Virtual disks of assorted TRS-80 software

This page contains Model 1, III, 4 and 4P software. Each virtual disk contains the program (or assortment of programs) on a data disk of the OS type required to run the program(s). All programs, unless otherwise noted, are unmodified and can be run on the emulators or transfered to a real floppy and run on a real TRS-80.


Model 1 Software

Prosoft's Allwrite!
Release 1.12
by Tesler Software Corp.

(The virtual disks are Model 1 TRSDOS 2.1 system disks)
(Program also works on Model III)

Model III Software

Voice Synthesizer

This disk contains

The VS100.DAT file required by the emulator for VS-100 voice synthesizer support.

Tandy's support disk for the VS-100 voice synthesizer.

(The virtual disk is a TRSDOS 1.3 data disk)

 ********* SCRIPSIT WORD PROCESSING -- VERSION 1.3.1 **********

                <O> Open a document
                <D> Display disk directory
                <S> System setup utility
                <P> Proofread a document
                <C> Compress a document
                <A> ASCII text conversion utility
                <E> Exit to SYSTEM

                What is your selection? _

Model III
Version 1.3.1

(The virtual disk is a TRSDOS 1.3 system disk)

 all rights reserved
 version 02.00.00

TRS-80 Pascal
Version 02.00.00

(The virtual disk is a TRSDOS 1.3 system disk)

Model 4 Software

HI-RES Graphics Utility Disk
for Model 4, TRSDOS & LS-DOS 6x.

This disk contains
GBASIC Enhanced BASIC for use with Micro-Labs hi-res graphic programs.
BASICG Enhanced BASIC for use with Radio Shack hi-res graphic programs.
TRSDRAW/BAS A BASICG drawing program that makes full use of the Radio Shack graphic board's capabilities.
MDRAW/BAS A GBASIC drawing program for the Micro-Labs graphic board that uses a mouse.
(Be sure to load EMOUSE2/CMD before running this program or the program will error when it tries to access the mouse driver. If this happens it also leaves the screen in hi-res mode so the screen will be blank and the system will appear to be locked up. Re-boot if this happens.)
REMBRANT/BAS Another BASICG drawing program for the Radio Shack graphic board.
Emulator mouse drivers.
Several other hi-res graphic saving, loading, editing and print utilities.

(The virtual disk is a TRSDOS 6.2 data disk)


M D R A W   I I   C O M M A N D S
MOUSE moves cursor; press requisite button while moving to set/clear a line.    
Within functions, left button generally sets; right button generally clears;    
middle button (or both buttons together on 2-button mouse) aborts. ARROWS alone 
or with [SHIFT] or [CLEAR] also move cursor, [SPACE] negates a point; within    
functions, it generally completes a command, CENTER] returns to defaults and    
aborts most functions. Hit [F1]for automatic set mode, [F3] for automatic       
clear mode, [F2] returns the cursor to the center of the screen,                

 [1-4] Select line width             [SHIFT-CLEAR] Clear the graphics screen    
  [A] Adjust mouse sensitivity            [O] Outprint to printer (HPPRINT/BAS) 
  [B] Box (set, clear, negate, jag)       [P] Rut a block (overlay, merge, test)
  [C] Circle (set, clear)                 [R] Reposition screen (ARROW/SHIFT)   
  [D] Disk access                         [S] Spray paint mode (toggled on/off) 
  [E] Erase (clear, set)                  [T] Text entry mode                   
  [F] Fill an area with a pattern         [U] Undo/Erase (clear, set)           
  [G] Get a block (SPACE, clear, set)     [V] View X,Y position (toggled on/off)
  [I] Invert the screen top/bottom        [W] Whoops (128k required)            
  [J] Jagged line mode (toggled on/off)   [X] Exit program to DOS               
  [L] Line (set, clear, negate, jag)      [Z] Zoom (detail) mode                
  [M] Mirror image of the screen          [@] Toggle screens (128k required)    
  [N] Negate (complement) screen          [?] This screen                       

Version 5.x
of Scott McBurney's MDRAW with various revisions and enhancements

This version has much better mouse support and lots of new functions.
This program runs under TRSDOS or LS-DOS 6x and requires GBASIC
(available in

(The virtual disk is a TRSDOS 6.2 data disk)

Version 2.4 by RSP Inc.

  • DBASE80.ZIP (67k) - This version has been modified to run under LS-DOS 6.3x.

Thanks to Rodolfo Muchela for sending these programs to me and for converting dBASE II to run under

(The virtual disks are, a CP/M system disk & a TRSDOS 6.2 data disk)

 ************** SCRIPSIT WORD PROCESSING -- VERSION 01.01.01 **************

                      <O> Open a document
                      <D> Display disk directory
                      <S> System setup utility
                      <P> Proofread a document
                      <C> Compress a document
                      <A> ASCII text conversion utility
                      <E> Exit to SYSTEM

                      What is your selection? _


(The virtual disks are TRSDOS 6.2 system disks)

 TRS-80 Pascal version 02.00.00 - Copyright 1983 Alcor Systems
 All rights reserved. Licensed to Tandy Corporation

TRS-80 Pascal
Version 02.00.00

(The virtual disk is a TRSDOS 6.2 data disk)

 Microsoft BASIC Compiler
 Version 5.35
 (C)Copyright Microsoft Corp 1984

Microsoft BASIC Compiler
Version 5.35

(The virtual disk is a TRSDOS 6.2 data disk)


Welcome to Adventure!! Would you like instructions?        

Somewhere nearby is colossal cave, where others have found 
fortunes in treasure and gold, though it is rumored that   
some who enter are never seen again. Magic is said to work 
in the cave. I will be your eyes and hands. Direct me with 
commands of 1 or 2 words. I should warn you that I look at 
only the first four letters of each word, so you'll have to
enter "northeast" as "ne" to distinguish it from "north",  
and "down" as "descend" or just "d" to distinguish it from 
"downstream". (Should you get stuck, type "help" for some  
general hints. For information on how to end your          
adventure, etc., type "info".)                             
    - - -                    

This is version A02, by Mike Goetz (NYACC) 4/23/80.         

Colossal Cave Adventure
CP/M - Version A02

(The virtual disk is a CP/M system disk)


Micro-Labs HI-RES Games
for Model 4 & RapiDOS.

This disk contains
Tournament Chess Chess program for Hi-res and standard Model 4 graphics
Matchplay Backgammon Backgammon program for Hi-res and standard Model 4 graphics
Tournament Reversi Reversi program for Hi-res and standard Model 4 graphics
Dog Catcher Action game for Hi-res Model 4 graphics
Surface Plot v1.2 Plotting program for Hi-res Model 4 graphics
These programs run only under RapiDOS on a Model 4
The Hi-Res versions require a Micro-Labs graphics board

(The virtual disk is a RapiDOS system disk)