REMBRANDT GRAPHICS MADE EASIER by Bob Hill DKA Users of CP/M Kaypro 84 series microcomputers are probably aware that these systems are capable of surprisingly good screen graphics -- (provided diagonal lines are avoided!). In other words, horizontal and vertical bar charts are a reality with these tried and true CP/M systems. One of the few commercial software products that takes advantage of this capability is the Rembrandt (tm) software from Spectre Technology -- specifically their HBAR and VBAR programs. HBAR and VBAR are very powerful and flexible, in that they give the user precise control over the locations, widths, and intensities of each bar in a bar chart. However, this flexibility comes at a cost -- considerable time and patience is required to wade through the manual preparation to lay out visually attractive graphs, particularly for the first time. And once a graph is produced, it is difficult and awkward to incorporate certain changes, such as rearranging bars, inserting and/or deleting existing bars, or changing from one type of graph to another -- for example, from a horizontal bar graph to a vertical bar graph. Each of these operations usually requires recalculation of bar widths and locations of the remaining records -- almost paramount to starting over. To overcome these problems, I have developed PR.COM -- a "Preprocessor for Rembrandt", which I am donating to the DKA CP/M library. This program features a built-in WordStar-like screen editor, which is used to collect the initial data. When entering the data, the user does NOT need to be concerned with specific Rembrandt requirements such as bar widths, bar locations, number of bars allowed, number of positions allowed, dim/bright indicators, etc. The user only enters graph titles, labels, values, and an optional special field that can be used as a sort key. A common layout is used that is compatible with both HBAR and VBAR, as well as PIE chart generation. After the data is entered, the user simply selects various menu options. PR contains routines for sorting the data, for automatically calculating bar widths and locations, and for generating "format" and "data" files which are subsequently input into the Rembrandt programs. PR's sort allows either ascending or descending sorts by value, label, or the special sequence field. The bar chart options will format in either "separate bar" or "paired overlapped" layouts. The user can also select an option for generating input to Rembrandt's PIE chart program. PR displays the calculated results after each step, thus encouraging the user to interact with the various options. It must be emphasized that PR in no way alters the existing flexibility, functionality, or program coding of the Rembrandt software. It only provides a flexible and easy to use "front end" to existing Rembrandt programs. PR is compatible with both versions of Rembrandt (versions 1.00 and 3.00). Users of double-sided floppy disk systems should be able to store the 22K PR.COM file on the same "working copy" diskette used to hold their Rembrandt programs. This version of PR was written specifically for Kaypro 84 series CP/M machines that include the 2- 84, 2X, 4-84, and Kaypro 10's. However, due to hard-coded screen functions, PR will probably not function with other CP/M computers on which Rembrandt 3.00 is available, such as several Osborn models. Packaged with PR.COM will be a complete ten page Reference Manual and a six page Tutorial. Kaypro Rembrandt users should look for PR soon in our DKA CP/M library. [prwsart.* 87-03-29]