Wizard of OsZ - 'High Voltage Maze' Copyright 1982, by Wizard of OsZ - Instructions for playing Maze - You are within the walls of a High Voltage Maze...there are five Robots (marked 'R') that will attempt to destroy you (you are marked '+')! However, the Robots are not very smart...they tend to wander into the walls of the High Voltage Maze if you lead them astray in the proper direction. Your only hope for survival is to lead them into the walls of the Maze...Good Luck, as you will need it! Here are the legal directions that you may move: 1 2 3 \ | / 8 - 0 - 4 / | \ 7 6 5 Random number seed (-32768 to 32767)? 123 Yoõ  maù enteò anù numbeò froí -3276¸ tï 3276· tï starô youò gamå  oæ Maze...thå gamå wilì continuå afteò á  brieæ  delay¬  bù displaying: Please wait, while I set up a High Voltage Maze... Aó  mucè  aó thå Wizarä oæ OsÚ woulä likå tï  sho÷  yoõ  thå layouô  oæ  thå Mazå aô thió point¬  hå can't¡  Thå  Mazå  makeó extensivå  uså  oæ  thå graphicó anä cursoò capabilitieó  oæ  thå Osbornå É computer¬  anä aó sucè ió noô texô printable...instead¬ why not just play Maze now, and see what we mean? Osborne I is a trademark of Osborne Computer Corporation