NOTE: This list was created on Sun Oct 26 12:14:56 EST 1997 Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. See file pub/cpm/filedocs/ for additional information. NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Directory pub/cpm/c64/ Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== c64-cpm.msg A 1615 840314 Background on CP/M on the Commodore C-64 B 1536 850209 Simple C-64 CP/M modem comm. with Xmodem c64modem.doc A 4199 840210 Simple C-64 CP/M modem comm. with Xmodem B 9728 850209 Customize soft80 character set on C-64 CP/M charedit.inf A 661 841003 Customize soft80 character set on C-64 CP/M B 19200 850209 Port of MODEM 730 to C-64 CP/M md730c64.doc A 2192 841002 Port of MODEM 730 to C-64 CP/M rptpat1.asm A 2909 841003 Add automatic key repeat to C-64 CP/M B 2432 850209 80 column display for C-64 CP/M soft80.doc A 7232 841003 80 column display for C-64 CP/M term-v2.c1 A 20331 850621 C-64 BASIC modem comm. program term-v2.msg A 814 850621 C-64 BASIC modem comm. program tvbios.asm A 8707 841003 Televideo 920 term. emulation for C-64 CP/M B 4224 850209 VDO text editor vdo.doc A 11821 841002 VDO text editor vicxmodm.bas A 5748 841229 VIC-20 BASIC Xmodem program vicxmodm.msg A 852 841229 VIC-20 BASIC Xmodem program xmodem64.ans A 847 841010 Answer to xmodem64.bug xmodem64.bas A 5113 840829 C-64 BASIC Xmodem modem file transfer xmodem64.bug A 779 840831 C-64 BASIC Xmodem modem file transfer