.PO4 .MT1 .PL80 HEX What is HEX code? A single digit number that equals a number from 0 - 15 in decimal. 0 = 0 DEC 1 = 1 HEX Base 10 | Base 16 9 = 9 10 = A \ 11 = B | 12 = C |--- Since we do not have a decimal number 13 = D | larger than 9 - they pick A - F 14 = E | for use. 15 = F / --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why TWO digits in a HEX dump? From above - you can see that the largest single HEX digit is 15 DEC. So to handle an 8 bit computer byte and ASCII characters, a second digit is added for a max. of 256 DEC. 0F = 15 9F = 159 10 = 16 and A0 = 160 11 = 17 A1 = 161 || || | \__1 = 1 X 1 = 1 | \__1 = 1 X 1 = 1 \___1 = 1 X 16 = 16 \___A = 10 X 16 = 160 ---- ----- 17 161 Just remember that the 1st col is the digit times one and the 2nd " " " " " 16 and add the two together. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- What about HEX addresses - they use 4 digits of HEX? No problem - 3rd col is the digit times 256 4th " " " " " 4096 30BE |||| ||| \___E = 14 X 1 = 14 || \____B = 11 X 16 = 176 | \_____0 = 0 X 256 = 0 \______3 = 3 X 4096 = 12288 ------- 12478 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do You need this? YES - if you plan to later learn how to program in machine language. BASIC understanding - just to patch. To patch - it is useful to know roughly where you are and where you want go or look. Do you need to convert each number to decimal? - NO!!!!!!.