It is fast, emulates undocumented opcodes, and passes
instruction regression tests against real Z80 hardware.
NEW in yaze-ag version 2.xx is the support of an emulated Memory
Management Unit (MMU) and the BIOS which supports CP/M 3.1 .
YAZE-AG is a Z80-CPU-Emulator and NOT a CP/M-Emulator!
Inside the Emulator runs an original CP/M or a replacement of CP/M.
YAZE-AG uses the free CP/M 3.1 replacement "ZPM3N10"
of Simeon Cran (bootfile "yaze-cpm3.boot") or the CP/M 2.2 replacement
"Superdos" (bootfile "yaze.boot").
I took the idea of the page tables from Michael Haardt (see "Older
version") and developed the MMU in YAZE-AG-2.xx.
This version runs CP/M 3.1 or ZPM3. I made a lot of changes in
all modules to embed the MMU in the whole system and added the new
module mem_mmu.c/mem_mmu.h.
In the BIOS3 (*.Z80-files) and the yaze-bios
(bios.c) I support also special features of CP/M 3.1 like date,
disk-change, xmove and multi-I/O.
Yaze-ag-2.20.1 is a final release. I believe this version runs quite
stable. Since the pre release 2.00 I got many positive feedbacks and three
bug reports (see "Fixed Bugs" in
The reread bug of connected (unix-/windows-)directories is solved!
Keybord translation (2010-03-18)
Mr. Jon Saxton (from Australia) expand the project with
keyboard translations. So
it ist possible to use the cursor keys for example in an editor
like WS or Turbo-Modula-2 or ZDE.
The development goes on. :-)
The last stable version is final release 2.30.
Final Release 2.30 (2011-06-30)
Now you can export files to the host system with the W.COM
utility without exiting the emulator.
With the R.COM utility you can import files from the host system.
See the development directory
for the new version.
There are also windows binaries.
Support of serial lines in final release 2.20.1
since version 2.20.1 the emulator uses the serial lines
of the PC (/dev/ttyS[0-3] in Linux or COM1-4 in Windows) to
communicate with other computers
(like with my new old real Z280 system
which I got on the in 2007).
The new feature is described in "Serial Lines"
in yaze-ag.doc. and are on the disk file "Kermit_SZRZ.ydsk".
On Sun machines you can use the serial lines via the device /dev/ttya or /dev/ttyb.
I haven't tried if a Mac with serial ports works.
If anybody wants to do that for me, please give me back
a note how it works.
I fix a severe bug in the code connecting (Unix-/Windows-)directories
to a CP/M drive (see "Fixed Bugs"
Number 4 in yaze-ag.doc).
It was by chance that I found this bad bug. It's recommended to update to the new release 2.20.1 !!!
Since release 2.20 I name all YAZE-AG-Disk-Files with the extension ".ydsk".
I updated the documentation (HELP.HLP of CP/M 3.1 and the other documents).
Bugfix in release 2.12.1
Jim Donoghue (USA, Houston, Texas) reports a bug in the
Z80 assembler instructions OUTI and OUTD. This is fixed in
release 2.12.1 .
NEW Features in release 2.12
I added the feature to put the time stamps of the (unix-/windows-)
files into the simulated CP/M directory of a CP/M drive which is
connected to a (unix-/windows-)directory.
"Mounting Directories with Time Stamps"
in yaze-ag.doc describes this new
feature (version 2.10).
The Z-System now works with yaze-ag (version 2.10) !
DOS-Character set enabled in the version for Windows (version 2.12).
I will announce new versions in the NETNEWS in
comp.os.cpm !
If you find an error feel free and send an email to me.
Tip: Run the new emulator and give the command
"help yaze-ag support".
Or see the documentation (in HTML)
which belongs to the new tar archive or to the new standalone binaries for
yaze-ag-2.xx is a further development of yaze-1.10 (see "older version").
My English is not that good. I would be very delighted if anybody read my
documentation and give a feedback. The documentation which I wrote is
INSTALL-2.20, parts of
yaze(1), README-2.20, yaze-ag.doc, README_BIOS3_Z80 and README_BOOTSYS.
(Tip: Use the document files in yaze-ag-2.20.1.tar.gz ;-))
BOOTSYS relocates the resident and banked part of a CPM3.SYS
to their places into memory and starts CP/M 3.1.
I develop it because CPMLDR of DRI/Caldera and ZPM3LDR of Simeon
Cran does not work with the big CPM3.SYS file (43 KB) in yaze-ag.
if you want to support this
Open Source Project
with software, services, hardware or money.
Documentation of YAZE-AG-2.20
A little documentation how you install yaze-ag-2.20 -
Please read it because I have expanded the Install process
and you have to edit the Makefile.
You start yaze-ag with the shell script "yaze". Please read
yaze(1) it describes the binary "yaze_bin"
and the shell script "yaze" and what it install at first time.
Windows users start the emulator with a link on the Desktop or
with the batch file "yaze.bat"
(see Binaries for Windows)