Issue Contents: |
14 | Retirement Planning by Karl L. Townsend Models I/III/4/CC Computing a secure income. |
18 | Basic Computing interviews Peter Nero by Harry Avant For all readers He can make computer keys harmonize as well as a piano's |
22 | Financial ratio analysis by David P. Yon Models I/II/III/4/12/16 Measuring your business's financial position. |
36 | What is your real income? by David R. Pepple Models I/II/III/4/12/16 Using VisiCalc to find out. |
38 | Model 100 up- and downloading by Ben Firschein Model 100 Techniques to use with mainframes. |
42 | Probing Profile by Timothy K. Bowman Models III/4 Accessing Profile III+ files from BASIC. |
50 | The keystroke ballot box by Thomas Foulks For all readers Computerized balloting in Colorado. |
58 | A perzonalized calendar by Alan Mandell & Lyndon B. Mitchell Models I/III/4/CC Special Model 100 calendar Remember those special events. |
68 | General Ledger Software by Elizabeth McDonald Models II/12/16 A comparison of two sophisticated packages for large and not-so-large businesses. |
72 | Exploring VisiCalc by Timothy K. Bowman Models I/II/III/4/12/16 Setting printer format codes. |
74 | Files and foibles by Terry R. Dettmann For all models; Tracking physical and logical records. |
78 | Computer Ease by Mark E. Renne What is an operating system? |
80 | In the Chips by Spencer Hall Models I/III/4 Embedding machine code in BASIC. |
86 | Break-break by John E. Wright Models I/III/4 Getting the break key out of the way. |
88 | Yield 80 by George Kwascha Models I/II/III/4/12/16 What is a tax-free income worth to you? |
94 | BASIC bits by Thomas L. Quindry Models III/4 An UNKILL utility. |
98 | microMerlin Reviewed by Harry Avant |
98 | Tallymaster Reviewed by Jim Klaproth |
100 | TRS-80 Color BASIC and Extended BASIC System Reference Card Reviewed by Stephen G. Stone, III |
100 | VisiCalc for the TRS-80 Model I/III and Model II/16 Computers Reviewed by Timothy K. Bowman |
101 | Super Utility Plus 3.2 Reviewed by Jim Klaproth |
101 | Whirlybird Run Reviewed by Steve Skrzyniarz |
6 | Editorial By Cameron C. Brown |
8 | Notes, etc. By Cameron C. Brown |
12 | Letters to the editor By Cameron C. Brown |
84 | Tandy topics By Ed Juge |
96 | Bulletin Board |
103 | For immediate release
USR Password Compact Modem (US Robotics)
Spectrum Voice Pak for Color Computer (Spectrum Projects)
PMD-100 Model 100 Micro Drive (Holmes Engineering)
TableTech Wall-Mounted Workstation (Tumac Industries, Inc)
Softcon international conference (Northeast Expositions, Inc)
68K-BASIC (Trisoft)
Businesspak+ for Model 100 (Portable Computer Support Group)
Finger Print for Epson Printers (Dresselhaus Computer Products)
Supercord (Cord, Ltd)
Market Master (Management Services)
Profile III+ Add-ons (The Small Computer Company, Inc)
PortaCalc electronic spreadsheet for the Model 100 (Skyline Markteting)
Logic Analyzer (OmniLogic Inc)
Norcom TC-III replacement logic board for the Model I (Northern Technology)
Compu-Quote computerized inventory system for coin collectors (Compu-Quote)
Microsentry (Mobile Machines Corporation)
RM/COS Multi-User Accounting for the Model 16 (Ball Technical Services)
Plato's Cave (Krell Software Corporation)
Instrument Rental (Genstar Rental)
108 | Advertiser index |