There is a method, that I've never seen documented anywhere, of speeding up WordStar's operation. This involves eliminating the delays that are built into the program. No matter how fast your system is there still is a finite amount of time that WordStar requires you to wait while it displays information screens or waits for prompts. In particular, the delay that bothers me the most is the one that involves the first screen. Short of going into WordStar with DDT and just wiping out this screen (which would then mean that you would have to stare at a blank screen for several seconds) this is the best way of eliminating having to stare at this message. There are four delays built into WordStar that I know of. (I am using version 2.26.) The hex locations, ASCII names and default values are as follows: 02CFH DEL1: 03 02D0H DEL2: 09 02D1H DEL3: 19 02D2H DEL4: 19 For those of you not familiar with modifying WordStar you can either a) use the ASCII names and/or the hex location values with the program to change the default values or b) you can use DDT with the hex values in order in incorporate the changes. Note: these delays also perform other functions. You might want to experiment with them and see which you might want to keep non-zero. I am currently running with all of them set to zero and it makes quite a bit of difference. Ken Toy