C128 CP/M System Files : "collection 2" by Burton Craddock

This page and the files available from here are mirrored from René van Belzen's CP/M pages on The Commodore 128 Page at Tripod. The only functional changes being to remove the links not associated with CP/M and I have fixed the broken external links.

This collection was created by Burton Craddock. The contents are either (C) Copyright Burton Craddock 2007 or are derivative or direct works of their various authors to which the respective Copyrights apply. It is provided in the hope that it will be interesting or useful or both, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In particular, Bill Buckels has no warranty obligations or liability resulting from its use in any way whatsoever.


These files are contained in .D64 disk files and should be copied as whole disk images to 5.25 inch diskettes. Only the cpm1d64 file is bootable for CP/M mode. The boot disk is enhanced with the faster ZP/M (Z80 coding, instead of 8080 coding). The original 8080 coded CP/M disk image may be downloaded as a gzipped file from:

Table of Contents

  1. CP/M Boot Disk
  2. CP/M Additional Utilities
  3. More CP/M Additional Utilities
  4. CP/M Assembler Utilities
  5. Microsoft BASIC-80

ZPMSYS.D64: ZP/M Boot Disk

file: cpm1d64.zip

size: 75.0 kB (zipped)

description: CP/M Plus based on Simeon Cran's fully compatible ZP/M system

File Listing


    Name     Bytes   Recs   Attributes
------------ ------ ------ ------------
CCP      COM     4k     25 Dir RW
CPM+     SYS    25k    196 Dir RW
DIR      COM    15k    114 Dir RW
FORMAT   COM     4k     30 Dir RW
HELP     COM     7k     56 Dir RW
HELP     HLP    83k    664 Dir RW
KEYFIG   COM    10k     75 Dir RW
KEYFIG   HLP     9k     72 Dir RW
PIP      COM     9k     68 Dir RW

CPMADD.D64: CP/M Additional Utilities

file: cpm2d64.zip

size: 77.8 kB (zipped)

description: some utilities to spice up your CP/M Plus

File Listing

For a full description of all the files, see the Commodore 128 System Guide


    Name     Bytes   Recs   Attributes
------------ ------ ------ ------------
DATE     COM     4k     25 Dir RW
DATEC    ASM     1k      5 Dir RW
DATEC    RSX     1k      3 Dir RW
DEVICE   COM     8k     58 Dir RW
DIR      COM    15k    114 Dir RW
DIRLBL   RSX     2k     12 Dir RW
DUMP     COM     1k      8 Dir RW
ED       COM    10k     73 Dir RW
ERASE    COM     4k     29 Dir RW
GENCOM   COM    15k    116 Dir RW
GET      COM     7k     51 Dir RW
INITDIR  COM    32k    250 Dir RW
PATCH    COM     3k     19 Dir RW
PIP      COM     9k     68 Dir RW
PUT      COM     7k     55 Dir RW
RENAME   COM     3k     23 Dir RW
SAVE     COM     2k     14 Dir RW
SET      COM    11k     81 Dir RW
SETDEF   COM     4k     32 Dir RW
SHOW     COM     9k     66 Dir RW
SUBMIT   COM     6k     42 Dir RW
TYPE     COM     3k     24 Dir RW

CPMXTRA.D64: More CP/M Additional Utilities

file: cpm3d64.zip

size: 43.0 kB (zipped)

description: some useful utilities for C128 CP/M Plus

File Listing

Here is a brief description of all the files:


    Name     Bytes   Recs   Attributes
------------ ------ ------ ------------
JUGG     COM    15k    119 Dir RW
JUGG     DAT    21k    166 Dir RW
JUGG     DEF     1k      5 Dir RW
PMARC    COM    11k     81 Dir RW
PMEXT    COM    13k    101 Dir RW
RDCBM    COM    18k    139 Dir RW
SUPERZAP COM     8k     64 Dir RW

CPMASS.D64: CP/M Assembler Utilities

file: cpm4d64.zip

size: 84.9 kB (zipped)

description: many of the files on this disk are described on the CP/M Assembler Utilities Help Page.

File Listing

Here is a brief description of all the files:


    Name     Bytes   Recs   Attributes
------------ ------ ------ ------------
ASM      COM     8k     64 Dir RW
COPY     ASM     4k     30 Dir RW
DDT      COM     5k     38 Dir RW
DUMP     COM     1k      8 Dir RW
GENCOM   COM    15k    116 Dir RW
HEXCOM   COM     2k      9 Dir RW
HIST     UTL     2k     10 Dir RW
LIB      COM     7k     56 Dir RW
LINK     COM    16k    123 Dir RW
LOAD     COM     2k     14 Dir RW
MAC      COM    12k     92 Dir RW
PIP      COM     9k     68 Dir RW
RMAC     COM    14k    106 Dir RW
SAMPLE   ASM     1k      3 Dir RW
SAMPLE   SUB     1k      1 Dir RW
SID      COM     8k     62 Dir RW
SUBMIT   COM     6k     42 Dir RW
TRACE    UTL     2k     10 Dir RW
XREF     COM    16k    121 Dir RW
ZDE      COM    17k    132 Dir RW
ZSID     COM    11k     81 Dir RW

MBASIC1.D64, MBASIC2.D64: Microsoft BASIC-80

file: cpm5d64.zip

size: 185.0 kB (zipped)

description: MBASIC is one of the most popular BASIC dialects for the 8080 microprocessor, also referred to as BASIC-80


MBASIC came with a compiler. All this put together is so much that it wouldn't fit on one .D64 disk image, so I divided the files over two disk images. Both are contained in the ZIP-file, so you download both at the same time.

You will find the "BASIC-80 Reference Manual" on the Commercial CP/M Software site (http://deltasoft.fife.wa.us/c pm/index.html). I hope to complete the conversion of the scanned pages into an HTML text document soon, and will put them in my e-document section.

I got the files from several sources. First of all, the Commercial CP/M Software site (http://deltasoft.fife.wa.us/c pm/index.html), which--at the time--had a non-working BASIC compiler. The working version was graciously provided by Jack Cammell, who found it in one of his old disk boxes, which he hadn't opened for years, just like a little treasure-trove :-).

File Listing

Here is an (incomplete) description of the files on both disk images:

contents disk # 1:

    Name     Bytes   Recs   Attributes
------------ ------ ------ ------------
BASCOM   HLP    15k    117 Dir RW
BASCOM2  HLP    29k    229 Dir RW
BRUN     COM    16k    121 Dir RW
C128TERM BAS     3k     24 Dir RW
C128TERM COM     3k     19 Dir RW
C128TERM REL     3k     21 Dir RW
C128TERM SUB     1k      1 Dir RW
MBASIC   COM    24k    190 Dir RW
RANTEST  ASC     1k      5 Dir RW
RANTEST  BAS     1k      3 Dir RW
RANTEST  COM     2k     11 Dir RW
RANTEST  REL     1k      5 Dir RW
SAMPLE   BAS     1k      1 Dir RW
SAMPLE   COM     1k      5 Dir RW
SAMPLE   REL     1k      2 Dir RW
SAMPLE   SUB     1k      1 Dir RW
SUBMIT   COM     6k     42 Dir RW
TYPE-ME          1k      5 Dir RW
ZDE      COM    17k    132 Dir RW

contents disk # 2:

    Name     Bytes   Recs   Attributes
------------ ------ ------ ------------
BASCOM   COM    32k    256 Dir RW
BASLIB   REL    25k    195 Dir RW
BCLOAD           1k      1 Dir RW
BRUN     COM    16k    121 Dir RW
CREF80   COM     4k     31 Dir RW
L80      COM    11k     84 Dir RW
LIB80    COM     5k     37 Dir RW
M80      COM    20k    157 Dir RW
OBSLIB   REL    48k    378 Dir RW
SAMPLE   BAS     1k      1 Dir RW
SAMPLE   COM     1k      5 Dir RW
SAMPLE   REL     1k      2 Dir RW
TYPE-ME          2k      9 Dir RW
