YAZE-AG - Yet Another Z80 Emulator by AG

(Donation for the development of this open source project)

If you want to donate software, services or hardware click on "Fingerprint" at the end of this page.

If you want to support this open source project by money over PayPal press the "Donate" button.
(You will be forwarded to PayPal.)


...in reverse chronological order:

29. August 2009

Andreas Gerlich

( Last change October 25, 2009)

kostenlose counter

crypted emails (with GnuPG) are welcome: Fingerprint: 6093 AFC3 40C6 920B A8F3 A9A5 1137 80FD 4E54 554C

(I will also answer not crypted emails but throw away spam!)

(Click on "Fingerprint" to do a search at a PGP-Keyserver to get my public GnuPG key.)