What's NEW

This page will document the changes I make to this site. Check it out periodically to see what has been added since you were here last.

05/10/2000 : Posted MP/M II Programmers Guide in Postscript format.

05/06/2000 : Updated MP/M 1 Users Guide. Slightly cleaner Postscript file.

05/01/2000 : Posted an updated MPM 1 Users Guide in Postscript format.

11/18/99 : Posted Personal CP/M-86 english ver 2.0/4 for PC16-20/AT.

11/10/99 : Posted Personal CP/M-86 v2.11 for PG685, a Siemens PC-like computer but not PC/AT compatible.

11/03/99 : Relocated main site to Interfun site. Finland site is down. Emory site is still up, but will no longer receive updates.

10/2/99 : Posted English translation for readme files in German version of Personal CP/M-86.

09/27/99 : Posted MP/M II System Guide, mostly cleaned up.

08/27/99 : Posted an updated PLM to C translator that is supposed to actualy build.

08/18/99 : Updated MOUSER.ZIP to fix a bug.

08/17/99 : Posted CP/M3 for the YAZE emulator, DR C v1.11 for CP/M-86, and a mouse pgm for CP/M-86.

07/08/99 : Posted finshed manual for SID in plain text format.

06/19/99 : Posted Programmers Utility Guide for IBM PC. Many manuals now available in scanned, and ocr'd, form.

06/18/99 : Completed restructuring of site.

06/16/99 : Restructured site. Adobe PDF manual files, on-line HTML manuals, and Concurrent DOS files removed to reduce disk usage.

06/10/99 : Posted DR C for PC-DOS, v1.1.

06/09/99 : Posted TETRIS for MS-DOS, and ARTLINE for GEM.

06/07/99 : Posted a load high utility for GEM, and some icons for VIEWMAX.

06/06/99 : Set up the CP/M DOCUMENTATION PROJECT.

05/31/99 : Posted First Word Plus v2.0 for GEM. Set up GEM DEVELOPERS page.

05/29/99 : Posted GEM porting kit.

05/27/99 : Posted GEM Programmers Workbench.

05/24/99 : Posted some tools to help build GEM, and some text files for GSX.

05/16/99 : Posted CB80 v2.0.

05/14/99 : Posted a version of VIEWMAX for DR-DOS, GSX for CP/M 2.2, and a business library for GEM DRAW.

05/11/99 : Posted some more CP/M 86 utilities.

05/10/99 : Posted sound and clock utilities, and some games for CP/M-86.

05/08/99 : Posted a regular expression compiler, and a LISP compiler, for CP/M-86.

05/06/99 : Posted comm utilities for CP/M-86, and an update to VIEWMAX sources to fix a bad file in VIEWDESK.ZIP.

05/03/99 : Posted DR DOODLE v2.0, and some more helpful info for making the sources for GEM.

05/01/99 : Posted some CP/M 2.2/CP/M 3 utilities, and some keyboard and disk utilities for CP/M-86.

04/30/99 : Posted some file compression, and print, utilities for CP/M-86.

04/29/99 : Posted a collection of file utilities for CP/M-86.

04/28/99 : Posted some CP/M-86 video utilities.

40/27/99 : Posted VIEWMAX sources, and a build kit for GEM/3.

04/26/99 : Posted some graphics viewers, and some system utilities, for CP/M-86 on PC hardware.

04/23/99 : Posted GEM programmers toolkit for GEM 3, and VIEWMAX GDOS source. Also posted Y2K fixes for CP/M-86 v1.1.

04/22/99 : Posted the GEM Resource Construction Set source.

04/21/99 : Posted source for GEM desktop. Also posted year 2000 fixes for Personal CP/M-86.

04/15/99 : Posted PLM source to LOAD for early CP/M (~v1.3).

04/08/99 : Posted new email address.

03/14/99 : Posted PLM src to a VERY early version of CP/M; probably v1.3 or before.

02/22/99 : Posted MP/M II User's Guide in postscript format.

02/09/99 : Posted the Pascal MT+ LANGUAGE manual in Adobe Acrobat format.

01/10/99 : Posted LINK-80 manual in HTML format. Updated the replacement library for DRI PL/I-86 to fix a problem.

01/08/99 : Posted two new versions of the Intel PLM compiler; one for CP/M, and the other for MS-DOS.

01/07/99 : Posted a new library for DRI PL/I-86 that handles end-of-file correctly on DOS files.

12/16/98 : Posted REZ, a Z80 version of Ward Christiansons RESOURCE disassembler.

11/23/98 : Posted the source for MP/M II, and another set of source for CP/M 3.

11/10/98 : Posted update to year 2000 fixes for CP/M 3 source. Removed seperate year 2000 files for CP/M 3 utilities.

10/23/98 : Corrected HTML for GEM spec.

10/21/98 : Posted GEM spec.

10/13/98 : Posted GEM installer.

09/16/98 : Posted ZRP/M, PDF manuals for CP/M 68K, year 2000 fixes for CP/M 3, and Pascal MT+ Users Group disks.

07/07/98 : Posted GSX v1.3 for CP/M-86.

06/18/98 : Posted CP/M 1.3 Introduction manual in Postscript format.

06/17/98 : Posted the manual for LINK-80 in postscript format.

06/14/98 : Posted the language manual for Pascal MT+ in Postscript format. Also posted binary for Pascal MT+ v5.6.1.

06/13/98 : Posted MP/M 1 Users Guide in Postscript format.

06/07/98 : Posted PASCAL MT+ v3.3 for CP/M-86 and MS-DOS.

06/01/98 : Posted SMALL C for the 8088, and CB80 v1.3 for CP/M-80.

05/31/98 : Posted a suite of disassemblers for CP/M-80, MP/M 1.1 BDOS src, and some file xfer utilities for CP/M-86 <--> PC-DOS partitions.

05/30/98 : Posted source code for CP/M-86, and CP/NET for both the 8080, and the 8086.

05/29/98 : Withdrew TED due to licensing limitations.

05/28/98 : Posted TED editor for CP/M-86 and support files for CONDOS.

05/25/98 : Posted updated PLM80.ZIP. The ZIP file now also contains ASM80, which is required to process the output of the PLM compiler.

05/17/98 : Posted a file viewer for CP/M-86 on the IBM PC/AT, and CP/M 3 for the MSX1.

05/06/98 : Posted two Small C interpreters for DOS and CP/M-80. Also posted DXF Forth, and FileView for CP/M-86. Withdrew FCOPY.

04/24/98 : Posted support files for Concurrent DOS, source for CAL-PC BIOS, and a new CP/M emulator for the NEC V20/V30.

04/18/98 : Posted source for PLM compiler, and PLM to C transaltor.

04/15/98 : Posted a new CP/M-86/CP/M-80 emulator.

04/14/98 : Posted SMALL C v1.1 for CP/M-86.

04/11/98 : Posted CBASIC for CP/M 2.2 or CP/M 3.0, and more GEM stuff; GEMDRAW v2.8, GEM3, GEMDRAW v2.0, GEMPUB, GEMWC, GEMGRAPH, and DRLOGO for the Atari ST.

03/29/98 : Posted TURBO PASCAL libraries for GEM in German, and VIEWMAX v1.0.

03/21/98 : Posted many new GEM packages: desktops for v1.1, v1.2, v1.3, v1.4, v1.5, v1.6, v2.1, and v3.0. Also posted copies of GRAPH 1.0, WRITE 1.0, PAINT 1.0, DRAW, DRAW LIBS, PRINTER drivers, WORDCHART, GEM UPDATE for old versions. Also posted Y2000 patches for DATE for CP/M 3.

03/13/98 : Posted update for FCOPY to v1.01, and disk images for GEM PROGRAMMERA TOOLKIT, and CP/M 2.2 for Xerox 1800.

03/12/98 : Posted update for FCOPY to v1.00a, and an update to KAYPRO22.ZIP.

03/10/98 : Posted Small-C/Plus v1.0.

2/20/98 : Posted HTML version of CP/M 2.2 manual.

2/17/98 : Posted Personal CP/M boot disk images. Also posted first general release of FCOPY, and several disk images.

2/14/98 : Posted GEM DRAW v1.0, GEM desktop v1.2, and GEMNOTES. Posted an updated version of FCOPY.

2/10/98 : Posted first public release of FCOPY; late beta code.

1/24/98 : Posted Micro Emacs, and some misc utilities for CP/M-68k. Also posted some apps for GEM/3; GEMGRAPH, GEMPAINT, GEM PUBLISHER, and a new desktop.

1/18/98 : Posted updates to COMP68, and ERAQ68. Also postedGEM v2.2u for the PC, CP/M-86 v1.1b for the EAGLE, GEM devlopers kit for the Atari ST, and an EARLY CP/M (pre v1.3).

1/8/98 : Posted PL/I samples for PC-DOS, GEM v3.01d, COMP68, ERAQ68, and LIB68881 for CP/M-68K.

1/3/98 : Posted a 1.44mb bootable version of CP/M-86, an update to the GEM 2 system disk (fixed install directories), GEM Programmers Toolkit v3.0, and Personal CP/M-86.

12/31/97 : Posted FIG FORTH for Z80 and Z280 processors.

12/27/97 : Posted CBASIC, and CDOS, for the 68000, and SMALL C v2.1, with SMALL MAC and SMALL TOOLS.

12/05/97 : Posted FORTH 83 for CP/M-68K, COBOL for CP/M-80, and clock, and baud rate urtilities for a CompuPro CP/M-68K systems. Also posted updates for the following : MPM2, CP/M 2.2, and CP/M 3. These updates fix some corrupted files.

11/20/97 : Fixed description for file GEMDR2GE.ZIP.

11/17/97 : Posted DR Doodle for GEM.

11/16/97 : Posted ENGLISH copy of GEM version 2.

11/14/87 : Posted GERMAN version of GEM desktop for PC-DOS.

11/7/97 : Posted fixed copy of GSX LIBS for DOS.

11/6/97 : Posted fixed copy of DRDRAW for PCDOS.

11/4/97 : Posted fixed postscript files for two of the CP/M-68K manuals, and fixed PLI_DOS.ZIP file.

11/03/97 : Posted CP/M-68K manuals in postscript format, shareware versions of CopyQM, and 22DISK, a public domain version of KERMIT for CP/M-68K, DRDRAW for PC-DOS, PL/I for PC-DOS, a new copy of Pascal MT+ for CP/M-86, and GSX libs for PC-DOS.

10/28/97 : Posted non-commercial warning message. Posted boot disk image for CP/M-68K on the NCR DMV.

10/21/97 : Posted CB-86 for PC-DOS (two versions), and some DRI assembler tools for PC-DOS.

10/16/97 : Posted a public domain FORTH system for CP/M-80. Posted change to description of combo CP/M-86/CP/M-80. It is for a NCR DMV, NOT a NEC DMV.

10/10/97 : Posted a FORTRAN compiler for CP/M-86, and an HTML manual for Pascal MT+ for 8080/Z80, both on-line viewable, and down-loadable.

10/02/97 : Posted boot disk images for both CP/M-80, and CP/M-86, for the NEC DMV computer.

09/27/97 : Posted Display Manager, and Access Manager, for CP/M-86.

09/25/97 : Posted a CP/M-86 emulator for DEC computers, more CP/M-86 utilities, and DISPLAY MANAGER for PC-DOS.

09/23/97 : Posted a large collection of patches, and application notes, for CP/M 2.2 and its various utilities.

09/22/97 : Posted MP/M v1.1 for SGS 2800, CP/M-86 bootable, Pascal MT+ for CP/M-86, Personal BASIC for CP/M-86, XLT86 for CP/M-86, and a dual CP/M 86/80 for the DEC Rainbow 100.

09/18/97 : Posted CP/M-86 and some CP/M-86 programmers utilities.

09/17/97 : Split CP/M-86 out of the utilities page, and made a seperate page off the DOWNLOAD page. Also, posted MP/M v1.1, a disassembly of the CP/M 2.2 8080 assembler, and the binary for CP/M v1.4. Updated the FAQ.

09/10/97 : Posted MP/M II for Altos, GSX test suite, GSX v1.2 binary, DR-DRAW 86, DR-GRAPH 86, and driver source for DR-DRAW and DR-GRAP|H.

09/02/97 : Posted PLM80 localy because the Intel link went bad. Added some CP/M-86 patches, some sample code for CP/M 2.2, and a ZIP file of code to help bring up CP/M 3 on a CP/M 2.2 BIOS.

09/01/97 : Added DRI C-86, PLI-86, and the manual for ZSID-80.

08/31/97 : DBASE86 withdrawn (not a DRI product). Added M2CBASIC, a Microsoft Basic to CBASIC translator for CP/M-86.

08/29/97 : Added some CP/M 86 apps; CBASIC and DBASE. Check out the download/utility page.

08/28/97 : Ghostscript is now available localy. It is version 2.52 for MS-DOS.

08/27/97 : Added FAQ and What's New sections.

08/23/97 : Added Adobe Acrobat files for the manuals for CP/M 3, and GSX-86. Also, completely re-wrote the web page for easier browsing.

08/21/97 : Added ZSID binaries.

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