produced on Windows XP (SP3)
with Cygwin Linux-like environment for Windows: Cygwin DLL release version 1.5.25-14
rxvt: VT102 terminal emulator for both X and Windows: release 20050409-7
libW11.dll: no versions information belongs to the X11 package: xorg-X11-base: release
This web page describes what you have to do to download and install the binaries for Windows
(without the cygwin environment).
if you want to support this
Open Source Project.
Download the following self extracting archive:
Put the self extracting archive in the directory where you want.
For new versions see the development directory and see there
Call yaze-ag-2.20.1-winbinaries.exe: You will ask for the drive/path where you want to install YAZE-AG. It's recommended to use "C:\". This will create the directory "C:\yaze-ag-2.20.1" and in this directory all files will be extracted.
The next ist to copy/move the link file YAZE-AG.lnk (in C:\yaze-ag-2.20.1)
to the desktop.
When you have extracted the files of the archive to "C:\yaze-ag-2.20.1"
the prosperities of that link are ok.
If you have extacted the files in another directory than you have
to edit the prosperities.
I put into the binary distribution the md5summ.exe programm (look It tests all files with the "MD5 message digest".
I have generated the file "yaze-ag.md5" which contents the MD5-message-digests of all files which are in the archive which you download/install. When you start md5summer.exe select "verify" and secondly select the MD5-file "yaze-ag.md5".
(Attention: If you have started yaze-ag, then some disk files will be changed. Md5summer tells an error for these files.)
You can start the emulator by two ways.
The first way ist to klick on the "YAZE-AG"-link which you copy/move from "C:\yaze-ag-2.20.1" to the desktop.
The second way is to start the z80 emulator with the batch file "yaze.bat".
(Do not start the binary yaze_bin.exe. It needs the parameter defined in the environment variable "CYGWIN" which is defined in yaze.bat.)
You find the whole documentation in the subdirectory .../doc_html/. Click the file "index.html" to load it into a web browser.
If it is necessary to edit the .yazerc you can use the metapad.exe which I add to the distribution and which can edit files in Unix format. (Please let the "Unix format" of the file otherwise yaze-ag cannot start!!!)
If you want to read the documentation of YAZE-AG-2.20 online, look here.
If you have read the documentation and you have an error or a question where you get no answer in the documentation, than you get my email address if you give the command "help yaze-ag support" if the emulator runs.
I put also the stty.exe and the neccesary libraries to the the binary distribution and also the manual page of stty. With stty you can make the settings for the serial lines.
Start a, go to "c:\yaze-ag-2.20.1" and give "more". Or read it in an editor or another viewer.
With "stty -F /dev/ttyS0 -a" you can print all settings of COM1.
15. June 2008
Andreas Gerlich
(University of Ulm, Germany)
( Last change June 15, 2008)