Bill-e's Blender Mush
Ok, here's what I do.
In a dry blender, I place a full sheet of Nori
(tear it up first) and blend it until it's a powder or close to it.
Then I add cut up raw shrimp, haddock, clams, ocean scallops, and any other
ocean fish I can find. Sometimes I also add some defrosted brine shrimp and
salmon is good also.
As the mixture gets thicker, I add about 1/2 oz of Selcon
and some some Tahitian
Blend cryopaste.
It's probably still way to thick so I add a little DI water until the blender
can mix it (I actually burned out an old blender once because the mush was
too dry)
Once it's all mixed, I then spoon it into zip lock bags and flatten them.
I put enough in each bag so that the flattened bag is about 1/4 to 3/8"
thick. I fill multiple bags. I then place them in the freezer.
The most important thing is to do this while your wife is not home.
If she see's what you are doing to her blender (it really stinks and is hard
to clean), you may own it and have to buy her a new one :)
I feed this every day. I usually cut a chunck off, and dice it up. It will stay
together for the fish and as they eat it, it will break up feeding the rest of the
It also makes great coral food for bubbles, wellsophyllias, plates, meats, etc.
Just cut it in chunks and using your feeding baster, place it in the feeder tenticles
of those corals.
Here's waht a bag of my mix looks like:

Feeding baster:
New Turkey baster
1/4" dowel( or smaller) cut to your desired length.
Airline tubing (not the silicone type)
rubber bands.
Connect the airline tubing to the baster, and then make the whole thing rigid by
rubber banding the dowel to the whole assembly. See pic below.

April 01, 2001