R.COM is tailored for the YAZE (or YAZE-AG) Z80 emulator. It is a tool for copying files from the host computer to the emulated CP/M system. I have modified the program so that when running under CP/M Plus it will set the exact file size to match that of the host file. When running under CP/M 2.2 nothing special happens and the file size will always be a multiple of 128 bytes. The main routine is written in SPL. The compiler for that language is part of the YAZE-AG distribution. Jon Saxton April 2014 Update 28 June 2014: =================== Prior versions of R.COM expected to the host system files and directories to have UPPER CASE names. To override that one had to put the letter L at the end of the command. Examples: r math/trig.arc would read MATH/TRIG.ARC r math/trig.arc l would read math/trig.arc This release makes lower case the default. To override, put a U at the end of the command. r math/trig.arc reads math/trig.arc r math/trig.arc u reads MATH/TRIG.ARC This makes life a lot easier on UNIX-type systems. W.COM is the converse of R.COM. It copies files from the emulated CP/M to the host system. In keeping with the change to R.COM I also modified W.COM to create files on the host system with lower-case names. I also added ARC, BIN, LBR and a few others to the list of extensions which default to binary transfers. w math/trig.arc copies TRIG.ARC in binary mode to the host as math/trig.arc w math/*.arc does the same but for all .ARC files.