NOTE: This list was created on Sun Oct 26 12:15:00 EST 1997 Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. See file pub/cpm/filedocs/ for additional information. NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Directory pub/cpm/sort/ Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== b-sort.ark B 12713 850209 Disk-based B-Tree file sort bsort.lbr B 34432 850209 Fixed length record combination sort lexlate.csm A 2547 840429 Lexical character order translate sortordr.aqm B 7040 850209 Sort using several collating sequences sortv-15.lbr B 12544 870606 Variable length record sort sortv.doc A 1815 830909 Variable length record sort sortv14.aqm B 8704 850209 Variable length record sort srt12a.lbr B 43520 860424 Memory/disk-based ascii text sort ssort.lbr B 45056 850209 Merge (disk) sort text utility twosorts.lbr B 13824 870206 Memory and disk sort using quicksort