;-------------------------------------------------------- ; echo ; ; Another program to test communications cables and ; software setup. This just echos whatever arrives ; from the auxiliary input device back to the auxiliary ; output device. ; ; The program can be terminated from the auxiliary input ; device or from the console keyboard by pressing the ; ESC key. The idea of allowing termination from the ; console is so the program can be terminated even if ; the auxiliary device baud rate is wrong. ;-------------------------------------------------------- .z80 auxist equ 7 auxin equ 3 auxout equ 4 conin equ 1 conist equ 11 cpm equ 5 esc equ 27 cr equ 13 lf equ 10 bdos macro fn ld c,fn call cpm or a endm aseg org 100h chkcon: bdos conist ; Finish if an ESC has been jr z,chkaux ; entered at the console bdos conin cp esc jr z,finis chkaux: bdos auxist ; Similarly, an ESC from the jr z,chkcon ; auxiliary device terminates bdos auxin ; the program cp esc jr z,finis push af ld e,a bdos auxout pop af cp cr ; A carriage return also jr nz,chkaux ; sends a line feed ld e,lf bdos auxout jr chkaux finis: rst 0 end