The file ANSIPLUS.Z80 illustrates two things: 1) how to patch WordMaster for ANSI screen controls 2) how to make WordMaster automatically determine the screen dimensions when running under CP/M 3.x Squeezing the code for ANSI screen controls into the limited patch space available in WordMaster was a bit of an exercise and necessitated splitting the code over three distinct patch areas. CP/M Plus records the screen dimensions in the SCB (System Control Block) so it makes sense to get the values from there rather than rely on a fixed value patched into the binary. You can set the screen dimensions using a command such as: device console [columns=100, lines=40] Of course that is just an example. Whatever your screen size, a good idea is to put the device command in profile.sub so it gets run when the system is started. To patch WM.COM with the code in ANSIPLUS.Z80 the following sequence of commands will work: z80asm ansiplus/h save zsid iansiplus.hex r g0 y 0100 29FF Obviously if you use a different set of screen controls then you won't want the ANSI part. If you are not running CP/M Plus then you won't need the automatic screen sizing either but it won't hurt to leave it in as it will have no effect on CP/M 2.2. The source code has 'ansi' set to 1. To turn ANSI controls off just set it to 0 or use the pre-assembled PLUS.HEX file which has the CP/M Plus patch but not the ANSI stuff. (ANSIPLUS.HEX has both patches ready to install.) To save you any trouble I have supplied two patched versions of WordMaster. WM3.COM is the same as the release version of 1.07A except that the screen size patch has been applied. Configuration instructions are essentially the same as documented by MicroPro except that you need to save a few extra bytes when writing to disk. There is no reduction in the edit buffer space. WM3ANSI.COM has been patched with the ANSI controls as well as the CP/M+ screen size determination. Essentially it is a ready-to-go version for any ANSI terminal on CP/M 2.2 or CP/M Plus. One more thing - these patches are known to work when applied to WordMaster version 1.07A and may require modification for any other version. Jon Saxton on behalf of the long-defunct Tesseract RCPM+