Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 Revived Site

Basic Computing - Volume 6, Number 10


         Basic Computing - Volume 6, Number 10

Issue Information:

Name:Basic Computing
Issue:Vol 6 No 10 / Issue 42
Date:October 1983
Publisher:80-NW Publishing
Issue Contents:
14The hows and whys of Model I/III CP/M
by Harry Avant
Models I/III
Sources for upgrades and modifications
20CP/M 2.2 on the Models II/12/16
by Terry R. Dettmann
Models II/12/16
The most recent offerings from Aton and Pickles & Trout.
26Four bugs and a rotating square
by Dr. henry Sonneborn, III
Color Computer
A graphic solution ot a well-known problem in mathematics.
32Model 100 Communications
by Stan Horzepa
Model 100
Save money and build your own null-modem adapter.
by David Lewis
Models I/III
A single-stroke keyword entry utility.
36Files and foibles
by Terry R. Dettmann
For all models
A units conversion program that learns what to do.
42So, what's your GQ?
by Margaret Silbar
Models I/II/III with disks
The foggy world of the Gobbeldegook
50BASIC bits
by Thomas L. Quindry
Models I/III
TRSDOS patches, program renumbering, and more
52Model II Disassembler
by J. O'Loughlin
Models II/12/16 using TRSDOS 2.0
Peek into assembly language code. Includes PEEK, POKE and scroll-protect routines.
64Computer Ease
by Mark E. Renne
For all readers
Why I/O and what are all these devices?
67Exploring VisiCalc
by Timothy K. Bowman
Models I/II/III
DIF isn't so difficult. Part I.
70CP/M 68K
by Jim Bombardier
Model 16
Putting CP/M to work on the Model 16.
79User's Handbook to the TRS-80
Reviewed by I. Mike Schmidth
79TRSDOS 6.0 Enhancements
Reviewed by Jim Klaproth
Reviewed by Charles R. Perelman
83Lynn Video Instruction Series
Reviewed by Cameron C. Brown
84The Official Computer Hater's Handbook
Reviewed by I. Mike Schmidt
84Micro Computers on the Farm
Reviewed by Dick and Jam Landis
86The Official Zaxxon
Reviewed by Bob Liddl
by Cameron C. Brown
8Letters to the Editor
12Notes, etc.
By Cameron C. Brown
77Tandy Topics
by Ed Juge
89For Immediate Release
  • Low-power modem (Universal Data Systems)
  • ManageMint Project Management System (Institute for Scientific Analysis)
  • DOSPLUS IV (Micro-Systems Software)
  • Trunk Accessories (Leading Edge)
  • PowerMAIL Plus (Powesoft)
  • Contoured Joysticks (Comrex)
  • Androbot's Topo (Androbot Inc)
  • Radio Downloading (Microperipheral Inc)
  • Pascal 80 Graphics (New Classics Software)
  • Byte Bat (MicroTie Systems)
  • Holmes Vid-80 (Homes Engineering)
  • RAMPAK Model 4 Memory Upgrade (VR Data Industries)
  • The Analyst (Modular Software Associates)
  • IM-100 Model 100 8K RAM Module (Holmes Engineering)
  • 92Advertiser Index