt. When the network interface performs
direct memory access to transfer blocks of data, only each complete
DMA transfer causes an interrupt. Depending on the protocol, each
interrupt causes a specific action to be performed. The CPU is
free, however, to process other tasks in between processing each
piece of data. Like interrupt-driven message detection, saving the
state of an interrupted process requires CPU overhead. The greater
the number of interrupts required to process a message, the more
system performance is degraded.
4.3.2 NETWRKIF Module Architecture
Section 4.3.1 discusses general strategies for
implementing a data-link layer protocol under MP/M II. This section deals with
integrating the data-link layer into a network and transport layer.
This integration allows the entire communications package to send
logical requester messages to the SERVER.RSP module, and then
receive the SERVER's response message for transmission back to the
A dedicated server process is associated with each requester
logged on to a server node. These processes are named
This is the basic interface between the SERVER.RSP module
supplied by Digital Research and the user-customized communications
software. However, there are a variety of ways to implement the
processes driving the interface.
Appendix E includes an example of the simplest NETWRKIF
architecture. In this architecture, one network interface process
is associated with each server. All processes execute the same
reentrant code, but each process maintains local data that
identifies the communications port it is using and the sets of
queues through which it interfaces to the server process. This
implementation handles its data-link software at the process level.
It uses polled console I/O functions in the XIOS to detect incoming
messages. This architecture is illustrated in
Figure 4-4.
Another possible NETWRKIF architecture has only two network
interface processes. An input process receives data from the
network, identifies the requester that sent the message, and writes
the message to the appropriate queue. An output process
conditionally reads all the output queues and sends any messages it
finds back out over the network.
It is also possible to force all the server processes to write
their messages to a single queue by patching SERVER.RSP. In this
case, the output network interface process reads the single output
queue. When a message is written to it, the output process sends
the message out across the network and goes back to read the queue
again. An application note details how to patch SERVER.RSP.
4-5 illustrates both strategies. Note that a small patch to the
SERVR<x>PR processes can consolidate the output queues.
You can design a single NETWRKIF process that receives a
message, writes it to the appropriate queue, then checks for any
output activity. If NETWRKIF finds a message to send, it sends it,
then it returns to checking for input. This kind of process has the
disadvantage of being constantly busy; there is no point at which it
can allow itself to become blocked. To do so might result in a
deadlock or serious performance degradation.
Consider the network topology when designing the NETWRKIF
architecture. For example, a NETWRKIF that uses one process per
requester is suitable in an active hub-star configuration, where a
unique network line is dedicated to each requester. This allows
several messages to arrive at the server simultaneously.
For a multidrop topology, however, a single output and single
input process NETWRKIF might be more suitable, because the network.
hardware guarantees that only one message is active on the network
at any one time. The same type of architecture could be applied to
a loop topology.
For an active hub-star network that services several multidrop
lines, it might be necessary to combine the two architectures, so
that several reentrant processes are routing input to the server
processes, while a set of output processes are collecting data from
output queues and sending it back out of the appropriate multidrop
Also consider what the NETWRKIF does when it has no traffic to
process. If the NETWRKIF loops madly while waiting, it will gobble
up precious CPU resources, degrading the overall performance of the
server system. On the other hand, the NETWRKIF must be able to
respond to traffic quickly.
A number of MP/M II system calls cause a process to become
blocked, so that the operating system dispatcher does not pass
control back to the process until a critical condition is fulfilled.
Reading an empty queue, waiting on a flag, and performing a poll
call are three of the most common ways to suspend the execution of a
process conditionally. Such quiescent points should be built into
all NETWRKIF systems to minimize the overhead of maintaining the
process when it is idle.
The processes driving the input and output queues constitute
one half of a message transport layer. The NETWRKIF must also deal
with how the raw message is received from the data-link and network
layers that are performing the actual communication control. This
interface is governed by how the data-link and network layer
software is implemented.
Consider an architecture that has little or no network layer,
so that the data-link software interfaces directly with the
transport processes. If the data-link is included in the processes
that are also performing the queuing functions, then no special
interface is needed. The process can pass control from one function
to another, first performing input data-link and network activities
to receive a message; then computing the routing to the appropriate
server input queue; then reading the response from an output queue;
and finally returning to the data-link level to send the response
back to the requester. The sequence can be repeated indefinitely.
Some implementations require the data-link and network layers
to be under process control, with a separate set of processes
controlling the transport layer. In these cases, the transport
processes can use queuing for both the low-level interface to the
data-link layer and the upward interface to the server processes.
This kind of architecture has the drawback of slowing down the
MP/M II dispatcher with extra queuing overhead. For a small number
of processes, however, the impact is slight. The architecture has
the advantage of being highly modular, facilitating the future
upgrade of the data-link and network layers or the transport layers.
Figure 4-6 details the architecture.
To implement some network interfaces, it is necessary to modify
the MP/M II XIOS. Interrupt service routines must access the system
interrupt vector, which is usually maintained by the XIOS. If an
interface routine requires polling, the routine to accomplish the
polling must be placed on the list maintained by the XIOS POLLDEVICE
Interfacing to data-link and network routines that reside in
the XIOS is slightly more complex than interfacing to routines
contained in the NETWRKIF. These routines are often not processes,
but shared code fragments or interrupt service routines. They
cannot use queues as an interface mechanism. Routines that are not
process-oriented must communicate through a direct function linkage,
through polling, or through the Flag Set/Flag Wait functions
supported by MP/M II.
Because the NETWRKIF might not be able to resolve references to
such routines directly, it is often necessary to enter the XIOS
through its jump vector. The XIOS jump vector table is always page
aligned; a pointer to that page is located in byte 7 of the MP/M II
system data page - From this point, data-link routines can be
called by specifying dummy console I/O or dummy list device I/O.
If dummy console or printer I/O is used, the NETWRKIF loads a
non-existent device number in register D and, if necessary, a pointer
to a message buffer. The I/O routine specified checks for the
non-existent device number and dispatches the call to the appropriate
network routine.
Figure 4-7 illustrates how the NETWRKIF module
can perform calls to subroutines resident in the XIOS.
Another method of interfacing data-link and network layer
routines to a transport NETWRKIF is to have the low-level routines
set a flag when a message has been processed. For example, consider
a data-link routine that reads in an incoming message and checks it
for validity. This routine might be a set of vectored interrupt
service routines.
At this point, the NETWRKIF is not synchronized with the data
link routine. When the NETWRKIF requires a message, it issues a
flag-wait call to MP/M II. When the data-link routine has a
complete message, it issues a flag set call. The NETWRKIF does not
proceed until the flag has been set. The NETWRKIF can then transfer
the message from a predefined buffer and transport it to the
appropriate server process.
This type of architecture is ideal for allowing intelligent
network controllers to drive the NETWRKIF transport processes. A
simple interrupt service routine locates the message, builds a
control block, and sets a flag to inform the NETWRKIF of the status
and location of the message. Figure 4-8
shows a similar interface.
To send a response message back to a requester using flags, the
transport process must first identify the message to be sent and
instruct the data-link layer to send it. A predefined control block
can accomplish both operations. The transport process then waits on
a flag until the message is sent and the flag set by the data-link.
Another possible synchronization mechanism is through the
MP/M II Poll function. With this function, MP/M II suspends the
calling NETWRKIF process but periodically interrogates the status of
the data-link and network software through a small code fragment
defined in the XIOS POLLDEVICE routine. When the status becomes
true, MP/M II allows the NETWRKIF process to proceed.
If the server system supports vectored interrupts, and the
location of the system's interrupt vector is known, you can write
interrupt service routines that reside inside the NETWRKIF module.
When the NETWRKIF performs its initialization, it simply writes the
addresses of various interrupt service routines into the vector.
From then on, any reference to those vector locations results in the
execution of the NETWRKIF's ISRs.
This approach preserves system modularity and allows the
network implementer to implement low-level routines when the XIOS
itself is not available for modification. This approach still
requires a synchronization mechanism between code fragments that are
not part of any process and the more well-defined transport
processes of the NETWRKIF.
In addition to synchronizing with low-level communications
software, NETWRKIF processes might have to compete for data-link
resources. For example, a transport process that wants to send a
message might have to be suspended while another process is busy
receiving a message. Or two reentrant processes might try to send a
message out across the same network line simultaneously. These
conflicts can be resolved through use of mutual exclusion (MX)
An MX queue contains only one dummy message, called a token.
In order to control a resource, a process must first acquire the
token, leaving the MX queue empty. If another process already has
the token, the first process is suspended until the second completes
its resource-critical operation and replaces the token.
In this way, two low-level data-link routines--one for sending
and one for receiving--can be driven without collisions by their
higher-level transport processes, even if the low level routines
have no explicit mechanism for sharing a network resource.
Just as the design of the network topology and error recovery
schemes for CP/NET must be examined for potential deadlocks, so must
the server architecture itself. A simple example of a deadlock is a
process that competes for a resource using an MX queue but never
restores the token to the queue when it is finished with the
resource. All the other processes waiting for the resource come to
a grinding halt, the network becomes congested, and eventually
everything stops.
Finally, you can design an architecture that distinctly divides
the data-link, network, and transport layers. The preceding
synchronization strategies can be generalized to work across several
layers just as easily as they can work when the server architecture
divides the communications software into low-level and high-level
segments. Remember that as the architecture grows more and more
complex, performance of the MP/M II dispatcher and nucleus software
degrade further and further. It is always wise to keep the
architecture as simple as possible.
4.3.3 Elements of the NETWRKIF
This section defines the data objects and processing required
to allow the server to be initialized and to operate smoothly and
continuously. Through these objects, you define how many requesters
a server can handle at once and how many messages can be
simultaneously processed.
The following objects must be present to create the
Process Descriptors for additional transport processes must
also be included, if the processes are necessary. These processes
can be automatically created by linking them to the first Process
Descriptor. Linking is accomplished by placing a pointer to the
second Process Descriptor in the PL field of the first Process
Descriptor, a pointer to the third in the PL field of the second,
and so on. The chain of links terminates with a zero in the PL
field of the last Process Descriptor to be created.
If you choose to have processes automatically created, remember
that once processes are created, they are completely independent
unless they are explicitly synchronized. The processes should not
be dependent upon the first process to perform initialization for
Run transport processes at a very high priority, so that
messages tie up the communications software for as little time as
possible. The example in
Appendix E runs at priority level 64,
exactly the same priority as the server processes. For compute
bound NETWRKIF processes, it is advisable to give the server a
slightly higher priority than the NETWRKIF. The implementation in
Appendix F, for example, runs at a priority of
66. This forces
MP/M II always to process logical messages first if both the server
and transport processes are ready at the same time.
Each transport process must have its own local stack area.
Because RSPs do not have access to the extra user stack space on
system calls, each stack must be capable of supporting the local
storage required by the MP/M II XDOS and XIOS in addition to its own
local storage.
When a process is created, its Process Descriptor's STKPTR
field should point to the top of its associated stack. The top of
the stack must contain the starting execution address for the
You can patch the server process code so that all processes
open the same output queue, NtwrkQOO. If this patch is applied, the
NETWRKIF need only include the one output QCB. The NETWRKIF
examples in Appendixes F and
G use this method.
The input and output queues communicate the address of the
message buffer containing the message to be processed by the server
or the response to be sent back to the requester. Because the
message passed through the queue is only two bytes long, circular
queues can be used. Both input and output queues need only buffer
one message at a time because a requester must have always received
a response before sending another request. Consequently, there is
never more than one message from a given requester at the server at
a time.
A queue capable of buffering more than one message is required
only when the server processes have been patched to write all of
their responses to a single queue. In this case, the queue must be
capable of buffering the output from all of the servers
If the UQCB can resolve the address of its associated QCB,
there is no need for the NETWRKIF to open the queue using MP/M II
Function 135 once the queue has been created. A pointer to the QCB
can be placed in the UQCB at link time, instead. If, however, the
QCB address cannot be resolved, an open queue operation must be
performed. This might be the case if the system implementer breaks
the NETWRKIF module into an RSP and a Banked Resident System Process
If the data-link and network layers require additional header
information, the message buffers must be even longer. If the
message format used by the network is different from that used by
CP/NET, the message must be converted into the standard CP/NET
format before it is passed to the server process. The server
process expects a one-byte format code of 0, a one-byte destination
code equal to the server ID, a one-byte source code, a one-byte
function code, a one-byte size code, and a contiguous message in
binary format. The server returns an error for any deviation from
this format.
A server process always returns its response to a requester in
the same message buffer that it is passed. Consequently, no
transport process should modify a message in between the time that
its address is written to NtwrkQI<x> and the time that its address
is read back from NtwrkQO<x>. To do so can cause the server to
It is not always necessary to have one buffer for every server
process in the server system. Fewer buffers can be provided if the
network implementer limits the number of transactions that can occur
simultaneously. It is important to recognize the distinction
between the number of requesters supported (the number of sessions
that can be ongoing at any one time) and the number of simultaneous
transactions supported (the number of messages the server can
process at any one time).
Because many server processes can be idle, the number of
transactions can be much lower than the number of requesters.
Limiting the number of transactions can sometimes drastically
improve the performance of a CP/NET server because it reduces the
amount of time the operating system switches from process to process
trying to service a number of file-oriented requests simultaneously.
The server configuration table is defined in Table 4-2.
Just as the requester configuration table can be preconfigured
to map certain devices as networked, the server configuration table
can be preconfigured to define certain requesters as logged in
without performing a login operation.
To do this, set the current number of logged-in requesters to
the number of predefined logins desired. Make sure the number is
less than the maximum number of requesters permitted. Otherwise,
the server's behavior becomes unpredictable.
The log-in vector should have a bit set for every requester to
be prelogged in, and the requester ID table should contain the
logged-in requesters. For example, for a five-requester server
where requesters 1, 2, and 5 are defined as already logged in, the
server configuration table might look like this:
The requester ID table is position independent. When a server
process checks to see if a requester is logged in, it searches the
entire requester table, using the entire log-in vector to check the
entries for validity. Consequently, the configuration table is not
sufficient to specify the process to which an incoming message
should be routed.
The transport software must maintain its own routing mechanism.
For example, the NETWRKIF in Appendix E maintains its
routing implicitly as local data in its reentrant processes. The example in
Appendix F, on the other hand, relies on a requester
control block that associates a source ID number with a UQCB.
By convention, the NETWRKIF process writes the address of the
server configuration table into location offset 0009 in the system
data page. The SERVER module uses this address to locate the
maximum number of requesters from the configuration table. It then
creates the maximum number, less one, of processes. To locate
storage to create the additional processes, the SERVER module
expects to find stack areas for the extra processes directly
following the configuration table.
Server process stacks must be exactly 150 bytes long, and there
Must be one stack for each additional server. For example, to
support a total of five servers, 4*150 = 600 bytes of storage must
he allocated after the configuration table.
The server expects the top of each additional server stack to
contain a pointer to a 52-byte data area in which to create the new
Process Descriptor. All of the Process Descriptor data areas must
be contiguous.
Here is an example of the structure required for a four
requester server:
These initialization functions need not be performed by a
single process; they can be distributed among a variety of processes
and interrupt service routines. The address of the configuration
table should be written to the system data page with interrupts
disabled. This prevents the server from loading an incorrect
partial address and making its process-creation decisions on invalid
Figure 4-9
shows a memory map, detailing how the SERVER.RSP and
NETWRKIF.RSP modules fit into the rest of MP/M II, and how they
communicate with one another during initialization.
Most of the other NETWRKIF run-time functions are discussed in
previous sections. The general form of the NETWRKIF is the
4.3.4 Enhancements and Additions to the
This section deals with extensions to the basic elements
required to allow a CP/NET server to run under MP/M II. These
extensions can increase the capabilities and improve the performance
of the basic system.
For example, the NETWRKIF network layer software might send out
special packets to discover on-line nodes. When other NETWRKIFs and
SNIOSs detect these packets, they respond with special routing
packets of their own. If these routing messages are carefully
designed, each node can build a table of routes to various nodes and
mark other nodes as inaccessible.
Once the network has been initialized, a special network
communications process intermittently circulates the routing
packets. This circulation keeps the network routing information
current as nodes go on and off line.
Nodes can be interrogated to identify their system resources
for networking. For example, when a process similar to the routing
process just described detects the existence of a node, it logs in
to the node and sends out a series of dummy select disk messages.
According to the error conditions returned, the process can identify
the disk drives the node has available. This can also be
accomplished by having a network-layer process issue its own select
disk calls in response to receiving a special message.
In implementing these schemes, make sure these special messages
do not interfere with regular CP/NET traffic. Some provisions are
required to ensure that requests are not made to requesters that
ignore the requests or mistake them for legitimate responses to
previous requests. You might have to modify the SNIOS to allow it
to deal with these strange messages.
Once the data-link software sends a message, it waits for an
acknowledgment that the message was received. If no acknowledgment
arrives, a timeout is triggered and the message is retransmitted.
You can implement a watchdog timeout mechanism as an interrupt
service routine or as a process. When the transport process
requests transmission from the data-link software, the process
initializes a timeout variable and then waits on a flag. If the
watchdog routine is implemented as an interrupt service routine
(ISR), it decrements the timeout variable as a multiple of the clock
interrupt frequency. If the watchdog routine is implemented as an
extremely high priority process, it simply decrements the variable
and then executes the MP/M II delay function for a fixed number of
With either method, a timeout status and the flag on which the
transport process is waiting are set if the timeout variable is
decremented to zero. At the same time, the data-link software sets
the same flag and a transmission success status if it receives an
When the transport process resumes processing after the flag
wait operation, it checks the status variable to see which event
occurred first. If the transmission timed out, the process attempts
to retransmit. If the transmission succeeded, the transport process
There are many variations to this method. The preceding one
assumes that the message is transmitted with no handshake or initial
signal to the receiver that a message is about to follow. If a
handshake is implemented, it might require a timeout of its own.
Several timeout points might have to be set throughout a single
message, depending on how the receiver intends to acknowledge that
Other error conditions can occur; they can be integrated into
the error-handling structure described above. For example, the
receiver can transmit a negative acknowledgment, indicating that the
message was received but that it was garbled. In this case, the
data-link software need only set the same event flag, but instead of
setting a message received status, it sets a transmit error
variable. The transport process must now differentiate between
three statuses rather than two when it resumes execution, but the
overall structure is the same. The architecture required to
implement timeouts is shown in Figure 4-10.
The NETWRKIF might need more message buffers than there are
supported requesters. Some messages are actually destined for the
server processes resident on the current node, but a potentially
high volume of the messages might be headed elsewhere.
The NETWRKIF must have a mechanism for receiving a message and
then immediately sending it elsewhere without an intervening Queue
Write-Queue Read operation. You can facilitate this type of
operation by making the NETWRKIF software highly modular. It is
advisable to have both network layer processes and transport layer
processes, in addition to the data-link implementation you use.
This gives the network layer process exclusive control of the data
link layer, simplifying interprocess competition for the data-link
Finally, the network software must have a method of knowing
which nodes can be reached through which network lines. This method
can be a static, predefined table or a dynamic message-passing
scheme like the one described in the preceding "Network
Initialization and Maintenance" section.
Obviously, it would be useful to have a method whereby a server
process can be reused by another requester after its previous owner
has logged off, Unfortunately, the information contained in the
server configuration table is not sufficient to identify which
specific server processes are free and which are in use.
To solve this problem, define one requester control block (RCB)
for each requester to be simultaneously supported by the server.
The RCB is defined in Table 4-3.
Notice that this control block is a requester ID that can be
matched with an incoming source ID, followed by a user queue control
block. With this simple data structure, servers can be dynamically
allocated to requesters with the following algorithm:
This algorithm still does not allow more than 16 requesters to
be logged in at the same time. But the algorithm does permit more
than 16 requester nodes to compete for access to the server node.
When more than 16 requester nodes log in, they receive login failed
messages. These requester nodes cannot access the server until
another requester logs off. In this kind of network it is advisable
to implement an automatic logoff feature for requesters that have
not used the network for a fixed period of time.
There are two basic steps to processing special message
formats. First, the transport processes must be able to recognize
special message formats and prevent them from entering the server
processes. Second, the transport processes must have an interface
to pass the messages off for special processing.
The first step can be accomplished by defining additional codes
in the format field of the standard CP/NET message. When the
transport software recognizes a strange format, it takes the
appropriate action. If the message does not contain the standard
CP/NET header, the data-link software can recognize this fact and
notify the transport layer.
The problem of what to do with the message once it has been
recognized can be solved using the same methods that are used for
transporting messages throughout the more normal portions of the
NETWRKIF. For example, the special print spooler and the transport
layer can communicate via a predefined queue.
Some special formats require a logical response message.
Functions 66 and 67 are intentionally exempt from the standard
logical protocol of CP/NET. If a logical acknowledgment is
required, then the tansport layer must know how to accept it from
the defined interface. Otherwise, the transport layer can forget
that the special message occurred.
However, you can reduce the common memory requirements of an
RSP by breaking it into two modules. One, still named a resident
System process, contains only the code and data that must reside in
Common memory to allow MP/M II to work. The rest of the module is
reformatted and placed in a banked resident system process (BRS)
that can be banked out when it is not executing, allowing its
address space to be used by another process.
Process Descriptors and queue control blocks are the only
sections of the server code that must reside in common memory.
Prepare source module containing the XDOS entry point, all transport
Process Descriptors, area for server Process Descriptors, all the
The first NETWRKIF Process Descriptor still must be allocated
immediately after the XDOS entry point for the module, at relative
However, this Descriptor's memory segment value should
ifying that a BRS module is associated with it. [OCR garbled; sorry--ed]
If any other processes exist in the NETWRKIF--for example,
watchdog timeout processes--their Process Descriptors must also be
included in this module. Assemble this source module and link it
into RSP format. Name the object module Then use the main body of the NETWRKIF source module to form a
second source module. Remove all Process Descriptors and QCBs and
place the following header at relative location 0:
where stk$top is the address of the top of the stack for the first
process, and <netprocess> matches the name of the associated RSP.
This is the standard format for a BRS module; it is described in
more detail in the MP/M II Operating System System Guide.
Because the Process Descriptors and queue control blocks are in
a completely separate RSP, they cannot be resolved as simple
externals. They must be defined in terms of known offsets from the
beginning of <netprocess>.RSP. At run-time, the variable rsp$adr
contains a pointer to the beginning of this RSP, placed there by
MP/M II's GENSYS utility. Using this pointer and the predefined
offsets, required references to these data objects can be resolved.
On startup, the NETWRKIF processes perform the following
The NETWRKIF.BRS module requires a different way of referencing the
operating system because it does not contain a pointer to the XDOS
entry point. The RSP associated with the BRS module, however, does
contain such a pointer as its first two bytes. The following
subroutine performs operating system calls transparently:
you must also assemble this module and link it into RSP format; but
name it <netprocess>.BRS.
Banking out the NETWRKIF module alone might raise the BNKXIOS
COMMONBASE entry point above the hardware bank-select point,
allowing banked operation of MP/M II. If banking out the module
does not accommodate this, you can use a patch to convert SERVER.RSP
into a banked module in a similar way. The patch is detailed in
CP/NET V1.2 Application Note #2, 11/11/82.
Perform GENSYS with a specified banked system. You can add
memory segments to occupy the new banks. The address ranges of the
new memory segments are prompted for at the end of GENSYS.
If the number of requesters to be supported still requires more
common memory than is available, there is no purpose in implementing
a banked version of the server.
A banked-out server has a marginally slower response time
because the dispatcher must select the system bank and because of
the added level of indirection in calling the operating system.
This degradation, however, is insignificant.
Although banking out the server provides additional user
Segments under MP/M II, resist the temptation to add additional
consoles to the system. Because of the extremely high priority at
which the server runs, performance on additional consoles is very
poor. However, these extra banks do provide the user with a means
of performing occasional jobs directly from the MP/M II level. more
importantly, extra segments can enhance the server itself by using
special CP/NET messages.
4.3.5 MP/M II Performance Factors Affecting the
The characteristics of the network for which a server is being
implemented influence the architecture of the NETWRKIF and the rest
of the server software. Another important factor in designing
efficient servers under MP/M II is the nature of MP/M II itself.
This section points out the overhead MP/M II incurs in implementing
multitasking programming environment.
The heart of the MP/M II operating system is its dispatcher.
This routine is entered every time a system call is made. The
dispatcher protects system resources, tests for events that could
influence the execution of any process in the system, and finally
chooses the processes to execute and their order. The dispatcher
takes roughly 900 microseconds to execute, but interrupts are
disabled for no longer than 90 microseconds. This overhead is
incurred on every system call.
The limitations of the dispatcher alone place some basic
constraints on communications speed. If the network is using a
serial I/O device capable of buffering three characters at 10 bits
per character, then the NETWRKIF had better not rely on a system
call like console input to receive network messages if the
transmission rate is faster than 33K bits per second and the sender
sends characters as fast as possible. Even below this speed,
overruns are likely if there are any other processes in the system.
This assumes an extremely simple protocol. If the network has extra
signal lines, most serial I/O devices permit the receiver to signal
a clear to send condition back to the sender. But networks often
must work without these extra signals.
Because interrupts are disabled for no longer than 90
microseconds, a network that works at the character-interrupt level
functions properly at transmission speeds up to 333K bits per
second. Beyond that speed, overruns are likely to occur too often
for adequate performance.
At speeds higher than 333K bits per second, the network
interface software can use one of three approaches:
Serial I/O is not the only possible network transmission medium.
The example is provided to acquaint you with the performance of
The amount of time spent in the dispatcher varies depending on
a number of factors. Because the dispatcher must check suspended
processes against system events, keep the number of processes,
queues, flags, and poll calls to a minimum. Poll calls are
especially degrading. Every time the dispatcher is entered, it
executes every code fragment associated with every outstanding poll
call. If all 16 reentrant NETWRKIF processes polled output ports at
once, the dispatcher would be very busy. In fact, enough poll calls
can lengthen the dispatcher's execution time so much that it exceeds
the clock interval. When this happens, the dispatcher is reentered
before it has even been exited.
The design of interrupt service routines Must take the
structure of the dispatcher into account. ISRs must first of all
save the register image of the process they interrupted--the
service routine then executes. When the ISR terminates itself, it
should restore the interrupted process's registers and take one of
two actions:
ISRs should perform no MP/M II system calls except for the Flag
Set function. There are two reasons for this. First, ISRs are not
processes, so the dispatcher has no way of saving the status of the
ISR in a Process Descriptor before allowing the function to be
performed. Second, the dispatcher reenables interrupts and possibly
dispatches another process, leaving the ISR and the interrupted
process in an indeterminate state. The Flag Set function is
specifically recognized by the dispatcher to avoid dispatching a
different process.
Several factors determine how often the NETWRKIF and server
processes are dispatched. The most obvious is, once again, the
number of processes. If MP/M II must share the CPU with more tasks,
there is less CPU available. Consider the priority of the various
network server processes carefully. All processes in the SERVER
module run at a high priority level of 100. processes in the
NETWRKIF might require other priorities. In general, assign
compute-bound processes lower priorities than I/0-bound processes,
to prevent processes that perform few system calls from hogging the
The dispatcher always schedules processes according to
priority. Improperly setting priorities can cause processes to be
permanently suspended. For example, consider a NETWRKIF module that
performs all direct I/O and busy-waits for network input. Suppose
this process has a priority of 60, slightly higher than the server
processes. Although the dispatcher is entered every time the system
clock ticks, the NETWRKIF is ready. Because the NETWRKIF has a
higher priority than the server processes, the server processes
never execute.
Note that because of the extremely high priority of the server
process, normal user processes running under MP/M II perform very
poorly. In addition, the extra process load degrades the server
performance. It is recommended that normal work station terminals
not be provided on an MP/M II system that is functioning as a
server, although a system console can be convenient for monitoring
system performance and giving the operator a means of maintaining
the server's data base.
The last factor affecting the dispatch rate is the system clock
frequency. Every time a clock tick occurs, the dispatcher is
entered and recomputes the process to be executed next. Processes
of equal priority are dispatched on a first come, first served
basis. The system clock can be tuned for optimal network
performance . There are no general rules on tuning because each
network and the applications run on the network determine the
optimal clock period. Experiment with the clock frequency to
determine the best performance for the server.
In addition to designing the NETWRKIF for the server system,
you might want to reexamine the XIOS used in the system. Many
CP/NET users discover that once their communications system has been
optimized, server performance has improved only slightly because
several requesters are forcing the disk system to thrash.
Thrashing can be minimized if the XIOS is provided with
efficient blocking/deblocking algorithms like those discussed in the
MP/M II Operating System System Guide. These algorithms buffer disk
accesses, deferring physical Read-Write operations until they are
absolutely necessary. As a result, many file record Read-Write
operations occur at memory speed, instead of having to wait for
physical I/O from a disk drive.
Extra blocking/deblocking buffers can also improve overall
server performance enormously. Because a dedicated server only
requires a single tiny user program segment, or, in some cases, no
user segment at all, almost all additional memory remaining after
the server has been implemented can be used for disk buffers. In a
bank-switched or memory-managed system, potentially huge amounts of
memory can be made available for disk buffers. Providing one or
more disk buffers per supported requester potentially eliminates
competition between two requesters for buffer resources.
Another way to improve disk performance with limited memory for
disk buffers is to limit the number of transactions that can be
present in the server at one time. Even if a server is supporting
16 requester sessions, it is possible, for example, to permit only
four or five messages to be active at a time. This limit reduces
the amount of competition between actual processes, although
competition continues between individual transactions. Quite often,
however, the overhead incurred by refusing network messages and
forcing requesters to retransmit them is considerably less than the
overhead incurred by repeatedly having to flush disk buffers for use
and reuse by individual processes.
You can estimate the average number of disk accesses an
application program is likely to perform in a short time. The
NETWRKIF processes can then selectively transport messages from only
one requester for a short amount of time, then service another
requester for an equal amount of time. The scheme allows a single
process to take maximum advantage of the blocking and deblocking
algorithms implemented in the server's XIOS. The major disadvantage
of such a scheme is that it is extremely complex and difficult to
implement efficiently. Carefully tuned, however, it can greatly
improve performance.
To create the MP/M II server, perform the following steps:
The linker generates the NETWRKIF.RSP file.
If RMAC and LINK are not available, you must use ASM, PIP,
and GENMOD, as shown below:
When GENSYS asks for the number of consoles, do not include
the consoles (character I/O drivers) that support the
requesters. Usually, the response is 1.
You must also configure the file system for the types of
applications CP/NET runs, enable compatibility attributes, if
necessary, and so on. These issues are discussed in the MP/M II
Operating System System Guide.
The MP/M II server is now ready to be debugged. There are
three general strategies for debugging the server.
When the loader breaks, you can insert breakpoints and
restart the loader.
4.4 Implementing Non-MP/M II Servers
It is possible to implement a CP/NET server on any computer
system, under any operating system. There are several reasons why
you might choose another operating system:
The module SERVER.RSP cannot be used on a different processor
or under a different operating system. So you must not only create
the equivalent of the NETWRKIF for the target computer system; you
must also write the logical portion of the server.
The server processes under MP/M II act essentially as a proxy
for the requester assigned to them. For example, the requester
wants to open a file on a networked drive but it does not have
access to the operating system controlling that drive. Instead, the
requester sends a message to a server process that does have direct
access to the controlling operating system and asks that process to
open the file for the requester. The server obligingly performs the
operation for the requester and tells it what happened. This is
often referred to as a ghosted process model of a server because the
operating system thinks it is running the entire application program
as a process, while in fact the application is running somewhere
else, but has a friend to help out.
Using the logical messages included in this manual, you can
write a ghosted process server for CP/NET under almost any
multitasking operating system. You can even write a CP/NET server
under a single-tasking operating system. (CP/NET servers have
actually been implemented under CP/M.)
The basic elements of such a server are
Each of these functional modules varies depending on the
environment under which it is forced to execute. The communications
interface is governed by the types of process architectures the
target operating system can support. The remaining modules can be a
set of reentrant processes, as they are under MP/M II, or they can
be a single process that keeps track of the requester it is
currently servicing. If the latter method is used, the server must
keep track of such context sensitive information as directory search
first/search next information and shared files.
It might not be possible to support all CP/M functions under a
non-MP/M II server. If this is the case, choose applications that
do not require the use of the unsupportable functions.
Finally, it might be necessary to have several different
computer systems and operating systems acting as servers in the same
network. It is best to make the server implementation as portable
as possible. Implementing the server in a high-level language is a
first step to portabilty.
Making the system highly modular can improve its portability.
For example, break the communications interface into a hardware
interface module, a data link module, a network module, and a
transport module. All of these modules, with the exception of the
hardware interface, can port to different systems with minimal
The server's function interpreter should be completely
portable, but you will probably have to rewrite the file system
interpreter and the operating system interface modules.
CP/NOS is a version of the CP/M operating system that performs
all file handling across a CP/NET network system. CP/NOS supports
one local console and one local printer, but it supports only remote
mass storage media. Because of this, the BDOS and BIOS modules in a
CP/NOS system are considerably smaller than their counterparts in a
standard CP/M system. This allows CP/NOS to fit in a fairly small
(usually 4K bytes) Read-Only memory, so you do not need a bootstrap
loader. CP/NOS can also be downloaded from a server. Using a small
loader, you can also download a CP/NOS system from a centralized
Programs written under any CP/M 2.x system are fully compatible
with a comparable CP/NOS system, provided that mass storage devices
referenced by the application are available across the network.
When BDOS calls that service, these devices are automatically
translated into network functions.
Unlike CP/NET, CP/NOS cannot be loaded under an existing CP/M
system. The network modules and CP/M modules must be linked
together and executed in a stand-alone environment. The special
problems this creates in debugging CP/NOS are discussed in this
A.2 System Requirements
CP/NOS can run on an 8080, 8085, or Z80 microprocessor, with a
maximum of 64K of memory. A usual CP/NOS system can be placed in a
The CP/NOS requester must be networked to an MP/M II server.
The server is the same as the one used by CP/NET. CP/NOS and CP/NET
requesters can even be networked to the same server.
Three of the modules incorporated in CP/NOS are system
dependent and must be modified to work on a particular hardware
configuration. They are the CPBIOS, CPNIOS, and NETWRKIF modules
The CPBIOS can be exactly the same as the BIOS used in a CP/M
system that runs on the same hardware, except that only a small
portion of the BIOS is required. The only routines required are:
The CPBIOS jump vector must be the same as that of a regular BIOS,
but all other entry points can be null.
The CPNIOS module takes the place of the SNIOS module in CP/NET
and requires only minimal modification. The only difference is that
all variables must be initialized upon cold start, including the
requester configuration table. The utilities NETWORK and LOGIN are
not sufficient to define the configuration table after cold start
because CP/NOS has no local disk drives from which to load these
utilities. The CPNIOS must also prompt the user for login
information upon cold start, or a warm boot results in continuous
requester not logged in extended errors as the CP/NOS requester
tries to load the file CCP.SPR from a server that has no knowledge
of the requester.
The SNIOS example in Appendix E contains a sample CPNIOS,
conditionally assembled out. To obtain the CPNIOS version, equate
the literal CPNOS to true.
Note: if the two preceding routines are to reside eventually in
ROM, all variable data must be contained in data segments and cannot
be initialized at run-time. Initializing values must reside in a
code segment, and they must be copied down to their corresponding
data segment locations at cold start. The assembly of these modules
requires an assembler capable of supporting separate code and data
segments; the segments must be assembled into REL file format. Use
RMAC with 8080 source files.
The NETWRKIF module resides on the server and is identical to
the NETWRKIF required to support CP/NET. See
Section 4.3 for a
discussion of NETWRKIF preparation.
A.4 Building the CP/NOS System
To generate a CP/NOS system ready for insertion into ROM,
follow these steps:
Locate the code segment where the ROM sits in the address
space of the finished system. At least 1K (400 hexadecimal
bytes) of RAM must be allocated for data segments. If the
code segments are to be loaded into high memory (at F000H
for a 4K system) , data must be explicitly linked, using the
D option, at least 1K in front of the code segments. For
You can create a version of CP/NOS that can be cold started
from CP/M if a CP/M system with 64K RAM is available. First, type
the following commands:
This procedure produces a file LDCPNOS.COM that is directly
executable from CP/M. LDCPNOS relocates the CPNOS module to
location F000H and passes control to it, destroying CP/M and
replacing it with CP/NOS.
Because CP/M is destroyed by this procedure, it is not
advisable to run LDCPNOS under software debugger like DDT or SID,
although you can run LOCPNOS under an in-circuit emulator. To run
CP/NOS under DDT or SID, use the following procedure:
where <org> is the link origin.
where next is the field specified by NEXT when the debugger
loads CPNOS.COM, and <org> is the link origin.
where <org> is the link origin.
Messages for all CP/NET functions are defined in this appendix.
These messages are logical messages. Any implementation of the
SNIOS or NETWRKIF modules must always present messages to the ENDOS
or SERVER modules in the form presented here.
You must adhere to these formats when implementing a server
that runs under an operating system other than MP/M II.
Register Explanation
0FFH Return Error Mode. BDOS returns
extended errors coming from the
network to the application program.
Register A is set to 0FFH, and
register H contains the extended
error code. No error message is
displayed on the console.
0FEH Return and Display Mode. BDOS returns
theextended error in the same manner
as in Return Error Mode, but also
displays an extended error message.
Any Other Value Default Mode.
Initiate Session Between a Requester
and a Server
Register Value
Entry Parameters C 40H
DE Ptr to Login Msg
Return Values A Return Code
00-00 Server ID byte
01-08 Password
Terminate a Session Between
a Requester and a Server
Register Value
Entry Parameters C 41H
E Server ID
Return Values A Return Code
H Extended Error
Send a Message to Another Network Node
Register Value
Entry Parameters C 42H
DE Pointer to Message
Return Values A Return Code
Receive Message from Another Network Node
Register Value
Entry Parameters C 43H
DE Receive Buffer Address
Return Values A Return Code
Get Network Status Byte from the
Configuration Table
Register Value
Entry Parameters C 44H
Return Values A Network Status Byte
Get Configuration Table Address
Register Value
Entry Parameters C 45H
Return Values HL Table Address
Configure Server File Systems
for an Application
Register Value
Entry Parameters C 46H
E Compatibility Attribute Byte
F1' bit 7
F2' bit 6
F3' bit 5
F4' bits 4, 5, and 6
Get Information About a Server
Register Value
Entry Paramters C 47H
E Server ID
Return Value HL Server Configuration Table Address
00-00 Server Temporary File Drive
01-01 Server Network Status Byte
02-02 Server ID
03-03 Maximum Number of Requesters Permitted on the
04-04 Number of Requesters Currently Logged In
Bit Vector of Requesters Logged In in the Requester
05-06 ID Table
07-16 Requester ID Table
Establish a Default Password
for File Access
Register Value
Entry Parameters C 46H
DE Password Address
<Warm Boot>
message on the console only as a demonstration of NTWRKWBOOT. More
practical applications of this procedure include interrogating the
CP/NET server for messages. In this way, each time a warm boot is
performed, the user is notified of messages posted for him.
0103 07 xx
where <x> is an ASCII character between 0 and 9 or A and F. This
character is a sequence number that serves as a unique identifier
for the server process. Each server opens two queues that it
expects the NETWRKIF module to have created. They are named
and NtwrkQO<x>
where <x> is the same character as the server's sequence number.
The server process always reads the address of incoming messages
from NtwrkQI<x>, and it always writes the address of the response
message to NtwrkQO<x>.
configtbl: db 0 ; server status
db 0 ; server ID
db 5 ; max number of requesters
db 3 ; currently logged in
dw 8009h ; log-in vector
db 1 ; requester ID table
ds 2
db 2
ds 11
db 5
db 'WUGGA' ; password
where <netprocess> is the name of the first Process Descriptor in
the module.
rsp$adr: ds 2 ;address of associated RSP
stk$adr: dw stk$top ;top of stack containing entry point
brs$name: db '<netprocess>'
do$os: lhld rsp$adr
mov a,m
inx h
mov h,m
mov l,a
When using this method, remember that, because CP/M is a
single-tasking operating system, the entire CP/M operating system
becomes part of the process in which a breakpoint is inserted every
time the system encounters a breakpoint. Furthermore, DDT and SID
reenable interrupts on breakpoints. If a clock tick goes off, the
MP/M II dispatcher is likely to suspend CP/M and continue with other
processing. This might not inconvenience you because the process
that was breakpointed is also suspended. If it does affect the
operation of the system, you might have to disable the system clock.
BOOT cold start
CONST read console status
CONIN read console character
CONOUT write console character
LIST write character to the list device
LISTST read list device status
These two steps produce an executable CP/NOS, capable of being
programmed into ROM. At this stage, however, the system cannot be
debugged from CP/M.
CP/NET 1.2 Standard Message Formats
CP/NET 1.2 Logical Message Specifications
Notes: |
NDOS Function Summary
Code | Function Name | Input Parameters | Output Results |
38 | Access Drive | DE = Drive Vector | none |
39 | Free Drive | DE = Drive Vector | none |
42 | Lock Record | DE = FCB Address | A = Err Code |
43 | Unlock Record | DE = FCB Address | A = Err Code |
45 | Set BDOS Error Mode | E = Error Mode | none |
64 | Login | see definition | A = Err Code |
65 | Logoff | E = Server ID | none |
66 | Send Message on Ntwrk | DE = Message Adr | A = Err Code |
67 | Receive Msg from Ntwk | DE = Message Adr | A = Err Code |
68 | Get Network Status | none | A = Status byte |
69 | Get Config Table Adr | none | HL = Table Adr |
70 | Set Compat. Attrs. | E = attributes | none |
71 | Get Server Config. | E = Server ID | HL= Table Adr |
106 | Set Default Password | see definition | none |
A Simple RS-232C CP/NET System
Digital Research developed a relatively simple RS-232C point to-point protocol to provide a demonstration vehicle for CP/NET and to encourage compatibility among hardware vendors. The protocol, as implemented in the sample SNIOS and NETWRKIF in this appendix, breaks the logical message into a fixed header and a variable length data portion the size of which is obtained from the fixed header. This simplifies operation with DMA channels that need terminal counts and also provides a checksum for the header that contains the SIZ field.
This protocol can be implemented between any requester and server that support an extra RS-232 console port.
The protocol handshake is detailed in Figure E-1.
E.2 Binary Protocol Message Format
Data integrity for this protocol is maintained by a simple
checksum, shown in Figure E-2,
on both the header and the actual
Message format codes 00 & 01 are recommended.
Field Description:
E.3 ASCII Protocol Message Format
If the RS-232 link is not capable of transmitting 8-bit binary
data, you might have to transmit each nibble of the message as a 7
bit ASCII character.
Note: the 7-bit ASCII network protocol is identical to the 8-bit
protocol except that it requires twice as many bytes because each
byte is transmitted in hexadecimal ASCII format.
The ASCII network protocol message format is detailed in
Figure E-3.
Message format codes 00 & 01 are recommended.
Field Description:
The sample SNIOS can be modified for almost any requester that
has a spare console port. To do so, follow these steps:
The only code that requires modification in the SNIOS.ASM
file is contained in the CHAROUT, CHARIN, and DELAY
procedures. The CHAROUT and CHARIN procedures can be
conditionally assembled for a Dynabyte DB8/2, now called
DB8/5200, a Digital Microsystems DSC-2 or an ALTOS
8000-2. The NOPs in the CHAROUT procedure are simply
padding, so the length of the DB8/2 SNIOS and DSC-2 SNIOS
is the same, which helps in the debugging of these two
Perhaps the most critical area in the SNIOS that requires
adjustment for a specific network configuration is in the timeout
code of the CHARIN procedure. If too little time is allowed, the
server might not be able to complete the function because of a heavy
request load from the requesters. If too much time is specified,
communication breaks on the network can go undetected for a period
of time, making both error recovery and precise detection difficult.
Note that this is a logical timeout, not a data-link timeout. The
logical timeout determines how long the requester expects the server
to take between the time it receives the message and the time it
returns a response message.
Another critical parameter that requires adjustment for
different environments is ALWAYS$RETRY. This equate, when true,
controls conditional assembly that always produces retries on
network failures. In this mode of operation, it is possible to
recover from broken communication between the requester and a
server. However, ALWAYS$RETRY does hang the requester in a busy
retry mode when failures occur.
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #001 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 1 title 'Requester Network I/O System for CP/NET 1.2' 2 page 54 3 4 ;*************************************************************** 5 ;*************************************************************** 6 ;** ** 7 ;** R e q u e s t e r N e t w o r k I / O S y s t e m ** 8 ;** ** 9 ;*************************************************************** 10 ;*************************************************************** 11 12 ;/* 13 ; Copyright (C) 1980, 1981, 1982 14 ; Digital Research 15 ; P.O. Box 579 16 ; Pacific Grove, CA 93950 17 ; 18 ; Revised: October 5, 1982 19 ;*/ 20 21 0000 = false equ 0 22 FFFF = true equ not false 23 24 0000 = cpnos equ false ; cp/net system 25 26 0000 = DSC2 equ false 27 0000 = DB82 equ false 28 FFFF = Altos equ true 29 30 FFFF = always$retry equ true ; force continuous retries 31 32 0000 = modem equ false 33 34 0000 = ASCII equ false 35 36 0000 = debug equ false 37 38 CSEG 39 if cpnos 40 extrn BDOS 41 else 42 0005 = BDOS equ 0005h 43 endif 44 45 NIOS: 46 public NIOS 47 ; Jump vector for SNIOS entry points 48 0000 C3A900 jmp ntwrkinit ; network initialization 49 0003 C3B800 jmp ntwrksts ; network status 50 0006 C3C300 jmp cnfgtbladr ; return config table addr 51 0009 C3C700 jmp sendmsg ; send message on network 52 000C C33301 jmp receivemsg ; receive message from network 53 000F C3DD01 jmp ntwrkerror ; network error 54 0012 C3DE01 jmp ntwrkwboot ; network warm boot |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #002 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 55 56 if DB82 57 slave$ID equ 12h ; slave processor ID number 58 endif 59 if DSC2 60 slave$ID equ 34h 61 endif 62 if Altos 63 0056 = slave$ID equ 56h 64 endif 65 66 if cpnos 67 ; Initial Slave Configuration Table 68 Initconfigtbl: 69 db 0000$0000b ; network status byte 70 db slave$ID ; slave processor ID number 71 db 84h,0 ; A: Disk device 72 db 81h,0 ; B: " 73 db 82h,0 ; C: " 74 db 83h,0 ; D: " 75 db 80h,0 ; E: " 76 db 85h,0 ; F: " 77 db 86h,0 ; G: " 78 db 87h,0 ; H: " 79 db 88h,0 ; I: " 80 db 89h,0 ; J: " 81 db 8ah,0 ; K: " 82 db 8bh,0 ; L: " 83 db 8ch,0 ; M: " 84 db 8dh,0 ; N: " 85 db 8eh,0 ; O: " 86 db 8fh,0 ; P: " 87 db 0,0 ; console device 88 db 0,0 ; list device: 89 db 0 ; buffer index 90 db 0 ; FMT 91 db 0 ; DID 92 db slave$ID ; SID 93 db 5 ; FNC 94 initcfglen equ $-initconfigtbl 95 endif 96 97 0000 = defaultmaster equ 00h 98 99 wboot$msg: ; data for warm boot routine 100 0015 3C5761726D db ' |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #003 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 109 110 DSEG 111 112 113 ; Slave Configuration Table 114 configtbl: 115 116 Network$status: 117 0000 ds 1 ; network status byte 118 0001 ds 1 ; slave processor ID number 119 0002 ds 2 ; A: Disk device 120 0004 ds 2 ; B: " 121 0006 ds 2 ; C: " 122 0008 ds 2 ; D: " 123 000A ds 2 ; E: " 124 000C ds 2 ; F: " 125 000E ds 2 ; G: " 126 0010 ds 2 ; H: " 127 0012 ds 2 ; I: " 128 0014 ds 2 ; J: " 129 0016 ds 2 ; K: " 130 0018 ds 2 ; L: " 131 001A ds 2 ; M: " 132 001C ds 2 ; N: " 133 001E ds 2 ; O: " 134 0020 ds 2 ; P: " 135 136 0022 ds 2 ; console device 137 138 0024 ds 2 ; list device: 139 0026 ds 1 ; buffer index 140 0027 00 db 0 ; FMT 141 0028 00 db 0 ; DID 142 0029 56 db Slave$ID ; SID (CP/NOS must still initialize) 143 002A 05 db 5 ; FNC 144 002B ds 1 ; SIZ 145 002C ds 1 ; MSG(0) List number 146 002D ds 128 ; MSG(1) ... MSG(128) 147 148 msg$adr: 149 00AD ds 2 ; message address 150 if modem 151 timeout$retries equ 0 ; timeout a max of 256 times 152 else 153 0064 = timeout$retries equ 100 ; timeout a max of 100 times 154 endif 155 000A = max$retries equ 10 ; send message max of 10 times 156 retry$count: 157 00AF ds 1 158 159 FirstPass: 160 00B0 FF db 0ffh 161 162 ; Network Status Byte Equates |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #004 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 163 ; 164 0010 = active equ 0001$0000b ; slave logged in on network 165 0002 = rcverr equ 0000$0010b ; error in received message 166 0001 = senderr equ 0000$0001b ; unable to send message 167 168 ; General Equates 169 ; 170 0001 = SOH equ 01h ; Start of Header 171 0002 = STX equ 02h ; Start of Data 172 0003 = ETX equ 03h ; End of Data 173 0004 = EOT equ 04h ; End of Transmission 174 0005 = ENQ equ 05h ; Enquire 175 0006 = ACK equ 06h ; Acknowledge 176 000A = LF equ 0ah ; Line Feed 177 000D = CR equ 0dh ; Carriage Return 178 0015 = NAK equ 15h ; Negative Acknowledge 179 180 0002 = conout equ 2 ; console output function 181 0009 = print equ 9 ; print string function 182 0043 = rcvmsg equ 67 ; receive message NDOS function 183 0040 = login equ 64 ; Login NDOS function 184 185 ; I/O Equates 186 ; 187 if DB82 188 stati equ 83h 189 mski equ 08h 190 dprti equ 80h 191 192 stato equ 83h 193 msko equ 10h 194 statc equ 81h 195 mskc equ 20h 196 dprto equ 86h 197 endif 198 199 if DSC2 200 if modem 201 stati equ 59h 202 mski equ 02h 203 dprti equ 58h 204 205 stato equ 59h 206 msko equ 01h 207 dprto equ 58h 208 else 209 stati equ 51h 210 mski equ 02h 211 dprti equ 50h 212 213 stato equ 51h 214 msko equ 01h 215 dprto equ 50h 216 endif |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #005 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 217 endif 218 219 if Altos 220 001F = stati equ 1fh 221 0001 = mski equ 01h 222 001E = dprti equ 1eh 223 224 001F = stato equ 1fh 225 0004 = msko equ 04h 226 001E = dprto equ 1eh 227 endif 228 229 230 231 page |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #006 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 232 233 CSEG 234 ; Utility Procedures 235 ; 236 delay: ; delay for c[a] * 0.5 milliseconds 237 002F 3E06 mvi a,6 238 delay1: 239 0031 0E86 mvi c,86h 240 delay2: 241 0033 0D dcr c 242 0034 C23300 jnz delay2 243 0037 3D dcr a 244 0038 C23100 jnz delay1 245 003B C9 ret 246 247 if ASCII 248 Nib$out: ; A = nibble to be transmitted in ASCII 249 cpi 10 250 jnc nibAtoF ; jump if A-F 251 adi '0' 252 mov c,a 253 jmp Char$out 254 nibAtoF: 255 adi 'A'-10 256 mov c,a 257 jmp Char$out 258 endif 259 260 Pre$Char$out: 261 003C 7A mov a,d 262 003D 81 add c 263 003E 57 mov d,a ; update the checksum in D 264 265 nChar$out: ; C = byte to be transmitted 266 if Altos 267 003F 3E10 mvi a,10h 268 0041 D31F out stato 269 endif 270 0043 DB1F in stato 271 0045 E604 ani msko 272 0047 CA3F00 jz nChar$out 273 274 if DB82 275 in statc 276 ani mskc 277 jz nChar$out 278 endif 279 280 if DSC2 281 nop ; these NOP's make DB8/2 & DSC2 282 nop ; versions the same length - saves 283 nop ; a second listing 284 nop 285 nop |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #007 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 286 nop 287 nop 288 endif 289 290 004A 79 mov a,c 291 004B D31E out dprto 292 004D C9 ret 293 ; 294 Char$out: 295 004E CD3F00 call nChar$out 296 if Altos 297 0051 E3E3E3E3 xthl! xthl! xthl! xthl 298 0055 E3E3E3E3 xthl! xthl! xthl! xthl 299 0059 E3E3E3E3 xthl! xthl! xthl! xthl ;delay 54 usec 300 005D C9 ret 301 else 302 jmp delay ; delay after each Char sent to Mstr 303 ; ret 304 endif 305 306 if ASCII 307 Nib$in: ; return nibble in A register 308 call Char$in 309 rc 310 ani 7fh 311 sui '0' 312 cpi 10 313 jc Nib$in$rtn ; must be 0-9 314 adi ('0'-'A'+10) and 0ffh 315 cpi 16 316 jc Nib$in$rtn ; must be 10-15 317 lda network$status 318 ori rcverr 319 sta network$status 320 mvi a,0 321 stc ; carry set indicating err cond 322 ret 323 324 Nib$in$rtn: 325 ora a ; clear carry & return 326 ret 327 endif 328 329 xChar$in: 330 005E 0664 mvi b,100 ; 100 ms corresponds to longest possible 331 0060 C36500 jmp char$in0 ;wait between master operations 332 333 Char$in: ; return byte in A register 334 ; carry set on rtn if timeout 335 if modem 336 mvi b,0 ; 256 ms = 7.76 chars @ 300 baud 337 else 338 if Altos 339 0063 0603 mvi b,3 ; 3 ms = 50 chars @ 125k baud |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #008 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 340 else 341 mvi b,50 ; 50 ms = 50 chars @ 9600 baud 342 endif 343 endif 344 Char$in0: 345 0065 0E5A mvi c,5ah 346 Char$in1: 347 if Altos 348 0067 3E00 mvi a,0 349 0069 D31F out stati 350 endif 351 006B DB1F in stati 352 006D E601 ani mski 353 006F C27C00 jnz Char$in2 354 0072 0D dcr c 355 0073 C26700 jnz Char$in1 356 0076 05 dcr b 357 0077 C26500 jnz Char$in0 358 007A 37 stc ; carry set for err cond = timeout 359 007B C9 ret 360 Char$in2: 361 007C DB1E in dprti 362 007E C9 ret ; rtn with raw char and carry cleared 363 364 Net$out: ; C = byte to be transmitted 365 ; D = checksum 366 007F 7A mov a,d 367 0080 81 add c 368 0081 57 mov d,a 369 370 if ASCII 371 mov a,c 372 mov b,a 373 rar 374 rar 375 rar 376 rar 377 ani 0FH ; mask HI-LO nibble to LO nibble 378 call Nib$out 379 mov a,b 380 ani 0FH 381 jmp Nib$out 382 383 else 384 0082 C34E00 jmp Char$out 385 endif 386 387 Msg$in: ; HL = destination address 388 ; E = # bytes to input 389 0085 CD9000 call Net$in 390 0088 D8 rc 391 0089 77 mov m,a 392 008A 23 inx h 393 008B 1D dcr e |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #009 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 394 008C C28500 jnz Msg$in 395 008F C9 ret 396 397 Net$in: ; byte returned in A register 398 ; D = checksum accumulator 399 400 if ASCII 401 call Nib$in 402 rc 403 add a 404 add a 405 add a 406 add a 407 push psw 408 call Nib$in 409 pop b 410 rc 411 ora b 412 413 else 414 0090 CD6300 call Char$in ;receive byte in Binary mode 415 0093 D8 rc 416 endif 417 418 chks$in: 419 0094 47 mov b,a 420 0095 82 add d ; add & update checksum accum. 421 0096 57 mov d,a 422 0097 B7 ora a ; set cond code from checksum 423 0098 78 mov a,b 424 0099 C9 ret 425 426 Msg$out: ; HL = source address 427 ; E = # bytes to output 428 ; D = checksum 429 ; C = preamble byte 430 009A 1600 mvi d,0 ; initialize the checksum 431 009C CD3C00 call Pre$Char$out ; send the preamble character 432 Msg$out$loop: 433 009F 4E mov c,m 434 00A0 23 inx h 435 00A1 CD7F00 call Net$out 436 00A4 1D dcr e 437 00A5 C29F00 jnz Msg$out$loop 438 00A8 C9 ret 439 440 page |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #010 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 441 442 ; Network Initialization 443 ntwrkinit: 444 445 if cpnos ; copy down network assignments 446 lxi h,Initconfigtbl 447 lxi d,configtbl 448 mvi c,initcfglen 449 initloop: 450 mov a,m 451 stax d 452 inx h 453 inx d 454 dcr c 455 jnz initloop ; initialize config tbl from ROM 456 457 else 458 00A9 3E56 mvi a,slave$ID ;initialize slave ID byte 459 00AB 320100 sta configtbl+1 ; in the configuration tablee 460 endif 461 462 ; device initialization, as required 463 464 if Altos 465 00AE 3E47 mvi a,047h 466 00B0 D30E out 0eh 467 00B2 3E01 mvi a,1 468 00B4 D30E out 0eh 469 endif 470 471 if DSC2 and modem 472 mvi a,0ceh 473 out stato 474 mvi a,027h 475 out stato 476 endif 477 478 if cpnos 479 call loginpr ; login to a master 480 endif 481 482 initok: 483 00B6 AF xra a ; return code is 0=success 484 00B7 C9 ret 485 486 487 page |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #011 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 488 489 ; Network Status 490 ntwrksts: 491 00B8 3A0000 lda network$status 492 00BB 47 mov b,a 493 00BC E6FC ani not (rcverr+senderr) 494 00BE 320000 sta network$status 495 00C1 78 mov a,b 496 00C2 C9 ret 497 498 499 500 ; Return Configuration Table Address 501 cnfgtbladr: 502 00C3 210000 lxi h,configtbl 503 00C6 C9 ret 504 505 506 page |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #012 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 507 508 ; Send Message on Network 509 sendmsg: ; BC = message addr 510 00C7 60 mov h,b 511 00C8 69 mov l,c ; HL = message address 512 00C9 22AD00 shld msg$adr 513 re$sendmsg: 514 00CC 3E0A mvi a,max$retries 515 00CE 32AF00 sta retry$count ; initialize retry count 516 send: 517 00D1 2AAD00 lhld msg$adr 518 00D4 0E05 mvi c,ENQ 519 00D6 CD4E00 call Char$out ; send ENQ to master 520 00D9 1664 mvi d,timeout$retries 521 ENQ$response: 522 00DB CD6300 call Char$in 523 00DE D2E800 jnc got$ENQ$response 524 00E1 15 dcr d 525 00E2 C2DB00 jnz ENQ$response 526 00E5 C32B01 jmp Char$in$timeout 527 got$ENQ$response: 528 00E8 CD1E01 call get$ACK0 529 00EB 0E01 mvi c,SOH 530 00ED 1E05 mvi e,5 531 00EF CD9A00 call Msg$out ; send SOH FMT DID SID FNC SIZ 532 00F2 AF xra a 533 00F3 92 sub d 534 00F4 4F mov c,a 535 00F5 CD7F00 call net$out ; send HCS (header checksum) 536 00F8 CD1801 call get$ACK 537 00FB 2B dcx h 538 00FC 5E mov e,m 539 00FD 23 inx h 540 00FE 1C inr e 541 00FF 0E02 mvi c,STX 542 0101 CD9A00 call Msg$out ; send STX DB0 DB1 ... 543 0104 0E03 mvi c,ETX 544 0106 CD3C00 call Pre$Char$out ; send ETX 545 0109 AF xra a 546 010A 92 sub d 547 010B 4F mov c,a 548 010C CD7F00 call Net$out ; send the checksum 549 010F 0E04 mvi c,EOT 550 0111 CD3F00 call nChar$out ; send EOT 551 0114 CD1801 call get$ACK ; (leave these 552 0117 C9 ret ; two instructions) 553 554 get$ACK: 555 0118 CD6300 call Char$in 556 011B DA2301 jc send$retry ; jump if timeout 557 get$ACK0: 558 011E E67F ani 7fh 559 0120 D606 sui ACK 560 0122 C8 rz |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #013 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 561 send$retry: 562 0123 E1 pop h ; discard return address 563 0124 21AF00 lxi h,retry$count 564 0127 35 dcr m 565 0128 C2D100 jnz send ; send again unles max retries 566 Char$in$timeout: 567 012B 3E01 mvi a,senderr 568 569 if always$retry 570 012D CDD201 call error$return 571 0130 C3CC00 jmp re$sendmsg 572 else 573 jmp error$return 574 endif 575 576 page |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #014 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 577 578 ; Receive Message from Network 579 receivemsg: ; BC = message addr 580 0133 60 mov h,b 581 0134 69 mov l,c ; HL = message address 582 0135 22AD00 shld msg$adr 583 re$receivemsg: 584 0138 3E0A mvi a,max$retries 585 013A 32AF00 sta retry$count ; initialize retry count 586 re$call: 587 013D CD4F01 call receive ; rtn from receive is receive error 588 589 receive$retry: 590 0140 21AF00 lxi h,retry$count 591 0143 35 dcr m 592 0144 C23D01 jnz re$call 593 receive$timeout: 594 0147 3E02 mvi a,rcverr 595 596 if always$retry 597 0149 CDD201 call error$return 598 014C C33801 jmp re$receivemsg 599 else 600 jmp error$return 601 endif 602 603 receive: 604 014F 2AAD00 lhld msg$adr 605 0152 1664 mvi d,timeout$retries 606 receive$firstchar: 607 0154 CD5E00 call xcharin 608 0157 D26201 jnc got$firstchar 609 015A 15 dcr d 610 015B C25401 jnz receive$firstchar 611 015E E1 pop h ; discard receive$retry rtn adr 612 015F C34701 jmp receive$timeout 613 got$firstchar: 614 0162 E67F ani 7fh 615 0164 FE05 cpi ENQ ; Enquire? 616 0166 C24F01 jnz receive 617 618 0169 0E06 mvi c,ACK 619 016B CD3F00 call nChar$out ; acknowledge ENQ with an ACK 620 621 016E CD6300 call Char$in 622 0171 D8 rc ; return to receive$retry 623 0172 E67F ani 7fh 624 0174 FE01 cpi SOH ; Start of Header ? 625 0176 C0 rnz ; return to receive$retry 626 0177 57 mov d,a ; initialize the HCS 627 0178 1E05 mvi e,5 628 017A CD8500 call Msg$in 629 017D D8 rc ; return to receive$retry 630 017E CD9000 call Net$in |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #015 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 631 0181 D8 rc ; return to receive$retry 632 0182 C2CD01 jnz bad$checksum 633 0185 CDC501 call send$ACK 634 0188 CD6300 call Char$in 635 018B D8 rc ; return to receive$retry 636 018C E67F ani 7fh 637 018E FE02 cpi STX ; Start of Data ? 638 0190 C0 rnz ; return to receive$retry 639 0191 57 mov d,a ; initialize the CKS 640 0192 2B dcx h 641 0193 5E mov e,m 642 0194 23 inx h 643 0195 1C inr e 644 0196 CD8500 call msg$in ; get DB0 DB1 ... 645 0199 D8 rc ; return to receive$retry 646 019A CD6300 call Char$in ; get the ETX 647 019D D8 rc ; return to receive$retry 648 019E E67F ani 7fh 649 01A0 FE03 cpi ETX 650 01A2 C0 rnz ; return to receive$retry 651 01A3 82 add d 652 01A4 57 mov d,a ; update CKS with ETX 653 01A5 CD9000 call Net$in ; get CKS 654 01A8 D8 rc ; return to receive$retry 655 01A9 CD6300 call Char$in ; get EOT 656 01AC D8 rc ; return to receive$retry 657 01AD E67F ani 7fh 658 01AF FE04 cpi EOT 659 01B1 C0 rnz ; return to receive$retry 660 01B2 7A mov a,d 661 01B3 B7 ora a ; test CKS 662 01B4 C2CD01 jnz bad$checksum 663 01B7 E1 pop h ; discard receive$retry rtn adr 664 01B8 2AAD00 lhld msg$adr 665 01BB 23 inx h 666 01BC 3A0100 lda configtbl+1 667 01BF 96 sub m 668 01C0 CAC501 jz send$ACK ; jump with A=0 if DID ok 669 01C3 3EFF mvi a,0ffh ; return code shows bad DID 670 send$ACK: 671 01C5 F5 push psw ; save return code 672 01C6 0E06 mvi c,ACK 673 01C8 CD3F00 call nChar$out ; send ACK if checksum ok 674 01CB F1 pop psw ; restore return code 675 01CC C9 ret 676 677 bad$DID: 678 bad$checksum: 679 01CD 0E15 mvi c,NAK 680 01CF C34E00 jmp Char$out ; send NAK on bad chksm & not max retries 681 ; ret 682 683 error$return: 684 01D2 210000 lxi h,network$status |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #016 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 685 01D5 B6 ora m 686 01D6 77 mov m,a 687 01D7 CDDD01 call ntwrkerror ; perform any required device re-init. 688 01DA 3EFF mvi a,0ffh 689 01DC C9 ret 690 691 ntwrkerror: 692 ; perform any required device 693 01DD C9 ret ; re-initialization 694 695 page |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #017 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 696 697 ; 698 ntwrkwboot: 699 700 ; This procedure is called each time the CCP is 701 ; reloaded from disk. This version prints " |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #018 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 710 711 if cpnos 712 ; 713 ; LOGIN to a Master 714 ; 715 ; Equates 716 ; 717 buff equ 0080h 718 719 readbf equ 10 720 721 active equ 0001$0000b 722 723 loginpr: 724 mvi c,initpasswordmsglen 725 lxi h,initpasswordmsg 726 lxi d,passwordmsg 727 copypassword: 728 mov a,m 729 stax d 730 inx h 731 inx d 732 dcr c 733 jnz copypassword 734 mvi c,print 735 lxi d,loginmsg 736 call BDOS 737 mvi c,readbf 738 lxi d,buff-1 739 mvi a,50h 740 stax d 741 call BDOS 742 lxi h,buff 743 mov a,m ; get # chars in the command tail 744 ora a 745 jz dologin ; default login if empty command tail 746 mov c,a ; A = # chars in command tail 747 xra a 748 mov b,a ; B will accumulate master ID 749 scanblnks: 750 inx h 751 mov a,m 752 cpi ' ' 753 jnz pastblnks ; skip past leading blanks 754 dcr c 755 jnz scanblnks 756 jmp prelogin ; jump if command tail exhausted 757 pastblnks: 758 cpi '[' 759 jz scanMstrID 760 mvi a,8 761 lxi d,passwordmsg+5+8-1 762 xchg 763 spacefill: |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #019 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 764 mvi m,' ' 765 dcx h 766 dcr a 767 jnz spacefill 768 xchg 769 scanLftBrkt: 770 mov a,m 771 cpi '[' 772 jz scanMstrID 773 inx d 774 stax d ;update the password 775 inx h 776 dcr c 777 jnz scanLftBrkt 778 jmp prelogin 779 scanMstrID: 780 inx h 781 dcr c 782 jz loginerr 783 mov a,m 784 cpi ']' 785 jz prelogin 786 sui '0' 787 cpi 10 788 jc updateID 789 adi ('0'-'A'+10) and 0ffh 790 cpi 16 791 jnc loginerr 792 updateID: 793 push psw 794 mov a,b 795 add a 796 add a 797 add a 798 add a 799 mov b,a ; accum * 16 800 pop psw 801 add b 802 mov b,a 803 jmp scanMstrID 804 805 prelogin: 806 mov a,b 807 808 dologin: 809 lxi b,passwordmsg+1 810 stax b 811 dcx b 812 call sendmsg 813 inr a 814 lxi d,loginfailedmsg 815 jz printmsg 816 lxi b,passwordmsg 817 call receivemsg |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #020 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 818 inr a 819 lxi d,loginfailedmsg 820 jz printmsg 821 lda passwordmsg+5 822 inr a 823 jnz loginOK 824 jmp printmsg 825 826 loginerr: 827 lxi d,loginerrmsg 828 printmsg: 829 mvi c,print 830 call BDOS 831 jmp loginpr ; try login again 832 833 loginOK: 834 lxi h,network$status ; HL = status byte addr 835 mov a,m 836 ori active ; set active bit true 837 mov m,a 838 ret 839 840 ; 841 ; Local Data Segment 842 ; 843 loginmsg: 844 db cr,lf 845 db 'LOGIN=' 846 db '$' 847 848 initpasswordmsg: 849 db 00h ; FMT 850 db 00h ; DID Master ID # 851 db slave$ID ;SID 852 db 40h ; FNC 853 db 7 ; SIZ 854 db 'PASSWORD' ; password 855 initpasswordmsglen equ $-initpasswordmsg 856 857 858 loginerrmsg: 859 db lf 860 db 'Invalid LOGIN' 861 db '$' 862 863 loginfailedmsg: 864 db lf 865 db 'LOGIN Failed' 866 db '$' 867 868 DSEG 869 passwordmsg: 870 ds 1 ; FMT 871 ds 1 ; DID |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #021 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 872 ds 1 ; SID 873 ds 1 ; FNC 874 ds 1 ; SIZ 875 ds 8 ; DAT = password 876 endif 877 878 01E6 end |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #022 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 ACK 0006 175# 559 618 672 ACTIVE 0010 164# 721# 836 ALTOS FFFF 28# 62 219 266 296 338 347 464 ALWAYSRETRY FFFF 30# 569 596 ASCII 0000 34# 247 306 370 400 BADCHECKSUM 01CD 632 662 678# BADDID 01CD 677# BDOS 0005 40 42# 707 736 741 830 CHARIN 0063 308 333# 414 522 555 621 634 646 655 CHARIN0 0065 331 344# 357 CHARIN1 0067 346# 355 CHARIN2 007C 353 360# CHARINTIMEOUT 012B 526 566# CHAROUT 004E 253 257 294# 384 519 680 CHKSIN 0094 418# CNFGTBLADR 00C3 50 501# CONFIGTBL 0000 114# 447 459 502 666 CONOUT 0002 180# CPNOS 0000 24# 39 66 445 478 711 CR 000D 177# 844 DB82 0000 27# 56 187 274 DEBUG 0000 36# DEFAULTMASTER 0000 97# DELAY 002F 236# 302 DELAY1 0031 238# 244 DELAY2 0033 240# 242 DPRTI 001E 190# 203# 211# 222# 361 DPRTO 001E 196# 207# 215# 226# 291 DSC2 0000 26# 59 199 280 471 ENQ 0005 174# 518 615 ENQRESPONSE 00DB 521# 525 EOT 0004 173# 549 658 ERRORRETURN 01D2 570 573 597 600 683# ETX 0003 172# 543 649 FALSE 0000 21# 22 24 26 27 32 34 36 FIRSTPASS 00B0 159# GETACK 0118 536 551 554# GETACK0 011E 528 557# GOTENQRESPONSE 00E8 523 527# GOTFIRSTCHAR 0162 608 613# INITOK 00B6 482# LF 000A 176# 844 859 864 LOGIN 0040 183# MAXRETRIES 000A 155# 514 584 MODEM 0000 32# 150 200 335 471 MSGADR 00AD 148# 512 517 582 604 664 MSGIN 0085 387# 394 628 644 MSGOUT 009A 426# 531 542 MSGOUTLOOP 009F 432# 437 MSKI 0001 189# 202# 210# 221# 352 MSKO 0004 193# 206# 214# 225# 271 NAK 0015 178# 679 NCHAROUT 003F 265# 272 277 295 550 619 673 NETIN 0090 389 397# 630 653 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #023 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 NETOUT 007F 364# 435 535 548 NETWORKERRMSG 0021 103# NETWORKSTATUS 0000 116# 317 319 491 494 684 834 NIOS 0000 45# 46 NTWRKERROR 01DD 53 687 691# NTWRKINIT 00A9 48 443# NTWRKSTS 00B8 49 490# NTWRKWBOOT 01DE 54 698# PRECHAROUT 003C 260# 431 544 PRINT 0009 181# 734 829 RCVERR 0002 165# 318 493 594 RCVMSG 0043 182# RECALL 013D 586# 592 RECEIVE 014F 587 603# 616 RECEIVEFIRSTCHAR 0154 606# 610 RECEIVEMSG 0133 52 579# 817 RECEIVERETRY 0140 589# RECEIVETIMEOUT 0147 593# 612 RERECEIVEMSG 0138 583# 598 RESENDMSG 00CC 513# 571 RETRYCOUNT 00AF 156# 515 563 585 590 SEND 00D1 516# 565 SENDACK 01C5 633 668 670# SENDERR 0001 166# 493 567 SENDMSG 00C7 51 509# 812 SENDRETRY 0123 556 561# SLAVEID 0056 57# 60# 63# 70 92 142 458 851 SOH 0001 170# 529 624 STATI 001F 188# 201# 209# 220# 349 351 STATO 001F 192# 205# 213# 224# 268 270 473 475 STX 0002 171# 541 637 TIMEOUTRETRIES 0064 151# 153# 520 605 TRUE FFFF 22# 28 30 WBOOTMSG 0015 99# 706 XCHARIN 005E 329# 607 |
The NETWRKIF, designed for an Altos ACS 8000-10, is also easy to modify. The NETWRKIF implements the protocol by checking for the first character of an incoming message through one of the XIOS CONIN routines. After receiving the first character and validating it, the NETWRKIF disables interrupts and reads the rest of the message in under direct process control. If an XIOS CONIN routine does not exist for the port to be used for the network, you must write one.
To modify this NETWRKIF, follow these steps:
The sample NETWRKIF contains a debug conditional assembly flag that permits generation of a NETWRKIF.COM file. The NETWRKIF.COM version can debug a single requester, as follows:
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #001 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 1 title 'Master Network I/F Module' 2 page 54 3 4 ;*************************************************************** 5 ;*************************************************************** 6 ;** ** 7 ;** S e r v e r N e t w o r k I / F M o d u l e ** 8 ;** ** 9 ;*************************************************************** 10 ;*************************************************************** 11 12 ;/* 13 ; Copyright (C) 1980 14 ; Digital Research 15 ; P.O. Box 579 16 ; Pacific Grove, CA 93950 17 ; 18 ; Modified October 5, 1982 19 ; 20 ;*/ 21 22 23 0000 = false equ 0 24 FFFF = true equ not false 25 26 FFFF = z80 equ true 27 28 0000 = debug equ false 29 0000 = modem equ false 30 31 0000 = WtchDg equ false ; include watch dog timer 32 33 0000 = mutexin equ false ; provide mutual exclusion on input 34 0000 = mutexout equ false ; provide mutual exclusion on output 35 36 37 if debug 38 39 NmbSlvs equ 1 ;debug only one requester 40 41 lxi sp,NtwrkIS0+2eh 42 mvi c,145 43 mvi e,64 44 call bdos ; set priority to 64 45 lxi h,UQCBNtwrkQI0 ; initialize reentrant variables 46 lxi d,UQCBNtwrkQO0 47 lxi b,BufferQ0 48 mvi a,00h 49 ret 50 51 bdosadr: 52 dw 0005h 53 54 else |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #002 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 55 56 0002 = NmbSlvs equ 2 ;RSP is configured for two requesters 57 58 bdosadr: 59 0000 0000 dw $-$ ;XDOS entry point for RSP version 60 61 endif 62 63 ; Network Interface Process #0 64 65 NtwrkIP0: 66 0002 0000 dw 0 ; link 67 0004 00 db 0 ; status 68 0005 40 db 64 ; priority 69 0006 6400 dw NtwrkIS0+46 ; stack pointer 70 0008 4E7477726B db 'NtwrkIP0' ; name 71 0010 00 db 0 ; console 72 0011 FF db 0ffh ; memseg 73 0012 ds 2 ; b 74 0014 ds 2 ; thread 75 0016 ds 2 ; buff 76 0018 ds 1 ; user code & disk slct 77 0019 ds 2 ; dcnt 78 001B ds 1 ; searchl 79 001C ds 2 ; searcha 80 001E ds 2 ; active drives 81 0020 0000 dw 0 ; HL' 82 0022 0000 dw 0 ; DE' 83 0024 0000 dw 0 ; BC' 84 0026 0000 dw 0 ; AF' 85 0028 0000 dw 0 ; IY 86 002A 0000 dw 0 ; IX 87 002C 8000 dw UQCBNtwrkQI0 ; HL 88 002E A000 dw UQCBNtwrkQO0 ; DE 89 0030 A600 dw BufferQ0 ; BC 90 0032 0000 dw 0 ; AF, A = ntwkif console dev # 91 0034 ds 2 ; scratch 92 93 NtwrkIS0: 94 0036 C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 95 003E C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 96 0046 C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 97 004E C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 98 0056 C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 99 005E C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 100 0064 4206 dw setup 101 102 QCBNtwrkQI0: 103 0066 ds 2 ; link 104 0068 4E7477726B db 'NtwrkQI0' ; name 105 0070 0200 dw 2 ; msglen 106 0072 0100 dw 1 ; nmbmsgs 107 0074 ds 2 ; dqph 108 0076 ds 2 ; nqph |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #003 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 109 0078 ds 2 ; msgin 110 007A ds 2 ; msgout 111 007C ds 2 ; msgcnt 112 007E ds 2 ; buffer 113 114 UQCBNtwrkQI0: 115 0080 6600 dw QCBNtwrkQI0 ; pointer 116 0082 8400 dw BufferQI0Addr ; msgadr 117 BufferQI0Addr: 118 0084 A600 dw BufferQ0 119 120 QCBNtwrkQO0: 121 0086 ds 2 ; link 122 0088 4E7477726B db 'NtwrkQO0' ; name 123 0090 0200 dw 2 ; msglen 124 0092 0100 dw 1 ; nmbmsgs 125 0094 ds 2 ; dqph 126 0096 ds 2 ; nqph 127 0098 ds 2 ; msgin 128 009A ds 2 ; msgout 129 009C ds 2 ; msgcnt 130 009E ds 2 ; buffer 131 132 UQCBNtwrkQO0: 133 00A0 8600 dw QCBNtwrkQO0 ; pointer 134 00A2 A400 dw BufferQO0Addr ; msgadr 135 BufferQO0Addr: 136 00A4 ds 2 137 138 BufferQ0: 139 00A6 ds 1 ; FMT 140 00A7 ds 1 ; DID 141 00A8 ds 1 ; SID 142 00A9 ds 1 ; FNC 143 00AA ds 1 ; SIZ 144 00AB ds 257 ; MSG 145 146 ; Network Interface Process #1 147 148 if NmbSlvs GE 2 149 NtwrkIP1: 150 151 if NmbSlvs GE 3 152 dw NtwrkIP2 ; link 153 else 154 01AC 0000 dw 0 ; link 155 endif 156 157 01AE 00 db 0 ; status 158 01AF 40 db 64 ; priority 159 01B0 0E02 dw NtwrkIS1+46 ; stack pointer 160 01B2 4E7477726B db 'NtwrkIP1' ; name 161 01BA 00 db 0 ; console 162 01BB FF db 0ffh ; memseg |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #004 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 163 01BC ds 2 ; b 164 01BE ds 2 ; thread 165 01C0 ds 2 ; buff 166 01C2 ds 1 ; user code & disk slct 167 01C3 ds 2 ; dcnt 168 01C5 ds 1 ; searchl 169 01C6 ds 2 ; searcha 170 01C8 ds 2 ; active drives 171 01CA 0000 dw 0 ; HL' 172 01CC 0000 dw 0 ; DE' 173 01CE 0000 dw 0 ; BC' 174 01D0 0000 dw 0 ; AF' 175 01D2 0000 dw 0 ; IY 176 01D4 0000 dw 0 ; IX 177 01D6 2A02 dw UQCBNtwrkQI1 ; HL 178 01D8 4A02 dw UQCBNtwrkQO1 ; DE 179 01DA 5002 dw BufferQ1 ; BC 180 01DC 0001 dw 0100h ; AF, A = ntwkif console dev # 181 01DE ds 2 ; scratch 182 183 NtwrkIS1: 184 01E0 C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 185 01E8 C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 186 01F0 C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 187 01F8 C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 188 0200 C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 189 0208 C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 190 020E 6906 dw init 191 192 QCBNtwrkQI1: 193 0210 ds 2 ; link 194 0212 4E7477726B db 'NtwrkQI1' ; name 195 021A 0200 dw 2 ; msglen 196 021C 0100 dw 1 ; nmbmsgs 197 021E ds 2 ; dqph 198 0220 ds 2 ; nqph 199 0222 ds 2 ; msgin 200 0224 ds 2 ; msgout 201 0226 ds 2 ; msgcnt 202 0228 ds 2 ; buffer 203 204 UQCBNtwrkQI1: 205 022A 1002 dw QCBNtwrkQI1 ; pointer 206 022C 2E02 dw BufferQI1Addr ; msgadr 207 BufferQI1Addr: 208 022E 5002 dw BufferQ1 209 210 QCBNtwrkQO1: 211 0230 ds 2 ; link 212 0232 4E7477726B db 'NtwrkQO1' ; name 213 023A 0200 dw 2 ; msglen 214 023C 0100 dw 1 ; nmbmsgs 215 023E ds 2 ; dqph 216 0240 ds 2 ; nqph |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #005 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 217 0242 ds 2 ; msgin 218 0244 ds 2 ; msgout 219 0246 ds 2 ; msgcnt 220 0248 ds 2 ; buffer 221 222 UQCBNtwrkQO1: 223 024A 3002 dw QCBNtwrkQO1 ; pointer 224 024C 4E02 dw BufferQO1Addr ; msgadr 225 BufferQO1Addr: 226 024E ds 2 227 228 BufferQ1: 229 0250 ds 1 ; FMT 230 0251 ds 1 ; DID 231 0252 ds 1 ; SID 232 0253 ds 1 ; FNC 233 0254 ds 1 ; SIZ 234 0255 ds 257 ; MSG 235 endif 236 237 ; Network Interface Process #2 238 239 if NmbSlvs GE 3 240 NtwrkIP2: 241 242 if NmbSlvs GE 4 243 dw NtwrkIP3 ; link 244 else 245 dw 0 ; link 246 endif 247 248 db 0 ; status 249 db 64 ; priority 250 dw NtwrkIS2+46 ; stack pointer 251 db 'NtwrkIP2' ; name 252 db 0 ; console 253 db 0ffh ; memseg 254 ds 2 ; b 255 ds 2 ; thread 256 ds 2 ; buff 257 ds 1 ; user code & disk slct 258 ds 2 ; dcnt 259 ds 1 ; searchl 260 ds 2 ; searcha 261 ds 2 ; active drives 262 dw 0 ; HL' 263 dw 0 ; DE' 264 dw 0 ; BC' 265 dw 0 ; AF' 266 dw 0 ; IY 267 dw 0 ; IX 268 dw UQCBNtwrkQI2 ; HL 269 dw UQCBNtwrkQO2 ; DE 270 dw BufferQ2 ; BC |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #006 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 271 dw 0200h ; AF, A = ntwkif console dev # 272 ds 2 ; scratch 273 274 NtwrkIS2: 275 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 276 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 277 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 278 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 279 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 280 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 281 dw init 282 283 QCBNtwrkQI2: 284 ds 2 ; link 285 db 'NtwrkQI2' ; name 286 dw 2 ; msglen 287 dw 1 ; nmbmsgs 288 ds 2 ; dqph 289 ds 2 ; nqph 290 ds 2 ; msgin 291 ds 2 ; msgout 292 ds 2 ; msgcnt 293 ds 2 ; buffer 294 295 UQCBNtwrkQI2: 296 dw QCBNtwrkQI2 ; pointer 297 dw BufferQI2Addr ; msgadr 298 BufferQI2Addr: 299 dw BufferQ2 300 301 QCBNtwrkQO2: 302 ds 2 ; link 303 db 'NtwrkQO2' ; name 304 dw 2 ; msglen 305 dw 1 ; nmbmsgs 306 ds 2 ; dqph 307 ds 2 ; nqph 308 ds 2 ; msgin 309 ds 2 ; msgout 310 ds 2 ; msgcnt 311 ds 2 ; buffer 312 313 UQCBNtwrkQO2: 314 dw QCBNtwrkQO2 ; pointer 315 dw BufferQO2Addr ; msgadr 316 BufferQO2Addr: 317 ds 2 318 319 BufferQ2: 320 ds 1 ; FMT 321 ds 1 ; DID 322 ds 1 ; SID 323 ds 1 ; FNC 324 ds 1 ; SIZ |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #007 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 325 ds 257 ; MSG 326 endif 327 328 ; Network Interface Process #3 329 330 if NmbSlvs GE 4 331 NtwrkIP3: 332 dw 0 ; link 333 db 0 ; status 334 db 64 ; priority 335 dw NtwrkIS3+46 ; stack pointer 336 db 'NtwrkIP3' ; name 337 db 0 ; console 338 db 0ffh ; memseg 339 ds 2 ; b 340 ds 2 ; thread 341 ds 2 ; buff 342 ds 1 ; user code & disk slct 343 ds 2 ; dcnt 344 ds 1 ; searchl 345 ds 2 ; searcha 346 ds 2 ; active drives 347 dw 0 ; HL' 348 dw 0 ; DE' 349 dw 0 ; BC' 350 dw 0 ; AF' 351 dw 0 ; IY 352 dw 0 ; IX 353 dw UQCBNtwrkQI3 ; HL 354 dw UQCBNtwrkQO3 ; DE 355 dw BufferQ3 ; BC 356 dw 0300h ; AF, A = ntwkif console dev # 357 ds 2 ; scratch 358 359 NtwrkIS3: 360 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 361 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 362 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 363 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 364 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 365 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 366 dw init 367 368 QCBNtwrkQI3: 369 ds 2 ; link 370 db 'NtwrkQI3' ; name 371 dw 2 ; msglen 372 dw 1 ; nmbmsgs 373 ds 2 ; dqph 374 ds 2 ; nqph 375 ds 2 ; msgin 376 ds 2 ; msgout 377 ds 2 ; msgcnt 378 ds 2 ; buffer |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #008 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 379 380 UQCBNtwrkQI3: 381 dw QCBNtwrkQI3 ; pointer 382 dw BufferQI3Addr ; msgadr 383 BufferQI3Addr: 384 dw BufferQ3 385 386 QCBNtwrkQO3: 387 ds 2 ; link 388 db 'NtwrkQO3' ; name 389 dw 2 ; msglen 390 dw 1 ; nmbmsgs 391 ds 2 ; dqph 392 ds 2 ; nqph 393 ds 2 ; msgin 394 ds 2 ; msgout 395 ds 2 ; msgcnt 396 ds 2 ; buffer 397 398 UQCBNtwrkQO3: 399 dw QCBNtwrkQO3 ; pointer 400 dw BufferQO3Addr ; msgadr 401 BufferQO3Addr: 402 ds 2 403 404 BufferQ3: 405 ds 1 ; FMT 406 ds 1 ; DID 407 ds 1 ; SID 408 ds 1 ; FNC 409 ds 1 ; SIZ 410 ds 257 ; MSG 411 endif 412 413 414 if WtchDg 415 ; Watchdog Timer Process 416 ; 417 WatchDogPD: 418 419 if NmbSlvs GT 1 420 dw NtwrkIP1 ; link to the remaining NETWRKIF PD's 421 else 422 dw 0 ; link 423 endif 424 425 db 0 ; status 426 db 64 ; priority 427 dw WatchDogSTK+46 ; stack pointer 428 db 'WatchDog' ; name 429 db 0 ; console 430 db 0ffh ; memseg 431 ds 2 ; b 432 ds 2 ; thread |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #009 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 433 ds 2 ; buff 434 ds 1 ; user code & disk slct 435 ds 2 ; dcnt 436 ds 1 ; searchl 437 ds 2 ; searcha 438 ds 2 ; active drives 439 dw 0 ; HL' 440 dw 0 ; DE' 441 dw 0 ; BC' 442 dw 0 ; AF' 443 dw 0 ; IY 444 dw 0 ; IX 445 dw 0 ; HL 446 dw 0 ; DE 447 dw 0 ; BC 448 dw 0 ; AF 449 ds 2 ; scratch 450 451 WatchDogSTK: 452 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 453 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 454 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 455 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 456 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 457 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 458 dw WatchDog 459 460 WatchDogTime: 461 dw $-$ ; one-second counter 462 463 WatchDogTable: 464 ; Waiting Timeout Start Flag Requester 465 db 0, 0, 0,0, 0ah ; #0 466 db 0, 0, 0,0, 0bh ; #1 467 db 0, 0, 0,0, 0fh ; #2 468 db 0, 0, 0,0, 0dh ; #3 469 endif 470 471 if mutexin or mutexout 472 QCBMXSXmitq: ; MX queue for requester transmitting 473 474 ds 2 ; link 475 db 'MXSXmitq' ; name 476 dw 0 ; msglen 477 dw 1 ; nmbmsgs 478 ds 2 ; dqph 479 ds 2 ; nqph 480 ds 2 ; msgin 481 ds 2 ; msgout 482 ds 2 ; msgcnt 483 ds 2 ; buffer (owner PD) 484 485 UQCBMXSXmitq: 486 dw QCBMXSXmitq |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #010 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 487 ; dw 0 ; no message, since it's an MX queue 488 ; db 'MXSXmitq' ; no name, since the QCB pointer is resolved 489 endif 490 491 ; Server Configuration Table 492 493 configtbl: 494 0356 00 db 0 ; Server status byte 495 0357 00 db 0 ; Server ID 496 0358 02 db NmbSlvs ; Maximum number of requesters supported 497 0359 00 db 0 ; Number of requesters currently logged-in 498 035A 0000 dw 0000h ; 16 bit vector of logged in requesters 499 035C ds 16 ; Requester ID's currently logged-in 500 036C 5041535357 db 'PASSWORD' ; login password 501 502 0001 = nmsg equ 1 ; number of messages buffered 503 0096 = slave$stk$len equ 96h ; server process stack size 504 505 if NmbSlvs GE 2 506 slave1$stk: 507 0374 ds slave$stk$len-2 508 0408 0A04 dw Slave1 509 510 endif 511 512 if NmbSlvs GE 3 513 slave2$stk: 514 ds slave$stk$len-2 515 dw Slave2 516 endif 517 518 if NmbSlvs GE 4 519 slave3$stk: 520 ds slave$stk$len-2 521 dw Slave3 522 endif 523 524 if NmbSlvs GE 2 525 Slave1: 526 040A ds 52 ; SERVR1PR processor descriptor 527 endif 528 529 if NmbSlvs GE 3 530 Slave2: 531 ds 52 ; SERVR2PR processor descriptor 532 endif 533 534 if NmbSlvs GE 4 535 Slave3: 536 ds 52 ; SERVR3PR processor descriptor 537 endif 538 539 ; Local Data Segment 540 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #011 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 541 BinaryASCII: 542 043E FF db 0ffh ; Requester #0: 0=7 bit ASCII, FF=8 bit binary 543 043F FF db 0ffh ; #1 544 0440 FF db 0ffh ; #2 545 0441 FF db 0ffh ; #3 546 547 Networkstatus: 548 0442 00 db 0 ; Slave #0 network status byte 549 0443 00 db 0 ; #1 550 0444 00 db 0 ; #2 551 0445 00 db 0 ; #3 552 553 0446 0000 conin: dw $-$ ; save area for XIOS routine address 554 555 000A = max$retries equ 10 ; maximum send message retries 556 ; 557 ; The following tables are for use in the ALTOS i/o routines. 558 ; Note that this program MUST be used with an XIOS which allows 559 ; using the second printer port as a console port - Accessed as console 560 ; #4 561 562 002B = Console4$status equ 02bh 563 002F = Console3$status equ 02fh 564 002D = Console2$status equ 02dh 565 0029 = Printer2$status equ 029h ; ALSO CONSOLE #4 566 567 if z80 568 ; 569 ; ENTRIES IN THE FOLLOWING TWO TABLES MUST MATCH !!!! 570 571 status$ports: 572 0448 2B db Console4$status ; Console 4 (Requester 0) status port 573 0449 2F db Console3$status ; Console 3 (Requester 1) status port 574 044A 2D db Console2$status ; Console 2 (Requester 2) status port 575 044B 29 db Printer2$status ; Printer 2 (Requester 3) status port 576 endif 577 578 chariotbl: ; Relationship between requesters and consoles 579 044C 03 db 3 580 044D 02 db 2 581 044E 01 db 1 582 044F 04 db 4 583 584 ; Network Status Byte Equates 585 586 0080 = ntwrktxrdy equ 10000000b ; NETWRKIF ready to send msg 587 0010 = active equ 00010000b ; requester logged into network 588 0008 = msgerr equ 00001000b ; error in received message 589 0004 = ntwrk equ 00000100b ; network alive 590 0002 = msgovr equ 00000010b ; message overrun 591 0001 = ntwrkrxrdy equ 00000001b ; NETWRKIF has rcvd msg 592 593 ; BDOS and XDOS Equates 594 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #012 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 595 0085 = flagset equ 133 ; flag set 596 0086 = makeq equ 134 ; make queue 597 0089 = readq equ 137 ; read queue 598 008B = writeq equ 139 ; write queue 599 008D = delay equ 141 ; delay 600 008E = dsptch equ 142 ; dispatch 601 0090 = createp equ 144 ; create process 602 009A = sydatad equ 154 ; system data page address 603 0083 = poll equ 083h ; Poll device 604 605 ; General Equates 606 607 0001 = SOH equ 01h ; Start of Header 608 0002 = STX equ 02h ; Start of Data 609 0003 = ETX equ 03h ; End of Data 610 0004 = EOT equ 04h ; End of Transmission 611 0005 = ENQ equ 05h ; Enquire 612 0006 = ACK equ 06h ; Acknowledge 613 000A = LF equ 0ah ; Line Feed 614 000D = CR equ 0dh ; Carriage Return 615 0015 = NAK equ 15h ; Negative Acknowledge 616 617 0010 = printer2 equ 10h ; special poll device number for second 618 ; printer port 619 620 ; Utility Procedures 621 622 bdos: 623 0450 2A0000 lhld bdosadr ; get XDOS entry point from RSP start 624 0453 E9 pchl 625 626 Nibout: ; A = nibble to be transmitted in ASCII 627 0454 FE0A cpi 10 628 0456 D25F04 jnc nibatof ; jump if A-F 629 0459 C630 adi '0' 630 045B 4F mov c,a 631 045C C36804 jmp Charout 632 nibatof: 633 045F C637 adi 'A'-10 634 0461 4F mov c,a 635 0462 C36804 jmp Charout 636 637 PreCharout: 638 0465 7A mov a,d 639 0466 81 add c 640 0467 57 mov d,a ; update the checksum 641 642 if z80 ; Z80 version, using OUT A,(C) instruction 643 char$out: 644 645 ; Character output routine for network i/o 646 ; using the ALTOS SIO ports 647 ; 648 ; Z80 version: this can use indirect port numbers in a clean, |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #013 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 649 ; reentrant fashion 650 ; 651 ; Entry: C register contains 8 bit value to transmit 652 ; Entry : Slave number in register b 653 654 0468 E5 push h 655 0469 D5 push d 656 046A C5 push b 657 046B 51 mov d, c ; save the character 658 046C 214804 lxi h, status$ports 659 046F 48 mov c, b 660 0470 0600 mvi b, 0 ; set (BC) = (b) 661 0472 09 dad b 662 0473 4E mov c,m 663 664 ; Now C contains the address of the correct status port 665 666 outputloop: 667 0474 3E10 mvi a,10h 668 669 ; out (c),a 670 0476 ED79 db 0edh,79h 671 672 ; in a,(c) 673 0478 ED78 db 0edh,78h 674 675 047A E604 ani 04h ; wait for TXready 676 047C CA7404 jz outputloop 677 678 ; In the Altos system, data registers are one below status registers... 679 680 047F 0D dcr c 681 682 ; out (c),d 683 0480 ED51 db 0edh,51h 684 685 0482 C1 pop b 686 0483 D1 pop d 687 0484 E1 pop h 688 0485 C9 ret 689 690 else 691 692 char$out: 693 694 ; Character output routine for network I/O 695 ; using ALTOS SIO ports 696 ; 697 ; 8080 version: This has to dispatch and then use direct port I/O 698 ; --extremely messy to do reentrantly 699 ; 700 ; Entry: C = character to transmit 701 ; B = slave id byte 702 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #014 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 703 push h 704 push d 705 push b 706 707 lxi d,out0 ; dispatch address = 708 mov l,b ; out0 + slaveid*16 709 mvi h,0 710 dad h 711 dad h 712 dad h 713 dad h 714 dad d 715 mvi a,10h ;load "get transmit status" value 716 pchl ;dispatch 717 718 out0: 719 out Console4$status ;wait for TXready status 720 in Console4$status 721 ani 4 722 jz out0 723 724 mov a,c 725 out Console4$status-1 ;write the character 726 pop b 727 pop d 728 pop h 729 ret 730 731 out1: out Console3$status 732 in Console3$status 733 ani 4 734 jz out1 735 736 mov a,c 737 out Console3$status-1 738 pop b 739 pop d 740 pop h 741 ret 742 743 out2: out Console2$status 744 in Console2$status 745 ani 4 746 jz out2 747 748 mov a,c 749 out Console2$status-1 750 pop b 751 pop d 752 pop h 753 ret 754 755 out3: out Printer2$status 756 in Printer2$status |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #015 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 757 ani 4 758 jz out3 759 760 mov a,c 761 out Printer2$status-1 762 pop b 763 pop d 764 pop h 765 ret 766 767 endif 768 769 770 Nibin: ; return nibble in A register 771 0486 CDBD04 call Charin 772 0489 D8 rc 773 048A E67F ani 07fh 774 048C D630 sui '0' 775 048E FE0A cpi 10 776 0490 DAA604 jc Nibin$return ; must be 0-9 777 0493 C6F9 adi ('0'-'A'+10) and 0ffh 778 0495 FE10 cpi 16 779 0497 DAA604 jc Nibin$return ; must be 10-15 780 049A 3A4204 lda networkstatus 781 049D F608 ori msgerr 782 049F 324204 sta networkstatus 783 04A2 3E00 mvi a,0 784 04A4 37 stc 785 04A5 C9 ret 786 787 Nibin$return: 788 04A6 B7 ora a 789 04A7 C9 ret 790 791 xChar$in: ; Get the first character using polled 792 ; console I/O. Note that the rest of the 793 ; message will be received using direct 794 ; port I/O with interrupts disabled. 795 ; OVERRUNS ARE NOT POSSIBLE USING THIS SCHEME 796 797 04A8 E5 push h 798 04A9 C5 push b 799 04AA 21BA04 lxi h, Charin$return 800 04AD E5 push h 801 04AE 48 mov c,b 802 04AF 0600 mvi b,0 803 04B1 214C04 lxi h, chariotbl 804 04B4 09 dad b 805 04B5 56 mov d, m ; Get the console number 806 04B6 2A4604 lhld conin 807 04B9 E9 pchl ; vector off 808 809 Charin$return: 810 04BA C1 pop b |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #016 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 811 04BB E1 pop h 812 04BC C9 ret 813 814 815 if z80 816 char$in: 817 818 ; Character input routine for network i/o 819 ; using the ALTOS SIO ports at 125k baud 820 ; 821 ; Z80 Version uses indirect port addresses loaded into register C 822 ; 823 ; Entry : Slave number in register b 824 ; Exit : Character in register a 825 ; 826 04BD E5 push h 827 04BE C5 push b 828 04BF 214804 lxi h, status$ports 829 04C2 48 mov c, b 830 04C3 0600 mvi b, 0 ; set (BC) = (b) 831 04C5 09 dad b 832 04C6 4E mov c,m 833 834 ; Now C contains the address of the correct status port 835 836 04C7 2E50 mvi l, 80 837 838 inputloop1: 839 04C9 2D dcr l 840 04CA CADA04 jz retout 841 842 ; in a,(c) 843 04CD ED78 db 0edh,78h 844 845 04CF E601 ani 01h ; wait for RXready 846 04D1 CAC904 jz inputloop1 847 848 ; In the Altos system, data registers are one below status registers... 849 850 04D4 0D dcr c 851 852 ; in a,(c) 853 04D5 ED78 db 0edh,78h ;get the character 854 855 04D7 C1 pop b 856 04D8 E1 pop h 857 04D9 C9 ret 858 859 retout: 860 04DA 37 stc ;set carry => error flag 861 04DB C1 pop b 862 04DC E1 pop h 863 04DD C9 ret 864 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #017 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 865 else 866 867 char$in: 868 869 ; Character input routine for network I/O 870 ; using ALTOS SIO ports 871 ; 872 ; 8080 Version uses same nasty dispatch mechanism that the output 873 ; routine used 874 ; 875 ; Entry: B = Slave ID 876 ; Exit: A = character input 877 878 push h 879 push d 880 push b 881 lxi d,in0 ; HL = in0 + 17*slaveid 882 mov l,b 883 mvi h,0 884 xchg 885 dad d 886 xchg 887 dad h 888 dad h 889 dad h 890 dad h 891 dad d 892 893 mvi c,80 ; load status retry count 894 pchl ; dispatch 895 896 in0: 897 dcr c 898 jz retout ; error return if retry timeout 899 900 in Console4$status ; wait for RXready 901 ani 1 902 jz in0 903 904 in Console4$status-1 ; get the character 905 pop b 906 pop d 907 pop h 908 ret 909 910 in1: 911 dcr c 912 jz retout 913 914 in Console3$status 915 ani 1 916 jz in1 917 918 in Console3$status-1 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #018 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 919 pop b 920 pop d 921 pop h 922 ret 923 924 in2: 925 dcr c 926 jz retout 927 928 in Console2$status 929 ani 1 930 jz in2 931 932 in Console2$status-1 933 pop b 934 pop d 935 pop h 936 ret 937 in3: 938 dcr c 939 jz retout 940 941 in Printer2$status 942 ani 1 943 jz in3 944 945 in Printer2$status-1 946 pop b 947 pop d 948 pop h 949 ret 950 951 retout: ; error return (carry=1) 952 stc 953 pop b 954 pop d 955 pop h 956 ret 957 958 endif 959 960 961 Netout: ; C = byte to be transmitted 962 04DE 7A mov a,d 963 04DF 81 add c 964 04E0 57 mov d,a 965 04E1 3A3E04 lda BinaryASCII 966 04E4 B7 ora a 967 04E5 C26804 jnz Charout ; transmit byte in Binary mode 968 04E8 79 mov a,c 969 04E9 F5 push psw 970 04EA 1F rar 971 04EB 1F rar 972 04EC 1F rar |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #019 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 973 04ED 1F rar 974 04EE E60F ani 0FH ; Shift HI nibble to LO nibble 975 04F0 CD5404 call Nibout 976 04F3 F1 pop psw 977 04F4 E60F ani 0FH 978 04F6 C35404 jmp Nibout 979 980 Netin: ; byte returned in A register 981 ; D = checksum accumulator 982 04F9 3A3E04 lda BinaryASCII 983 04FC B7 ora a 984 04FD CA0705 jz ASCIIin 985 0500 CDBD04 call charin ;receive byte in Binary mode 986 0503 D8 rc 987 0504 C31705 jmp chksin 988 989 ASCIIin: 990 0507 CD8604 call Nibin 991 050A D8 rc 992 050B 87 add a 993 050C 87 add a 994 050D 87 add a 995 050E 87 add a 996 050F F5 push psw 997 0510 CD8604 call Nibin 998 0513 D8 rc 999 0514 E3 xthl 1000 0515 B4 ora h 1001 0516 E1 pop h 1002 chksin: 1003 0517 B7 ora a 1004 0518 F5 push psw 1005 0519 82 add d ; add & update checksum accum. 1006 051A 57 mov d,a 1007 051B F1 pop psw 1008 051C C9 ret 1009 1010 Msgin: ; HL = destination address 1011 ; E = # bytes to input 1012 051D CDF904 call Netin 1013 0520 D8 rc 1014 0521 77 mov m,a 1015 0522 23 inx h 1016 0523 1D dcr e 1017 0524 C21D05 jnz Msgin 1018 0527 C9 ret 1019 1020 Msgout: ; HL = source address 1021 ; E = # bytes to output 1022 ; D = checksum 1023 ; C = preamble character 1024 0528 1600 mvi d,0 1025 052A CD6504 call PreCharout 1026 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #020 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 1027 Msgoutloop: 1028 052D 4E mov c,m 1029 052E 23 inx h 1030 052F CDDE04 call Netout 1031 0532 1D dcr e 1032 0533 C22D05 jnz Msgoutloop 1033 0536 C9 ret 1034 1035 ; Network Initialization 1036 1037 nwinit: 1038 1039 ; device initialization, as required 1040 1041 1042 0537 3E47 mvi a,047h ;sets up CTC for baud rate of 125k 1043 0539 D331 out 031h 1044 1045 if nmbslvs ge 3 ;initialize only the ports that are needed 1046 out 030h 1047 endif 1048 1049 if nmbslvs ge 4 1050 out 032h 1051 endif 1052 1053 053B 3E01 mvi a,1 ;count of one => max speed 1054 053D D331 out 031h 1055 1056 if nmbslvs ge 3 1057 out 030h 1058 endif 1059 1060 if nmbslvs ge 4 1061 out 032h 1062 endif 1063 1064 1065 ; Find address of XIOS console output routine 1066 1067 053F 2A0100 lhld 0001h ; get warmstart entry in the XIOS jump table 1068 0542 23 inx h 1069 0543 5E mov e, m 1070 0544 23 inx h 1071 0545 56 mov d, m 1072 0546 210600 lxi h, 0006h ; Offset for conin routine 1073 0549 19 dad d 1074 054A 224604 shld conin ; save the address 1075 054D AF xra a ; return code is 0=success 1076 054E C9 ret 1077 1078 1079 ; Network Status 1080 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #021 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 1081 nwstat: ; C = Slave # 1082 054F 0600 mvi b,0 1083 0551 214204 lxi h,networkstatus 1084 0554 09 dad b 1085 0555 7E mov a,m 1086 0556 47 mov b,a 1087 0557 E6F5 ani not (msgerr+msgovr) 1088 0559 77 mov m,a 1089 055A 78 mov a,b 1090 055B C9 ret 1091 1092 1093 ; Return Configuration Table Address 1094 1095 cfgadr: 1096 055C 215603 lxi h,configtbl 1097 055F C9 ret 1098 1099 1100 ; Send Message on Network 1101 1102 sndmsg: ; DE = message addr 1103 ; C = Slave # 1104 0560 41 mov b,c 1105 0561 3E0A mvi a,max$retries ; A = max$retries 1106 1107 send: 1108 0563 F5 push psw 1109 1110 if mutexout 1111 1112 ; Use mutual exclusion if it is possible for some unsolicited input 1113 ; to stomp on your output (This is nice is you;re running some sort 1114 ; of multi-drop protocol) 1115 1116 push b 1117 push d 1118 mvi c,readq 1119 lxi d,UQCBMXSXmitq 1120 call bdos ; obtain mutual exclusion token 1121 pop d 1122 pop b 1123 endif 1124 1125 0564 EB xchg 1126 0565 E5 push h 1127 0566 F3 di ; disable interrupts to avoid underrun 1128 0567 0E05 mvi c,ENQ 1129 0569 CD6804 call Charout ; send ENQ 1130 056C CDA005 call getACK ; won't return on an error 1131 056F 1E05 mvi e,5 1132 0571 0E01 mvi c,SOH 1133 0573 CD2805 call Msgout ; send SOH FMT DID SID FNC SIZ 1134 0576 AF xra a |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #022 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 1135 0577 92 sub d 1136 0578 4F mov c,a 1137 0579 CDDE04 call Netout ; send HCS (header checksum) 1138 057C CDA005 call getACK ; won't return on an error 1139 057F 2B dcx h 1140 0580 5E mov e,m 1141 0581 23 inx h 1142 0582 1C inr e 1143 0583 0E02 mvi c,STX 1144 0585 CD2805 call Msgout ; send STX DB0 DB1 ... 1145 0588 0E03 mvi c,ETX 1146 058A CD6504 call PreCharout ; send ETX 1147 058D AF xra a 1148 058E 92 sub d 1149 058F 4F mov c,a 1150 0590 CDDE04 call Netout ; send CKS 1151 0593 0E04 mvi c,EOT 1152 0595 CD6504 call PreCharout ; send EOT 1153 0598 CDA005 call getACK ; won't return on an error 1154 059B D1 pop d ; discard message address 1155 059C F1 pop psw ; discard retry counter 1156 1157 if mutexout 1158 call release$MX 1159 endif 1160 1161 059D FB ei ; return from suspended animation 1162 059E AF xra a 1163 059F C9 ret ; A = 0, successful send message 1164 1165 getACK: 1166 05A0 CDBD04 call Charin 1167 05A3 DAAB05 jc getACK$timeout ; receive timeout-->start error recovery 1168 05A6 E67F ani 7fh 1169 05A8 D606 sui ACK 1170 05AA C8 rz 1171 1172 getACK$timeout: 1173 05AB D1 pop d ; discard return address 1174 1175 if mutexout 1176 push b 1177 call release$MX 1178 pop b 1179 endif 1180 1181 05AC D1 pop d ; DE = message address 1182 05AD F1 pop psw ; A = retry count 1183 05AE 3D dcr a 1184 05AF C26305 jnz send ; continue if retry count non-zero 1185 05B2 3D dcr a ; else-->we're dead-->A = 0ffh 1186 05B3 C9 ret ; failed to send message 1187 1188 if mutexin or mutexout |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #023 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 1189 1190 release$MX: ; send back requester transmit MX message 1191 mvi c,writeq 1192 lxi d,UQCBMXSXmitq 1193 jmp bdos 1194 endif 1195 1196 ; Receive Message from Network 1197 1198 rcvmsg: ; DE = message addr 1199 ; C = Slave # 1200 05B4 41 mov b,c 1201 1202 receive: 1203 05B5 EB xchg 1204 05B6 E5 push h 1205 05B7 CDBF05 call get$ENQ 1206 1207 ; a return to this point indicates an error 1208 1209 receive$retry: 1210 05BA FB ei ; re-enable other processes 1211 1212 if mutexin 1213 push b 1214 call release$MX 1215 pop b 1216 endif 1217 1218 05BB D1 pop d 1219 05BC C3B505 jmp receive 1220 1221 get$ENQ: ; get first character of message using 1222 ; polled console I/O 1223 05BF CDA804 call xCharin 1224 05C2 DABF05 jc get$ENQ 1225 05C5 E67F ani 7fh 1226 05C7 FE05 cpi ENQ ; Start of Message ? 1227 05C9 C2BF05 jnz get$ENQ 1228 1229 if mutexin 1230 1231 ; Don't get too involved with receiving a message if some other 1232 ; NETWRKIF process is going to stomp you by sending a message along 1233 ; the same line 1234 1235 push b 1236 push h 1237 mvi c,readq 1238 lxi d,UQCBMXSXmitq 1239 call bdos 1240 pop h 1241 pop b 1242 endif |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #024 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 1243 1244 05CC 0E06 mvi c,ACK 1245 05CE F3 di ; requester in gear now serve only him 1246 1247 05CF CD6804 call charout ; send ACK to requester, allowing transmit 1248 05D2 CDBD04 call Charin 1249 05D5 D8 rc 1250 05D6 E67F ani 7fh 1251 05D8 FE01 cpi SOH 1252 05DA C0 rnz 1253 05DB 57 mov d,a ; initialize the HCS 1254 05DC 1E05 mvi e,5 1255 05DE CD1D05 call Msgin 1256 05E1 D4F904 cnc Netin 1257 05E4 D8 rc 1258 05E5 7A mov a,d 1259 05E6 B7 ora a 1260 05E7 C21406 jnz sendNAK ; jmp & send NAK if HCS <> 0 1261 05EA 0E06 mvi c,ACK 1262 05EC CD6804 call Charout 1263 05EF CDBD04 call Charin 1264 05F2 D8 rc 1265 05F3 E67F ani 7fh 1266 05F5 FE02 cpi STX 1267 05F7 C0 rnz 1268 05F8 57 mov d,a ; initialize the CKS 1269 05F9 2B dcx h 1270 05FA 5E mov e,m 1271 05FB 23 inx h 1272 05FC 1C inr e 1273 05FD CD1D05 call msgin 1274 0600 D4BD04 cnc Charin 1275 0603 D8 rc 1276 0604 E67F ani 7fh 1277 0606 FE03 cpi ETX 1278 0608 C0 rnz 1279 0609 82 add d 1280 060A 57 mov d,a 1281 060B CDF904 call Netin ; get Checksum byte 1282 060E D8 rc 1283 060F 7A mov a,d 1284 0610 B7 ora a ; should be zero 1285 0611 CA1906 jz sendACK ; jump if checksum OK 1286 1287 sendNAK: ; else-->refuse the message 1288 0614 0E15 mvi c,NAK 1289 0616 C36804 jmp Charout ; send NAK and return to receive$retry 1290 1291 sendACK: ; come here if message was received properly 1292 0619 CDBD04 call Charin ; get EOT 1293 061C D8 rc 1294 061D E67F ani 7fh 1295 061F FE04 cpi EOT 1296 0621 C0 rnz |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #025 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 1297 0622 0E06 mvi c,ACK 1298 0624 CD6804 call Charout ; send ACK if checksum ok 1299 0627 D1 pop d ; discard return address 1300 0628 D1 pop d ; discard message address 1301 0629 FB ei ; Dispense with the Rip Van Winkle act 1302 1303 if mutexin 1304 call release$MX 1305 endif 1306 1307 062A AF xra a 1308 062B C9 ret 1309 1310 1311 restore: 1312 1313 ; This routine allows N copies of NtwrkIPx to run reentrantly. 1314 ; It takes the values that were pre-initialized in the process 1315 ; descriptor and later saved on the stack and loads them into 1316 ; the registers, leaving the stack image untouched. All variables 1317 ; intrinsic to the process therefore always reside on the 1318 ; process-dependent stack 1319 1320 062C F3 di ; this is a real critical region 1321 062D E1 pop h 1322 062E 224006 shld rtnadr 1323 0631 E1 pop h 1324 0632 D1 pop d 1325 0633 C1 pop b 1326 0634 F1 pop psw 1327 0635 F5 push psw 1328 0636 C5 push b 1329 0637 D5 push d 1330 0638 E5 push h 1331 0639 E5 push h 1332 063A 2A4006 lhld rtnadr 1333 063D E3 xthl 1334 063E FB ei 1335 063F C9 ret 1336 1337 0640 rtnadr: ds 2 1338 1339 if WtchDg 1340 1341 ; WatchDog Timer Process 1342 ; This process needs adjunct processes to handle the timeout flags 1343 ; that it sets. They might possibly abort the offending NtwrkIPx 1344 ; process, recreate it, and allow it to re-initialize its queues 1345 1346 WatchDog: 1347 mvi c,Delay 1348 lxi d,60 ; delay for 1 second 1349 call bdos 1350 lhld WatchDogTime |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #026 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 1351 inx h 1352 shld WatchDogTime 1353 lxi h,WatchDogTable-5 1354 mvi c,NmbSlvs 1355 1356 WatchDogLoop: 1357 lxi d,0005h 1358 dad d 1359 mov a,m 1360 ora a 1361 jz WatchDogDec 1362 inx h 1363 ana m 1364 dcx h 1365 jnz WatchDogDec ; waiting & timeout set 1366 push h ; save HL -> WDT.waiting 1367 inx h 1368 inx h 1369 di 1370 mov e,m 1371 inx h 1372 mov d,m 1373 ei 1374 lhld WatchDogTime 1375 mov a,l 1376 sub e 1377 mov l,a 1378 mov a,h 1379 sbb d 1380 mov h,a 1381 mvi a,10 ; # seconds since started Charin 1382 sub l 1383 mvi a,0 1384 sbb h 1385 pop h 1386 jnc WatchDogDec 1387 push h 1388 inx h 1389 mvi m,0ffh ; WDT.timeout = 0ffh 1390 inx h 1391 inx h 1392 inx h 1393 push b 1394 mov e,m ; E = Flag # 1395 mvi c,Flagset 1396 call bdos 1397 pop b 1398 pop h 1399 1400 WatchDogDec: 1401 dcr c 1402 jnz WatchDogLoop 1403 1404 jmp WatchDog |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #027 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 1405 endif 1406 1407 1408 ; Setup code for Network Interface Procedures 1409 1410 Setup: 1411 0642 F5 push psw ;create stack image of all reentrant variables 1412 0643 C5 push b 1413 0644 D5 push d 1414 0645 E5 push h 1415 0646 CD3705 call nwinit 1416 1417 if mutexin or mutexout 1418 mvi c,makeq ; make the mutual exclusion queue 1419 lxi d,QCBMXSXmitq 1420 call bdos 1421 1422 mvi c,writeq ; leave a token in the queue 1423 lxi d,UQCBMXSXmitq 1424 call bdos 1425 endif 1426 1427 if WtchDg 1428 lxi d,WatchDogPD ;since this process is linked to all other 1429 ;NtwrkIPx processes, creating it creates all 1430 ;of the others 1431 mvi c,createp 1432 call bdos 1433 1434 else 1435 1436 if NmbSlvs GE 2 1437 0649 11AC01 lxi d,NtwrkIP1 ;this will create all the other NtwrkIPx 1438 ;processes if there's no watchdog 1439 064C 0E90 mvi c,createp 1440 064E CD5004 call bdos 1441 endif 1442 endif 1443 1444 0651 0E8E mvi c,dsptch ;give everything a chance to create its queues 1445 0653 CD5004 call bdos 1446 1447 0656 0E9A mvi c,sydatad 1448 0658 CD5004 call bdos 1449 065B 110900 lxi d,9 1450 065E 19 dad d 1451 065F 115603 lxi d,configtbl 1452 0662 73 mov m,e 1453 0663 23 inx h 1454 0664 72 mov m,d ; sysdatpage(9&10) = co.configtbl 1455 ; filling in the config tbl address is the 1456 ; the server processes' cue to start 1457 1458 if modem |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #028 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 1459 ; Initialize the modem 1460 1461 mvi c,CR 1462 mvi b,slvmodem 1463 call Charout 1464 mvi c,'Z' 1465 call Charout 1466 mvi c,CR 1467 call Charout 1468 1469 WtSpace: 1470 call Charin 1471 jc SetupDone 1472 ani 07fh 1473 cpi ' ' 1474 jnz WtSpace 1475 mvi c,'A' 1476 call Charout 1477 1478 SetupDone: 1479 endif 1480 1481 0665 E1 pop h 1482 0666 D1 pop d 1483 0667 C1 pop b 1484 0668 F1 pop psw 1485 1486 ; Network Interface Reentrant Procedure 1487 1488 Init: 1489 0669 F5 push psw ; A = network i/f console dev # 1490 066A C5 push B ; BC= buffer address 1491 066B D5 push D ; DE= UQCB ntwrk queue out 1492 066C E5 push H ; HL= UQCB ntwrk queue in 1493 066D 5E mov e,m 1494 066E 23 inx h 1495 066F 56 mov d,m 1496 0670 0E86 mvi c,makeq 1497 0672 CD5004 call bdos ; make the ntwrk queue in 1498 0675 CD2C06 call restore 1499 0678 EB xchg 1500 0679 5E mov e,m 1501 067A 23 inx h 1502 067B 56 mov d,m 1503 067C 0E86 mvi c,makeq 1504 067E CD5004 call bdos ; make the ntwrk queue out 1505 1506 Loop: 1507 0681 CD2C06 call restore 1508 0684 50 mov d,b 1509 0685 59 mov e,c 1510 1511 0686 4F mov c,a 1512 0687 CDB405 call rcvmsg |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #029 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE 1513 1514 068A CD2C06 call restore 1515 068D EB xchg 1516 068E 0E8B mvi c,writeq 1517 0690 CD5004 call bdos 1518 1519 0693 CD2C06 call restore 1520 0696 0E89 mvi c,readq 1521 0698 CD5004 call bdos 1522 1523 069B CD2C06 call restore 1524 069E 50 mov d,b 1525 069F 59 mov e,c 1526 1527 06A0 4F mov c,a 1528 06A1 CD6005 call sndmsg 1529 1530 06A4 C38106 jmp Loop 1531 1532 06A7 end |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #030 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE ACK 0006 612# 1169 1244 1261 1297 ACTIVE 0010 587# ASCIIIN 0507 984 989# BDOS 0450 44 622# 1120 1193 1239 1349 1396 1420 1424 1432 1440 1445 1448 1497 1504 1517 1521 BDOSADR 0000 51# 58# 623 BINARYASCII 043E 541# 965 982 BUFFERQ0 00A6 47 89 118 138# BUFFERQ1 0250 179 208 228# BUFFERQI0ADDR 0084 116 117# BUFFERQI1ADDR 022E 206 207# BUFFERQO0ADDR 00A4 134 135# BUFFERQO1ADDR 024E 224 225# CFGADR 055C 1095# CHARIN 04BD 771 816# 867# 985 1166 1248 1263 1274 1292 1470 CHARINRETURN 04BA 799 809# CHARIOTBL 044C 578# 803 CHAROUT 0468 631 635 643# 692# 967 1129 1247 1262 1289 1298 1463 1465 1467 1476 CHKSIN 0517 987 1002# CONFIGTBL 0356 493# 1096 1451 CONIN 0446 553# 806 1074 CONSOLE2STATUS 002D 564# 574 743 744 749 928 932 CONSOLE3STATUS 002F 563# 573 731 732 737 914 918 CONSOLE4STATUS 002B 562# 572 719 720 725 900 904 CR 000D 614# 1461 1466 CREATEP 0090 601# 1431 1439 DEBUG 0000 28# 37 DELAY 008D 599# 1347 DSPTCH 008E 600# 1444 ENQ 0005 611# 1128 1226 EOT 0004 610# 1151 1295 ETX 0003 609# 1145 1277 FALSE 0000 23# 24 28 29 31 33 34 FLAGSET 0085 595# 1395 GETACK 05A0 1130 1138 1153 1165# GETACKTIMEOUT 05AB 1167 1172# GETENQ 05BF 1205 1221# 1224 1227 INIT 0669 190 281 366 1488# INPUTLOOP1 04C9 838# 846 LF 000A 613# LOOP 0681 1506# 1530 MAKEQ 0086 596# 1418 1496 1503 MAXRETRIES 000A 555# 1105 MODEM 0000 29# 1458 MSGERR 0008 588# 781 1087 MSGIN 051D 1010# 1017 1255 1273 MSGOUT 0528 1020# 1133 1144 MSGOUTLOOP 052D 1027# 1032 MSGOVR 0002 590# 1087 MUTEXIN 0000 33# 471 1188 1212 1229 1303 1417 MUTEXOUT 0000 34# 471 1110 1157 1175 1188 1417 NAK 0015 615# 1288 NETIN 04F9 980# 1012 1256 1281 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #031 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE NETOUT 04DE 961# 1030 1137 1150 NETWORKSTATUS 0442 547# 780 782 1083 NIBATOF 045F 628 632# NIBIN 0486 770# 990 997 NIBINRETURN 04A6 776 779 787# NIBOUT 0454 626# 975 978 NMBSLVS 0002 39# 56# 148 151 239 242 330 419 496 505 512 518 524 529 534 1045 1049 1056 1060 1354 1436 NMSG 0001 502# NTWRK 0004 589# NTWRKIP0 0002 65# NTWRKIP1 01AC 149# 420 1437 NTWRKIS0 0036 41 69 93# NTWRKIS1 01E0 159 183# NTWRKRXRDY 0001 591# NTWRKTXRDY 0080 586# NWINIT 0537 1037# 1415 NWSTAT 054F 1081# OUTPUTLOOP 0474 666# 676 POLL 0083 603# PRECHAROUT 0465 637# 1025 1146 1152 PRINTER2 0010 617# PRINTER2STATUS 0029 565# 575 755 756 761 941 945 QCBNTWRKQI0 0066 102# 115 QCBNTWRKQI1 0210 192# 205 QCBNTWRKQO0 0086 120# 133 QCBNTWRKQO1 0230 210# 223 RCVMSG 05B4 1198# 1512 READQ 0089 597# 1118 1237 1520 RECEIVE 05B5 1202# 1219 RECEIVERETRY 05BA 1209# RESTORE 062C 1311# 1498 1507 1514 1519 1523 RETOUT 04DA 840 859# 898 912 926 939 951# RTNADR 0640 1322 1332 1337# SEND 0563 1107# 1184 SENDACK 0619 1285 1291# SENDNAK 0614 1260 1287# SETUP 0642 100 1410# SLAVE1 040A 508 525# SLAVE1STK 0374 506# SLAVESTKLEN 0096 503# 507 514 520 SNDMSG 0560 1102# 1528 SOH 0001 607# 1132 1251 STATUSPORTS 0448 571# 658 828 STX 0002 608# 1143 1266 SYDATAD 009A 602# 1447 TRUE FFFF 24# 26 UQCBNTWRKQI0 0080 45 87 114# UQCBNTWRKQI1 022A 177 204# UQCBNTWRKQO0 00A0 46 88 132# UQCBNTWRKQO1 024A 178 222# WRITEQ 008B 598# 1191 1422 1516 WTCHDG 0000 31# 414 1339 1427 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #032 MASTER NETWORK I/F MODULE XCHARIN 04A8 791# 1223 Z80 FFFF 26# 567 642 815 |
A CP/NET Systern for use with ULCnet
ULCnet® (Universal Low Cost Network) is a local area network system designed specifically for microcomputers in the CP/M and MP/M II operating system environments. ULCnet was introduced by Orange Compuco, Inc. in June 1982 as a low cost method of sharing resources and data among microcomputers of varying manufacture and architecture. ULCnet, in combination with CP/NET, creates a cost effective method for the development of shared data base applications among single user microcomputers. ULCnet architecture readily supports CP/NET implementation.
The ULCnet connector adaptor box can be connected to any computer that has a spare RS-232 port. ULCnet employs a multidrop topology with carrier sense, multiple-access design. Contention between network nodes is arbitrated using a full-duplex collision detection mechanism.
ULCnet is available to OEMs on a private label basis and through licensing. Keybrook Business Systems, Inc., Hayward, California, a licensee of ULCnet, produces the FileServerT.M- system. This system uses CP/NET to drive ULCnet. For more information on ULCnet, contact
Orange Compuco, Inc.
17801-G South East Main Street
Irvine, California 92714
(714) 957-8075
Orange Compuco distributes ULCnet connector adaptor hardware with a variety of release software, including the example programs in this appendix. In addition, Orange Compuco provides documentation detailing the installation and operation of ULCnet and logical structure of the data-link layer software. This documentation includes
F.2 Customizing a ULCnet SNIOS for the Requester
The CP/NET requester listing, SNIOS for ULCnet, that appears at the end of this section, is contained in a file called ULCNIOS.ASM on the CP/NET release disk and is designed to run ULCnet in a polled environment on a Xerox® 820 computer, now called the Xerox R820-IIS. The listing uses the ULCnet short format. This means that virtual circuit numbers must be agreed upon before the requester and the server can communicate. This version assumes that the server ID is always 0, and that up to four requesters, ID 1 through 4, are on the network. The virtual circuit number and the requester ID are always the same.
This SNIOS combines the two sections of the ULCnet protocol that are user configurable, the data-link interface (DLIF) and the network I/O drivers (NIOD). The DLIF acts as a transport layer between the NDOS and the data-link routines. The NIOD contains the physical device drivers use to communicate with the ULCnet network adaptor box. The bulk of the data-link protocol is contained in a module called PBMAIN.REL. This module is proprietary to Orange Compuco, and is therefore distributed only in REL file format by Orange Compuco.
When the NDOS instructs the SNIOS to send a message, the SNIOS first converts the CP/NET message format into ULCnet short format. The SNIOS then calls the TRANSMIT routine in PBMAIN to send the message, followed by the GETTCODE routine to discover the status of the message. If the send was successful, the SNIOS returns to the NDOS. If it was not successful, the SNIOS continues to try to send the message. No timeout is included in this routine to halt transmission.
To receive a message, the SNIOS calls RECEIVE, followed by GETRCODE to check the status of the message. If the status shows success, the message is converted from ULCnet format back into CP/NET format and returns to the NDOS. If the status shows an error, the SNIOS attempts to receive the message again.
To modify the SNIOS for a requester other than a Xerox 820, follow these steps:
If the requester is interrupt-driven, perform
to link the module. The module is then ready for installation on the CP/NET requester system disk.
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #001 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 1 title 'Requester Network I/O System for ULCnet' 2 page 54 3 4 ;*************************************************************************** 5 ;*************************************************************************** 6 ;** ** 7 ;** SNIOS FOR ULCNET ** 8 ;** ** 9 ;*************************************************************************** 10 ;*************************************************************************** 11 12 ; Developed jointly by: 13 ; 14 ; Digital Research, Inc. 15 ; P.O. Box 579 16 ; Pacific Grove, CA 93950 17 ; and 18 ; Keybrook Business Systems, Inc. 19 ; 2035 National Avenue 20 ; Hayward, CA 94545 21 22 ; This SNIOS was written for a Xerox 820 attached to Orange 23 ; Compuco's ULCnet network adaptor. This module transports 24 ; messages between the NDOS and the low-level data-link software 25 ; provided by Orange Compuco. It also contains the physical drivers 26 ; usually contained in the NIOD module. This version is not 27 ; interrupt-driven and must be linked with PBMAIN.REL. 28 29 30 31 0000 = false equ 0 32 FFFF = true equ not false 33 34 0000 = interrupts equ false ; false=polled, true=interrupt-driven 35 FFFF = netstats equ true ; switch to gather network statistics 36 FFFF = slfclkd equ true ; supports self-clocked operation 37 38 ; Linkage information 39 40 public setbaud,xmit,recv,initu ; NIOD routines called by IPBMAIN 41 public inituart,pgmuart 42 public chkstat,netidle,initrecv 43 public wait,restuart,csniod 44 public dsblxmit 45 public dllbau,netadr 46 47 if interrupts 48 public enblrecv,dsblrecv 49 endif 50 51 extrn transmit,receive ; IPBMAIN routines and objects 52 extrn gettcode,getrcode 53 extrn csdll,dllon,regshrt 54 extrn terrcnt,parcntr,ovrcntr |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #002 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 55 extrn frmcntr,inccntr 56 57 if interrupts 58 extrn rtmochk ; IPBMAIN interrupt routines 59 extrn dlisr,reisr,niisr 60 endif 61 62 63 ; Hardware definitions for the Z80-SIO channel A - For the Xerox 820. 64 65 0003 = baudsl equ 03h ; Usable baud rates: 9600, 19.2K asynch., 66 002A = baudsh equ 2ah ; 76.8K, 153.6K, 307.2K self-clocked 67 68 ; baud rate capability mask 69 2A03 = bauds equ (baudsh*100h)+baudsl 70 71 0000 = baudgen equ 0 ; External baud rate generator register 72 0006 = siocmd equ 6 ; Command/Mode register 73 0006 = siostat equ 6 ; Status register 74 0004 = sioxmit equ 4 ; Transmit register 75 0004 = siorecv equ 4 ; Receive register 76 77 0002 = xrdybit equ 2 ; Transmit buffer empty status bit 78 0004 = xrdymsk equ 4 ; transmit buffer empty status mask 79 0000 = rrdybit equ 0 ; Receive buffer full status bit 80 0001 = rrdymsk equ 1 ; receive buffer full status mask 81 0003 = carbit equ 3 ; Net Idle detect bit position 82 0008 = carmsk equ 8 ; Net Idle detect mask 83 0030 = errst equ 030h ; Error flag reset 84 0070 = errbits equ 070h ; Error bit position mask 85 0004 = pbit equ 4 ; Parity error bit position 86 0010 = pmsk equ 10h ; parity error mask 87 0005 = obit equ 5 ; Overrun error bit position 88 0020 = omsk equ 20h ; overrun error mask 89 0006 = fbit equ 6 ; Framing error bit position 90 0040 = fmsk equ 40h ; framing error mask 91 0003 = selfbit equ 3 ; Self clock bit position 92 0008 = selfmsk equ 8 ; slef clock bit mask 93 00EA = dtron equ 0eah ; Turn on DTR 94 006A = dtroff equ 06ah ; Turn off DTR 95 00C1 = enarcv equ 0c1h ; Enable receive-clock 96 00C0 = disrcv equ 0c0h ; Disable receive clock 97 000F = enaslf equ 00fh ; Enable Self-clock mode 98 004F = disslf equ 04fh ; Disable Self-clock mode 99 100 ; SIO Mode 2 interrupts vector table 101 102 FF08 = siov4 equ 0ff08h ; SIO port A xmit buffer empty 103 FF0A = siov5 equ 0ff0ah ; SIO port A external status change 104 FF0C = siov6 equ 0ff0ch ; SIO port A receive 105 FF0E = siov7 equ 0ff0eh ; SIO port A special receive condition 106 107 108 ; Message Buffer Offsets |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #003 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 109 110 0000 = fmt equ 0 ; format 111 0001 = did equ fmt+1 ; destination ID 112 0002 = sid equ did+1 ; source ID 113 0003 = fnc equ sid+1 ; server function number 114 0004 = siz equ fnc+1 ; size of message (normalized to 0) 115 0005 = msg equ siz+1 ; message 116 0106 = buf$len equ msg+257 ; length of total message buffer 117 118 ; ULCnet Packet Offsets 119 120 0000 = ulc$fmt equ 0 ; packet format 121 0001 = ulc$v$circ equ ulc$fmt+1 ; virtual circuit number 122 0002 = ulc$len$lo equ ulc$v$circ+1 ; low order of length 123 0003 = ulc$len$hi equ ulc$len$lo+1 ; high order of length 124 0004 = ulc$fnc equ ulc$len$hi+1 ; start of message: function code 125 0005 = ulc$msg equ ulc$fnc+1 ; CP/NET message 126 127 ; Network Status Byte Equates 128 129 0010 = active equ 0001$0000b ; slave logged in on network 130 0002 = rcverr equ 0000$0010b ; error in received message 131 0001 = senderr equ 0000$0001b ; unable to send message 132 133 134 135 CSEG 136 0005 = BDOS equ 0005h 137 138 NIOS: 139 public NIOS 140 141 ; Jump vector for SNIOS entry points 142 143 0000 C3E100 jmp ntwrkinit ; network initialization 144 0003 C3EE00 jmp ntwrksts ; network status 145 0006 C3F600 jmp cnfgtbladr ; return config table addr 146 0009 C30401 jmp sendmsg ; send message on network 147 000C C32001 jmp receivemsg ; receive message from network 148 000F C3FA00 jmp ntwrkerror ; network error 149 0012 C30301 jmp ntwrkwboot ; network warm boot 150 151 152 0001 = rqstr$id equ 1 ; requester ID: must be between 1 and 4 153 004B = fmt$byte equ 4bh ; format byte: short format with data-link 154 ; acknowledge, 153.6K baud self-clocked 155 156 DSEG 157 158 ; Transport Layer Data 159 160 network$error$msg: 161 162 0000 0D0A db 0dh,0ah |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #004 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 163 0002 4E6574776F db 'Network Error' 164 000F 0D0A db 0dh,0ah 165 0011 24 db '$' 166 167 168 ; Requester Configuration Table 169 170 configtbl: 171 Network$status: 172 173 0012 ds 1 ; network status byte 174 0013 01 db rqstr$id ; slave processor ID number 175 0014 ds 2 ; A: Disk device 176 0016 ds 2 ; B: " 177 0018 ds 2 ; C: " 178 001A ds 2 ; D: " 179 001C ds 2 ; E: " 180 001E ds 2 ; F: " 181 0020 ds 2 ; G: " 182 0022 ds 2 ; H: " 183 0024 ds 2 ; I: " 184 0026 ds 2 ; J: " 185 0028 ds 2 ; K: " 186 002A ds 2 ; L: " 187 002C ds 2 ; M: " 188 002E ds 2 ; N: " 189 0030 ds 2 ; O: " 190 0032 ds 2 ; P: " 191 0034 ds 2 ; console device 192 0036 ds 2 ; list device: 193 194 ; List Buffer Data 195 196 0038 ds 1 ; buffer index 197 198 0039 00 db 0 ; FMT 199 003A 00 db 0 ; DID 200 003B 01 db rqstr$id ; SID 201 003C 05 db 5 ; FNC 202 003D ds 1 ; SIZ 203 003E ds 1 ; MSG(0) List number 204 003F ds 128 ; MSG(1) ... MSG(128) 205 206 207 ; ULCnet Data Definitions 208 209 00BF netadr: ds 3 ;ULCnet network address 210 00C2 dllbau: ds 2 ;baud rate mask 211 212 0016 = timeval equ 22 ; WAIT routine time constant 213 ; 12 for 2.5 megahertz Z80 214 ; 22 for 4.0 megahertz Z80 215 216 00C4 FF curbaud db 0ffh ; Current baud rate |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #005 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 217 218 219 ; table to convert baud number codes 220 ; into a bit mask 221 222 00C5 0102040810btbl: db 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 223 224 225 baudtbl: ; async baud rate table 226 227 00CD 0E db 0eh ; 9600 Baud 228 00CE 0F db 0fh ; 19200 229 230 scbaudt: ; self-clock baud rate table 231 232 00CF 00 db 0 ; 62500 Baud - Not implemented 233 00D0 0D db 0dh ; 76800 Baud 234 00D1 00 db 0 ; 125000 Baud - Not implemented 235 00D2 0E db 0eh ; 153600 Baud 236 00D3 00 db 0 ; 250000 Baud - Not implemented 237 00D4 0F db 0fh ; 307200 Baud 238 239 if interrupts 240 sioiblk db 030h,14h,4fh,15h,06ah,13h,0c1h,11h,01h,10h,10h,30h 241 else 242 00D5 30144F156Asioiblk db 030h,14h,4fh,15h,06ah,13h,0c1h,11h,00h,10h,10h,30h 243 endif 244 245 000C = sioilen equ $-sioiblk 246 247 248 page |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #006 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 249 250 ; Network Initialization Routine 251 252 ntwrkinit: 253 254 00E1 CD0000 call csdll ; cold start the data link 255 00E4 CD0000 call dllon ; initialize the SIO drivers 256 00E7 3E01 mvi a,rqstr$id ; register the id with the data link 257 00E9 CD0000 call regshrt 258 00EC AF xra a ; return with no error 259 00ED C9 ret 260 261 262 ; Return network status byte 263 264 ntwrksts: 265 266 00EE 3A1200 lda network$status 267 00F1 47 mov b,a 268 00F2 E6FC ani not (rcverr or senderr) 269 00F4 78 mov a,b 270 00F5 C9 ret 271 272 273 ; Return configuration table address 274 275 cnfgtbladr: 276 277 00F6 211200 lxi h,configtbl 278 00F9 C9 ret 279 280 ; Network error routine 281 282 283 ntwrkerror: 284 285 00FA 0E09 mvi c,9 286 00FC 110000 lxi d,network$error$msg 287 00FF CD0500 call bdos 288 289 0102 C9 ret 290 291 ; Network Warm Boot Routine 292 293 ntwrkwboot: ; this entry is unused in this version 294 295 0103 C9 ret 296 297 298 ; Send a Message on the Network 299 ; Input: 300 ; BC=pointer to message buffer 301 ; Output: 302 ; A = 0 if successful |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #007 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 303 ; 1 if failure 304 305 sendmsg: 306 307 0104 C5 push b 308 0105 60 mov h,b 309 0106 69 mov l,c 310 311 0107 364B mvi m,fmt$byte ;set ulc$net format byte 312 313 0109 23 inx h ;reformat source to virtual circuit 314 010A 23 inx h 315 010B 56 mov d,m 316 010C 2B dcx h 317 010D 72 mov m,d 318 319 320 010E 23 inx h 321 010F 23 inx h 322 0110 46 mov b,m ;save function 323 324 0111 23 inx h 325 0112 5E mov e,m ;get size 326 0113 70 mov m,b ;function=msg(0) in ULC format 327 328 0114 1600 mvi d,0 329 0116 13 inx d 330 0117 13 inx d ;normalize CP/NET to ULC sizes 331 332 0118 2B dcx h 333 0119 72 mov m,d 334 011A 2B dcx h 335 011B 73 mov m,e 336 337 011C C1 pop b ;restore buffer pointer 338 339 011D C34A01 jmp dl$send ;blast away 340 341 342 ; Receive a Message on the Network 343 ; 344 ; This routine calls the data-link routine to receive the message, 345 ; then converts it into ULCnet format. 346 ; 347 ; Input: 348 ; BC = pointer to buffer to receive the message 349 ; Output: 350 ; A = 0 if successful 351 ; 1 if failure 352 353 receivemsg: 354 355 0120 C5 push b ;save buffer pointer 356 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #008 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 357 0121 CD3701 call dl$receive ;slurp the message 358 359 0124 E1 pop h 360 0125 3601 mvi m,1 ;FMT = 0 (requester to server) 361 362 0127 23 inx h ;DID already = virtual circuit # 363 364 0128 23 inx h ;get length 365 0129 5E mov e,m 366 012A 23 inx h 367 012B 56 mov d,m 368 369 012C 1B dcx d 370 012D 1B dcx d ;normalize ULC to CP/NET format 371 372 012E 23 inx h 373 012F 7E mov a,m ;save FNC 374 375 0130 73 mov m,e ;format SIZ (<256) 376 377 0131 2B dcx h 378 0132 77 mov m,a ;format FNC 379 380 0133 2B dcx h 381 0134 AF xra a ;set success 382 0135 77 mov m,a ;assume server always 0 383 384 0136 C9 ret ;CP/NET message formatted form ULCnet 385 386 387 388 ; Data Link Interface Routines 389 390 391 ; DL$RECEIVE: Network Receive Function. 392 ; Input: 393 ; BC = Buffer address 394 395 396 dl$receive: 397 398 0137 50 mov d,b ; Buffer address in DE for data link 399 0138 59 mov e,c 400 401 rretry: 402 403 0139 AF xra a ; Packet mode 404 013A 010101 lxi b,257 ; Buffer size 405 013D 210000 lxi h,0 ; Infinite wait 406 0140 D5 push d ; Save buffer address for retry 407 408 0141 CD7801 call psrecv ; Initiate Receive and wait for completion 409 410 0144 D1 pop d ; Restore buffer address |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #009 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 411 0145 B7 ora a 412 0146 C8 rz ; Return if no error 413 414 0147 C33901 jmp rretry ; Jump to try again if error 415 416 417 ; DL$SEND: Network Transmit Function 418 ; Input: 419 ; BC = Buffer address 420 421 dl$send: 422 423 014A 50 mov d,b ; Buffer address in DE for data link 424 014B 59 mov e,c 425 426 tretry: 427 428 014C AF xra a ; Packet mode, wait for Net Idle 429 014D D5 push d ; Save buffer address for retry 430 431 014E CD5701 call psxmit ; Initiate Transmit, wait for completion 432 433 0151 D1 pop d ; Restore buffer address 434 0152 B7 ora a 435 0153 C8 rz ; Return if no error 436 437 0154 C34C01 jmp tretry ; Jump to retry if error 438 439 ; PSXMIT: Transmit the packet pointed at by DE. If carry flag is set 440 ; then don't wait for the Net to become idle. 441 ; 442 ; Returns the completion code in A 443 ; 0 - Transmission ok and Data Link Ack Received 444 ; (In the case of multicast, no Ack required) 445 ; 2 - Transmission OK but no Data Link Ack received. 446 ; 447 ; 4 - Other error. 448 449 psxmit: 450 451 0157 CD0000 call transmit ; This will transmit, set return code 452 453 twait: 454 455 015A CD0000 call gettcode ; A := GETTCODE - Xmit return code 456 015D 5F mov e,a 457 015E 1600 mvi d,0 458 0160 216901 lxi h,trtbl ; dispatch on the return code 459 0163 19 dad d 460 0164 5E mov e,m 461 0165 23 inx h 462 0166 66 mov h,m 463 0167 6B mov l,e 464 0168 E9 pchl |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #010 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 465 466 trtbl: 467 468 0169 7701 dw psxret ; Good transmission 469 016B 7701 dw psxret ; No Data Link Ack 470 016D 7701 dw psxret ; Too many collisions 471 016F 7701 dw psxret ; Transmitter is disabled 472 0171 5A01 dw twait ; Transmitter is idle 473 0173 5A01 dw twait ; Transmitter is in progress 474 0175 5A01 dw twait ; Transmitter is waiting for ack 475 476 psxret: 477 478 0177 C9 ret 479 480 ; PSRECV: Receive a packet into buffer pointed at by DE. Length of 481 ; packet must be less than length of buffer in BC. HL is the receive 482 ; timeout count. 483 ; 484 ; Upon return clear the carry bit if a packet received and ACKed. 485 ; Set the carry flag if any error occured. 486 487 psrecv: 488 489 0178 CD0000 call receive ; Receive. Return code will be set 490 491 rwait: 492 493 017B CD0000 call getrcode ; A := GETRCODE 494 495 017E 5F mov e,a 496 017F 1600 mvi d,0 497 0181 218A01 lxi h,rrtbl ; dispatch on the return code 498 0184 19 dad d 499 0185 5E mov e,m 500 0186 23 inx h 501 0187 66 mov h,m 502 0188 6B mov l,e 503 0189 E9 pchl 504 505 rrtbl: 506 507 018A 9601 dw rgood ; Good receive 508 018C 9801 dw rbad ; Bad receive 509 018E 9801 dw rbad ; Disabled 510 511 if not interrupts 512 0190 9801 dw rbad ; Still idle after timeout 513 else 514 dw ridle ; Idle 515 endif 516 517 0192 7B01 dw rwait ; Inprogress 518 0194 7B01 dw rwait ; In progress and for us. |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #011 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 519 520 if interrupts 521 ridle: 522 523 call rtmochk ; Check for timeout 524 jc ridle1 ; Jump if timeout 525 call wait1 ; Wait 1 ms 526 jmp rwait ; Continue to wait if no timeout 527 528 ridle1: 529 530 call dsblrecv ; Disable the receiver 531 stc 532 ret ; Return with error 533 endif 534 535 rgood: 536 537 0196 A7 ana a 538 0197 C9 ret 539 540 rbad: 541 542 0198 37 stc ; Indicate error 543 0199 C9 ret 544 page |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #012 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 545 546 547 ; NIOD routines 548 549 550 551 ; SETBAUD: Set the baud rate based on the baud rate code in A. Do special 552 ; logic for self-clocked mode. 553 ; 554 ; 0 = 9600 baud 555 ; 1 = 19200 baud 556 ; 9 = 76800 baud self-clock 557 ; 11= 153600 baud self-clock 558 ; 13= 307200 baud self-clock 559 ; 560 ; If this station cannot handle the requested baud rate, then set 561 ; the carry flag. 562 563 setbaud: 564 565 019A E60F ani 0fh ; mask all but the baud bits 566 019C 21C400 lxi h,curbaud ; are we at the current baud rate? 567 019F BE cmp m 568 01A0 C8 rz ; yes-->all done 569 570 01A1 47 mov b,a ; else-->get baud rate generator value 571 01A2 E607 ani 7 572 01A4 5F mov e,a 573 01A5 1600 mvi d,0 574 575 01A7 21C500 lxi h,btbl ; point to vertical-to-horizontal decode 576 01AA 19 dad d ; table 577 578 if slfclkd 579 01AB 78 mov a,b 580 01AC E608 ani selfmsk ; is this a self-clocked value? 581 01AE C2D601 jnz selfclkd 582 endif 583 584 01B1 3E03 mvi a,baudsl ; get legal baud rate mask 585 01B3 A6 ana m 586 01B4 37 stc 587 01B5 C8 rz ; return with error if its an illegal rate 588 589 if slfclkd 590 01B6 3E05 mvi a,5 ; else-->switch off possible self-clock mode 591 01B8 D306 out siocmd 592 01BA 3E6A mvi a,dtroff ; disable DTR in SIO register 5 593 01BC D306 out siocmd 594 595 01BE 3E04 mvi a,4 ; disable sync mode in register 4 596 01C0 D306 out siocmd 597 01C2 3E4F mvi a,disslf 598 01C4 D306 out siocmd |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #013 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 599 endif 600 601 01C6 21CD00 lxi h,baudtbl ; point to async baud rate table 602 603 outbau: 604 605 01C9 19 dad d ; get async baud rate value 606 01CA 7E mov a,m 607 01CB D300 out baudgen ; load it into the baud rate generator 608 ; NOTE: This is not a CTC 609 610 01CD 21C400 lxi h,curbaud 611 01D0 70 mov m,b ; set current baud byte 612 613 01D1 CDA702 call wait ; allow the system to reach equilibrium 614 615 01D4 A7 ana a ; return success 616 01D5 C9 ret 617 618 if slfclkd 619 ; Throw SIO into self-clocked mode 620 621 selfclkd: 622 623 01D6 3E2A mvi a,baudsh ; Is this a legal rate? 624 01D8 A6 ana m 625 01D9 37 stc 626 01DA C8 rz ; return an error if not 627 628 01DB 3E04 mvi a,4 ; enable sync mode in register 4 629 01DD D306 out siocmd 630 01DF 3E0F mvi a,enaslf 631 01E1 D306 out siocmd 632 633 01E3 3E05 mvi a,5 ; enable DTR in register 5 634 01E5 D306 out siocmd 635 01E7 3EEA mvi a,dtron 636 01E9 D306 out siocmd 637 638 01EB 21CF00 lxi h,scbaudt ; point to baud rate table for self-clock mode 639 01EE C3C901 jmp outbau ; program the baud rate generator 640 endif 641 642 643 ; DSBLXMIT: Disable the transmitter if in self clocked mode 644 645 dsblxmit: 646 647 if slfclkd 648 01F1 3AC400 lda curbaud ; are we in self-clocked mode? 649 01F4 E608 ani selfmsk 650 01F6 C8 rz ; no-->don't bother 651 652 01F7 3E05 mvi a,5 ; disable SIO from transmitting by disabling |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #014 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 653 01F9 D306 out siocmd ; DTR in register 5 654 01FB 3E6A mvi a,dtroff 655 01FD D306 out siocmd 656 657 01FF 3E05 mvi a,5 ; Enable receive by re-enabling DTR 658 0201 D306 out siocmd 659 0203 3EEA mvi a,dtron 660 0205 D306 out siocmd 661 endif 662 663 0207 C9 ret 664 665 666 ; XMIT: Transmit the byte in A on network A. 667 668 669 xmit: 670 671 if not interrupts 672 0208 F5 push psw 673 674 xmit1: 675 676 0209 DB06 in siostat ; don't overrun the transmitter if we're 677 020B E604 ani xrdymsk ; interrupt-driven; wait for TxReady 678 020D CA0902 jz xmit1 679 680 0210 F1 pop psw 681 endif 682 683 0211 D304 out sioxmit ; blast that byte 684 0213 C9 ret 685 686 687 ; RECV: Receive a byte from Network A. Set the carry flag if there was 688 ; a receive error. 689 ; 690 ; For Z80-SIO receive errors are handled by the special receive 691 ; condition interrupts. 692 693 recv: 694 695 if not interrupts 696 0214 CD5D02 call netidle 697 0217 DA2702 jc rto ; set error condition if the net went idle 698 699 021A DB06 in siostat ; else-->wait until a character is in the 700 021C E601 ani rrdymsk ; buffer 701 021E CA1402 jz recv 702 703 0221 CD2A02 call chkstat ; check for receive errors 704 705 else 706 ana a ; clear carry flag |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #015 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 707 endif 708 709 0224 DB04 in siorecv ; input the character 710 0226 C9 ret 711 712 rto: ; set an error 713 714 0227 AF xra a 715 0228 37 stc 716 0229 C9 ret 717 718 719 ; CHKSTAT: Check error status bits of a receive error. If not error then 720 ; clear the carry flag and return. Otherwise figure out which 721 ; error occured and increment its counter and set the carry flag. 722 ; Issue an error reset command to the UART. 723 724 725 chkstat: 726 727 022A 3E01 mvi a,1 ; get error status from SIO read register 1 728 022C D306 out siocmd 729 022E DB06 in siostat 730 731 0230 E670 ani errbits 732 0232 C8 rz ; no error occurred-->all done 733 734 if netstats ; gather statistics on the type of error 735 0233 47 mov b,a 736 0234 E610 ani pmsk 737 0236 CA3F02 jz np ; not a parity error 738 739 0239 210000 lxi h,parcntr ; else--> 740 023C CD0000 call inccntr ; increment parity error counter 741 742 np: 743 744 023F 78 mov a,b 745 0240 E605 ani obit 746 0242 CA4B02 jz no ; not an overrun 747 748 0245 210000 lxi h,ovrcntr ; else--> 749 0248 CD0000 call inccntr ; increment overrun counter 750 751 no: 752 753 024B 78 mov a,b 754 024C E606 ani fbit 755 024E CA5702 jz nf ; not a framing error 756 757 0251 210000 lxi h,frmcntr ; else--> 758 0254 CD0000 call inccntr ; increment framing error counter 759 760 nf: |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #016 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 761 endif 762 763 0257 3E30 mvi a,errst ; reset error condition 764 0259 D306 out siocmd 765 025B 37 stc ; signal an error 766 025C C9 ret 767 768 769 770 ; NETIDLE: See if network A is idle. If idle then set the carry flag. 771 772 netidle: 773 774 025D 3E10 mvi a,10h ; reset interrupts 775 025F D306 out siocmd 776 0261 D306 out siocmd ; do it twice to reject glitches on DCD 777 778 0263 DB06 in siostat ; is there a data-carrier detect? 779 0265 E608 ani carmsk 780 0267 C8 rz ; yes-->net is in use-->carry flag cleared 781 782 0268 AF xra a 783 0269 CD9A01 call setbaud ; net is idle-->reset to hailing rate (9600) 784 026C 37 stc ; set net idle to true 785 026D C9 ret 786 787 788 if interrupts 789 790 ; ENBLRECV: Enable the channel A receiver interrupts. 791 792 enblrecv: 793 794 mvi a,1 ; enable interrupts on all characters 795 out siocmd 796 mvi a,011h ; NOTE: This mask would have to be 015h on 797 out siocmd ; channel B 798 ret 799 800 ; DSBLRECV: Disable the channel A receiver interrupts. 801 802 dsblrecv: 803 804 mvi a,1 ; Disable interrupts on received characters 805 out siocmd ; (Keep status interrupts enabled) 806 out siocmd ; NOTE: Channel B mask is 05h 807 ret 808 809 endif 810 811 812 ; PGMUART: Program the Network UART channel 813 814 pgmuart: |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #017 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 815 816 if interrupts 817 ; The 820 already has the SIO vector address 818 ; programmed from channel B. Other 819 ; implementations will have to provide linkage 820 ; to the vector area in the main XIOS, and 821 ; load the vector offset into SIO write 822 ; register 2 823 824 lxi h,niisr ; load status interrupt service routine vector 825 shld siov5 826 lxi h,dlisr ; load transmit ISR vector 827 shld siov6 828 lxi h,reisr ; load receiv ISR vector 829 shld siov7 830 endif 831 832 026E 21D500 lxi h,sioiblk ; point to SIO initialization block 833 0271 060C mvi b,sioilen ; length of block 834 0273 F3 di 835 836 pgm1: 837 838 0274 7E mov a,m ; output the block to the SIO 839 0275 D306 out siocmd 840 0277 23 inx h 841 0278 05 dcr b 842 0279 C27402 jnz pgm1 843 844 027C FB ei 845 027D AF xra a ; set up hailing baud rate = 9600 846 027E CD9A01 call setbaud 847 0281 C9 ret 848 849 850 ; INITUART: Initialize the uart for network A by issuing a reset command 851 ; and clearing out the receive buffer. 852 853 inituart: 854 855 0282 3E03 mvi a,3 ; disable the receiver through register 3 856 0284 D306 out siocmd 857 0286 3EC0 mvi a,disrcv 858 0288 D306 out siocmd 859 860 028A DB06 in siostat ; is there a garbage byte? 861 028C E601 ani rrdymsk 862 028E CA9602 jz initu ; no-->continue initialization 863 864 0291 DB04 in siorecv ; else-->eat the character 865 0293 C38202 jmp inituart ; try again 866 867 initu: 868 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #018 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 869 0296 3E30 mvi a,errst ; reset error conditions 870 0298 D306 out siocmd 871 872 029A 3E03 mvi a,3 ; re-enable the receiver 873 029C D306 out siocmd 874 029E 3EC1 mvi a,enarcv 875 02A0 D306 out siocmd 876 877 02A2 C9 ret 878 879 ; INITRECV: Initialize a receive operation 880 881 initrecv: 882 883 02A3 CD8202 call inituart 884 885 if interrupts 886 call enblrecv ; enable receiver interrupts 887 endif 888 889 02A6 C9 ret 890 891 892 ; WAIT - Wait 100 micro seconds 893 894 wait: 895 896 02A7 3E16 mvi a,timeval 897 898 w: 899 900 02A9 3D dcr a ; 04 901 02AA A7 ana a ; 04 902 02AB C2A902 jnz w ; 12 903 ; --- 904 02AE C9 ret ; 30 T-States total 905 906 907 ; RESTUART: Reinitialize the UART to the way it was in the 908 ; original BIOS after completing the network operations 909 910 911 restuart: 912 02AF C9 ret ; UART not used except by network 913 914 915 ; CSNIOD: Do any cold start initialization which is necessary. 916 ; Must at least return the value of BAUDS 917 ; If the network uses the printer port then set theh carry flag 918 ; otherwise clear it. 919 920 csniod: 921 922 02B0 01032A lxi b,bauds ; return the legal baud rates |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #019 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET 923 02B3 B7 ora a ; not using a printer port 924 02B4 C9 ret 925 926 927 02B5 end |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #020 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET ACTIVE 0010 129# BAUDGEN 0000 71# 607 BAUDS 2A03 69# 922 BAUDSH 002A 66# 69 623 BAUDSL 0003 65# 69 584 BAUDTBL 00CD 225# 601 BDOS 0005 136# 287 BTBL 00C5 222# 575 BUFLEN 0106 116# CARBIT 0003 81# CARMSK 0008 82# 779 CHKSTAT 022A 42 703 725# CNFGTBLADR 00F6 145 275# CONFIGTBL 0012 170# 277 CSDLL 0000 53 254 CSNIOD 02B0 43 920# CURBAUD 00C4 216# 566 610 648 DID 0001 111# 112 DISRCV 00C0 96# 857 DISSLF 004F 98# 597 DLLBAU 00C2 45 210# DLLON 0000 53 255 DLRECEIVE 0137 357 396# DLSEND 014A 339 421# DSBLXMIT 01F1 44 645# DTROFF 006A 94# 592 654 DTRON 00EA 93# 635 659 ENARCV 00C1 95# 874 ENASLF 000F 97# 630 ERRBITS 0070 84# 731 ERRST 0030 83# 763 869 FALSE 0000 31# 32 34 FBIT 0006 89# 754 FMSK 0040 90# FMT 0000 110# 111 FMTBYTE 004B 153# 311 FNC 0003 113# 114 FRMCNTR 0000 55 757 GETRCODE 0000 52 493 GETTCODE 0000 52 455 INCCNTR 0000 55 740 749 758 INITRECV 02A3 42 881# INITU 0296 40 862 867# INITUART 0282 41 853# 865 883 INTERRUPTS 0000 34# 47 57 239 511 520 671 695 788 816 885 MSG 0005 115# 116 NETADR 00BF 45 209# NETIDLE 025D 42 696 772# NETSTATS FFFF 35# 734 NETWORKERRORMSG 0000 160# 286 NETWORKSTATUS 0012 171# 266 NF 0257 755 760# NIOS 0000 138# 139 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #021 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET NO 024B 746 751# NP 023F 737 742# NTWRKERROR 00FA 148 283# NTWRKINIT 00E1 143 252# NTWRKSTS 00EE 144 264# NTWRKWBOOT 0103 149 293# OBIT 0005 87# 745 OMSK 0020 88# OUTBAU 01C9 603# 639 OVRCNTR 0000 54 748 PARCNTR 0000 54 739 PBIT 0004 85# PGM1 0274 836# 842 PGMUART 026E 41 814# PMSK 0010 86# 736 PSRECV 0178 408 487# PSXMIT 0157 431 449# PSXRET 0177 468 469 470 471 476# RBAD 0198 508 509 512 540# RCVERR 0002 130# 268 RECEIVE 0000 51 489 RECEIVEMSG 0120 147 353# RECV 0214 40 693# 701 REGSHRT 0000 53 257 RESTUART 02AF 43 911# RGOOD 0196 507 535# RQSTRID 0001 152# 174 200 256 RRDYBIT 0000 79# RRDYMSK 0001 80# 700 861 RRETRY 0139 401# 414 RRTBL 018A 497 505# RTO 0227 697 712# RWAIT 017B 491# 517 518 526 SCBAUDT 00CF 230# 638 SELFBIT 0003 91# SELFCLKD 01D6 581 621# SELFMSK 0008 92# 580 649 SENDERR 0001 131# 268 SENDMSG 0104 146 305# SETBAUD 019A 40 563# 783 846 SID 0002 112# 113 SIOCMD 0006 72# 591 593 596 598 629 631 634 636 653 655 658 660 728 764 775 776 795 797 805 806 839 856 858 870 873 875 SIOIBLK 00D5 240# 242# 245 832 SIOILEN 000C 245# 833 SIORECV 0004 75# 709 864 SIOSTAT 0006 73# 676 699 729 778 860 SIOV4 FF08 102# SIOV5 FF0A 103# 825 SIOV6 FF0C 104# 827 SIOV7 FF0E 105# 829 SIOXMIT 0004 74# 683 SIZ 0004 114# 115 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #022 REQUESTER NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR ULCNET SLFCLKD FFFF 36# 578 589 618 647 TERRCNT 0000 54 TIMEVAL 0016 212# 896 TRANSMIT 0000 51 451 TRETRY 014C 426# 437 TRTBL 0169 458 466# TRUE FFFF 32# 35 36 TWAIT 015A 453# 472 473 474 ULCFMT 0000 120# 121 ULCFNC 0004 124# 125 ULCLENHI 0003 123# 124 ULCLENLO 0002 122# 123 ULCMSG 0005 125# ULCVCIRC 0001 121# 122 W 02A9 898# 902 WAIT 02A7 43 613 894# XMIT 0208 40 669# XMIT1 0209 674# 678 XRDYBIT 0002 77# XRDYMSK 0004 78# 677 |
F.3 Creating the ULCnet Server
The server communications software is contained in the modules XIOSNET.ASM and ULCIF.ASM. XIOSNET.ASM contains modifications to MP/M II' s XIOS. ULCIF.ASM is the equivalent of the NETWRKIF transport processes.
ULCIF.ASM uses only two processes, one for input and one for output. To use ULCIF.ASM with the module SERVER.RSP, you must patch SERVER.RSP to write all message responses to a single output queue named NtwrkQO0. This patch is detailed in CP/NET V1.2 Application Note #2 dated 11-11-82.
The communications interface is interrupt driven, servicing each character as it is received by the network port. ULCIF.ASM requests the network resource through a set of dummy console I/O calls to the XIOS. A call to CONST initializes the network. Calls to CONIN and CONOUT receive and send messages on the network. The communications interface checks network status through a set of poll calls.
The ULCIF input transport process is dispatched at MP/M II cold start. This process makes all necessary queues, creates the ULCIF output process, initializes the network, and writes the configuration table address into the system data page. ULCIF then goes into a loop where it perpetually performs the following actions:
The output process performs the following actions:
The ULCnet modules DLIF and NIOD are contained in the module XIOSNET.ASM. This module must be incorporated into the server's XIOS. XIOSNET.ASM handles four XIOS jump vector entries, CONST, CONIN, CONOUT, and POLLDEVICE. The jump vector in the XIOS must be modified to point to these routines. XIOSNET contains a linkage to the real XIOS routines for these functions, in this case renamed NCONST, NCONIN, NCONOUT, and POLDEV. The XIOS's interrupt vector might also have to be modified to support the SIO interrupt service routines in IPBMAIN.
When the console I/O routines are entered, they immediately check to see if the dummy console number has been supplied.
Note: you must define a console number that does not conflict with real consoles. Make the dummy console number at least larger than the number of requesters to be supported, since each server process pretends to attach to a unique console ID. If a dummy console number has not been supplied, these routines jump into the real console routines. If the dummy number has been supplied, the routines take the following steps.
The POLLDEVICE routine behaves almost like the console I/O routines. POLLDEVICE checks for specific poll device numbers to perform network status functions. If these numbers are not detected, control passes to the real POLDEV routine. If network status functions are detected, POLLDEVICE performs the appropriate status check. If the check is successful, a hexadecimal 0FF is returned in register A. If not successful, a 0 is returned.
The MP/M II dispatcher calls POLLDEVICE when it is entered. If the status returned is 0, MP/M II maintains the poll device number on a list and continues to call POLLDEVICE every time it is entered. When the returned status is FF, the dispatcher removes the device number from its list and returns control to the code that originally performed the poll function call, in this case either CONIN or CONOUT. In this manner, the communications interface operates completely transparently, requiring very little CPU resource.
The XIOSNET is designed to be interrupt driven. The IPBMAIN.REL module performs the actual data-link. This module is identical to the IPBMAIN.REL used in the SNIOS. An interrupt-driven protocol is strongly recommended. If you use the polled version, PBMAIN, calls to TRANSMIT and RECEIVE do not return until the requested operation has been performed. This means communications software uses up enormous amounts of CPU time, suspending only when a clock tick interrupts them and forces the dispatcher to be entered. This results in poor server performance.
The interrupt-driven IPBMAIN module sets up the requested operation only when TRANSMIT and RECEIVE are called. The actual protocol is driven by the arrival or departure of each character of the message. This interrupt-driven protocol consumes considerably less CPU time.
To modify the modules ULCIF and XIOSNET for your own server:
Set NMB$RQSTRS to the number of requesters supported.
Set NMB$BUFS to the number of requesters, plus one. This extra buffer permits the transmission of LOGIN error messages to the output process, even when all SERVER processes are busy. Having fewer buffers limits the burden on the server at any one time.
Set CONSOLE$NUM to the dummy console number. The sample listing uses the arbitrarily large number hex 20. This number should be sufficient.
If you are creating a banked system, all of XIOSNET must reside in common memory.
You must have access to the XIOS source modules to implement a ULCnet server in the manner described here. There are two reasons for this:
Both of these problems can be circumvented, but not without difficulty. If the code for XIOSNET is placed in ULCIF, the input process must initialize the interrupt vectors by performing the instruction:
But to do this, the input process must know where there is empty space in the interrupt page.
Worse is the prospect of not being able to poll for network completion. Instead, the ULCIF might have to drastically reduce its own process priority, then busy wait, making repeated calls to GETTCODE and GETRCODE until the data-link completes. Alternatively, the server can use the polled version of the data-link, PBMAIN.REL. The problems associated with this version have already been described. Placing XIOSNET in the XIOS greatly improves performance.
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #001 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET 1 title 'NETWRKIF for Systems Running ULCnet' 2 page 54 3 4 ;*************************************************************************** 5 ;*************************************************************************** 6 ;** ** 7 ;** S e r v e r N e t w o r k I n t e r f a c e M o d u l e ** 8 ;** ** 9 ;*************************************************************************** 10 ;*************************************************************************** 11 12 13 ;*************************************************************************** 14 ;*************************************************************************** 15 ;** ** 16 ;** This module performs communication operations on a server ** 17 ;** equipped with Orange Compuco's ULCnet network adaptor. ** 18 ;** The actual communications protocol is proprietary to Orange ** 19 ;** Compuco. It is included on the CP/NET release disk in REL ** 20 ;** file format on a module called PBMAIN.REL. PBMAIN and a data- ** 21 ;** link interface module, DLIF, must be linked into the XIOS ** 22 ;** as console I/O routines. A sample DLIF is included with this ** 23 ;** module. ** 24 ;** ** 25 ;** This module performs the high-level transport and network ** 26 ;** processing, then calls the DLIF via a direct XIOS console I/O ** 27 ;** function for data-link. The following features are supported: ** 28 ;** ** 29 ;** o Queue Minimization using only 2 interface processes ** 30 ;** o Dynamic LOGIN/LOGOFF support ** 31 ;** ** 32 ;** Very little of this routine needs to be modified to run an a ** 33 ;** particular computer system. The DLIF must be modified to ** 34 ;** support the system's particular RS-232 hardware, and the XIOS ** 35 ;** must be modified to support interrupt-driven operation, if so ** 36 ;** desired, and also support the pseudo-console drivers of the ** 37 ;** DLIF. ** 38 ;** ** 39 ;*************************************************************************** 40 ;*************************************************************************** 41 42 ; This software was developed jointly by 43 ; 44 ; Digital Research, Inc. 45 ; P.O. Box 579 46 ; Pacific Grove, CA 93950 47 ; and 48 ; Keybrook Business Systems, Inc. 49 ; 2035 National Avenue 50 ; Hayward, CA 94545 51 52 53 bdosadr: 54 0000 0000 dw $-$ ; RSP XDOS entry point |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #002 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET 55 56 ; User-Configurable Parameters (These should be the only changes needed) 57 58 0002 = nmb$rqstrs equ 2 ; Number of requesters supported at one time 59 0003 = nmb$bufs equ 3 ; Number of message buffers 60 0020 = console$num equ 20h ; Pseudo-console number 61 004B = fmt$byte equ 4bh ; Format byte: short format with acknowledge, 62 ; 153.6K baud self-clocked 63 64 ; Message Buffer Offsets 65 66 0000 = fmt equ 0 ; format 67 0001 = did equ fmt+1 ; destination ID 68 0002 = sid equ did+1 ; source ID 69 0003 = fnc equ sid+1 ; server function number 70 0004 = siz equ fnc+1 ; size of message (normalized to 0) 71 0005 = msg equ siz+1 ; message 72 0106 = buf$len equ msg+257 ; length of total message buffer 73 74 ; ULCnet Packet Offsets 75 76 0000 = ulc$fmt equ 0 ; packet format 77 0001 = ulc$v$circ equ ulc$fmt+1 ; virtual circuit number 78 0002 = ulc$len$lo equ ulc$v$circ+1 ; low order of length 79 0003 = ulc$len$hi equ ulc$len$lo+1 ; high order of length 80 0004 = ulc$fnc equ ulc$len$hi+1 ; start of message: function code 81 0005 = ulc$msg equ ulc$fnc+1 ; CP/NET message 82 83 ; Requester Control Block Offsets 84 85 0000 = rqstr$id equ 0 ; requester ID for this server 86 0001 = uqcb equ rqstr$id+1 ; uqcb to queue to this server 87 0005 = buf$ptr equ uqcb+4 ; queue message <--> msg buffer ptr 88 0007 = rcb$len equ buf$ptr+2 ; length of requester control block 89 90 91 ; NETWRKIF Process Descriptors and Stack Space 92 93 networkin: ; Receiver Process 94 95 0002 0000 dw 0 ; link 96 0004 00 db 0 ; status 97 0005 42 db 66 ; priority 98 0006 6400 dw netstkin+46 ; stack pointer 99 0008 4E45545752 db 'NETWRKIN' ; name 100 0010 00 db 0 ; console 101 0011 FF db 0ffh ; memseg 102 0012 ds 2 ; b 103 0014 ds 2 ; thread 104 0016 ds 2 ; buff 105 0018 ds 1 ; user code & disk slct 106 0019 ds 2 ; dcnt 107 001B ds 1 ; searchl 108 001C ds 2 ; searcha |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #003 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET 109 001E ds 2 ; active drives 110 0020 0000 dw 0 ; HL' 111 0022 0000 dw 0 ; DE' 112 0024 0000 dw 0 ; BC' 113 0026 0000 dw 0 ; AF' 114 0028 0000 dw 0 ; IY 115 002A 0000 dw 0 ; IX 116 002C 0000 dw 0 ; HL 117 002E 0000 dw 0 ; DE 118 0030 0000 dw 0 ; BC 119 0032 0000 dw 0 ; AF, A = ntwkif console dev # 120 0034 ds 2 ; scratch 121 122 netstkin: 123 0036 C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 124 003E C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 125 0046 C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 126 004E C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 127 0056 C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 128 005E C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 129 0064 B405 dw setup 130 131 networkout: ; Transmitter Process 132 133 0066 0000 dw 0 ; link 134 0068 00 db 0 ; status 135 0069 42 db 66 ; priority 136 006A C800 dw netstkou+46 ; stack pointer 137 006C 4E45545752 db 'NETWRKOU' ; name 138 0074 00 db 0 ; console 139 0075 FF db 0ffh ; memseg 140 0076 ds 2 ; b 141 0078 ds 2 ; thread 142 007A ds 2 ; buff 143 007C ds 1 ; user code & disk slct 144 007D ds 2 ; dcnt 145 007F ds 1 ; searchl 146 0080 ds 2 ; searcha 147 0082 ds 2 ; active drives 148 0084 0000 dw 0 ; HL' 149 0086 0000 dw 0 ; DE' 150 0088 0000 dw 0 ; BC' 151 008A 0000 dw 0 ; AF' 152 008C 0000 dw 0 ; IY 153 008E 0000 dw 0 ; IX 154 0090 0000 dw 0 ; HL 155 0092 0000 dw 0 ; DE 156 0094 0000 dw 0 ; BC 157 0096 0000 dw 0 ; AF, A = ntwkif console dev # 158 0098 ds 2 ; scratch 159 160 netstkou: 161 009A C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 162 00A2 C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #004 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET 163 00AA C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 164 00B2 C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 165 00BA C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 166 00C2 C7C7C7C7C7 dw 0c7c7h,0c7c7h,0c7c7h 167 00C8 8606 dw output 168 169 170 ; Input queue control blocks 171 172 qcb$in$0: 173 00CA ds 2 ; link 174 00CC 4E7477726B db 'NtwrkQI0' ; name 175 00D4 0200 dw 2 ; msglen 176 00D6 0100 dw 1 ; nmbmsgs 177 00D8 ds 2 ; dqph 178 00DA ds 2 ; nqph 179 00DC ds 2 ; msgin 180 00DE ds 2 ; msgout 181 00E0 ds 2 ; msgcnt 182 00E2 ds 2 ; buffer 183 184 if nmb$rqstrs ge 2 185 qcb$in$1: 186 00E4 ds 2 ; link 187 00E6 4E7477726B db 'NtwrkQI1' ; name 188 00EE 0200 dw 2 ; msglen 189 00F0 0100 dw 1 ; nmbmsgs 190 00F2 ds 2 ; dqph 191 00F4 ds 2 ; nqph 192 00F6 ds 2 ; msgin 193 00F8 ds 2 ; msgout 194 00FA ds 2 ; msgcnt 195 00FC ds 2 ; buffer 196 endif 197 198 if nmb$rqstrs ge 3 199 qcb$in$2: 200 ds 2 ; link 201 db 'NtwrkQI2' ; name 202 dw 2 ; msglen 203 dw 1 ; nmbmsgs 204 ds 2 ; dqph 205 ds 2 ; nqph 206 ds 2 ; msgin 207 ds 2 ; msgout 208 ds 2 ; msgcnt 209 ds 2 ; buffer 210 endif 211 212 if nmb$rqstrs ge 4 213 qcb$in$3: 214 ds 2 ; link 215 db 'NtwrkQI3' ; name 216 dw 2 ; msglen |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #005 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET 217 dw 1 ; nmbmsgs 218 ds 2 ; dqph 219 ds 2 ; nqph 220 ds 2 ; msgin 221 ds 2 ; msgout 222 ds 2 ; msgcnt 223 ds 2 ; buffer 224 endif 225 226 ; Output queue control blocks 227 228 qcb$out$0: 229 00FE ds 2 ; link 230 0100 4E7477726B db 'NtwrkQO0' ; name 231 0108 0200 dw 2 ; msglen 232 010A 0300 dw nmb$bufs ; nmbmsgs 233 010C ds 2 ; dqph 234 010E ds 2 ; nqph 235 0110 ds 2 ; msgin 236 0112 ds 2 ; msgout 237 0114 ds 2 ; msgcnt 238 0116 ds 2*nmb$bufs+1 ; buffer 239 240 ; Requester Management Table 241 242 rqstr$table: 243 244 ;requester 0 control block 245 246 011D FF db 0ffh ; requester ID (marked not in use) 247 011E CA00 dw qcb$in$0 ; UQCB: QCB pointer 248 0120 2201 dw $+2 ; pointer to queue message 249 0122 0000 dw $-$ ; pointer to msg buffer (loaded on receive) 250 251 if nmb$rqstrs ge 2 252 ;requester 1 control block 253 254 0124 FF db 0ffh ; requester ID (marked not in use) 255 0125 E400 dw qcb$in$1 ; UQCB: QCB pointer 256 0127 2901 dw $+2 ; pointer to queue message 257 0129 0000 dw $-$ ; pointer to msg buffer (loaded on receive) 258 endif 259 260 if nmb$rqstrs ge 3 261 ;requester 2 control block 262 263 db 0ffh ; requester ID (marked not in use) 264 dw qcb$in$2 ; UQCB: QCB pointer 265 dw $+2 ; pointer to queue message 266 dw $-$ ; pointer to msg buffer (loaded on receive) 267 endif 268 269 if nmb$rqstrs ge 4 270 ;requester 3 control block |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #006 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET 271 272 db 0ffh ; requester ID (marked not in use) 273 dw qcb$in$3 ; UQCB: QCB pointer 274 dw $+2 ; pointer to queue message 275 dw $-$ ; pointer to msg buffer (loaded on receive) 276 endif 277 278 ; Output user queue control block 279 280 uqcb$out$0: 281 012B FE00 dw qcb$out$0 ; pointer 282 012D 2F01 dw out$buffer$ptr ; pointer to queue message 283 284 out$buffer$ptr: 285 012F ds 2 ; a queue read will return the message 286 ; buffer pointer in this location 287 288 ; UQCB for flagging errors from receive process to send process 289 290 uqcb$in$out$0: 291 0131 FE00 dw qcb$out$0 ; pointer 292 0133 3501 dw in$out$buffer$ptr 293 ; pointer to queue message 294 295 in$out$buffer$ptr: 296 0135 ds 2 ; this pointer used by input process to 297 ; to output "server not logged in" errors 298 299 ; Server Configuration Table 300 301 configtbl: 302 0137 00 db 0 ; Server status byte 303 0138 00 db 0 ; Server processor ID 304 0139 02 db nmb$rqstrs ; Max number of requesters supported at once 305 013A 00 db 0 ; Number of currently logged in requesters 306 013B 0000 dw 0000h ; 16 bit vector of logged in requesters 307 013D ds 16 ; Logged In Requester processor ID's 308 014D 5041535357 db 'PASSWORD' ; login password 309 310 ; Stacks for server processes. A pointer to the associated process 311 ; descriptor area must reside on the top of each stack. The stack for 312 ; SERVR0PR is internal to SERVER.RSP, and is consequently omitted from the 313 ; NETWRKIF module. 314 315 0096 = srvr$stk$len equ 96h ; server process stack size 316 317 if nmb$rqstrs ge 2 318 0155 srvr$stk$1: ds srvr$stk$len-2 319 01E9 EB01 dw srvr$1$pd 320 endif 321 322 if nmb$rqstrs ge 3 323 srvr$stk$2: ds srvr$stk$len-2 324 dw srvr$2$pd |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #007 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET 325 endif 326 327 if nmb$rqstrs ge 4 328 srvr$stk$3: ds srvr$stk$len-2 329 dw srvr$3$pd 330 endif 331 332 ; Memory allocation for server process descriptor copydown 333 ; All server process descriptor allocation must be contiguous 334 335 if nmb$rqstrs ge 2 336 01EB srvr$1$pd: ds 52 337 endif 338 339 if nmb$rqstrs ge 3 340 srvr$2$pd: ds 52 341 endif 342 343 if nmb$rqstrs ge 4 344 srvr$3$pd: ds 52 345 endif 346 347 348 ; Buffer Control Block: 0 indicates buffer is free for receiving a message 349 ; 0ffh indicates that the buffer is in use 350 351 buf$cb: rept nmb$bufs 352 db 0 353 endm 354 021F+00 DB 0 355 0220+00 DB 0 356 0221+00 DB 0 357 358 ; Message Buffer Storage Area 359 360 msg$buffers: rept nmb$bufs 361 ds buf$len 362 endm 363 0222+ DS BUF$LEN 364 0328+ DS BUF$LEN 365 042E+ DS BUF$LEN 366 367 ; save area for XIOS routine addresses 368 369 conin$jmp: 370 0534 C3 db jmp 371 0535 0000 conin: dw $-$ 372 373 conout$jmp: 374 0537 C3 db jmp 375 0538 0000 conout: dw $-$ 376 377 constat$jmp: 378 053A C3 db jmp |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #008 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET 379 constat: 380 053B 0000 dw $-$ 381 382 383 384 385 ; NETWRKIF Utility Routines 386 387 ; Operating system linkage routine 388 389 monx: 390 391 053D 2A0000 lhld bdos$adr 392 0540 E9 pchl 393 394 395 ; Double word subtract: DE = HL - DE 396 397 dw$sub: 398 0541 7D mov a,l 399 0542 93 sub e 400 0543 5F mov e,a 401 0544 7C mov a,h 402 0545 9A sbb d 403 0546 57 mov d,a 404 0547 C9 ret 405 406 ; Routine to scan requester control blocks for a match with the received 407 ; source ID. 408 ; 409 ; Input: A = Source ID to Match 410 ; 411 ; Output: 412 ; success: HL = pointer to requester control block 413 ; A <> 0FFh 414 ; no match, but a free control block found: 415 ; HL = pointer to RCB 416 ; A = 0FFh 417 ; CY = 0 418 ; no match and no available RCB's: 419 ; A = 0FFh 420 ; CY = 1 421 422 scan$table: 423 424 0548 211D01 lxi h,rqstr$table ;point to the start of the RCB table 425 054B 0602 mvi b,nmb$rqstrs 426 054D 110700 lxi d,rcb$len ;size of RCB's for scanning the table 427 428 sc$t1: 429 430 0550 BE cmp m ;RCB ID = SID? 431 0551 C8 rz ;yes--> a match--> return 432 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #009 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET 433 0552 19 dad d ;else-->check next entry 434 0553 05 dcr b 435 0554 C25005 jnz sc$t1 436 437 0557 211D01 lxi h,rqstr$table ;no match-->look for a free entry 438 055A 0602 mvi b,nmb$rqstrs 439 440 sc$t2: 441 442 055C 7E mov a,m 443 055D 3C inr a 444 055E CA6A05 jz sc$t3 ;an unoccupied entry has been found 445 446 0561 19 dad d ;else-->keep looking 447 0562 05 dcr b 448 0563 C25C05 jnz sc$t2 449 450 0566 3EFF mvi a,0ffh ;outa luck-->set the big error 451 0568 37 stc 452 0569 C9 ret 453 454 sc$t3: ;no match, but found a free entry 455 456 056A 3D dcr a ;A=0FFh 457 056B B7 ora a ;CY=0 458 056C C9 ret 459 460 461 ; This routine free up a requester control block for somebody else who 462 ; might want to Log In. 463 ; 464 ; Input: A = source ID that just logged off 465 466 free$rqstr$tbl: 467 468 056D 211D01 lxi h,rqstr$table 469 0570 110700 lxi d,rcb$len 470 471 fr$t1: 472 473 0573 BE cmp m 474 0574 C27A05 jnz fr$t2 ;RCB ID <> SID-->keep scanning 475 476 0577 36FF mvi m,0ffh ;else-->mark it as unoccupied 477 0579 C9 ret ; and bug out 478 479 fr$t2: 480 481 057A 19 dad d 482 057B C37305 jmp fr$t1 ;keep going--it's in there somewhere 483 484 485 486 ; Routine to send a message on the network |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #010 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET 487 ; Input: HL = pointer to message buffer 488 489 send$msg: 490 491 057E E5 push h 492 057F 364B mvi m,fmt$byte ;set ulc$net format byte 493 494 0581 23 inx h ;virtual circuit = requester ID 495 496 0582 23 inx h 497 0583 23 inx h 498 499 0584 46 mov b,m ;save function number 500 501 0585 23 inx h ;get SIZ 502 0586 5E mov e,m 503 504 0587 1600 mvi d,0 ;normalize CP/NET to ULCnet length 505 0589 13 inx d 506 058A 13 inx d 507 508 058B 70 mov m,b ;put FNC in first message byte 509 510 058C 2B dcx h ;store length 511 058D 72 mov m,d 512 058E 2B dcx h 513 058F 73 mov m,e 514 515 0590 C1 pop b ;restore buffer pointer 516 0591 1620 mvi d,console$num ;set up fake console number for xios 517 0593 C33705 jmp conout$jmp ;blast that packet 518 519 520 ; Routine to receive a message on the network 521 ; Input: DE = pointer to buffer 522 523 rcv$message: 524 525 0596 42 mov b,d 526 0597 4B mov c,e 527 0598 C5 push b ;save buffer pointer 528 0599 1620 mvi d,console$num 529 059B CD3405 call conin$jmp ;receive the message 530 531 059E E1 pop h 532 059F 3600 mvi m,0 ;FMT = 0 (requester to server) 533 534 05A1 23 inx h 535 05A2 46 mov b,m ;save rqstr ID = virtual circuit 536 537 05A3 3A3801 lda configtbl+1 538 05A6 77 mov m,a ;DID = server ID 539 540 05A7 23 inx h |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #011 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET 541 05A8 5E mov e,m ;get low order length 542 543 05A9 70 mov m,b ;SID = requester ID 544 545 05AA 23 inx h 546 05AB 56 mov d,m ;get hi order length 547 548 05AC 1B dcx d 549 05AD 1B dcx d ;normalize ULCnet to CP/NET SIZ 550 551 05AE 23 inx h 552 05AF 46 mov b,m ;get FNC 553 554 05B0 73 mov m,e ;store SIZ 555 556 05B1 2B dcx h 557 05B2 70 mov m,b ;store FNC 558 559 05B3 C9 ret ;ULCnet message formatted 560 561 562 563 564 565 ; Network I/F Receiver Process 566 567 568 setup: ;initialize NETWRKIF 569 570 05B4 0603 mvi b,nmb$rqstrs+1 ;loop counter for making n+1 queues 571 05B6 0E86 mvi c,134 ;make queue function code 572 05B8 11CA00 lxi d,qcb$in$0 573 574 makeq: ;make all input and output queue(s) 575 576 05BB C5 push b 577 05BC D5 push d 578 05BD CD3D05 call monx 579 580 05C0 E1 pop h 581 05C1 111A00 lxi d,26 582 05C4 19 dad d 583 05C5 EB xchg 584 585 05C6 C1 pop b 586 05C7 05 dcr b 587 05C8 C2BB05 jnz makeq 588 589 05CB 0E9A mvi c,154 590 05CD CD3D05 call monx 591 592 05D0 110900 lxi d,9 ;write configuration table address 593 05D3 19 dad d ; into system data page, allowing 594 05D4 113701 lxi d,configtbl ; server initialization to proceed |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #012 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET 595 05D7 F3 di 596 05D8 73 mov m,e 597 05D9 23 inx h 598 05DA 72 mov m,d 599 05DB FB ei 600 601 05DC 2B dcx h ;point to XIOS jump table page 602 05DD 2B dcx h 603 05DE 2B dcx h 604 05DF 66 mov h,m 605 05E0 2E00 mvi l,0 606 607 05E2 110600 lxi d,6 608 05E5 19 dad d ;point to constat 609 05E6 223B05 shld constat 610 611 05E9 23 inx h 612 05EA 23 inx h 613 05EB 23 inx h ;point to conin 614 05EC 223505 shld conin 615 616 05EF 23 inx h 617 05F0 23 inx h 618 05F1 23 inx h 619 05F2 223805 shld conout ;point to conout 620 621 05F5 1620 mvi d,console$num 622 05F7 CD3A05 call constat$jmp ;use constat to initialize ulcnet 623 624 05FA 116600 lxi d,networkout ;create network I/F output process 625 05FD 0E90 mvi c,144 626 05FF CD3D05 call monx 627 628 input: ;input process loop 629 630 ; Find a free buffer 631 632 0602 211F02 lxi h,buf$cb ;point to buffer control block 633 0605 112202 lxi d,msg$buffers ;point to base of buffer area 634 0608 0603 mvi b,nmb$bufs ;get total number of buffers 635 636 input2: 637 638 060A 7E mov a,m 639 060B 3C inr a 640 060C C22306 jnz input3 ;we found a free buffer-->use it 641 642 060F E5 push h ;point to next buffer 643 0610 210601 lxi h,buf$len 644 0613 19 dad d 645 0614 EB xchg 646 647 0615 E1 pop h ;point to next buffer control field 648 0616 23 inx h |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #013 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET 649 650 0617 05 dcr b ;have we scanned all the buffers? 651 0618 C20A06 jnz input2 652 653 061B 0E8E mvi c,142 ;uh oh, we're all clogged up 654 061D CD3D05 call monx ;dispatch and go sleepy bye for a bit 655 0620 C30206 jmp input ;try again 656 657 input3: 658 659 0623 36FF mvi m,0ffh ;found a buffer-->mark it used 660 661 0625 D5 push d 662 663 ; Receive the message 664 665 0626 CD9605 call rcv$message 666 667 0629 E1 pop h 668 062A E5 push h 669 670 062B 23 inx h ;check requester table to see 671 062C 23 inx h ; whether the source requester 672 062D 7E mov a,m ; is logged-in 673 062E CD4805 call scan$table 674 675 0631 3C inr a 676 0632 CA4A06 jz input4 ;not logged-in-->go check for login 677 678 input6: 679 680 0635 110500 lxi d,buf$ptr ;else-->update message buffer pointer 681 0638 19 dad d 682 683 0639 D1 pop d 684 063A 73 mov m,e 685 063B 23 inx h 686 063C 72 mov m,d 687 688 063D 11FBFF lxi d,uqcb-buf$ptr-1 ;point to the uqcb for this requester 689 0640 19 dad d 690 0641 EB xchg 691 692 0642 0E8B mvi c,139 ;write the message to the queue 693 0644 CD3D05 call monx 694 695 0647 C30206 jmp input ;round and round we go 696 697 input4: ;else-->requester not logged-in 698 699 064A D1 pop d 700 064B 13 inx d 701 064C 13 inx d 702 064D 13 inx d |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #014 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET 703 064E DA6006 jc input5 ;bomb the message if there's no 704 ; table entries left 705 706 0651 1A ldax d 707 0652 FE40 cpi 64 ;is it a login? 708 0654 C26006 jnz input5 709 710 0657 1B dcx d ;yes-->mark the control block with 711 0658 1A ldax d ; the source ID 712 0659 77 mov m,a 713 714 065A 1B dcx d ;go do the queue write 715 065B 1B dcx d 716 065C D5 push d 717 065D C33506 jmp input6 718 719 input5: ;flag a "not logged in" extended error 720 721 0660 EB xchg 722 0661 23 inx h 723 0662 3601 mvi m,1 ;set SIZ=1 724 0664 23 inx h 725 0665 36FF mvi m,0ffh ;set return code to error 726 0667 23 inx h 727 0668 360C mvi m,0ch ;flag extended error 12 728 729 066A 11FAFF lxi d,fmt-msg-1 730 066D 19 dad d ;point back at message start 731 066E 3601 mvi m,1 ;format = 1 732 733 0670 23 inx h ;swap DID and SID 734 0671 7E mov a,m 735 0672 23 inx h 736 0673 46 mov b,m 737 0674 77 mov m,a 738 0675 2B dcx h 739 0676 70 mov m,b 740 0677 2B dcx h 741 742 0678 223501 shld in$out$buffer$ptr ;write buffer pointer to queue msg buf 743 744 067B 113101 lxi d,uqcb$in$out$0 ;write to the queue 745 067E 0E8B mvi c,139 746 0680 CD3D05 call monx 747 0683 C30206 jmp input ;try again 748 749 750 751 ; Network I/F transmitter process 752 753 output: 754 755 0686 112B01 lxi d,uqcb$out$0 ;read the output queue-->go sleepy 756 0689 0E89 mvi c,137 ; bye until some server process |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #015 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET 757 068B CD3D05 call monx ; sends a response 758 759 068E 2A2F01 lhld out$buffer$ptr 760 0691 EB xchg 761 0692 D5 push d ;save message pointer 762 763 0693 210300 lxi h,fnc ;get message function code 764 0696 19 dad d 765 0697 7E mov a,m 766 0698 2B dcx h 767 768 0699 FE41 cpi 65 ;is it a logoff? 769 069B C2A206 jnz output2 770 771 069E 7E mov a,m ;load SID 772 069F CC6D05 cz free$rqstr$tbl ;yes-->free up the server process 773 774 output2: 775 776 06A2 E1 pop h 777 06A3 E5 push h 778 06A4 CD7E05 call send$msg ;send the message 779 780 06A7 E1 pop h ;retrieve message pointer 781 782 06A8 112202 lxi d,msg$buffers ;DE = pointer - message buffer base 783 06AB CD4105 call dw$sub 784 785 06AE 011F02 lxi b,buf$cb ;BC = DE/buf$len + buf$cb 786 787 output3: 788 789 06B1 7B mov a,e 790 06B2 B2 ora d 791 06B3 CAC106 jz output4 792 793 06B6 EB xchg 794 06B7 110601 lxi d,buf$len 795 06BA CD4105 call dw$sub 796 06BD 0C inr c 797 06BE C3B106 jmp output3 798 799 output4: 800 801 06C1 AF xra a 802 06C2 02 stax b ;free the buffer for re-use 803 804 06C3 C38606 jmp output ;transmission without end, amen 805 806 06C6 end |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #016 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET BDOSADR 0000 53# 391 BUFCB 021F 351# 632 785 BUFLEN 0106 72# 361 363 364 365 643 794 BUFPTR 0005 87# 88 680 688 CONFIGTBL 0137 301# 537 594 CONIN 0535 371# 614 CONINJMP 0534 369# 529 CONOUT 0538 375# 619 CONOUTJMP 0537 373# 517 CONSOLENUM 0020 60# 516 528 621 CONSTAT 053B 379# 609 CONSTATJMP 053A 377# 622 DID 0001 67# 68 DWSUB 0541 397# 783 795 FMT 0000 66# 67 729 FMTBYTE 004B 61# 492 FNC 0003 69# 70 763 FREERQSTRTBL 056D 466# 772 FRT1 0573 471# 482 FRT2 057A 474 479# INOUTBUFFERPTR 0135 292 295# 742 INPUT 0602 628# 655 695 747 INPUT2 060A 636# 651 INPUT3 0623 640 657# INPUT4 064A 676 697# INPUT5 0660 703 708 719# INPUT6 0635 678# 717 MAKEQ 05BB 574# 587 MONX 053D 389# 578 590 626 654 693 746 757 MSG 0005 71# 72 729 MSGBUFFERS 0222 360# 633 782 NETSTKIN 0036 98 122# NETSTKOU 009A 136 160# NETWORKIN 0002 93# NETWORKOUT 0066 131# 624 NMBBUFS 0003 59# 232 238 351 360 634 NMBRQSTRS 0002 58# 184 198 212 251 260 269 304 317 322 327 335 339 343 425 438 570 OUTBUFFERPTR 012F 282 284# 759 OUTPUT 0686 167 753# 804 OUTPUT2 06A2 769 774# OUTPUT3 06B1 787# 797 OUTPUT4 06C1 791 799# QCBIN0 00CA 172# 247 572 QCBIN1 00E4 185# 255 QCBOUT0 00FE 228# 281 291 RCBLEN 0007 88# 426 469 RCVMESSAGE 0596 523# 665 RQSTRID 0000 85# 86 RQSTRTABLE 011D 242# 424 437 468 SCANTABLE 0548 422# 673 SCT1 0550 428# 435 SCT2 055C 440# 448 SCT3 056A 444 454# |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #017 NETWRKIF FOR SYSTEMS RUNNING ULCNET SENDMSG 057E 489# 778 SETUP 05B4 129 568# SID 0002 68# 69 SIZ 0004 70# 71 SRVR1PD 01EB 319 336# SRVRSTK1 0155 318# SRVRSTKLEN 0096 315# 318 323 328 ULCFMT 0000 76# 77 ULCFNC 0004 80# 81 ULCLENHI 0003 79# 80 ULCLENLO 0002 78# 79 ULCMSG 0005 81# ULCVCIRC 0001 77# 78 UQCB 0001 86# 87 688 UQCBINOUT0 0131 290# 744 UQCBOUT0 012B 280# 755 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #001 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 1 title 'ULCNET Data Link Layer MP/M XIOS Module' 2 page 54 3 4 ;***************************************************************************** 5 ;* This module must be linked into the server's XIOS. It is designed to * 6 ;* run under MP/M for the Xerox 820, but should be easily customized. It * 7 ;* contains the ULCnet interface modules DLIF and NIOD. The DLIF is an * 8 ;* interface between the transport software contained in ULCIF.RSP and the * 9 ;* data-link software contained in IPBMAIN.REL. The NIOD contains the actual* 10 ;* hardware drivers required to run ULCnet. The module IPBMAIN.REL must also* 11 ;* be linked into the XIOS. * 12 ;***************************************************************************** 13 14 ; This software is the result of a joint effort between 15 ; 16 ; Digital Research, Inc. 17 ; P.O. Box 579 18 ; Pacific Grove, CA 93950 19 ; and 20 ; Keybrook Business Systems, Inc. 21 ; 2035 National Avenue 22 ; Hayward, CA 94545 23 24 ; Conditional assembly control 25 26 FFFF = true equ 0ffffh 27 0000 = false equ not true 28 29 FFFF = interrupts equ true ; false=polled, true=interrupt-driven 30 FFFF = netstats equ true ; switch to gather network statistics 31 FFFF = slfclkd equ true ; supports self-clocked operation 32 33 ; Linkage information 34 35 public nconst,nconin,nconout ; XIOS console jump table entries 36 public polldevice ; XIOS polling routine 37 public setbaud,xmit,recv,initu ; NIOD routines called by IPBMAIN 38 public inituart,pgmuart 39 public chkstat,netidle,initrecv 40 public wait,restuart,csniod 41 public dsblxmit 42 public dllbau,netadr 43 44 if interrupts 45 public enblrecv,dsblrecv 46 endif 47 48 extrn transmit,receive ; IPBMAIN routines and objects 49 extrn gettcode,getrcode 50 extrn csdll,dllon,regshrt 51 extrn terrcnt,parcntr,ovrcntr 52 extrn frmcntr,inccntr 53 extrn xdos,const,conin,conout ; linkage back to the rest of XIOS 54 extrn poldev |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #002 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 55 56 if interrupts 57 extrn rtmochk ; IPBMAIN interrupt routines 58 extrn dlisr,reisr,niisr 59 endif 60 61 62 ; Hardware definitions for the Z80-SIO channel A - For the Xerox 820. 63 64 0003 = baudsl equ 03h ; Usable baud rates: 9600, 19.2K asynch., 65 002A = baudsh equ 2ah ; 76.8K, 153.6K, 307.2K self-clocked 66 67 ; baud rate capability mask 68 2A03 = bauds equ (baudsh*100h)+baudsl 69 70 0000 = baudgen equ 0 ; External baud rate generator register 71 0006 = siocmd equ 6 ; Command/Mode register 72 0006 = siostat equ 6 ; Status register 73 0004 = sioxmit equ 4 ; Transmit register 74 0004 = siorecv equ 4 ; Receive register 75 76 0002 = xrdybit equ 2 ; Transmit buffer empty status bit 77 0004 = xrdymsk equ 4 ; transmit buffer empty status mask 78 0000 = rrdybit equ 0 ; Receive buffer full status bit 79 0001 = rrdymsk equ 1 ; receive buffer full status mask 80 0003 = carbit equ 3 ; Net Idle detect bit position 81 0008 = carmsk equ 8 ; Net Idle detect mask 82 0030 = errst equ 030h ; Error flag reset 83 0070 = errbits equ 070h ; Error bit position mask 84 0004 = pbit equ 4 ; Parity error bit position 85 0010 = pmsk equ 10h ; parity error mask 86 0005 = obit equ 5 ; Overrun error bit position 87 0020 = omsk equ 20h ; overrun error mask 88 0006 = fbit equ 6 ; Framing error bit position 89 0040 = fmsk equ 40h ; framing error mask 90 0003 = selfbit equ 3 ; Self clock bit position 91 0008 = selfmsk equ 8 ; slef clock bit mask 92 00EA = dtron equ 0eah ; Turn on DTR 93 006A = dtroff equ 06ah ; Turn off DTR 94 00C1 = enarcv equ 0c1h ; Enable receive-clock 95 00C0 = disrcv equ 0c0h ; Disable receive clock 96 000F = enaslf equ 00fh ; Enable Self-clock mode 97 004F = disslf equ 04fh ; Disable Self-clock mode 98 99 ; SIO Mode 2 interrupts vector table 100 101 FF08 = siov4 equ 0ff08h ; SIO port A xmit buffer empty 102 FF0A = siov5 equ 0ff0ah ; SIO port A external status change 103 FF0C = siov6 equ 0ff0ch ; SIO port A receive 104 FF0E = siov7 equ 0ff0eh ; SIO port A special receive condition 105 106 0020 = netcon equ 20h ; fake console number called by ULCIF for 107 ; network operations 108 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #003 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 109 ; polling equates 110 111 0020 = ulctx equ 20h ; transmission poll number 112 0021 = ulcrx equ 21h ; receive poll number 113 page |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #004 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 114 115 116 117 ; ULCnet Data Definitions 118 119 0000 netadr: ds 3 ;ULCnet network address 120 0003 dllbau: ds 2 ;baud rate mask 121 122 0016 = timeval equ 22 ; WAIT routine time constant 123 ; 12 for 2.5 megahertz Z80 124 ; 22 for 4.0 megahertz Z80 125 126 dev$table: ;polling device table 127 128 0005 9800 dw twait ;receive poll wait 129 0007 D300 dw rwait ;transmit poll wait 130 0002 = num$devices equ ($-dev$table)/2 131 132 0009 tcode: ds 1 ; Transmit Return code 133 000A rcode: ds 1 ; Receive Return code 134 135 000B FF curbaud db 0ffh ; Current baud rate 136 137 138 000C 0102040810btbl: db 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 ; table to convert baud number codes 139 ; into a bit mask 140 141 baudtbl: ; async baud rate table 142 143 0014 0E db 0eh ; 9600 Baud 144 0015 0F db 0fh ; 19200 145 146 scbaudt: ; self-clock baud rate table 147 148 0016 00 db 0 ; 62500 Baud - Not implemented 149 0017 0D db 0dh ; 76800 Baud 150 0018 00 db 0 ; 125000 Baud - Not implemented 151 0019 0E db 0eh ; 153600 Baud 152 001A 00 db 0 ; 250000 Baud - Not implemented 153 001B 0F db 0fh ; 307200 Baud 154 155 if interrupts 156 001C 30144F156Asioiblk db 030h,14h,4fh,15h,06ah,13h,0c1h,11h,01h,10h,10h,30h 157 else 158 sioiblk db 030h,14h,4fh,15h,06ah,13h,0c1h,11h,00h,10h,10h,30h 159 endif 160 161 000C = sioilen equ $-sioiblk 162 163 page |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #005 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 164 165 166 167 ; ULCnet data-link interface code 168 169 170 ; POLLDEVICE: Device polling routine. 171 ; Input: 172 ; C = device number to poll 173 ; Output: 174 ; A = 0 if not ready 175 ; 0ffh if ready 176 177 polldevice: 178 179 0028 79 mov a,c ; if not a network poll, go to the real 180 0029 D620 sui ulctx ; routine 181 002B DA0000 jc poldev 182 183 002E FE02 cpi num$devices ; check for poll number in bounds 184 0030 DA3600 jc devok 185 186 0033 3E00 mvi a,0 ; out-of-bounds-->don't do anything 187 0035 C9 ret 188 189 devok: 190 191 0036 6F mov l,a 192 0037 2600 mvi h,0 193 0039 29 dad h ; multiply index by 2 194 195 003A 110500 lxi d,dev$table ; index into the poll routine table 196 003D 19 dad d 197 198 003E 5E mov e,m 199 003F 23 inx h 200 0040 56 mov d,m ; get the routine address 201 202 0041 EB xchg 203 0042 E9 pchl ; dispatch 204 205 206 207 ; 208 ; NCONST: Console status entry point. If register D = fake network 209 ; console ID, do network initialization. Otherwise, go back to 210 ; the real console routines. 211 212 nconst: 213 214 0043 3E20 mvi a,netcon ; Check if network call 215 0045 BA cmp d 216 0046 C20000 jnz const ; Jump to normal CONST if not network 217 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #006 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 218 0049 CD0000 call csdll ; Cold start the data link 219 004C CD0000 call dllon ; Initialize the SIO Drivers 220 004F AF xra a ; Initialize all the short addresses 221 222 nxtadd: 223 224 0050 3C inr a 225 0051 FE05 cpi 5 ; Check for last address 226 0053 C8 rz 227 0054 F5 push psw 228 0055 CD0000 call regshrt 229 0058 F1 pop psw 230 0059 C35000 jmp nxtadd ; Jump to process next address 231 232 233 ; NCONIN: Console In entry point. If register D = the fake network ID 234 ; then receive a network message, using polled status checks of 235 ; an interrupt-driven data-link. Otherwise, go back to the real 236 ; CONIN routine. 237 238 nconin: 239 240 005C 3E20 mvi a,netcon ; Check for network call 241 005E BA cmp d 242 005F C20000 jnz conin ; Jump to normal CONIN if not network 243 244 0062 50 mov d,b ; Setup for PSRECEIVE 245 0063 59 mov e,c 246 247 rretry: 248 249 0064 AF xra a ; Packet mode 250 0065 010101 lxi b,257 ; Buffer size 251 0068 210000 lxi h,0 ; Infinite wait 252 006B D5 push d ; Save buffer address for retry 253 006C CDC100 call psrecv 254 006F D1 pop d ; Restore buffer address 255 0070 B7 ora a 256 0071 C8 rz ; Return if no error 257 258 0072 C36400 jmp rretry ; Jump to try again if error 259 260 261 ; NCONOUT: Console out entry point. If D = fake console ID, send a network 262 ; message. Otherwise, just head for the real CONOUT routine. 263 264 265 nconout: 266 267 0075 3E20 mvi a,netcon ; Check for network call 268 0077 BA cmp d 269 0078 C20000 jnz conout ; Jump to normal CONOUT if not network 270 271 007B 50 mov d,b ; Setup for PSXMIT |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #007 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 272 007C 59 mov e,c 273 274 tretry: 275 276 007D AF xra a ; Packet mode, wait for Net Idle 277 007E D5 push d ; Save buffer address for retry 278 007F CD8800 call psxmit 279 0082 D1 pop d ; Restore buffer address 280 0083 B7 ora a 281 0084 C8 rz ; Return if no error 282 283 0085 C37D00 jmp tretry ; Jump to retry if error 284 285 286 ; PSXMIT: Transmit the packet pointed at by DE. If carry flag is set 287 ; then don't wait for the Net to become idle. 288 ; 289 ; Returns the completion code in A: 290 ; 291 ; 0 - Transmission ok and Data Link Ack Received 292 ; (In the case of multicast, no Ack required) 293 ; 2 - Transmission OK but no Data Link Ack received. 294 ; 295 ; 4 - Other error. 296 297 psxmit: 298 299 0088 CD0000 call transmit ; TRETCODE := TRANSMIT(TBUFPTR, |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #008 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 326 00A5 6B mov l,e 327 00A6 E9 pchl 328 329 ; Return code dispatch table 330 331 00A7 B700 trtbl: dw psxret ; Good transmission 332 00A9 B700 dw psxret ; No Data Link Ack 333 00AB B700 dw psxret ; Too many collisions 334 00AD B700 dw psxret ; Transmitter is disabled 335 00AF B500 dw tsleep ; Transmitter is idle 336 00B1 B500 dw tsleep ; Transmitter is in progress 337 00B3 B500 dw tsleep ; Transmitter is waiting for ack 338 339 tsleep: 340 341 00B5 AF xra a ; Code for continue to sleep 342 00B6 C9 ret 343 344 psxret: ; Enter here if something happened 345 346 00B7 D2BB00 jnc twakeup ; Jump if no transmit error 347 00BA 2F cma ; Else-->Indicate error 348 349 twakeup: 350 351 00BB 320900 sta tcode ; Store return code 352 00BE 3EFF mvi a,0ffh ; Signal poll successful 353 00C0 C9 ret 354 355 356 357 ; PSRECV: Receive a packet into buffer pointed at by DE. Length of 358 ; packet must be less than length of buffer in BC. HL is the receive 359 ; timeout count. 360 ; 361 ; Upon return clear the carry bit if a packet received and ACKed. 362 ; Set the carry flag if any error occured. 363 ; 364 365 366 psrecv: 367 368 00C1 CD0000 call receive ; |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #009 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 380 00CE B7 ora a ; Assume no error 381 00CF F0 rp ; Return if no error 382 383 00D0 2F cma 384 00D1 37 stc ; Indicate error 385 00D2 C9 ret 386 387 ; RWAIT: Poll routine to detect receive status. 388 ; 389 ; Output: 390 ; A = 0 if receive not complete 391 ; 0ffh if receive complete 392 393 rwait: 394 395 00D3 CD0000 call getrcode ; A := GETRCODE 396 397 00D6 5F mov e,a ; form dispatch vector 398 00D7 1600 mvi d,0 399 00D9 21E200 lxi h,rrtbl 400 00DC 19 dad d 401 402 00DD 5E mov e,m ; dispatch on receive completion code 403 00DE 23 inx h 404 00DF 66 mov h,m 405 00E0 6B mov l,e 406 00E1 E9 pchl 407 408 ; Receive completion code dispatch table 409 410 00E2 F000 rrtbl: dw rgood ; Good receive 411 00E4 F600 dw rbad ; Bad receive 412 00E6 F600 dw rbad ; Disabled 413 414 if not interrupts 415 dw rbad ; Still idle after timeout 416 else 417 00E8 FA00 dw ridle ; Idle 418 endif 419 420 00EA EE00 dw rsleep ; Inprogress 421 00EC EE00 dw rsleep ; In progress and for us. 422 423 rsleep: 424 425 00EE AF xra a ; Code for continue to sleep 426 00EF C9 ret 427 428 rgood: 429 rwakeup: 430 431 00F0 320A00 sta rcode ; Store return code 432 00F3 3EFF mvi a,0ffh ; Wake up code 433 00F5 C9 ret |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #010 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 434 435 rbad: 436 437 00F6 2F cma ; Code for error 438 00F7 C3F000 jmp rwakeup ; Jump to wake up receive process 439 440 if interrupts 441 442 ridle: 443 444 00FA CD0000 call rtmochk ; Check for timeout 445 00FD DAF600 jc rbad ; if timeout, signal error 446 0100 C3EE00 jmp rsleep ; Continue to wait if no timeout 447 448 0103 C9 ret 449 450 endif 451 page |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #011 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 452 453 454 ; NIOD routines 455 456 457 458 ; SETBAUD: Set the baud rate based on the baud rate code in A. Do special 459 ; logic for self-clocked mode. 460 ; 461 ; 0 = 9600 baud 462 ; 1 = 19200 baud 463 ; 9 = 76800 baud self-clock 464 ; 11= 153600 baud self-clock 465 ; 13= 307200 baud self-clock 466 ; 467 ; If this station cannot handle the requested baud rate, then set 468 ; the carry flag. 469 470 setbaud: 471 472 0104 E60F ani 0fh ; mask all but the baud bits 473 0106 210B00 lxi h,curbaud ; are we at the current baud rate? 474 0109 BE cmp m 475 010A C8 rz ; yes-->all done 476 477 010B 47 mov b,a ; else-->get baud rate generator value 478 010C E607 ani 7 479 010E 5F mov e,a 480 010F 1600 mvi d,0 481 482 0111 210C00 lxi h,btbl ; point to vertical-to-horizontal decode 483 0114 19 dad d ; table 484 485 if slfclkd 486 0115 78 mov a,b 487 0116 E608 ani selfmsk ; is this a self-clocked value? 488 0118 C24001 jnz selfclkd 489 endif 490 491 011B 3E03 mvi a,baudsl ; get legal baud rate mask 492 011D A6 ana m 493 011E 37 stc 494 011F C8 rz ; return with error if its an illegal rate 495 496 if slfclkd 497 0120 3E05 mvi a,5 ; else-->switch off possible self-clock mode 498 0122 D306 out siocmd 499 0124 3E6A mvi a,dtroff ; disable DTR in SIO register 5 500 0126 D306 out siocmd 501 502 0128 3E04 mvi a,4 ; disable sync mode in register 4 503 012A D306 out siocmd 504 012C 3E4F mvi a,disslf 505 012E D306 out siocmd |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #012 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 506 endif 507 508 0130 211400 lxi h,baudtbl ; point to async baud rate table 509 510 outbau: 511 512 0133 19 dad d ; get async baud rate value 513 0134 7E mov a,m 514 0135 D300 out baudgen ; load it into the baud rate generator 515 ; NOTE: This is not a CTC 516 517 0137 210B00 lxi h,curbaud 518 013A 70 mov m,b ; set current baud byte 519 520 013B CD1E02 call wait ; allow the system to reach equilibrium 521 522 013E A7 ana a ; return success 523 013F C9 ret 524 525 if slfclkd 526 ; Throw SIO into self-clocked mode 527 528 selfclkd: 529 530 0140 3E2A mvi a,baudsh ; Is this a legal rate? 531 0142 A6 ana m 532 0143 37 stc 533 0144 C8 rz ; return an error if not 534 535 0145 3E04 mvi a,4 ; enable sync mode in register 4 536 0147 D306 out siocmd 537 0149 3E0F mvi a,enaslf 538 014B D306 out siocmd 539 540 014D 3E05 mvi a,5 ; enable DTR in register 5 541 014F D306 out siocmd 542 0151 3EEA mvi a,dtron 543 0153 D306 out siocmd 544 545 0155 211600 lxi h,scbaudt ; point to baud rate table for self-clock mode 546 0158 C33301 jmp outbau ; program the baud rate generator 547 endif 548 549 550 ; DSBLXMIT: Disable the transmitter if in self clocked mode 551 552 dsblxmit: 553 554 if slfclkd 555 015B 3A0B00 lda curbaud ; are we in self-clocked mode? 556 015E E608 ani selfmsk 557 0160 C8 rz ; no-->don't bother 558 559 0161 3E05 mvi a,5 ; disable SIO from transmitting by disabling |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #013 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 560 0163 D306 out siocmd ; DTR in register 5 561 0165 3E6A mvi a,dtroff 562 0167 D306 out siocmd 563 564 0169 3E05 mvi a,5 ; Enable receive by re-enabling DTR 565 016B D306 out siocmd 566 016D 3EEA mvi a,dtron 567 016F D306 out siocmd 568 endif 569 570 0171 C9 ret 571 572 573 ; XMIT: Transmit the byte in A on network A. 574 575 576 xmit: 577 578 if not interrupts 579 push psw 580 581 xmit1: 582 583 in siostat ; don't overrun the transmitter if we're 584 ani xrdymsk ; interrupt-driven; wait for TxReady 585 jz xmit1 586 587 pop psw 588 endif 589 590 0172 D304 out sioxmit ; blast that byte 591 0174 C9 ret 592 593 594 ; RECV: Receive a byte from Network A. Set the carry flag if there was 595 ; a receive error. 596 ; 597 ; For Z80-SIO receive errors are handled by the special receive 598 ; condition interrupts. 599 600 recv: 601 602 if not interrupts 603 call netidle 604 jc rto ; set error condition if the net went idle 605 606 in siostat ; else-->wait until a character is in the 607 ani rrdymsk ; buffer 608 jz recv 609 610 call chkstat ; check for receive errors 611 612 else 613 0175 A7 ana a ; clear carry flag |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #014 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 614 endif 615 616 0176 DB04 in siorecv ; input the character 617 0178 C9 ret 618 619 rto: ; set an error 620 621 0179 AF xra a 622 017A 37 stc 623 017B C9 ret 624 625 626 ; CHKSTAT: Check error status bits of a receive error. If not error then 627 ; clear the carry flag and return. Otherwise figure out which 628 ; error occured and increment its counter and set the carry flag. 629 ; Issue an error reset command to the UART. 630 631 632 chkstat: 633 634 017C 3E01 mvi a,1 ; get error status from SIO read register 1 635 017E D306 out siocmd 636 0180 DB06 in siostat 637 638 0182 E670 ani errbits 639 0184 C8 rz ; no error occurred-->all done 640 641 if netstats ; gather statistics on the type of error 642 0185 47 mov b,a 643 0186 E610 ani pmsk 644 0188 CA9101 jz np ; not a parity error 645 646 018B 210000 lxi h,parcntr ; else--> 647 018E CD0000 call inccntr ; increment parity error counter 648 649 np: 650 651 0191 78 mov a,b 652 0192 E605 ani obit 653 0194 CA9D01 jz no ; not an overrun 654 655 0197 210000 lxi h,ovrcntr ; else--> 656 019A CD0000 call inccntr ; increment overrun counter 657 658 no: 659 660 019D 78 mov a,b 661 019E E606 ani fbit 662 01A0 CAA901 jz nf ; not a framing error 663 664 01A3 210000 lxi h,frmcntr ; else--> 665 01A6 CD0000 call inccntr ; increment framing error counter 666 667 nf: |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #015 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 668 endif 669 670 01A9 3E30 mvi a,errst ; reset error condition 671 01AB D306 out siocmd 672 01AD 37 stc ; signal an error 673 01AE C9 ret 674 675 676 677 ; NETIDLE: See if network A is idle. If idle then set the carry flag. 678 679 netidle: 680 681 01AF 3E10 mvi a,10h ; reset interrupts 682 01B1 D306 out siocmd 683 01B3 D306 out siocmd ; do it twice to reject glitches on DCD 684 685 01B5 DB06 in siostat ; is there a data-carrier detect? 686 01B7 E608 ani carmsk 687 01B9 C8 rz ; yes-->net is in use-->carry flag cleared 688 689 01BA AF xra a 690 01BB CD0401 call setbaud ; net is idle-->reset to hailing rate (9600) 691 01BE 37 stc ; set net idle to true 692 01BF C9 ret 693 694 695 if interrupts 696 697 ; ENBLRECV: Enable the channel A receiver interrupts. 698 699 enblrecv: 700 701 01C0 3E01 mvi a,1 ; enable interrupts on all characters 702 01C2 D306 out siocmd 703 01C4 3E11 mvi a,011h ; NOTE: This mask would have to be 015h on 704 01C6 D306 out siocmd ; channel B 705 01C8 C9 ret 706 707 ; DSBLRECV: Disable the channel A receiver interrupts. 708 709 dsblrecv: 710 711 01C9 3E01 mvi a,1 ; Disable interrupts on received characters 712 01CB D306 out siocmd ; (Keep status interrupts enabled) 713 01CD D306 out siocmd ; NOTE: Channel B mask is 05h 714 01CF C9 ret 715 716 endif 717 718 719 ; PGMUART: Program the Network UART channel 720 721 pgmuart: |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #016 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 722 723 if interrupts 724 ; The 820 already has the SIO vector address 725 ; programmed from channel B. Other 726 ; implementations will have to provide linkage 727 ; to the vector area in the main XIOS, and 728 ; load the vector offset into SIO write 729 ; register 2 730 731 01D0 210000 lxi h,niisr ; load status interrupt service routine vector 732 01D3 220AFF shld siov5 733 01D6 210000 lxi h,dlisr ; load transmit ISR vector 734 01D9 220CFF shld siov6 735 01DC 210000 lxi h,reisr ; load receiv ISR vector 736 01DF 220EFF shld siov7 737 endif 738 739 01E2 211C00 lxi h,sioiblk ; point to SIO initialization block 740 01E5 060C mvi b,sioilen ; length of block 741 01E7 F3 di 742 743 pgm1: 744 745 01E8 7E mov a,m ; output the block to the SIO 746 01E9 D306 out siocmd 747 01EB 23 inx h 748 01EC 05 dcr b 749 01ED C2E801 jnz pgm1 750 751 01F0 FB ei 752 01F1 AF xra a ; set up hailing baud rate = 9600 753 01F2 CD0401 call setbaud 754 01F5 C9 ret 755 756 757 ; INITUART: Initialize the uart for network A by issuing a reset command 758 ; and clearing out the receive buffer. 759 760 inituart: 761 762 01F6 3E03 mvi a,3 ; disable the receiver through register 3 763 01F8 D306 out siocmd 764 01FA 3EC0 mvi a,disrcv 765 01FC D306 out siocmd 766 767 01FE DB06 in siostat ; is there a garbage byte? 768 0200 E601 ani rrdymsk 769 0202 CA0A02 jz initu ; no-->continue initialization 770 771 0205 DB04 in siorecv ; else-->eat the character 772 0207 C3F601 jmp inituart ; try again 773 774 initu: 775 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #017 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 776 020A 3E30 mvi a,errst ; reset error conditions 777 020C D306 out siocmd 778 779 020E 3E03 mvi a,3 ; re-enable the receiver 780 0210 D306 out siocmd 781 0212 3EC1 mvi a,enarcv 782 0214 D306 out siocmd 783 784 0216 C9 ret 785 786 ; INITRECV: Initialize a receive operation 787 788 initrecv: 789 790 0217 CDF601 call inituart 791 792 if interrupts 793 021A CDC001 call enblrecv ; enable receiver interrupts 794 endif 795 796 021D C9 ret 797 798 799 ; WAIT - Wait 100 micro seconds 800 801 wait: 802 803 021E 3E16 mvi a,timeval 804 805 w: 806 807 0220 3D dcr a ; 04 808 0221 A7 ana a ; 04 809 0222 C22002 jnz w ; 12 810 ; --- 811 0225 C9 ret ; 30 T-States total 812 813 814 ; RESTUART: Reinitialize the UART to the way it was in the 815 ; original BIOS after completing the network operations 816 817 818 restuart: 819 0226 C9 ret ; UART not used except by network 820 821 822 ; CSNIOD: Do any cold start initialization which is necessary. 823 ; Must at least return the value of BAUDS 824 ; If the network uses the printer port then set theh carry flag 825 ; otherwise clear it. 826 827 csniod: 828 829 0227 01032A lxi b,bauds ; return the legal baud rates |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #018 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE 830 022A B7 ora a ; not using a printer port 831 022B C9 ret 832 833 022C end |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #019 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE BAUDGEN 0000 70# 514 BAUDS 2A03 68# 829 BAUDSH 002A 65# 68 530 BAUDSL 0003 64# 68 491 BAUDTBL 0014 141# 508 BTBL 000C 138# 482 CARBIT 0003 80# CARMSK 0008 81# 686 CHKSTAT 017C 39 610 632# CONIN 0000 53 242 CONOUT 0000 53 269 CONST 0000 53 216 CSDLL 0000 50 218 CSNIOD 0227 40 827# CURBAUD 000B 135# 473 517 555 DEVOK 0036 184 189# DEVTABLE 0005 126# 130 195 DISRCV 00C0 95# 764 DISSLF 004F 97# 504 DLISR 0000 58 733 DLLBAU 0003 42 120# DLLON 0000 50 219 DSBLRECV 01C9 45 709# DSBLXMIT 015B 41 552# DTROFF 006A 93# 499 561 DTRON 00EA 92# 542 566 ENARCV 00C1 94# 781 ENASLF 000F 96# 537 ENBLRECV 01C0 45 699# 793 ERRBITS 0070 83# 638 ERRST 0030 82# 670 776 EXITDL 00CE 306 378# FALSE 0000 27# FBIT 0006 88# 661 FMSK 0040 89# FRMCNTR 0000 52 664 GETRCODE 0000 49 395 GETTCODE 0000 49 316 INCCNTR 0000 52 647 656 665 INITRECV 0217 39 788# INITU 020A 37 769 774# INITUART 01F6 38 760# 772 790 INTERRUPTS FFFF 29# 44 56 155 414 440 578 602 695 723 792 NCONIN 005C 35 238# NCONOUT 0075 35 265# NCONST 0043 35 212# NETADR 0000 42 119# NETCON 0020 106# 214 240 267 NETIDLE 01AF 39 603 679# NETSTATS FFFF 30# 641 NF 01A9 662 667# NIISR 0000 58 731 NO 019D 653 658# |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #020 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE NP 0191 644 649# NUMDEVICES 0002 130# 183 NXTADD 0050 222# 230 OBIT 0005 86# 652 OMSK 0020 87# OUTBAU 0133 510# 546 OVRCNTR 0000 51 655 PARCNTR 0000 51 646 PBIT 0004 84# PGM1 01E8 743# 749 PGMUART 01D0 38 721# PMSK 0010 85# 643 POLDEV 0000 54 181 POLLDEVICE 0028 36 177# PSRECV 00C1 253 366# PSXMIT 0088 278 297# PSXRET 00B7 331 332 333 334 344# RBAD 00F6 411 412 415 435# 445 RCODE 000A 133# 374 431 RECEIVE 0000 48 368 RECV 0175 37 600# 608 REGSHRT 0000 50 228 REISR 0000 58 735 RESTUART 0226 40 818# RGOOD 00F0 410 428# RIDLE 00FA 417 442# RRDYBIT 0000 78# RRDYMSK 0001 79# 607 768 RRETRY 0064 247# 258 RRTBL 00E2 399 410# RSLEEP 00EE 420 421 423# 446 RTMOCHK 0000 57 444 RTO 0179 604 619# RWAIT 00D3 129 393# RWAKEUP 00F0 429# 438 SCBAUDT 0016 146# 545 SELFBIT 0003 90# SELFCLKD 0140 488 528# SELFMSK 0008 91# 487 556 SETBAUD 0104 37 470# 690 753 SIOCMD 0006 71# 498 500 503 505 536 538 541 543 560 562 565 567 635 671 682 683 702 704 712 713 746 763 765 777 780 782 SIOIBLK 001C 156# 158# 161 739 SIOILEN 000C 161# 740 SIORECV 0004 74# 616 771 SIOSTAT 0006 72# 583 606 636 685 767 SIOV4 FF08 101# SIOV5 FF0A 102# 732 SIOV6 FF0C 103# 734 SIOV7 FF0E 104# 736 SIOXMIT 0004 73# 590 SLFCLKD FFFF 31# 485 496 525 554 TCODE 0009 132# 305 351 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #021 ULCNET DATA LINK LAYER MP/M XIOS MODULE TERRCNT 0000 51 TIMEVAL 0016 122# 803 TRANSMIT 0000 48 299 TRETRY 007D 274# 283 TRTBL 00A7 320 331# TRUE FFFF 26# 27 29 30 31 TSLEEP 00B5 335 336 337 339# TWAIT 0098 128 314# TWAKEUP 00BB 346 349# ULCRX 0021 112# 371 ULCTX 0020 111# 180 302 W 0220 805# 809 WAIT 021E 40 520 801# XDOS 0000 53 303 372 XMIT 0172 37 576# XRDYBIT 0002 76# XRDYMSK 0004 77# 584 |
Corvus OMNINET is an inexpensive, high-performance CSMA/CA networking system supporting up to 63 hosts on a one-megabit-per second, twisted-pair cable. OMNINET host interface adaptors are intelligent coprocessors that deal with all aspects of network communication of the host in which they are installed, up to and including the transport layer of the ISO open system model. The sample SNIOS and NETWRKIF files following this discussion show one way to use Corvus engineering transporters to implement a CP/NET system.
G.1 The Corvus Engineering Transporter
The Corvus engineering transporter is a card for evaluating Corvus OMNINET with minimum modification to an existing Z80 system. The transporter is not an end-user product, but it is similar enough in hardware design to most production systems using OMNINET to work with little modification.
General information about the Corvus transporter is presented here to help you understand the operation of the sample codes at the end of this appendix. For more information, refer to Corvus documentation.
Communication with the transporter hardware is simplified by the fact that the transporter is microprocessor-based and uses autonomous DMA to access its host computer's memory directly. All communication between host and transporter is controlled by well organized data structures existing in host memory. The only port I/O the host ever does is the transmission, to the transporter hardware, of 24-bit pointer objects (as three serial bytes, most significant byte first) via an output port. Note that all Corvus multibyte objects are in most significant byte first order. These pointer objects refer to transporter command blocks, described in Table G-1.
Field | Size | Explanation |
OPERATION COMMAND CODE | 8 bits | sends a message. |
RESULT BLOCK POINTER | 24 bits | gives the address of a data structure for the transporter to update with completion information. |
SOCKET CODE | 8 bits | defines which of the 4 virtual communication channels to use for this operation. |
DATA BUFFER POINTER | 24 bits | gives the address of a message buffer for this operation. |
DATA LENGTH FIELD | 16 bits | gives the length of the message to be transmitted or maximum message length accepted, if this is a receive operation. The maximum length allowed for a single message packet is 2048. |
CONTROL FIELD LENGTH | 8 bits | gives the length of an independent auxiliary message that can be sent to a special CONTROL buffer in the destination host at an address different from that of the destination message buffer. In the case of a receive command, this field specifies the largest such CONTROL message acceptable. |
DESTINATION HOST | 8 bits | specifies network address of the target host. Legal network addresses are 0-63, or 255 for broadcast messages. A host's address is set by switches connected to the transporter hardware. |
Not all fields are used by all commands, but the syntax of the command block is usually consistent, except in the case of special diagnostic commands.
The result pointer in the command block must contain the address of a large enough data structure in host memory to accept the completion information that the specified command produces. Note that the result block is associated with the operation the command block describes. If more than one operation is posted to the transporter hardware, each must have its own result block available. Table G-2 describes a typical result block.
Up to four simultaneous receive operations can be in progress at any one time, waiting for messages for the four logical sockets in the host. Only one message can be posted for transmission at any one time, but this can be done even while four receive operations are pending. Messages from one node are only acceptable to another node if it has a receive command outstanding specifying the socket to which the message is directed.
In use, the host processor must build a command block, then post it to the transporter hardware by outputting one byte at a time of its 24-bit address to the transporter via an output port. The transporter uses an input ready status bit to synchronize this transfer. Command pointers can be transfers done at any time except while the transporter is processing a command block to transmit a message. That operation ties up the transporter until the message has been delivered, or the transporter has given up trying. Network latency is low, so the transporter is unavailable only briefly.
Once the transporter has read and accepted a command, it sets the operation status code in the result block to 254. It is advisable for the host to preset this byte to 255 before sending the transporter the pointer, so that the transporter can confirm that the command was accepted by checking for the change.
The host then polls all active result blocks, waiting for any operation status code to change to a value other than 0FEh. This change means the transporter has completed the operation associated with that result block, and data and result information are available. To simplify interpretation of results, all error codes are between 80h and 0FEh, and all success codes are less than 80h. Send and receive calls that succeed give the number of retries as a completion code, but this code is always less than 7Fh.
OMNINET transporter interfaces usually support generation of a host interrupt whenever the transporter writes to a result block. This relieves the host of having to poll result blocks for completion. To simplify OMNINET evaluation, the engineering transporter is not usually configured to use interrupts. The sample programs demonstrate the use of the transporter both without interrupts and with external interrupt hardware. Servers usually need interrupt hardware or an XIOS polling routine to achieve a usable throughput, but the sample drivers can be made to run without either if high throughput is not a goal.
The coprocessor interface structure the transporter uses is close to the ideal model of a perfect transport layer. The transporter hardware deals with all retries, message acknowledgments, packet sequencing checking, and error detection totally transparently to the host it serves. The data-structure based message interface between the host and transport layer is useful even in implementing non-OMNINET interrupt-driven transport layers for CP/NET.
In the sample implementation, very few OMNINET features were needed. All CP/NET traffic is on one logical channel (SOCKET 2), leaving the others free for such non-CP/NET uses as providing bootstrap channels between diskless devices and optional processes to load them, providing non-CP/NET peripheral sharing routines or even supporting a second network operating system in concurrent use.
Because CP/NET processes its own control fields (message headers), the control message options are not used and are set to zero. In the evaluation transporter, the most significant byte of the memory address is not used and is always set to zero. Other hardware implementations can use this byte for segment control to allow the message buffers to be banked out, or for a 16-bit processor.
The network node ID of an OMNINET host is set by six switches on its transporter hardware. In this implementation, the NODE number is the CP/NET network ID. Set the ID of the SERVER to 00. A requester can have any other unique OMNINET ID code except 0FF hex. This ID code freedom is achieved by a routine in the NETWRKIF module that binds requester ID codes dynamically to processes in the SERVER.RSP module by tracking login and logoff messages. Hence, up to 63 requesters can be supported, as long as no more than NSLAVES are logged in at any one time. Because the transporter handles all low-level communication concerns, the NETWRKIF module is relatively compact; and 16 requesters are easily supported in most systems.
To simplify coding the interface modules, data structure constructor macros eliminate the need for typing all the definitions again and again for each requester. This technique requires that the indices into the resulting arrays of data structures be computed at run-time, but this is easy to do and, where possible, is part of initialization.
The intelligent nature of the OMNINET interface makes coding the SNIOS a simple exercise. Allocate a set of prefabricated transporter command blocks and associated result blocks. Even though the requester never has more than one operation pending at a time, it is simpler to use separate command blocks for each needed operation type than to recycle the same command block.
Unfortunately, relocating 8080 assemblers like RMAC do not easily deal with relocation of multibyte pointers that are not in Intel® standard memory order. It is simplest to set the result block pointers at initialization; that approach is used here.
After setting up these pointers, the NTWRKINIT routine posts a prebuilt transporter command block called INITTCB to the transporter via the routine called OMNI$STROBE. If the transporter does not accept the pointer, initialization aborts and an error returns to the NDOS. If the transporter accepts the pointer, NTWRKINIT calls OMNI$WFDONE to poll the result block associated with INITTCB until the transporter reports a completion. If the initialization operation succeeds, the node number presently set into the transporter's switches is found as a result code. If initialization fails, a value > 80h corresponding to an error code is found and returned to NTWRKINIT, and NTWRKINIT aborts and returns an error code to the NDOS. Otherwise, the node number returned is installed in configtbl and the default message buffer's SID field, the requester ID and a banner print on the console, and a success code is returned to the NDOS.
The NTWRKERROR entry is functionally identical to NTWRKINIT except that it does not print a banner or requester ID code.
The NTWRKSTS, CNFGTBLADR, and NTWRKWBOOT routines are identical in function and operation to those used with other transport layers.
When the NDOS calls the SENDMSG routine, the BC register pair contains a pointer to the message to be sent on the network. This routine translates the CP/NET header information of that message into a form consistent with OMNINET and then puts it into a prefabricated transporter command block called TXTCB. The CP/NET DID is used as the target node physical address on the network. The address of the whole message, including the CP/NET header, is placed in the buffer field of TXTCB after the pointer is rearranged into MSB, LSB sequence. The CP/NET SIZ field is adjusted to give the total message length, including the CP/NET header, and is placed in the appropriate field of the TXTCB.
The OMNINET interface primitives OMNI$STROBE and OMNI$WFDONE again post the command to the transporter and, if successful, await completion of the transmission operation. The completion code is transformed into a flag the NDOS expects. Because a very busy server might not have a buffer posted when the requester sends the message, even though 'the transporter does multiple retries by itself, a retry loop tries to send the message again, if necessary. In practice, retries are rare, but the retry loop is useful when debugging a server.
Like SENDMSG, the RECEIVEMSG routine is primarily an exercise in the translation of parameters and their transmission to the transporter. The operation of RECEIVEMSG is easily understood by reading its code, with one exception; if a receive is posted, and no message ever comes in, the transporter waits forever for a message. To simplify debugging and recovery from network errors, the OMNI$WFDONE routine times out after about 20 seconds (on a 2 mhz processor) and returns an error flag to its caller. Most servers ordinarily respond in this time, so the RECEIVEMSG routine issues a cancel receive command to the transporter via a prefabricated command block called UNRXTCB. RECEIVEMSG then returns to the NDOS with an error code.
If the receive call is not cancelled, an unsolicited or late message might be written into host memory at the requested address long after the host is using that memory for something else. Most autonomous transport layers support this kind of cancellation.
The implementation here is less than 280h bytes long, including the default 138-byte message buffer. If space is tight, the message printing and banner routines can be placed in the default buffer, a single transporter command block and result block can be recycled for all commands, and concessions to modularity can be made to yield an even smaller SNIOS.
G.4 The NETWRKIF Implementation Model
This sample OMNINET NETWRKIF uses a slightly different intermodule communication model from the one usually used to implement a serial asynchronous star network. Instead of using one process per server process to implement the network input and output, a single input process and a single output process route all messages. This type of structure is far more efficient for any party-line type of network interface hardware because fewer dispatches occur per transaction. Those transactions that do occur take less time and far less code is required to implement the NETWRKIF. In addition, the structure is easier to understand and debug, and all traffic converges through one piece of code, allowing you to implement message routing extensions to your network.
This model is easily understood by studying the general function of the network receiver and transmitter process separately.
The network receiver process in this version is named SERVERX. It is responsible for collecting each incoming message as it arrives, identifying the server process it is for, and writing a pointer to the message into that process's input queue. In addition, SERVERX functions as a surrogate server process to advise requesters that are not logged in that they have no server process to use.
SERVERX uses run-time binding of requester ID codes to server processes. SERVERX does this by keeping a table of the input queue addresses of all the server processes it supports and the ID code of the requester currently logged in to each process. SERVERX examines each incoming messages SID field and searches the table to find out whether SID is presently associated with a server process. If not, an error reply message is constructed in the same buffer that the message arrived in, and SERVERX writes this message directly to the network output process for transmission back to the requester.
For this process to function properly, SERVERX must track all login and logoff messages that pass through it. Every time a login message is received, SERVERX checks its mapping table to find out whether that requester is currently associated with a server process. If it is, no action is taken. If not, SERVERX tries to find an idle server entry in the table. Idle entries are shown in this table as in use by requester 255. If a free server entry is located, SERVERX enters the requester's ID into it, and then sends the login message to that server process's input queue. If none are available, an error reply message is constructed by SERVERX and sent back to the requester.
Logoff messages are handled by finding that requester's server entry, marking it as empty (255) , and then routing the logoff message to the server's input queue. If that requester was never logged in in the first place, SERVERX sends it an error, as previously explained.
Because there is no way to know which server process an incoming message will be for at the time a buffer is posted to the transporter for a receive call, buffers are not permanently assigned to particular server processes. Instead, a list of empty buffers is kept in an MP/M II queue, and SERVERX obtains the buffers from the queue as needed and available for posting to the transporter.
The OMNINET primitives are similar to those used by the SNIOS, except that an MX queue ensures that the transporter is not in use by another process when SERVERX wants to post a command block pointer to it.
As the arrival time of the next message is unknown, SERVERX must be suspended while it waits for the next message to arrive. This can be done by an XDOS flag wait in the WF$RXDONE OMNINET primitive or by delay-based polling. If your XIOS can be easily modified, another alternative is to add an XIOS polling routine. Using the delay call to suspend the process drastically reduces network throughput because only 60 incoming messages can arrive per second.
The SERVETX process is extremely simple. It reads messages from a single input queue and posts them, using mutual exclusion, to the transporter. Because messages are quickly disposed of by the network, there is no point in suspending SERVETX. It uses a different completion routine than SERVERX, which merely waits until a completion code is received from the transporter, and then returns to its caller. To simplify debugging, a timeout is included to prevent a hardware or software problem from locking up the system.
Once SERVETX has finished sending the message, it returns the buffer that it was in to the free buffer management queue, making it available for SERVERX. SERVETX then goes back to read its input queue to wait for another message to process.
Theoretically, such a system can function with fewer buffers than server processes. But in practice, it is best to have at least one more buffer than the number of server processes in the pool to deal with messages such as failed login attempts that never get routed to a server.
The rest of the code in each process simply initializes data structures, creates queues, initializes hardware, and performs other routine tasks.
Note that the distribution version of CP/NET 1.2 does not work with this SERVETX process without a minor patch. SERVER.RSP must be patched to create output UQCBs with the same name for all server processes instead of making each queue name unique. Once this is done, all processes in SERVER.RSP direct their output to a single SERVETX process. Instructions for installing this patch are included in CP/NET V1.2 Application Note 02.
G.5 Possible Improvements to NETWRKIF
This interface is by no means ideal. Little error recovery is done for registers that fail to log off. A watchdog timing process can be easily added to correct this problem. This process is not shown here, to simplify understanding of the OMNINET interface. But such a process is only needed in systems with more physical requesters than server processes to prevent their being locked up by departed users.
One possible improvement is to further reduce the number of dispatches per CP/NET transaction by using direct code to manage the buffer list and using the transporter mutual exclusion function instead of the MP/M II queue facility. The M/PM II queue facility is powerful and easy to use, but avoid using it in situations where dispatch overhead exceeds the time for which a process is likely to require suspension unless the suspension is unavoidable for process synchronization reasons.
Another worthwhile improvement is to modify the NETWRKIF to minimize the period during which the server cannot respond to incoming messages, by seeing that the next buffer is more quickly posted for the next received message after a receive completion occurs. The present version does not do this until the incoming message has been processed by SERVERX. This causes unneeded network traffic because messages sent by requesters during this time are futile.
High-performance servers can make good use of two physical sets of transporter hardware, with different node addresses, on the same loop. Using two transporters can totally bypass the need to use MX techniques because one transporter can be reserved solely for transmitting messages.
Interesting networks can be easily constructed by having more than one OMNINET loop, each with its own transporter. The SERVERX process associated with each loop can filter messages not intended for local SLVSPs to a second, third, or fourth SERVETX process associated with higher level loops. Such filtering bridges can be used to build hierarchical CP/NET systems of any degree of complexity.
Other processes can concurrently send and receive messages totally unrelated to the CP/NET context using the same transporter as long as they honor the MXomni mutual exclusion queues and do not use the same socket for their communication as CP/NET. These processes can implement a variety of supervisory and auxiliary functions, or they can implement additional concurrent virtual circuits that cooperating requesters can use for point-to-point traffic. Such point-to-point virtual circuits can be coordinated by CP/NET mail functions.
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #001 SAMPLE SLAVE NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20 OCT 82 1 title 'Sample Slave Network I/O System for CORVUS OMNINET 20 Oct 82' 2 page 54 3 4 ;________________________________________________________________________ 5 ;________________________________________________________________________ 6 ; ; 7 ; SAMPLE SLAVE NETWORK IO SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 ; 8 ; VERSION FOR CORVUS OMNINET "ENGINEERING" TRANSPORTER ; 9 ; (Requires RMAC for assembly) ; 10 ; ; 11 ; COPYRIGHT (C) 1982 by VANO ASSOCIATES, INC. ; 12 ; P.O. BOX 12730 ; 13 ; New Brighton, MN 55112 ; 14 ; U.S.A. ; 15 ; (612) 631-1245 ; 16 ; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ; 17 ; ; 18 ; ANY USE OF THIS CODE without the imbedded copyright notice and ; 19 ; banner is hereby strictly prohibited. ; 20 ; ; 21 ; Permission is hereby granted to Digital Research Inc. to use ; 22 ; this source file for educational and illustrative purposes in ; 23 ; conjunction with CP/Net 80 documentation. Any other use of ; 24 ; this code without the EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION of VANO ; 25 ; ASSOCIATES INC. is hereby strictly prohibited. ; 26 ; ; 27 ; This file is provided courtesy of: ; 28 ; ; 29 ; R2E (Realisations Etude Electroniques) ; 30 ; Z.A.I. de Courtaboeuf ; 31 ; BP 73 91942 Les Ulis ; 32 ; FRANCE ; 33 ; ; 34 ; who sponsored the development of one of its ancestors. ; 35 ;________________________________________________________________________ 36 ;________________________________________________________________________ 37 38 ; ***** CONSTANT DECLARATIONS ***** 39 40 0000 = FALSE equ 0 41 FFFF = TRUE equ not FALSE 42 43 ; configuration and option constants 44 0064 = TXTRIES equ 100 ;Transmit message retries 45 008A = BUFFSIZE equ 138 ;max default buffer size 46 0200 = MAXMSG equ 512 ;largest message accepted by receiver 47 0080 = SKT0 equ 80h ;legal omninet socket tokens 48 0090 = SKT1 equ 90h 49 00A0 = SKT2 equ 0a0h 50 00B0 = SKT3 equ 0b0h 51 00A0 = SOCKET equ SKT2 ;this SNIOS uses only channel 2 52 53 ; OMININET Constants 54 ; Completion/return codes |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #002 SAMPLE SLAVE NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20 OCT 82 55 0000 = NOERR equ 0 ;done (no errors or retries) 56 00C0 = ETXOK equ 0c0h ;echo succeeded with no retries (not used here) 57 0080 = ETXFAIL equ 80h ;Transmit failed 58 0081 = E2LONG equ 81h ;wouldn't fit in destination socket 59 0082 = ENOSKT equ 82h ;destination socket not set up 60 0083 = EBDCTL equ 83h ;bad control field length 61 0084 = EBDSKT equ 84h ;illegal socket number 62 0085 = EBDDES equ 85h ;invalid destination node number/socket in use 63 0086 = EBDNODE equ 86h ;bad node number in command (not 0-7fh or ffh) 64 00FE = ECMDOK equ 0feh ;command has been read by transporter 65 ; legal command tokens 66 0040 = SENDF equ 40h ;send message 67 00F0 = RCVF equ 0f0h ;set up receive socket 68 0010 = ENDRCVF equ 10h ;stop receive 69 0020 = INITF equ 20h ;initialize transporter 70 ; Transporter control ports 71 00F8 = NETBASE equ 0f8h ;base address of transporter IO interface 72 00F9 = TSTAT equ Netbase+1 ;ready status port 73 0010 = TCRDY equ 10h ;status mask for ready bit 74 00F8 = TDATA equ Netbase ;command block pointer port 75 76 ; Network Status Byte Constants 77 ; 78 0010 = ACTIVE equ 10h ;slave logged in on network 79 0002 = RCVERR equ 2h ;error in received message 80 0001 = SENDERR equ 1h ;unable to send message 81 82 ; CP/M BDOS function constants 83 0005 = BDOS equ 5 ;absolute BDOS entry 84 0009 = PRINTF equ 9 ;print message function 85 0002 = CONOUTF equ 2 ;output char in E to console 86 87 ; General Constants 88 000A = LF equ 0ah ;Line Feed 89 000D = CR equ 0dh ;Carriage Return 90 91 ; ***** GENERATED CODE AND DATA BEGIN HERE ***** 92 93 ; Public Jump vector for SNIOS entry points 94 0000 C3F400 jmp ntwrkinit ;network initialization 95 0003 C34801 jmp ntwrksts ;network status 96 0006 C35201 jmp cnfgtbladr ;return config table addr 97 0009 C36701 jmp sendmsg ;send message on network 98 000C C3A601 jmp receivemsg ;receive message from network 99 000F C33801 jmp ntwrkerror ;network error 100 0012 C35601 jmp ntwrkwboot ;network warm boot 101 102 ; Public Slave Configuration Table 103 configtbl: 104 Network$status: 105 0015 00 db 0 ;network status byte 106 0016 00 slvid1: db 0 ;slave ID (from switches) 107 0017 0000000000 db 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 ;Disk map table for units A:-P: 108 001F 0000000000 db 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #003 SAMPLE SLAVE NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20 OCT 82 109 0027 0000000000 db 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 110 002F 0000000000 db 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 111 0037 0000 db 0,0 ;console device 112 0039 0000 db 0,0 ;list device 113 003B 00 db 0 ;buffer index 114 ; 115 003C 00 dflt: db 0 ;FMT (DEFAULT MESSAGE BUFFER) 116 003D 00 db 0 ;DID 117 003E 00 slvid2: db 0 ;SID 118 003F 05 db 5 ;FNC 119 0040 00 db 0 ;SIZ 120 0041 ds 1 ;MSG(0) List number 121 0042 ds BUFFSIZE ;MSG(1) ... MSG(128) 122 123 124 ; ***** PREFABRICATED OMNINET TRANSPORTER COMMAND BLOCKS ***** 125 126 ; Command block for transmitting a message 127 TXtcb: 128 00CC 40 TXtcmd: db SENDF ;command field 129 00CD 00 db 0 ;bits 16-24 of result block ptr 130 00CE 0000 TXtrslt: db 0,0 ;result block pointer (MSB,LSB) 131 00D0 A0 TXtskt: db SOCKET ;socket (channel) number 132 00D1 00 db 0 ;bits 16-24 of message buffer ptr 133 00D2 0000 TXtmsg: db 0,0 ;message buffer pointer (MSB,LSB) 134 00D4 0000 TXtdlen: db 0,0 ;data field length (MSB,LSB) 135 00D6 00 TXtclen: db 0 ;control field length 136 00D7 00 TXtdest: db 0 ;Destination address (transport layers) 137 ; Result vector for above command block 138 TXresult: 139 00D8 00 TXrcode: db 0 ;return code 140 141 ; Command block for setting up a receive operation 142 RXtcb: 143 00D9 F0 RXtcmd: db RCVF ;command field 144 00DA 00 db 0 145 00DB 0000 RXtrslt: db 0,0 ;result block pointer (MSB,LSB) 146 00DD A0 RXtskt: db SOCKET ;socket number 147 00DE 00 db 0 148 00DF 0000 RXtmsg: db 0,0 ;message address (MSB,LSB) 149 00E1 02 RXtdlen: db MAXMSG/256 ;max data field length (MSB,LSB) 150 00E2 00 db MAXMSG and 255 151 00E3 00 RXtclen: db 0 ;max control field length 152 00E4 00 RXtdest: db 0 ;(not used in a receive operation) 153 ; Result vector for receiver 154 RXresult: 155 00E5 00 RXrcode: db 0 ;return code 156 00E6 00 RXrsrce: db 0 ;source HOST # 157 00E7 0000 RXrdlen: db 0,0 ;received message length (MSB,LSB) 158 159 ; Command block for receive cancel operation 160 UNRXtcb: 161 00E9 10 UNRXtcmd: db ENDRCVF ;command field 162 00EA 00 db 0 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #004 SAMPLE SLAVE NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20 OCT 82 163 00EB 0000 UNRXtrslt: db 0,0 ;result block pointer (MSB,LSB) 164 00ED A0 UNRXtskt: db SOCKET ;socket number 165 ; Result vector for receive cancel 166 UNRXresult: 167 00EE 00 UNRXrcode: db 0 ;return code 168 169 ; Command block for transporter initialization command 170 INITtcb: 171 00EF 20 INITtcmd: db INITF ;command field 172 00F0 00 db 0 173 00F1 0000 INITtrslt: db 0,0 ;result block pointer (MSB,LSB) 174 ; Result vector for initialization 175 INITresult: 176 00F3 00 INITrcode: db 0 ;return code (if valid,=ID code) 177 178 179 ; ***** PUBLIC CODE ENTRIES BEGIN HERE ***** 180 181 ; Externally accessed routine to initialize transporter 182 ; (RETURNS A=0 if succeeds, else 0ffh.) 183 ntwrkinit: 184 00F4 CD3801 call ntwrkerror ;init transporter, tcbs and id code 185 00F7 D8 rc ;return error if init fails 186 00F8 110601 lxi d,initmsg ;else prinw slave ID and banner 187 00FB CDF001 call print$msg 188 00FE 3A1600 lda slvid1 189 0101 CDD601 call prhex ;print slave ID 190 0104 AF xra a ;and return to caller with a=0 191 0105 C9 ret 192 193 initmsg: 194 0106 0D0A534E49 db CR,LF,'SNIOS (c)1982 Vano Associates Inc.' 195 012A 0D0A534C41 db CR,LF,'SLAVE ID = $' 196 197 198 ; Externally accessed routine inits or re-inits module 199 ; (RETURNS A=0 if succeeds, else 0ffh.) 200 ntwrkerror: 201 0138 AF xra a 202 0139 321500 sta Network$status ;zero network status byte 203 013C CDF501 call omni$init ;init transporter, tcbs and id code 204 013F D8 rc ;carry means error, A=0ffh 205 0140 321600 sta slvid1 ;update this slaves id in table 206 0143 323E00 sta slvid2 ;and default message 207 0146 AF xra a ;and return with no error 208 0147 C9 ret 209 210 211 ; Externally accessed routine returns Network Status Byte in A 212 ; (also clears any error bits active) 213 ntwrksts: 214 0148 211500 lxi h,network$status 215 014B 46 mov b,m 216 014C 3EFC mvi a,not(RCVERR or SENDERR) |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #005 SAMPLE SLAVE NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20 OCT 82 217 014E A0 ana b 218 014F 77 mov m,a 219 0150 78 mov a,b 220 0151 C9 ret 221 222 223 ; Externally accessed routine Returns Configuration Table Ptr in HL 224 cnfgtbladr: 225 0152 211500 lxi h,configtbl 226 0155 C9 ret 227 228 229 ; Externally accessed routine is called each time the CCP is reloaded 230 ; from disk. (Dummy procedure for now.) 231 ntwrkwboot: 232 0156 115C01 lxi d,wboot$msg ;return via print$msg 233 0159 C3F001 jmp print$msg 234 235 wboot$msg: 236 015C 0D0A3C4350 db CR,LF,' |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #006 SAMPLE SLAVE NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20 OCT 82 271 0189 CD2E02 call omni$strobe 272 018C D1 pop d 273 018D DAA101 jc snderr ;if not accepted, goto fatal error handler 274 ; 275 0190 01D800 lxi b,TXresult ;else poll result block until completion code 276 0193 D5 push d ;is returned by hardware 277 0194 CD5C02 call omni$wfdone 278 0197 D1 pop d 279 ; 280 0198 E680 ani 80h ;completion codes 80h-ffh are error codes 281 019A C8 rz ;return 00 to caller if no errors 282 ; 283 019B 1B dcx d ;else decrement retry counter 284 019C 7B mov a,e 285 019D B2 ora d 286 019E C28501 jnz send$again ;retry transmit if any retries left 287 ; 288 01A1 3E01 snderr: mvi a,SENDERR ;goto common exit code to update error flags 289 01A3 C3CE01 jmp nerr ;(part of receivemsg routine) 290 291 292 ; Externally accessed routine waits for a message directed to this node 293 ; and returns it in the buffer BC-->. To aid debugging, a timeout of 294 ; about 20 seconds (2 Mhz processor) is implemented that will return an 295 ; error if no message is received. That is long enough for most normal 296 ; servers to respond. 297 ; 298 ; (RETURNS A=0 if good msg, =0ffh if bad msg or timeout.) 299 receivemsg: 300 01A6 68 mov l,b ;swap buffer pointer bytes to MSB,LSB order 301 01A7 61 mov h,c 302 01A8 22DF00 shld RXtmsg ;put buffer ptr to its TCB field 303 ; 304 01AB 01D900 lxi b,RXtcb 305 01AE CD2E02 call omni$strobe ;post control block address to hardware 306 01B1 DACC01 jc rxerr ;fatal error if hardware won't accept it 307 ; 308 01B4 01E500 lxi b,RXresult 309 01B7 CD5C02 call omni$wfdone ;else wait for a completion from hardware 310 01BA E680 ani 80h 311 01BC C8 rz ;return 00 to caller if no error reported 312 ; the rest is the fatal error handler for receive calls 313 01BD 01E900 lxi b,UNRXtcb ;otherwise cancel the receive call 314 01C0 CD2E02 call omni$strobe ; (using prefabricated cancel command block) 315 01C3 D2CC01 jnc rxerr ;If won't accept this command either, quit here 316 ; 317 01C6 01EE00 lxi b,UNRXresult ;else wait for completion of cancel command 318 01C9 CD5C02 call omni$wfdone ;ignore result (always fatal error return) 319 01CC 3E02 rxerr: mvi a,RCVERR ;exit via code that updates status byte 320 321 ; This is also used by sendmsg to update Network$status and return 0ffh 322 01CE 211500 nerr: lxi h,Network$status 323 01D1 B6 ora m 324 01D2 77 mov m,a ;update status |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #007 SAMPLE SLAVE NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20 OCT 82 325 01D3 3EFF mvi a,0ffh 326 01D5 C9 ret ;return 0ffh to caller 327 328 329 ; ***** UTILITY ROUTINES CALLED BY ABOVE BEGIN HERE ***** 330 331 ; prints A in hex on console 332 01D6 F5 prhex: push psw 333 01D7 07 rlc 334 01D8 07 rlc 335 01D9 07 rlc 336 01DA 07 rlc 337 01DB CDDF01 call nibl ;print high nibble 338 01DE F1 pop psw ;and fall through to print low nibble 339 340 01DF E60F nibl: ani 0fh 341 01E1 C630 adi '0' 342 01E3 FE3A cpi '9'+1 343 01E5 DAEA01 jc printa 344 01E8 C607 adi 7 345 01EA 5F printa: mov e,a 346 01EB 0E02 mvi c,CONOUTF 347 01ED C30500 jmp BDOS ;print ascii and return 348 349 350 ; print message DE--> until $ on console device 351 print$msg: 352 01F0 0E09 mvi c,PRINTF ;prints $ delimited string DE--> 353 01F2 C30500 jmp BDOS ;bdos(printf,wboot$msg) 354 355 356 ; ***** LOW LEVEL OMNINET TRANSPORTER DRIVERS BEGIN HERE ***** 357 358 ; Initialize transporter and return its ID code in A or 0ffh if can't. 359 ; Carry is also set if error, clear if no error. 360 omni$init: ;initialize pointers in our control blocks 361 01F5 11D800 lxi d,TXresult ;NOTE: this is done at run time to avoid 362 01F8 63 mov h,e ; relocation problems caused by the need to 363 01F9 6A mov l,d ; have pointers for CORVUS transporter use 364 01FA 22CE00 shld TXtrslt ; in MSB, LSB form instead of 8080 format. 365 ; 366 01FD 11E500 lxi d,RXresult 367 0200 63 mov h,e 368 0201 6A mov l,d 369 0202 22DB00 shld RXtrslt 370 ; 371 0205 11EE00 lxi d,UNRXresult 372 0208 63 mov h,e 373 0209 6A mov l,d 374 020A 22EB00 shld UNRXtrslt 375 ; 376 020D 11F300 lxi d,INITresult 377 0210 63 mov h,e 378 0211 6A mov l,d |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #008 SAMPLE SLAVE NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20 OCT 82 379 0212 22F100 shld INITtrslt 380 ; 381 0215 01EF00 lxi b,INITtcb ;send init command block pointer to transporter 382 0218 CD2E02 call omnistrobe ;to reset it and get its ID code 383 021B 9F sbb a ;in case of error, preset return code 0 or ff 384 021C D8 rc ;fatal error if hardware won't accept pointer 385 ; 386 021D 01F300 lxi b,INITresult ;else wait for result of operation 387 0220 CD5C02 call omni$wfdone ;wait for done 388 0223 321600 sta slvid1 ;result code should be ID code so put in table 389 0226 323E00 sta slvid2 ;and in default message SID 390 ; 391 0229 07 rlc ;set CY=bit 7 of return code 392 022A 1F rar ;so CY=1 if error 393 022B D0 rnc ;return with ID code if no error 394 022C 9F sbb a ;else set carry=1 and A=0ffh and return 395 022D C9 ret 396 397 398 ; Sends the 16 bit POINTER in BC to the transporter hardware as 399 ; a 24 bit pointer (MSB first). Returns CY set if hardware will 400 ; not accept any byte in a reasonable time else CY clear. 401 omni$strobe: 402 022E 210200 lxi h,2 ;Find address of rslt block from TCB BC--> 403 0231 09 dad b ;pre-set result code in block to ff (busy) 404 0232 7E mov a,m 405 0233 23 inx h 406 0234 6E mov l,m 407 0235 67 mov h,a 408 0236 36FF mvi m,0ffh 409 ; 410 0238 AF xra a ;MSB is always 0 411 0239 CD4302 call omni$st ;send bits 23-16 of pointer to hardware 412 023C D8 rc ;(abort if timeout) 413 ; 414 023D 78 mov a,b ;send bits 15-8 of pointer to hardware 415 023E CD4302 call omni$st 416 0241 D8 rc ;(abort if timeout) 417 ; 418 0242 79 mov a,c ;send bits 7-0 of pointer to hardware 419 ; (fall into omni$st) 420 421 ; called by omni$strobe to send one byte from A to transporter hardware 422 ; returns CY set if hardware doesn't come ready in a reasonable time. 423 omni$st: 424 0243 F5 push psw ;save data for now 425 0244 1150C3 lxi d,50000 ;set timeout 426 omni$st0: 427 0247 DBF9 in TSTAT ;read status port and check busy bit 428 0249 E610 ani TCRDY 429 024B CA5302 jz omni$st1 ;if busy, go increment and test timeout 430 ; 431 024E F1 pop psw ;else output the byte 432 024F D3F8 out TDATA ;to the transporter TCB pointer input register |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #009 SAMPLE SLAVE NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20 OCT 82 433 0251 B7 ora a 434 0252 C9 ret ;and return with no error shown (CY=0) 435 ; 436 omni$st1: ;else 437 0253 1B dcx d 438 0254 7A mov a,d 439 0255 B3 ora e 440 0256 C24702 jnz omni$st0 ;loop back if not timed out yet 441 ; 442 0259 F1 pop psw ;else 443 025A 37 stc 444 025B C9 ret ;return error flag (CY=1) 445 446 447 ; waits till timeout (about 20 secs) for result block BC--> to show done 448 ; returns A=returned status code. If timeout occurs, the returned 449 ; status will still be 0FEH or 0FFH. 450 omni$wfdone: 451 025C 11FFFF lxi d,0ffffh ;setup timeout counters 452 025F 2E14 mvi l,20 453 ; 454 omni$wfdone1: 455 0261 0A ldax b ;is the result code still > 0f0h? 456 0262 FEF0 cpi 0f0h 457 0264 D8 rc ;no, return to caller 458 ; 459 0265 1B dcx d ;else decrement timeout 460 0266 7B mov a,e 461 0267 B2 ora d 462 0268 C26102 jnz omni$wfdone1 ;timeout yet? 463 026B 2D dcr l 464 026C C26102 jnz omni$wfdone1 ;no, go back and check again 465 ; 466 026F 0A ldax b ;yes, timeout 467 0270 C9 ret ;return with completion code in A 468 469 470 0271 end |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #010 SAMPLE SLAVE NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20 OCT 82 ACTIVE 0010 78# BDOS 0005 83# 347 353 BUFFSIZE 008A 45# 121 CNFGTBLADR 0152 96 224# CONFIGTBL 0015 103# 225 CONOUTF 0002 85# 346 CR 000D 89# 194 195 236 DFLT 003C 115# E2LONG 0081 58# EBDCTL 0083 60# EBDDES 0085 62# EBDNODE 0086 63# EBDSKT 0084 61# ECMDOK 00FE 64# ENDRCVF 0010 68# 161 ENOSKT 0082 59# ETXFAIL 0080 57# ETXOK 00C0 56# FALSE 0000 40# 41 INITF 0020 69# 171 INITMSG 0106 186 193# INITRCODE 00F3 176# INITRESULT 00F3 175# 376 386 INITTCB 00EF 170# 381 INITTCMD 00EF 171# INITTRSLT 00F1 173# 379 LF 000A 88# 194 195 236 MAXMSG 0200 46# 149 150 NERR 01CE 289 322# NETBASE 00F8 71# 72 74 NETWORKSTATUS 0015 104# 202 214 322 NIBL 01DF 337 340# NOERR 0000 55# NTWRKERROR 0138 99 184 200# NTWRKINIT 00F4 94 183# NTWRKSTS 0148 95 213# NTWRKWBOOT 0156 100 231# OMNIINIT 01F5 203 360# OMNIST 0243 411 415 423# OMNIST0 0247 426# 440 OMNIST1 0253 429 436# OMNISTROBE 022E 271 305 314 382 401# OMNIWFDONE 025C 277 309 318 387 450# OMNIWFDONE1 0261 454# 462 464 PRHEX 01D6 189 332# PRINTA 01EA 343 345# PRINTF 0009 84# 352 PRINTMSG 01F0 187 233 351# RCVERR 0002 79# 216 319 RCVF 00F0 67# 143 RECEIVEMSG 01A6 98 299# RXERR 01CC 306 315 319# RXRCODE 00E5 155# RXRDLEN 00E7 157# |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #011 SAMPLE SLAVE NETWORK I/O SYSTEM FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20 OCT 82 RXRESULT 00E5 154# 308 366 RXRSRCE 00E6 156# RXTCB 00D9 142# 304 RXTCLEN 00E3 151# RXTCMD 00D9 143# RXTDEST 00E4 152# RXTDLEN 00E1 149# RXTMSG 00DF 148# 302 RXTRSLT 00DB 145# 369 RXTSKT 00DD 146# SENDAGAIN 0185 268# 286 SENDERR 0001 80# 216 288 SENDF 0040 66# 128 SENDMSG 0167 97 246# SKT0 0080 47# SKT1 0090 48# SKT2 00A0 49# 51 SKT3 00B0 50# SLVID1 0016 106# 188 205 388 SLVID2 003E 117# 206 389 SNDERR 01A1 273 288# SOCKET 00A0 51# 131 146 164 TCRDY 0010 73# 428 TDATA 00F8 74# 432 TRUE FFFF 41# TSTAT 00F9 72# 427 TXRCODE 00D8 139# TXRESULT 00D8 138# 275 361 TXTCB 00CC 127# 270 TXTCLEN 00D6 135# TXTCMD 00CC 128# TXTDEST 00D7 136# 264 TXTDLEN 00D4 134# 260 TXTMSG 00D2 133# 249 TXTRIES 0064 44# 266 TXTRSLT 00CE 130# 364 TXTSKT 00D0 131# UNRXRCODE 00EE 167# UNRXRESULT 00EE 166# 317 371 UNRXTCB 00E9 160# 313 UNRXTCMD 00E9 161# UNRXTRSLT 00EB 163# 374 UNRXTSKT 00ED 164# WBOOTMSG 015C 232 235# |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #001 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 1 title 'Sample Server Network I/F for CORVUS OMNINET 20-Oct-82' 2 page 54 3 4 ;________________________________________________________________________ 5 ;________________________________________________________________________ 6 ; ; 7 ; SAMPLE MASTER NETWORK IO SYSTEM FOR CP/NET 1.2 ; 8 ; VERSION FOR CORVUS OMNINET "ENGINEERING" TRANSPORTER ; 9 ; (Requires RMAC for assembly) ; 10 ; ; 11 ; COPYRIGHT (C) 1982 by VANO ASSOCIATES, INC. ; 12 ; P.O. BOX 12730 ; 13 ; New Brighton, MN 55112 ; 14 ; U.S.A. ; 15 ; (612) 631-1245 ; 16 ; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ; 17 ; ; 18 ; ANY USE OF THIS CODE without the imbedded copyright notice ; 19 ; is hereby strictly prohibited. ; 20 ; ; 21 ; Permission is hereby granted to Digital Research Inc. to use ; 22 ; this source file for educational and illustrative purposes in ; 23 ; conjunction with CP/Net 80 documentation. Any other use of ; 24 ; this code without the EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION of VANO ; 25 ; ASSOCIATES INC. is hereby strictly prohibited. ; 26 ; ; 27 ; This file is provided courtesy of: ; 28 ; ; 29 ; R2E (Realisations Etude Electroniques) ; 30 ; Z.A.I. de Courtaboeuf ; 31 ; BP 73 91942 Les Ulis ; 32 ; FRANCE ; 33 ; ; 34 ; who sponsored the development of one of its ancestors. ; 35 ; ; 36 ; Note that this version requires that the CP/NET SLAVESP ; 37 ; process be properly patched to send all output traffic ; 38 ; to output queue 0. For the current (1.2) beta release, the ; 39 ; following patch is enough: ; 40 ; ; 41 ; Make this change in unrelocated server.rsp module. ; 42 ; -a543 ; 43 ; 0543 mvi a,30 ; 44 ; 0545 jmp 34f ; 45 ; Then resave the module and its bit map. ; 46 ; ; 47 ;________________________________________________________________________ 48 ;________________________________________________________________________ 49 50 FFFF = YES equ 0ffffh 51 0000 = NO equ not YES 52 53 ; assembly mode switches 54 0000 = DEBUG equ NO ;assemble for debugging with rdt |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #002 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 55 FFFF = RSP equ YES ;assemble as a resident process 56 0000 = INTERRUPT equ NO ;transporter can interrupt (advisable) 57 58 ; Logical Configuration constants 59 0002 = NSLAVES equ 2 ;maximum number of slaves supported 60 0096 = SRVR$STK$SIZ equ 150 ;stack size needed by SLVSPs 61 0034 = SRVR$PD$SIZ equ 52 ;PD size for SLVSPs 62 0118 = BUFFSIZE equ 280 ;maximum message buffer size 63 0003 = NMSG$BUFFS equ 1+NSLAVES ;number of message buffers allocated 64 0040 = RX$PRIORITY equ 64 ;receive process priority 65 003F = TX$PRIORITY equ 63 ;usually higher than rx 66 67 ; Physical configuration constants (FOR OUR INSTALLATION) 68 00F8 = OMNI$BASE equ 0F8h ;transporter base address 69 00A0 = OMNI$SOCKET equ 0a0h ;omninet transporter socket code (2) 70 0008 = OMNI$FLAG equ 8 ;XDOS flag for int. driven transporter 71 0007 = RST$NUM equ 7 ;interrupt level if interrupt driven 72 0038 = INT$VCTR equ RST$NUM * 8 73 74 ; transporter IO PORT constants for CORVUS "ENGINEERING" transporter 75 00F8 = OMNI$DATA equ OMNI$BASE ;TCB pointer data port 76 00F9 = OMNI$STAT equ OMNI$BASE + 1 ;status port 77 0010 = OMNI$RDY equ 10h ;ready bit (=1) in OMNI$STAT 78 ; the rest are not part of standard CORVUS "ENGINEERING" transporter 79 00FA = OMNI$ACK equ OMNI$BASE + 2 ;int ack port (any data write) 80 00FB = OMNI$MASK equ OMNI$BASE + 3 ;int mask port (b0, 1= enbl) 81 0001 = OMNI$PENDING equ 1 ;int pending (=1) in " " 82 0001 = OMNI$ENABLE equ 1 ;int enable mask command 83 0000 = OMNI$DISABLE equ 0 ;int disable mask command 84 85 ; BDOS and XDOS Equates 86 0009 = PRINTF equ 9 ;message to console 87 0084 = FLAGWAITF equ 132 ;flag wait 88 0085 = FLAGSETF equ 133 ;flag set 89 0086 = MAKEQ equ 134 ;make queue 90 0089 = READQ equ 137 ;read queue 91 008B = WRITEQ equ 139 ;write queue 92 008D = DELAY equ 141 ;delay 93 008E = DSPTCH equ 142 ;dispatch 94 0090 = CREATEP equ 144 ;create process 95 0091 = SET$PRIORITY equ 145 ;set caller's priority 96 0093 = DETACH equ 147 ;detach console 97 009A = SYDATAD equ 154 ;get system data page address 98 99 ; MISC useful constants 100 000D = CR equ 0dh ;carriage return 101 000A = LF equ 0ah ;line feed 102 103 104 codeseg: 105 if not RSP 106 ; .PRL Initialization entry point for whole module 107 lxi sp,ServerxSTKTOP ;switch to rx process stack 108 mvi c,SET$PRIORITY |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #003 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 109 mvi e,RX$PRIORITY 110 call bdos 111 if not DEBUG 112 mvi c,DETACH 113 call bdos ;detach console 114 endif ; DEBUG 115 ret 116 117 bdosadr: 118 dw codeseg - 100h + 5 ;bdos entry pointer 119 else ; not RSP 120 ; in an rsp, this is filled in by GENSYS and the rx process is created 121 ; automatically 122 bdosadr: 123 0000 0000 dw 0000h 124 endif ; not RSP 125 126 page |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #004 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 127 128 ;________________________________________________________________________ 129 ;________________________________________________________________________ 130 ; ; 131 ; This is the network receiver server process module ; 132 ; ; 133 ; The receive server obtains a buffer from FreeBuff and gives it ; 134 ; to the transporter hardware for receive use. It then waits ; 135 ; for a message completion by calling the wf$rx$done routine ; 136 ; Once a return from that routine occurs, the receiver server ; 137 ; checks the slave number and sends a pointer to that message ; 138 ; buffer to the SLVSP support process corresponding to that ; 139 ; slave's server. Once the message pointer has been passed, the ; 140 ; process loops back for the next message and continues in this ; 141 ; fashion forever. ; 142 ; ; 143 ; At present, receive errors are considered to be the Slave's ; 144 ; problem since normal error recovery is allegedly handled by the ; 145 ; transporter firmware. Only error free messages are passed on, ; 146 ; the rest are ignored unless the error is the absence of a free ; 147 ; support process in which case a "NOT LOGGED IN" error is sent ; 148 ; by the receiver process to the offending slave. ; 149 ; ; 150 ; In order to prevent clobbering the transporter when it is busy ; 151 ; transmitting, the receiver must be synchronized with the ; 152 ; transmit server. In this implementation, this is handled by ; 153 ; an MX Queue. ; 154 ; ; 155 ;________________________________________________________________________ 156 ;________________________________________________________________________ 157 158 ; receiver server process descriptor (position dependent if RSP) 159 ServerxPD: 160 0002 0000 dw 0 ;link 161 0004 0040 db 0,RX$PRIORITY ;status,priority 162 0006 6400 dw $ + 94 ;stack pointer 163 0008 5365727665 db 'ServeRX ' ;name 164 0010 00FF db 0,0ffh ;console, memseg 165 0012 ds 82 ;reserved for MP/M use and stack 166 ServerxSTKTOP: 167 0064 9800 dw InitRX ;startup PC for process 168 169 ; User queue control block array used by this module for message queues. 170 ; Each element is 3 words long and is one UQCB followed by its message. 171 0006 = UQCBLEN equ 6 ;constant used to index array 172 0004 = XQCBMSG equ 4 ;subindex for message word 173 174 INUQCB: ;array name 175 0000 # ??xx set 0 176 rept NSLAVES 177 dw (inqcb$array + ??xx) ;;Q pointer, msg addr, message word 178 dw $+2 179 dw 0 180 ??xx set ??xx + INQCB$SIZE |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #005 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 181 endm 182 0066+AC04 DW (INQCB$ARRAY + ??XX) 183 0068+6A00 DW $+2 184 006A+0000 DW 0 185 006C+C604 DW (INQCB$ARRAY + ??XX) 186 006E+7000 DW $+2 187 0070+0000 DW 0 188 189 ; UQCB used by ServeRX to get free buffers from Q 190 0072 1E057600 gbuf$uqcb: dw buffQCB,newbuff 191 0076 0000 newbuff: dw 0 ;message is a free buffer ptr from pool 192 193 ; UQCB used by ServeRX to get transporter from MX Q 194 0078 A8087C00 omnirx$uqcb: dw omniQ,rx$mx$msg 195 007C 0000 rx$mx$msg: dw 0 196 197 ; UQCB used by ServeRX to send error messages to outQ 198 007E E0048200 err$out$uqcb: dw outQCB,err$out$msg ;pointer, msgadr 199 0082 err$out$msg: ds 2 ;used to send error messages 200 201 ; receiver transporter control block 202 0084 F0 rxtcb: db 0f0h ;post read command 203 0085 00 db 0 ;result hi (always 0) 204 rxrsltp: 205 0086 0000 db 0,0 ;result middle and low (NOT 8080 order) 206 0088 A0 db OMNI$SOCKET ;transporter message socket code 207 0089 00 db 0 ;data pointer high (always 0) 208 008A 0000 db 0,0 ;data pointer middle, low 209 008C 01 db BUFFSIZE/256 ;data max length hi 210 008D 18 db BUFFSIZE and 255 ;data max length lo 211 008E 0000 db 0,0 ;ctrl lgth (0 for now), host (not used) 212 213 0090 0000000000rxrslt: db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;result block for rx 214 215 ;________________________________________________________________________ 216 ; ; 217 ; Receiver server process initialization entry point ; 218 ; (initializes all of module) ; 219 ;________________________________________________________________________ 220 0098 CDCD08 InitRX: call omni$init ;init hardware & get ID code from its switches 221 009B 32FB02 sta configtbl+1 ; store ID in config table as master ID 222 ; 223 009E 0E86 mvi c,MAKEQ ;create the free buffer Q 224 00A0 111E05 lxi d,buffQCB 225 00A3 CDA408 call bdos 226 ; 227 00A6 11AC04 lxi d,inqcb$array 228 00A9 0E02 mvi c,NSLAVES ;create input Qs (1/slave supported) 229 make$inQs: 230 00AB D5 push d 231 00AC C5 push b 232 00AD 0E86 mvi c,MAKEQ 233 00AF CDA408 call bdos 234 00B2 C1 pop b |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #006 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 235 00B3 D1 pop d 236 00B4 211A00 lxi h,INQCB$SIZE 237 00B7 19 dad d 238 00B8 EB xchg 239 00B9 0D dcr c 240 00BA C2AB00 jnz make$inQs 241 ; 242 00BD 11E004 lxi d,outQCB ;create the output Queue (only 1) 243 00C0 0E86 mvi c,MAKEQ 244 00C2 CDA408 call bdos 245 ; 246 00C5 11B901 lxi d,ServetxPD ;create the network output process 247 00C8 0E90 mvi c,CREATEP 248 00CA CDA408 call bdos 249 ; 250 00CD 0E9A mvi c,SYDATAD ;get system data page address 251 00CF CDA408 call bdos 252 00D2 110900 lxi d,9 253 00D5 19 dad d ;install config table address at sysdat(9) 254 00D6 11FA02 lxi d,configtbl 255 00D9 73 mov m,e 256 00DA 23 inx h 257 00DB 72 mov m,d 258 ; 259 00DC 219000 lxi h,rxrslt ;initialize transporter command block result 260 00DF 55 mov d,l ;field to point to receive result block 261 00E0 5C mov e,h ; (done at run time because of reversed byte 262 00E1 EB xchg ; order used by CORVUS.) 263 00E2 228600 shld rxrsltp 264 265 266 ; Receiver server process loop head 267 00E5 0E89 RXloop: mvi c,READQ 268 00E7 117200 lxi d,gbuf$uqcb 269 00EA CDA408 call bdos ;get a free message buffer from Q 270 ; 271 RXretry: 272 00ED 2A7600 lhld newbuff 273 00F0 5C mov e,h 274 00F1 55 mov d,l 275 00F2 EB xchg ;swap bytes for CORVUS command block 276 00F3 228A00 shld rxtcb+6 ;put buffer address pointer in rx tcb 277 ; 278 00F6 117800 lxi d,omnirx$uqcb ;read MX message from OMNINET HARDWARE MX Q 279 00F9 0E89 mvi c,READQ 280 00FB CDA408 call bdos 281 ; 282 00FE 018400 lxi b,rxtcb ;send TCB pointer to hardware 283 0101 CDF508 call omni$strobe 284 ; 285 0104 F5 push psw ;return MX message 286 0105 117800 lxi d,omnirx$uqcb 287 0108 0E8B mvi c,WRITEQ 288 010A CDA408 call bdos |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #007 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 289 010D F1 pop psw ;restore return code from omni$strobe routine 290 ; 291 010E DAED00 jc RXretry ;no choice except to retry if not accepted 292 ; 293 0111 019000 lxi b,rxrslt ;wait for a completion from hardware 294 0114 CD2309 call wfrxdone 295 0117 E680 ani 80h ;if error on message, re-post buffer 296 0119 C2ED00 jnz RXretry 297 ; 298 ; buffer contains a valid message at this point, so process it 299 011C 2A7600 lhld newbuff ;get FMT to A 300 011F 7E mov a,m 301 0120 23 inx h ;get SID to C 302 0121 23 inx h 303 0122 4E mov c,m 304 ; 305 0123 E6FE ani 0feh ;look for login/logoff messages 306 0125 C24601 jnz RXl2 ;message type 0 or 1? 307 0128 23 inx h ;yes, check FNC 308 0129 7E mov a,m 309 012A FE40 cpi 40h ;login? 310 012C C23801 jnz RXl1 ;not login, go on 311 012F CDA301 call logiton ;ELSE try to find a free SLVSP in table 312 0132 C26C01 jnz RXl3 ;found one (or already logged in), go on 313 0135 C34C01 jmp RX$send$err ;sorry,no free processes, go advise slave 314 ; 315 0138 FE41 RXl1: cpi 41h ;logoff? 316 013A C24601 jnz RXl2 ;not logoff, go on 317 013D CD9A01 call logitoff ;ELSE try to remove that slave from table 318 0140 C26C01 jnz RXl3 ;if successful, go on 319 0143 C34C01 jmp RX$send$err ;otherwise go tell slave it wasn't logged in 320 ; 321 0146 CD8001 RXl2: call get$slvsp ;not login/logoff so get slvsp msg address 322 0149 C26C01 jnz RXl3 ; for that slave if it is logged in and go 323 ; send message to its Q else fall through 324 ; 325 ; this code sends a "NOT LOGGED IN" error message back to requester 326 RX$send$err: 327 014C 2A7600 lhld newbuff ;build an error message in the same buffer 328 014F 228200 shld err$out$msg 329 0152 3601 mvi m,1 ;FMT=1 330 0154 23 inx h 331 0155 7E mov a,m ;swap DID and SID 332 0156 23 inx h 333 0157 46 mov b,m 334 0158 77 mov m,a 335 0159 2B dcx h 336 015A 70 mov m,b 337 015B 23 inx h ;leave FNC field alone 338 015C 23 inx h 339 015D 23 inx h 340 015E 3601 mvi m,1 ;SIZ=1 341 0160 23 inx h 342 0161 36FF mvi m,0ffh ;message = 0FFH (extended error flag) |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #008 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 343 0163 23 inx h 344 0164 360C mvi m,12 ;"NOT LOGGED IN" code 345 0166 117E00 lxi d,err$out$uqcb ;post to network transmitter process 346 0169 C37801 jmp rxl4 ;using common write Q code 347 ; 348 ; this code sends the message address to the appropriate SLVSP Q 349 016C 2A7600 RXl3: lhld newbuff ;DE--> msg field of correct UQCB here 350 016F EB xchg ;put message ptr in UQCB message field 351 0170 73 mov m,e 352 0171 23 inx h 353 0172 72 mov m,d 354 0173 11FBFF lxi d,-(XQCBMSG + 1);index back to UQCB base address 355 0176 19 dad d 356 0177 EB xchg 357 ; 358 0178 0E8B rxl4: mvi c,WRITEQ 359 017A CDA408 call bdos ;send it to Queue 360 017D C3E500 jmp RXloop ;go back and get another buffer and continue 361 362 363 ; routine dynamically maps physical slave number passed in C 364 ; to a slave support process and returns its INUQCB message buffer addr 365 ; in DE and A = 0 with flags set if no room or not found, else NZ 366 get$slvsp: 367 0180 79 mov a,c ;A= requester ID 368 0181 0602 mvi b,NSLAVES ;set up for table search 369 0183 21B301 lxi h,idtbl 370 find$match: ;search till match or table end 371 0186 BE cmp m 372 0187 C29101 jnz not$match ; goto not$match if not this one 373 018A 23 inx h ;else match found, get ptr to SLVSP message 374 018B 5E mov e,m 375 018C 23 inx h 376 018D 56 mov d,m ;its slvsp msg addr 377 018E 37 stc 378 018F 9F sbb a 379 0190 C9 ret ;and return TRUE in A to caller 380 not$match: 381 0191 23 inx h ;no match, skip to next entry 382 0192 23 inx h 383 0193 23 inx h 384 0194 05 dcr b ;any more entries? 385 0195 C28601 jnz find$match ;loop back until all searched 386 0198 AF xra a ;else return failure (A=00) 387 0199 C9 ret 388 389 390 ; removes entry (C=SID) from map table (but still returns msg ptr) 391 logitoff: 392 019A CD8001 call get$slvsp 393 019D C8 rz ;not in table, just exit 394 019E 2B dcx h ;else mark entry as free and then exit 395 019F 2B dcx h 396 01A0 36FF mvi m,0ffh |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #009 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 397 01A2 C9 ret 398 399 ; installs entry (C=SID) in first free entry of map table and returns 400 ; msg address. RETURNS A=0 if no space, else non-zero. 401 logiton: 402 01A3 CD8001 call get$slvsp ;see if already in table 403 01A6 C0 rnz ;if so, just use old entry 404 01A7 C5 push b ;else look for a free entry (CODE=FF) 405 01A8 0EFF mvi c,0ffh 406 01AA CD8001 call get$slvsp 407 01AD C1 pop b 408 01AE C8 rz ;no free entries, exit 409 01AF 2B dcx h ;else enter SID in table and return success 410 01B0 2B dcx h 411 01B1 71 mov m,c 412 01B2 C9 ret ;PSW is still correct from search 413 414 ; Slave mapping table has one entry per SLVSP. First byte = SID 415 ; of the requester currently using SLVSP (0ffh if none). Next word is 416 ; the address of the message field of that SLVSP's input UQCB. 417 idtbl: 418 0000 # ??xx set 0 419 rept NSLAVES 420 db 0ffh 421 dw (INUQCB + XQCBMSG + ??xx) 422 ??xx set ??xx + UQCBLEN 423 endm 424 01B3+FF DB 0FFH 425 01B4+6A00 DW (INUQCB + XQCBMSG + ??XX) 426 01B6+FF DB 0FFH 427 01B7+7000 DW (INUQCB + XQCBMSG + ??XX) 428 429 page |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #010 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 430 431 ;________________________________________________________________________ 432 ;________________________________________________________________________ 433 ; ; 434 ; This is the network transmitter server process module. ; 435 ; NOTE THAT THE OMNINET TRANSPORTER MUST NOT BE DISTURBED ONCE ; 436 ; A TRANSMIT HAS BEEN POSTED UNTIL IT RETURNS A COMPLETION. ; 437 ; An MX Queue is used in this version to protect the transporter ; 438 ; from other processes. ; 439 ; ; 440 ; This process reads a message from the SLVSP output Q and when ; 441 ; awakened by one posts that buffer for transmission via the ; 442 ; transporter to the requester. This process then waits until ; 443 ; the transporter reports a completion as determined by the ; 444 ; wf$txdone routine. The buffer pointer from that message is ; 445 ; then sent back to the FreeBuff Q and the process loops back for ; 446 ; another message from the SLVSP output Q. Transmitter errors ; 447 ; are considered the Transporter's problem and are ignored here. ; 448 ;________________________________________________________________________ 449 ;________________________________________________________________________ 450 ; Transmitter server process descriptor 451 ServetxPD: 452 01B9 0000 dw 0 ;link 453 01BB 003F db 0,TX$PRIORITY ;status,priority 454 01BD 1B02 dw $ + 94 ;stack pointer 455 01BF 5365727665 db 'ServeTX ' ;name 456 01C7 00FF db 0,0ffh ;console, memseg 457 01C9 ds 82 ;reserved for MP/M use and as stack 458 021B 4302 dw InitTX ;stack top has startup PC 459 460 ; There is only one output queue (SLVSP --> NTWRKIF) 461 OUTUQCB: 462 021D E0042102 UQCBNtwrkQO0: dw outQCB,outQMSG ;pointer, msgadr 463 0221 outQMSG: ds 2 ;used to receive msg pointer from SLVSP 464 465 ; used by ServeTX to return them to Q when done (used at init also) 466 0223 1E052702 pbuf$uqcb: dw buffQCB,oldbuff 467 0227 0000 oldbuff: dw 0 ;msg is a freed buff ptr back to pool 468 469 ; UQCB used by ServeTX to get transporter from MX Q 470 0229 A8082D02 omnitx$uqcb: dw omniQ,tx$mx$msg 471 022D 0000 tx$mx$msg: dw 0 472 473 ; transmitter transporter control block 474 022F 40 txtcb: db 40h ;command 475 0230 00 db 0 ;result hi 476 txrsltp: 477 0231 0000 db 0,0 ;result middle and low 478 0233 A0 db OMNI$SOCKET ;transporter message socket code 479 0234 000000 db 0,0,0 ;data ptr (MSB,SB,LSB) 480 0237 0000 db 0,0 ;length (MSB,LSB) 481 0239 00 db 0 ;control length 482 023A 00 db 0 ;dest host 483 |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #011 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 484 023B 0000000000txrslt: db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;result block for tx 485 486 ;________________________________________________________________________ 487 ; ; 488 ; ServeTX initialization entry point ; 489 ;________________________________________________________________________ 490 InitTX: 491 0243 215C05 lxi h,msgbuffs ;preload the Free buffer Q with buffer ptrs 492 0246 0E03 mvi c,NMSG$BUFFS ;from start of buffer space 493 freeloop: 494 0248 222702 shld oldbuff 495 024B E5 push h 496 024C C5 push b 497 024D 0E8B mvi c,WRITEQ 498 024F 112302 lxi d,pbuf$uqcb 499 0252 CDA408 call bdos 500 0255 C1 pop b 501 0256 E1 pop h 502 0257 111801 lxi d,BUFFSIZE 503 025A 19 dad d 504 025B 0D dcr c 505 025C C24802 jnz freeloop 506 ; 507 025F 213B02 lxi h,txrslt ;initialize TX Transporter Command Block 508 0262 5C mov e,h ;to point to TX Result Block 509 0263 55 mov d,l 510 0264 EB xchg 511 0265 223102 shld txrsltp 512 513 ; ServeTX process loop 514 TXloop: 515 0268 0E89 mvi c,READQ ;wait for a message in network output Q 516 026A 111D02 lxi d,outuqcb 517 026D CDA408 call bdos 518 ; 519 0270 2A2102 lhld outQMSG 520 0273 5C mov e,h 521 0274 55 mov d,l ;put message buffer address in TX TCB 522 0275 EB xchg ;(NOTE, NOT (8080 byte order) 523 0276 223502 shld txtcb+6 524 ; 525 0279 13 inx d 526 027A 1A ldax d ;set transport layer destination addr=DID 527 027B 323A02 sta txtcb + 11 528 ; 529 027E 210300 lxi h,3 530 0281 19 dad d ;calculate physical message length 531 0282 6E mov l,m ;from SIZ field 532 0283 2600 mvi h,0 533 0285 110600 lxi d,6 ;put in TCB length field 534 0288 19 dad d 535 0289 55 mov d,l 536 028A 5C mov e,h 537 028B EB xchg |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #012 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 538 028C 223702 shld txtcb+8 539 ; 540 028F 112902 lxi d,omnitx$uqcb ;get transporter hardware MX message 541 0292 0E89 mvi c,READQ 542 0294 CDA408 call bdos 543 ; 544 TXretry: 545 0297 012F02 lxi b,txtcb ;send TCB pointer to hardware 546 029A CDF508 call omni$strobe ;if can't, not much else to do but try again 547 029D DA9702 jc TXretry ; (ALTHOUGH THIS IS A FATAL HARDWARE ERROR) 548 ; 549 02A0 013B02 lxi b,txrslt ;wait for transmit completion 550 02A3 CD3409 call wftxdone ;ignore errors here as no recovery possible 551 ; 552 02A6 112902 lxi d,omnitx$uqcb 553 02A9 0E8B mvi c,WRITEQ 554 02AB CDA408 call bdos ;release MX msg 555 ; 556 02AE 2A2102 lhld outQMSG ;send the buffer back to FREEBUFF Q 557 02B1 222702 shld oldbuff 558 02B4 0E8B mvi c,WRITEQ 559 02B6 112302 lxi d,pbuf$uqcb 560 02B9 CDA408 call bdos 561 ; 562 02BC C36802 jmp txloop ;and go back and do it all with next msg 563 564 565 page |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #013 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 566 567 02BF 4E5457524Bcnote: db 'NTWRKIF (c)1982 VANO ASSOCIATES, INC. - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED' 568 ;________________________________________________________________________ 569 ;________________________________________________________________________ 570 ; ; 571 ; GLOBAL Master Configuration Table and storage ; 572 ; (address must be installed on SysData page(9,10) at init.) ; 573 ;________________________________________________________________________ 574 ;________________________________________________________________________ 575 configtbl: 576 02FA 00 db 0 ;Master status byte 577 02FB 00 db 0 ;Master processor ID 578 02FC 02 db NSLAVES ;Maximum number of slaves supported 579 02FD 00 db 0 ;Number of logged in slaves 580 02FE 0000 dw 0 ;16 bit vector of logged in slaves 581 0300 ds 16 ;Slave processor ID array 582 0310 5041535357 db 'PASSWORD' ;login password 583 584 ; builds Server stacks and initializes them with PD storage pointers 585 0000 # ??xx set 0 586 rept NSLAVES 587 ds SRVR$STK$SIZ - 2 588 dw srvr$pd$base + ??xx 589 ??xx set ??xx + SRVR$PD$SIZ 590 endm 591 0318+ DS SRVR$STK$SIZ - 2 592 03AC+4404 DW SRVR$PD$BASE + ??XX 593 03AE+ DS SRVR$STK$SIZ - 2 594 0442+7804 DW SRVR$PD$BASE + ??XX 595 596 ; allocates PD storage 597 srvr$pd$base: 598 0444 ds NSLAVES * SRVR$PD$SIZ 599 600 ;________________________________________________________________________ 601 ;________________________________________________________________________ 602 ; ; 603 ; INTERPROCESS QUEUES (both local and global) and COMMON data ; 604 ;________________________________________________________________________ 605 ;________________________________________________________________________ 606 607 ; ServeRX --> SLVSP message queues (INPUT), 1/slave support proc. 608 001A = INQCB$SIZE equ 26 ;constant used for index calculation 609 inqcb$array: ;ARRAY BASE NAME 610 ; 611 ; generate INQCBs as required 612 0030 # ??xx set '0' 613 rept NSLAVES 614 ds 2 ;;link 615 db 4eh,74h,77h,72h ;;common name is NTwrkQI 616 db 6bh,51h,49h ;;(macro can't do lower case) 617 db ??xx ;;slave ID 618 dw 2,1 ;;msglen, nmbmsgs 619 ds 12 ;;MP/M pointers and buffers |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #014 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 620 ??xx set ??xx + 1 621 if (??xx EQ ('9'+1)) 622 ??xx set ??xx + 7 623 endif 624 endm 625 04AC+ DS 2 626 04AE+4E747772 DB 4EH,74H,77H,72H 627 04B2+6B5149 DB 6BH,51H,49H 628 04B5+30 DB ??XX 629 04B6+02000100 DW 2,1 630 04BA+ DS 12 631 04C6+ DS 2 632 04C8+4E747772 DB 4EH,74H,77H,72H 633 04CC+6B5149 DB 6BH,51H,49H 634 04CF+31 DB ??XX 635 04D0+02000100 DW 2,1 636 04D4+ DS 12 637 638 ; SLVSP --> NETWRKIF queue (OUTPUT) 639 04E0 outQCB: ds 2 ;link 640 04E2 4E7477726B db 'NtwrkQO0' ;name 641 04EA 02001000 dw 2,16 ;msglen, nmbmsgs 642 04EE ds 48 ;Used by MP/M 643 644 ; free buffer list management queue 645 buffQCB: 646 051E ds 2 ;link 647 0520 4672656542 db 'FreeBuff' ;name 648 0528 02001000 dw 2,16 ;msglen, nmbmsgs 649 052C ds 48 ;reserved for MP/M 650 651 652 ; global message buffer pool 653 055C msgbuffs: ds NMSG$BUFFS * BUFFSIZE 654 655 ; Utility Procedure to allow indirect BDOS/XDOS access as needed by RSP 656 08A4 2A0000 bdos: lhld bdosadr 657 08A7 E9 pchl 658 659 page |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #015 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 660 661 ;________________________________________________________________________ 662 ;________________________________________________________________________ 663 ; ; 664 ; low level omninet support routines ; 665 ;________________________________________________________________________ 666 ;________________________________________________________________________ 667 668 ; Transporter mutual exclusion QUEUE 669 08A8 omniQ: ds 2 670 08AA 4D586F6D6E db 'MXomniQ ' 671 08B2 00000100 dw 0,1 ;msglen, nmsgs 672 08B6 ds 12 ;dqph,nqph,msgin,msgout,msgcnt,buff 673 674 ; UQCB used by omni$init to load MX Q 675 08C2 A808C608 omni$init$uqcb: dw omniQ,init$mx$msg 676 08C6 0000 init$mx$msg: dw 0 677 678 679 ; Initialization transporter control block 680 inittcb: 681 08C8 20 db 20h ;command 682 08C9 00 db 0 ;result hi 683 initrsltp: 684 08CA 0000 db 0,0 ;result middle and low 685 ; 686 initrslt: 687 08CC 00 db 0 ;result block for init 688 689 690 ; initializes transporter hardware and return its network ID code in A 691 omni$init: 692 08CD 11A808 lxi d,omniQ 693 08D0 0E86 mvi c,MAKEQ 694 08D2 CDA408 call bdos ;create hardware MX Q 695 08D5 11C208 lxi d,omni$init$uqcb ;send it one message 696 08D8 0E8B mvi c,WRITEQ 697 08DA CDA408 call bdos 698 if INTERRUPT 699 call int$init ;(optional) setup interrupt system 700 endif 701 08DD 21CC08 lxi h,initrslt ;install result block pointer in initialization 702 08E0 55 mov d,l ;TCB 703 08E1 5C mov e,h ;NOTE: NOT 8080 order, MSB,LSB 704 08E2 EB xchg 705 08E3 22CA08 shld initrsltp 706 ; 707 08E6 01C808 lxi b,inittcb ;post initialization command block to 708 08E9 CDF508 call omnistrobe ;hardware 709 08EC D8 rc ;cy=1 means can't talk to hardware 710 ; 711 08ED 01CC08 lxi b,initrslt ;wait for a completion from operation 712 08F0 CD2309 call omni$wfdone 713 08F3 B7 ora a |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #016 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 714 08F4 C9 ret ;return ID/result code to caller with flags set 715 716 717 ; sends the command block pointer in BC to transporter hardware 718 omni$strobe: 719 08F5 210200 lxi h,2 ;first preset result code byte in 720 08F8 09 dad b ;result block TCB result field --> to 0ffh 721 08F9 7E mov a,m 722 08FA 23 inx h 723 08FB 6E mov l,m 724 08FC 67 mov h,a 725 08FD 36FF mvi m,0ffh 726 ; 727 08FF AF xra a ;send bits 23-16 of ptr to hardware (always 0) 728 0900 CD0A09 call omni$st 729 0903 D8 rc ;carry means can't talk to hardware 730 ; 731 0904 78 mov a,b ;send bits 15-8 of ptr to hardware 732 0905 CD0A09 call omni$st 733 0908 D8 rc 734 ; 735 0909 79 mov a,c ;send bits 7-0 of ptr to hardware 736 ;fall into omni$st to send last byte 737 738 ; called by omni$strobe to send one byte to transporter when ready 739 ; (waits a reasonable time for transporter to come ready and if 740 ; it doesn't, returns with carry set; this is a fatal error) returns 741 ; cy=0 if succeeds 742 omni$st: 743 090A F5 push psw ;save data for now 744 090B 1150C3 lxi d,50000 ;set timeout 745 omni$st0: 746 090E DBF9 in OMNI$STAT ;see if transporter will accept byte 747 0910 E610 ani OMNI$RDY 748 0912 CA1A09 jz omni$st1 ;if busy, go decrement timeout and retry 749 0915 F1 pop psw ;else output the byte and return with CY=0 750 0916 D3F8 out OMNI$DATA 751 0918 B7 ora a 752 0919 C9 ret 753 omni$st1: 754 091A 1B dcx d ;loop back if not timeout yet 755 091B 7B mov a,e 756 091C B2 ora d 757 091D C20E09 jnz omni$st0 758 0920 F1 pop psw 759 0921 37 stc 760 0922 C9 ret ;else return CY=1 as error flag 761 762 763 ; routine waits for a completion to occur on the result block 764 ; pointed to by BC. This routine is used by the initialization 765 ; and receiver processes. If there is no interrupt hardware in 766 ; the system, ONLY ONE MESSAGE CAN BE RECEIVED PER CLOCK TICK of 767 ; the system clock. This will considerably reduce server throughput |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #017 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 768 ; in most systems. 769 omni$wfdone: 770 wfrxdone: 771 0923 0A ldax b ;all completion codes are < 0f0h 772 0924 FEF0 cpi 0f0h ;see if already done before suspending caller 773 0926 D8 rc ;yes, return immediately 774 ; else suspend caller until a completion occurs 775 0927 C5 push b 776 if INTERRUPT 777 lxi d,OMNI$FLAG ;wait for ISR to set flag 778 mvi c,FLAGWAITF 779 call bdos 780 else 781 0928 110100 lxi d,1 ;if no ISR, poll result block once/tick 782 092B 0E8D mvi c,DELAY 783 092D CDA408 call bdos 784 endif 785 0930 C1 pop b 786 0931 C32309 jmp omni$wfdone 787 788 ; As above but instead polls continually to give transmitter priority 789 ; since transmitter usually unloads messages in less time than MP/M 790 ; dispatch overhead, it is not worth suspending it. 791 ; A timeout routine is included to avoid locking up system if hardware 792 ; fails so diagnosing the problem is possible with RDT. 793 wftxdone: 794 0934 1150C3 lxi d,50000 ;initialize hardware fail timeout 795 0937 0A wftxd0: ldax b ;done yet? 796 0938 FEF0 cpi 0f0h 797 093A 3F cmc ;set up carry properly in case of return 798 093B D0 rnc ;yes, return to caller with result in A, CY=0 799 093C 1B wftxd1: dcx d ;if not timeout, loop back 800 093D 7B mov a,e 801 093E B2 ora d 802 093F C23709 jnz wftxd0 803 0942 37 stc 804 0943 C9 ret ;else return to caller with CY=1 as error flag 805 806 page |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #018 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 807 808 if INTERRUPT 809 ; 810 ; Since the CORVUS "ENGINEERING" transporter has no interrupt hardware 811 ; associated with it, the details of the interrupt initialization and 812 ; service routines will vary from system to system. The skeleton of 813 ; our code is provided here as a guide to understanding what is needed. 814 ; 815 ; Routine initializes interrupt hardware and attaches ISR to XIOS 816 ; at run-time (in somewhat bizarre fashion.) It would be better 817 ; to make your ISR a permanent part of your XIOS since if not 818 ; used it does no harm to the system. 819 int$init: 820 di 821 mvi a,(jmp) ;build jump in vector 822 sta (INT$VCTR) 823 lxi h,omni$isr 824 shld (INT$VCTR + 1) ;install new isr 825 out OMNI$ACK ;clear interrupt latch 826 mvi a,OMNI$ENABLE ;unmask transporter interrupt 827 out OMNI$MASK 828 ; this code does an extremely Klugey run-time linkage to needed XIOS routines 829 lhld 1 ;find CBOOT in MPM-II BIOS simulation table 830 mvi l,1 831 mov e,m 832 inx h 833 mov d,m 834 push d ;save to find exit$reg. 835 ; 836 xchg ;need to go one more level to find real entry 837 inx h 838 mov e,m 839 inx h 840 mov d,m ;this is address of real CBOOT entry in XIOS 841 ; 842 lxi h,9 ;calculate PDISP entry from CBOOT address 843 dad d 844 shld pdisp ;and save it in local vector 845 ; 846 lxi d,3 ;XDOS address is 3 bytes above PDISP 847 dad d 848 shld xd$adr ;save it in a local vector 849 ; 850 pop h ;get XIOS branch table address back 851 mvi l,40h ;calculate address of EXIT$REGION entry 852 mov e,m 853 inx h 854 mov d,m 855 xchg 856 shld exit$region ;save it for later use in pre-empt routine 857 ei 858 ret 859 860 ; omninet isr sets the appropriate XDOS flag and causes a dispatch |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #019 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 861 omni$isr: 862 shld svhl 863 pop h 864 push psw ;save PSW and HL 865 shld svret ;save return address 866 lxi h,0 ;swap stacks 867 dad sp 868 shld svstk 869 lxi sp,isr$stk 870 push d ;save the other registers on new stack 871 push b 872 ; 873 out OMNI$ACK ;clear interrupt latch 874 ; 875 lhld exit$region ; do a PRE-EMPT by patching a RET into table 876 mov a,m ; (Very KLUGEY but there's no other way.) 877 push psw ; save what was in XIOS branch table entry 878 push h ; and put a RET there to prevent XDOS from 879 mvi m,(RET) ; re-enabling interrupts 880 ; 881 mvi c,FLAGSETF ;call XDOS to set isr flag 882 mvi e,OMNI$FLAG 883 call xdos 884 ; 885 pop h 886 pop psw 887 mov m,a ;restore XIOS table entry 888 ; 889 pop b ;pop interrupted registers 890 pop d 891 lhld svstk ;restore interrupted stack 892 sphl ;restore other regs. and exit 893 pop psw 894 lhld svret 895 push h 896 lhld svhl 897 db (JMP) ; via dispatcher 898 pdisp: dw 0 ;(link to dispatcher) 899 900 xdos: db (JMP) ;special XDOS entry 901 xd$adr: dw 0 ;for ISR use 902 903 ; ISR data areas 904 exit$region: 905 dw 0 ;address of XDOS critical region exit routine 906 ds 64 ;isr stack space 907 isr$stk: 908 svhl: dw 0 ;temporary reg storage 909 svret: dw 0 910 svstk: dw 0 ;careful, make sure all of .RSP is reserved 911 912 endif ; of if INTERRUPT 913 914 0944 end |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #020 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 BDOS 08A4 110 113 225 233 244 248 251 269 280 288 359 499 517 542 554 560 656# 694 697 779 783 BDOSADR 0000 117# 122# 656 BUFFQCB 051E 190 224 466 645# BUFFSIZE 0118 62# 209 210 502 653 CNOTE 02BF 567# CODESEG 0000 104# 118 CONFIGTBL 02FA 221 254 575# CR 000D 100# CREATEP 0090 94# 247 DEBUG 0000 54# 111 DELAY 008D 92# 782 DETACH 0093 96# 112 DSPTCH 008E 93# ERROUTMSG 0082 198 199# 328 ERROUTUQCB 007E 198# 345 FINDMATCH 0186 370# 385 FLAGSETF 0085 88# 881 FLAGWAITF 0084 87# 778 FREELOOP 0248 493# 505 GBUFUQCB 0072 190# 268 GETSLVSP 0180 321 366# 392 402 406 IDTBL 01B3 369 417# INITMXMSG 08C6 675 676# INITRSLT 08CC 686# 701 711 INITRSLTP 08CA 683# 705 INITRX 0098 167 220# INITTCB 08C8 680# 707 INITTX 0243 458 490# INQCBARRAY 04AC 177 182 185 227 609# INQCBSIZE 001A 180 236 608# INTERRUPT 0000 56# 698 776 808 INTVCTR 0038 72# 822 824 INUQCB 0066 174# 421 425 427 LF 000A 101# LOGITOFF 019A 317 391# LOGITON 01A3 311 401# MAKEINQS 00AB 229# 240 MAKEQ 0086 89# 223 232 243 693 MSGBUFFS 055C 491 653# NEWBUFF 0076 190 191# 272 299 327 349 NMSGBUFFS 0003 63# 492 653 NO 0000 51# 54 56 NOTMATCH 0191 372 380# NSLAVES 0002 59# 63 176 228 368 419 578 586 598 613 OLDBUFF 0227 466 467# 494 557 OMNIACK 00FA 79# 825 873 OMNIBASE 00F8 68# 75 76 79 80 OMNIDATA 00F8 75# 750 OMNIDISABLE 0000 83# OMNIENABLE 0001 82# 826 OMNIFLAG 0008 70# 777 882 OMNIINIT 08CD 220 691# |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #021 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 OMNIINITUQCB 08C2 675# 695 OMNIMASK 00FB 80# 827 OMNIPENDING 0001 81# OMNIQ 08A8 194 470 669# 675 692 OMNIRDY 0010 77# 747 OMNIRXUQCB 0078 194# 278 286 OMNISOCKET 00A0 69# 206 478 OMNIST 090A 728 732 742# OMNIST0 090E 745# 757 OMNIST1 091A 748 753# OMNISTAT 00F9 76# 746 OMNISTROBE 08F5 283 546 708 718# OMNITXUQCB 0229 470# 540 552 OMNIWFDONE 0923 712 769# 786 OUTQCB 04E0 198 242 462 639# OUTQMSG 0221 462 463# 519 556 OUTUQCB 021D 461# 516 PBUFUQCB 0223 466# 498 559 PRINTF 0009 86# READQ 0089 90# 267 279 515 541 RSP FFFF 55# 105 RSTNUM 0007 71# 72 RXL1 0138 310 315# RXL2 0146 306 316 321# RXL3 016C 312 318 322 349# RXL4 0178 346 358# RXLOOP 00E5 267# 360 RXMXMSG 007C 194 195# RXPRIORITY 0040 64# 109 161 RXRETRY 00ED 271# 291 296 RXRSLT 0090 213# 259 293 RXRSLTP 0086 204# 263 RXSENDERR 014C 313 319 326# RXTCB 0084 202# 276 282 SERVERXPD 0002 159# SERVERXSTKTOP 0064 107 166# SERVETXPD 01B9 246 451# SETPRIORITY 0091 95# 108 SRVRPDBASE 0444 588 592 594 597# SRVRPDSIZ 0034 61# 589 598 SRVRSTKSIZ 0096 60# 587 591 593 SYDATAD 009A 97# 250 TXLOOP 0268 514# 562 TXMXMSG 022D 470 471# TXPRIORITY 003F 65# 453 TXRETRY 0297 544# 547 TXRSLT 023B 484# 507 549 TXRSLTP 0231 476# 511 TXTCB 022F 474# 523 527 538 545 UQCBLEN 0006 171# 422 UQCBNTWRKQO0 021D 462# WFRXDONE 0923 294 770# WFTXD0 0937 795# 802 WFTXD1 093C 799# |
CP/M RMAC ASSEM 1.1 #022 SAMPLE SERVER NETWORK I/F FOR CORVUS OMNINET 20-OCT-82 WFTXDONE 0934 550 793# WRITEQ 008B 91# 287 358 497 553 558 696 XQCBMSG 0004 172# 354 421 425 427 YES FFFF 50# 51 55 |