FF stands for "find files" and it looks for specified files on all discs and user areas. It was written for my own benefit since none of the public domain programs purporting to do this would actually run on CP/M 3.x. Those other programs (such as SFILE and ZFILE3) work by scanning the directories using BIOS calls to read the discs. While that is technically feasible on CP/M 3 it is actually unnecessary since there is a variant form of the BDOS search function which does exactly what is needed and is inherently simpler to use. Usage is pretty straightforward. Just give FF the names of the files you want to locate and it will find all instances of them. The names can be ambiguous. FF will report all files which match the file specifiers, even those files which have SYS attribute. That is what I wanted. I'll think about extending this program to do archive searches, probably just .LBR and .ARC/.ARK, but for now this is all I need. Source code is provided. This means that you can fix my bugs but if you do make any worthwhile change then don't withold the modified source. Someone else may want to make even more changes. Modifying other people's source code and just posting the executable is evil. Jon Saxton ex sysop of the long-defunct Tesseract RCPM+ Australia tesseract@triton.vg 2012.08.26