After you look at this preliminary format for KUGIG bulletin board would you please send you reactions and what you want on BB to me, and I'll forward on to Paul. Do you want surname database, how to do research, meeting schedules, what? Alice THIS IS HOW AN INITIAL SESSION ON KUGIG BB MAY GO: ********************************************************************* ATDT2335770,,,9043655402------- CONNECT [ K-NET 84 (tm) RBBS-RCP/M System ] How many nulls do you need? (0-9)? 0 K K U U GGGGG II GGGGG K K U U G II G KKK U U G GG II G GG K K U U G G II G G K K UUUU GGGGG II GGGGG GENEALOGICAL BULLETIN BOARD AND DATA BASE Paternal Grandfather Father ---------------------- -------------| | | Paternal Grandmother Person | ---------------------- ----------| | Maternal Grandfather | Mother ---------------------- |------------| | Maternal Grandmother ---------------------- Paul Weckle, Sysop Which CP/M "transient" program tells the disk space available? Incorrect Which CP/M "transient" program tells the disk space available? Answer Stat ** K-Net 84 (tm) RBBS-RCPM Entry Module vers 3.1u ** Do not exceed the character input limit indicated by the brackets ... Enter your FIRST name .......[__________]Alice Now your LAST name ......[_______________]Petersen Passwords are not echoed back, but replaced with 'X's and your PASSWORD or 'NEW' ....[_________]XXX Please check your firstname and lastname entries for accuracy. If any characters are wrong, please re-enter your data. You have entered: Alice Petersen Is this CORRECT? (Y)es or (N)o :::> Yes >> Checking records, one moment please ... >> Either you are a NEW user, or ... your name or password is incorrect. One moment please ... W W EEEEE LL CCC OOO M M EEEEE !! W W EE LL C O O MM MM EE !! W W W EEE LL C O O M MM M EEE !! W W W W EE LL C O O M M EE !! W W EEEEE LLLLL CCC OOO M M EEEEE :: To all you GRAVE DIGGERS that have logged on to this Bulletin Board! We need your name, complete address, KUGIG # and the password you would like to use to enter this system. You will not be permitted to get on this first time. So make sure you leave the above requested information for the SYSOP during the final signoff message. You may call back tomorrow and gain complete access. Please understand that only a minimum of CP/M software will be available here. And only CP/M public domain software that a genealogist would find useful. If you are not yet a member of KUGIG then write to: KUGIG 3010 Regency, Apt. 40, Ames, IA 50010. There are two basic areas in this system. A Bulletin Board where you can leave messages for one another, and an RCP/M where you can withdraw or leave files. PLEAE REMEMBER: DO NOT FORGET to leave the password you desire on the final message to the SYSOP as you are leaving, otherwise you will not be able to get into all the areas. Press ... Would you like a copy of the membership application? (Y)es or (N)o :::> Yes Turn on your printer or open a capture file now [ Press when ready ] ** K-NET 84 (tm) BYE Module vers 3.1u ** Enter comments to Sysop before log-off ? (Y)es or (N)o :::> Yes Your comments will be signed, dated, and time stamped automatically when you're finished. Enter your comment text, the lines will auto-wrap. End comments entry with a on a blank line. ->PAUL, THE SYSTEM is great! It really runs smoothly and you have done ->a good job of getting it to look like a genealogy BB rather than just ->another regular message system. I will have some suggesttions that ->I will write tomorrow after I review copy I hope I have kept. Gee, ->I'm getting excited now about all this. I can't believe it is really ->coming true. I Hope we get a lot of action. If you're around and I ->can still get into chat I'll try that. -> Finished comments entry? ... y/n > Yes Alice Petersen is logging off at 23:44:04 You were on for 5 minutes. Good-Bye, please call again... NO CARRIER SECOND SESSION MIGHT GO LIKE THIS: ***************************************************************************** ~ATDT2335770,,,9043655402------- CONNECT [ K-NET 84 (tm) RBBS-RCP/M System ] How many nulls do you ne%d? (0-9)? 0 K K U U GGGGG II GGGGG K K U U G II G KKK U U G GG II G GG K K U U G G II G G K K UUUU GGGGG II GGGGG GENEALOGICAL BULLETIN BOARD AND DATA BASE Paternal Grandfather Father ---------------------- -------------| | | Paternal Grandmother Person | ---------------------- ----------| | Maternal Grandfather | Mother ---------------------- |------------| | Maternal Grandmother ---------------------- Paul Weckle, Sysop Which CP/M "transient" program tells the disk space available? STAT ** K-Net 84 (tm) RBBS-RCPM Entry Module vers 3.1u ** Do not exceed the character input limit indicated by the brackets ... Enter your FIRST name .......[__________]Alice Now your LAST name ......[_______________]Petersen Passwords are not echoed back, but replaced with 'X's and your PASSWORD or 'NEW' ....[_________]XXXXXX Please check your firstname and lastname entries for accuracy. If any characters are wrong, please re-enter your data. You have entered: ALICE PETERSEN Is this CORRECT? (Y)es or (N)o :::> Yes >> Checking records, one moment please ... Welcome ::::>> ALICE PETERSEN from AMES, IA You're on at 23:20:56 Monday 01/29/84 You are caller # ...................... 16 Date of last system log-on ............. First logon Number of previous system log-ons ..... 0 ** Checking for personal messages ... You will be chained to the RBBS module to ead the following message(s): 4 [ Press to abort ] TO ALL USERS: You are now about to enter into the Bulletin Board system of this Kaypro 10 computer. You will have a menu displayed to you that will indicate the ways you can leave messages for persons. Two forms are suggested for leaving MESSAGES: QUERIE: For you to ask for help on any line you are currently having a problem on. Use the conventional shorthand (i.e. b. = birth, m. = married, etc.) to save space. RESEARCH: For those who are willing to exchange research time for research time in another part of the nation leave your message with this heading as a topic. Please notice the examples already in the Bulletin Board for ways you can leave your message. We are not yet set up for a database as of yet but are deciding on the best way to go. All suggestions would be welcome. Updating system files ...B6B7=8 B0B1 ALICE PETERSEN of AMES, IA On at 23:21:52 # Logons: 1 C6C1C0 ** K-NET 84 (tm) RBBS Message Module vers 3.1u ** One moment, loading files ... Please ead the following message(s), ALICE: 4 And then ill message(s) after reading. There are 5 current messages. First msg # 1 and high msg # 6 Use S;NEW to scan the new messages since your last logon. Use R;NEW to read only the new messages. Command: ('?' for menu) r;new [ Press: kip to next msg, to abort ] Message number: 1 From: To: ALL Date: 13/48/11 Time: 02:08:20 Subject: WELCOME Greetings to all first timers! I hope that this board system will be very helpful and interesting to us all. Since this is my first effort at a Bulletin Board please understand that the pickings will be small at first and what is shared here will not only come from me but also from ALL KUGIG members. Make a determined effort to down load any information you desire to this system in order to share with one another the best genealogical ideas. You may put any question you desire on the Board for ALL persons to answer or you may direct your questions to just one person. Just follow the menu, using help whenever needed. I hope that we will be able to exchange genealogical data very soon and increase the speed of our searching. In order to do this we must share our data in a common form. Currently an effort is being made to put all our Perfect Filer records on this Bulletin Board. So share your records in by disk or modem!! Message number 2 has been deleted. [ Press any key to continue ] [ Press any key to continue ] Sorry, message 3 is personal. [ Press any key to continue ] [ Press: kip to next msg, to abort ] Message number: 4 From: PAUL WECKLE To: ALICE PETERSEN Date: 01/29/84 Time: 18:39:44 Subject: WELCOME I hope it hasn't been too surprising for you to get on to the system. Please notice that since you are already logged into the computer as a user you bypassed two screens that a normal first entry person would have seen. I suggest that after you sign-off this first time that you go back and call the system again, giving false information when the computer asks for your name, type it in differently, pretending to be someone else. You will then have a large KUGIG display shown to you and the next frame will be a WELCOME and explanation about getting on later by leaving one's name, address, KUGIG number and personal password. You won't need to do that. You are already in the computer. But you can leave me a message. ALSO, I will stay up a little while also and watch how your manipulation of the system goes. If you desire to converse with me via the computer just use the CHAT command from the menu. I'll try to be up. Bye, Paul, sysop. [ Press any key to continue ] [ Press: kip to next msg, to abort ] Message number: 5 From: PAUL WECKLE To: ALL Date: 01/29/84 Time: 19:42:40 Subject: QUERIE Who are the parents of Benjamin MUNN? He married Jemima PIERSON and had at least one son: Amos, who was b. Dec. 10, 1763 in Bloomfield, Essex Co., NJ, and d. Sept. 18, 1805 in same place. Amos married Jane Dod who was b. March 16, 1766 East Orange, Essex Co. NJ, the dau. of Silas and Hannah (SMITH) DODD. NAME: PAUL WECKLE. [ Press any key to continue ] [ Press: kip to next msg, to abort ] Message number: 6 From: PAUL WECKLE To: ALL Date: 01/29/84 Time: 19:45:57 Subject: RESEARCH: NE NEED: Researching done in National Archives, Washington, DC. WILLING TO DO: Research in State Archives of Nebraska in Exchange. Census, County Histories, Cemetery Records, Plus many other possible items. NAME: PAUL WECKLE [ End of messages ] Command: ('?' for menu) ? [ Press to abort ] K-NET 84 (tm) RBBS Module Commands - CP/M software - List system users. - Book Index - Message file status. - Exit to CP/M. - Whats New - Enter message(s).

- Page Sysop (CHAT). - Goodbye (log-off). - Read message(s). - HELP, display menu. - Scan message file. - Jump to CP/M. - Video mode for Kaypro/MEX. - Kill a message. - Display this menu. Use "S" to quick scan the message file. S;1 = Scan ALL S;NEW = Scan only new msgs since last logon. You can Read the messages in several different ways: R;1;R;5;R;9 Read msgs 1,5, and 9 (no pause between msgs). R;1+ Read msgs in forward sequential mode (pause). R;NEW Read new msgs since your last logon (pause). Command: ('?' for menu) e Mail addressed to ALL will be viewed by ALL ... Mail addressed to an individual user is PRIVATE. Who is the message to, or = "ALL" : a;; ll Subject of message ..[____________________]Genealogy Program PAF/MFR Subject too long. Subject of message ..[____________________]PAF/MFR GEN. PROG. Are you entering this message as a transmitted file rather than typing it in at the keyboard? answer (Y)es or (N)o: Yes Please note the message lines will auto-wrap with the first space entered after character 52 of each line. If you want a blank line, enter a period at the beginning of the line & terminate it with a c/r. You have only 17 lines to enter your message - do not exceed this. Set your delays to max for chrs transmitted and return from end of line - slowest transmission speed possible produces the best results. Hit when ready and wait for prompt 1. OH, dear the file I had ready is too long in line length, 2. and too many lines to transmit, so i' I'll just forgo that 3. at thi time. So far using this sysstem tem has been a breeze. 4. I wonder if it fouls things up when I backspace when I 5. make a typo. Have to ask Paul during CHAT. 6. [ Please ist message before aving to insure accuracy. ] ist, dit, ontinue, bort, or ave : Save UPDATING: Cross-ref file // Message file // and Index file Command: ('?' for menu) ? [ Press to abort ] K-NET 84 (tm) RBBS Module Commands - CP/M software - List system users. - Book Index - Message file status. - Exit to CP/M. - Whats New - Enter message(s).

- Page Sysop (CHAT). - Goodbye (log-off). - Read message(s). - HELP, display menu. - Scan message file. - Jump to CP/M. - Video mode for Kaypro/MEX. - Kill a message. - Display this menu. Use "S" to quick scan the message file. S;1 = Scan ALL S;NEW = Scan only new msgs since last logon. You can Read the messages in several different ways: R;1;R;5;R;9 Read msgs 1,5, and 9 (no pause between msgs). R;1+ Read msgs in forward sequential mode (pause). R;NEW Read new msgs since your last logon (pause). Command: ('?' for menu) J Enter CP/M password ==> STAT Please ill message(s) 4 before exiting. Command: ('?' for menu) K Enter msg number to Kill (RETURN = abort): 4 Message number 4 deleted. Command: ('?' for menu) J Enter CP/M password ==> STAT [ Press to abort ] TO ALL USERS: You are now about to enter into the CP/M system of this Kaypro 10 computer. You can manipulate this computer as if it was your own except there are several normal CP/M commands that have had the plug pulled on them so they are not operative. ERA and REN under normal CP/M will not work. Anyone found trying to destroy or mutilate this system will be permanently refused entry to this system. Respect this system, it is placed here for your benefit in genealogical study not destruction. Under this system you may change disks (A and B) and user areas at will (0 to 5) using the following DU (DISK/USER AREA) form: A0>B3: B3>1: B1>A: A1>B5: B5> Leave a message via the menu on the RBBS or send one of your files to this system via XMODEM. XMODEM has its own menu and will be self-explanatory. Thank you for logging on!! [K10-ZCPR2 boot] A0>DIR Drive A0: files: 15 space used: 132k (456k free) BYE .COM 16k GENFLPY .COM 12k MESSAGES.BAK 4k USER .COM 4k CHAT .COM 4k GOODBYE .COM 8k RBBS .COM 36k WHEEL .COM 4k CRC .COM 4k LDIR .COM 4k TIME .COM 16k XMODEM .COM 8k DIR .COM 4k LTYPE .COM 4k TYPE .COM 4k A0>B: B0>DIR >> No file(s) on B0: (2556k free) B0>A: A0>XMODEM K-NET 84 (tm) KP10 XMODEM v10.1 (Uploads files to B0:, 2556k FREE for uploading) ++ Examples of valid options: ++ (ctrl-C or ctrl-K to abort) XMODEM S FILENAME.TYP to send a file XMODEM S B1:FILENAME.TYP to send from a named drive/area XMODEM L CAT.LBR CAT.COM to send a file from a library XMODEM L CAT CAT.COM (.LBR extent may be omitted) XMODEM R FILENAME.TYP to receive a file from you XMODEM RP FILENAME.TYP to receive in a private area (The "C" in RC or RPC receives via checksum rather than CRC.) (If you use R, it will switch to checksum mode if CRC mode fails.) A0>XMODEM R MFR.TXT K-NET 84 (tm) KP10 XMODEM v10.1 (CRC enabled) File will be received on B0: 2556k FREE for uploading File open - ready to receive CCCCC ++ RECEIVED FILE CANCELLED ++ ++ UNFINISHED FILE DELETED ++ A0>DIR Drive A0: files: 15 space used: 132k (456k free) BYE .COM 16k GENFLPY .COM 12k MESSAGES.BAK 4k USER .COM 4k CHAT .COM 4k GOODBYE .COM 8k RBBS .COM 36k WHEEL .COM 4k CRC .COM 4k LDIR .COM 4k TIME .COM 16k XMODEM .COM 8k DIR .COM 4k LTYPE .COM 4k TYPE .COM 4k A0>B: B0>DIR >> No file(s) on B0: (2556k free) B0>A: A0>G G? A0>GOODBYE Good-Bye, please call again... NO CARRIER ted) XMODEM R FILENAME.TYP to receive a file from you XMODEM RP FILENAME.

- Page Sysop (CHAT). - Goodbye (log-off). - Read message(s). - HELP, display menu. - Scan message file. - Jump to CP/M. - Video mode for Kaypro/MEX. - Kill a message. - Display this menu. Use "S" to quick scan the message file. S;1 = Scan ALL S;NEW = Scan only new msgs since last logon. You can Read the messages in several different ways: R;1;R;5;R;9 Read msgs 1,5, and 9 (no pause between msgs). R;1+ Read msgs in forward sequential mode (pause). R;NEW Read new msgs since your last logon (pause). Command: ('?' for menu) e Mail addressed to ALL will be viewed by ALL ... Mail addressed to an individual user is PRIVATE. Who is the message to, or = "ALL" : Sysop Please leave messages to SYSOP after typing BYE from CP/M or 'G' from command prompt. Thank you Command: ('?' for menu) ? [ Press to abort ] K-NET 84 (tm) RBBS Module Commands - CP/M software - List system users. - Book Index - Message file status. - Exit to CP/M. - Whats New - Enter message(s).