Wizard of OsZ Games Disk Number 5 1982, by Wizard of OsZ - Installation of your Games Diskette - Aó supplieä tï yoõ bù thå Wizarä oæ OsZ¬ youò gameó diskettå musô havå á CP/Í systeí 'image§ placeä oî iô eitheò witè thå Osbornå É supplieä COPÙ prograí oò SYSGEÎ program®  Iî addition¬ youò copù oæ Microsofô BASIC-8° (MBASIC.COM© musô bå placeä oî thå diskettå witè  thå  CP/Í  PIР prograí (refeò tï  youò  Osbornå  É  User'ó Referencå Guidå foò details)® Oncå  thió  ió done¬  inserô thå gameó diskettå iî Disë Drivå  A¬ presó  RESEÔ  oî  thå fronô oæ thå Osbornå I¬  anä  yoõ  wilì  bå greeteä witè thå Wizarä oæ OsÚ Gamå Selectioî Menu¬  aó showî  iî thå followinç example: Wizard of OsZ Game Selection Menu (C) 1982, by Wizard of OsZ Disk Drive - A: BLAKJACK - 1 WIZDOT - 4 GOLDMINE - 2 SPACEWAR - 3 Pleaså enteò gamå number¬ anä presó RETURNº 3 - Running a Game - Iî thió example¬  wå choså tï plaù SPACEWAÒ (bù pressinç '3§  anä theî  'RETURN§  oî thå Osbornå É keyboard®  BASIC-8°  wilì  theî automaticallù bå 'run'¬ anä theî thå selecteä gamå (iî thió case¬ SPACEWAR© wilì alsï 'run'¬ aó follows: .PA Š BASIC-80 Rev. 5.21 [CP/M Version] Copyright 1977-1981 (C) by Microsoft Created: 29-May-81 21331 Bytes free The Wizard of OsZ - 'SPACEWAR' (C) 1982, by Wizard of OsZ Do you require instructions (Y or N) ? Y <-- enter 'Y' You are about to go on a mission to destroy five alien space craft that threaten the galaxy...In order to destroy an alien space craft, you must position it such that it appears in the exact center of your target sight. To do that, use the numeric keypad to position the alien craft in the following our directions: 8 - Up, 2 - Down, 4 - Left, 6 - Right Then to fire on the alien space craft, enter '5'. Also, time is an important factor on your mission...Alien return fire degrades your target aiming ability, so don't delay! Your performance is baseä  oî thå numbeò oæ alieî spacå crafô  destroyeä to the number of misses... Please enter your current rating now as follows: N - Novice, H - Hotshot, E - Expert, A - Ace ? Good luck on your mission !!! .pa Š Rating = Novice Pilot --------------------- Target Position: X = 4 Y =-2 Time = 0 Distance = 3.60555 ---------------------- | | | | <-O-> | | | |----------| + |----------| | | | | | | | ----------------------- .pa Š The Wizard of OsZ - 'GOLDMINE' The Wizard of OsZ - 'GOLDMINE' (C) 1982, by Wizard of OsZ O = Gold [] = Miner * = Dead Miner # = Tunnel Wall + = Assay Office Use ARROW keys for direction control Use RETURN or ENTER to blast Press any key to play <-- hit a key! Please wait for the GOLDMINE to be built... .pa Š The Wizard of OsZ - 'Black-Jack' (C) 1982, by Wizard of OsZ Do you require instructions (Y or N) ? Y <-- enter 'Y' The Wizard of OsZ Casino house limit is $10,000 Your choices to the question HIT are as follows: 0 <-- NO HIT on this hand 1 <-- HIT on this hand 2 <-- DOUBLE BET after seeing cards 1 and 2 and HIT 3 <-- SPLIT the hand, for two pairs To stop the game, enter a 0 for your wager. Press any key to begin play... <-- hit a key! .pa Š The Wizard of OsZ - 'WIZDOT' (C) 1982, by Wizard of OsZ Do you require instructions (Y or N)? Y <-- enter 'Y' WIZDOT is a 'connect-the-dots' game played on a 4 by 4 playing area. When you want to make a move, use one of the four arrow keys to move the cursor up, down, right, or left, to the space between any two dots you want to connect. Once you have decided on your move and have positioned the cursor there, press the RETURN or ENTER key and the two dots will be connected. If you complete a square, that square is yours and you may make an additional move. The game will end when either you or the computer has succesfully taken 5 squares. Enteò RETURÎ oò ENTEÒ tï start..® <-- hiô RETURN! Please wait while the Wizard sets up the game... .pa Š - Ending the Game, returning to the Game Menu - Alì  oæ thå Wizarä oæ OsÚ gameó wilì returî automaticallù tï  thå 'selectioî menu'¬  eitheò bù answerinç 'Y§ aô thå prompô tï 'Quiô (Ù oò N)?§ oò bù pressinç RESEÔ oî thå Osbornå I®  Additionally¬ yoõ  maù  stoð executioî oæ thå gamå bù pressinç 'CTRL§  anä  'C§ simultaneouslù  oî  youò  keyboarä (yoõ wilì theî  seå  thå  'ok§ prompt)¬  anä  theî enteò SYSTEÍ followeä bù youò keyboarä RETURÎ key...then¬ yoõ wilì bå returneä bacë tï thå Gamå Menu. Havå fun¬  anä thå Wizarä oæ OsÚ hopeó thaô yoõ anä youò childreî wilì enjoù thå games! - Disclaimer - Wizarä oæ OsÚ makeó nï representationó oò warrantieó witè respecô tï  thå  contentó hereoæ anä specificallù disclaimó  anù  implieä warrantieó  oæ  merchantabilitù  oò fitnesó  foò  anù  particulaò purpose® Further¬ Wizarä oæ OsÚ reserveó thå righô tï reviså thå software¬  documentation¬  anä  publicationó anä tï makå  changeó froí  timå  tï timå iî thå contenô hereoæ withouô  obligatioî  oæ Wizarä oæ OsÚ tï notifù anù persoî oæ sucè revisioî oò changes. CP/M is a trademark of Digital Research Osborne I is a trademark of Osborne Computer Corp. BASIC-80 and MBASIC is a trademark of Microsoft Inc. Wizard of OsZ is a trademark of Wizard of OsZ