Section III
A Reference Manual
User's Guide
Written by
Richard Conn
Copyright 1986 Richard Conn
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ZCPR3: The Libraries Z3LIB Introduction
Z3LIB contains a host of support utilities which provide
access to ZCPR3-specific features and capabilities.
Z3LIB routines can be divided into four categories:
1. ZCPR3 Environment Access
— Those utilities which allow the programmer to
easily extract data from the Z3 Environment Descriptor and modify
certain Z3 environment parameters
2. ZCPR3 Flow Control
— Those utilities which permit the programmer to
easily manipulate the flow control environment of ZCPR3, enabling
him to raise the level or lower the level of the current IF
condition and to toggle the current IF condition as desired
3. ZCPR3 Messages
—~ Those utilities providing access to the ZCPR3
messages, allowing the program to read and write messages from
and to the system
4. ZCPR3 Utilities
— Useful utilities which relieve the programmer
from constantly reprogramming some commonly-used ZCPR3 features
ZCPR3: The Libraries Z3LIB Introduction
ZCPR3: The Libraries Z3LIB Environment Access 1
Command Line
CRT/Printer Data
External FCB
Environment of ZCPR3
FCP Address
File Names
Introduction to IOP Concepts
IOP Recording
ZCPR3; The Libraries Z3LIB Environment Access 1
Environment Access 1
Any program running under ZCPR3 is within what can be called
a ZCPR3 environment. A host of facilities and data is available
to this program which a normal CP/M program does not have. For
instance, a program running under the ZCPR3 environment:
. can find out what name it was invoked by
. can access a set of messages from ZCPR3 which
tell it a number of things about how it was
. can send messages to ZCPR3 and programs which
run after it completes
. can find out many things about its environment,
such as the processor speed, CRT and printer
characteristics, maximum number of disks
. can determine what characteristics the user's
terminal has and make use of these to employ
cursor addressing and other such functions
All of the information outlined above and more is available
to any running program thru the ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor.
This is a block of memory (256 bytes) which contains addresses
and other data in a precisely-defined format. At installation
time, the ZCPR3 utilities can be set up to internally contain an
Environment Descriptor or they can be installed with a pointer to
an Environment Descriptor which resides at some fixed location in
memory (this is the preferred approach). Once the routines in
Z3LIB have been initialized with knowledge of the address of this
environment descriptor, they can extract specific information
from it for use in the application program.
The following information is contained within a ZCPR3
Environment Descriptor:
address of External Path
address of RCP
address of FCP
address of IOP
address of Named Dir
address of Command Line
address of Env Descriptor
address of Shell Stack
address of Z3 Messages
address of External FCB
address of Wheel Byte
processor speed
maximum disk allowed
data on CRT
two reserved file names
size of External Path
size of RCP
size of FCP
size of IOP
size of Named Dir
size of Command Line
size of Env Descriptor
size of Shell Stack
size of Stack Entries
address of External Stk
quiet flag
DU approval flag
maximum user allowed
data on Printer
ZCPR3: The Libraries Z3LIB Environment Access 1
The purpose of Z3LIB is to provide the programmer with easy
access to the information in the ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor and
to allow him to easily make use of this information. To
illustrate, the some Z3LIB routines are:
. GETPRT - return data on the width, number of
lines, and form feed ability of the
. GETCL2 - return the address of the first char
of the next command to be run, if any
. GETEFCB - return the address of the external
FCB so the program can determine its
. SHPUSH - push a command line on the shell stack
. SHPOP - pop a command line from the shell stk
. IFT - invoke the next IF level and make it T
. IFEND - back up to previous IF level
This chapter describes those Z3LIB routines which provide
access to the ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor data. Many of these
routines are of the general name:
where the mnemonic following the GET prefix alludes to what
information is being obtained.
14.1. Command Line
Routine: APPCL
Function: APPCL appends the command string (ending in null)
pled to by HL to the end of the ZCPR3 command line buffer for
execution. A leading semicolon is prepended to allow this line
to execute after the last line in the buffer. The command line
buffer contents are repacked to avert overflow in roost cases.
PUTCL inserts the command line as the next command in the
buffer, while APPCL appends the command line as the last command
in the buffer. This is the difference between APPCL and PUTCL.
Error flag is returned, indicating overrun of buffer. If
buffer is overrun, original command line is not changed.
Inputs: HL = address of command string to append
Outputs: A = Error Code
A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if command line buffer
overflows (no change to command line) or
no command line buffer
A=OFFH and NZ if append is complete
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: Command Line buffer is changed
Special Error Conditions: None
ZCPR3: The Libraries Z3LIB Environment Access 1
Routine; CLRCL
Function: CLRCL clears the command line buffer, setting it
to empty. Any remaining commands in the buffer will not be
executed when control is returned to ZCPR3.
Inputs: None
Outputs: A = Error Code
A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if no command line
buffer (no problem, anyway)
A=OFFH and NZ if command line cleared
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: Command line buffer cleared
Special Error Conditions: None
Routine; GETCLl
Function: Returns the address of the Command Line Buffer in
HL and its size (in byte) in A. The Command Line Buffer is
structured as follows:
db 0
GETCL1 returns the address of CMDLINE in HL and the size (at
CMDLINE+2) in A.
Inputs: None
Outputs: HL=addreas of CMDLINE, A=size
Registers Affected: HL, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: HL = 0 if there is no command
line buffer
Routine: GETCL2
Function: Returns the address of the first character of the
next command to be executed in the Command Line Buffer in HL and
the first character of the next command in A. A=0 and the Zero
Flag is Set (Z) if there are no further characters in the line.
The Command Line Buffer is structured as follows;
db 0
GETCL2 returns the address contained in the first DW at the
label CMDLINE in HL and the char at this address in A.
Inputs: None
Outputs; HL=address of next command, A=first char
Registers Affected: HL, PSW
Side Effects: None
ZCPR3: The Libraries Z3LIB Environment Access 1
Special Error Conditions: HL = 0 if there is no Command
Line Buffer.
Routine: PDTCL
Function: PUTCL stores a command line as a prefix in the
ZCPR3 command line buffer. The buffer contents are repacked so
that an overflow is averted in most cases. If a command already
exists in the buffer, the new line is postfixed with a semicolon
so continuation is enabled.
Inputs: HL = Address of command line (ending in 0)
Outputs: A=0 and Zero Flag Set
For example, a conventional CRT would look like:
db 80 80 cols
db 24 24 lines
db 22 22 text lines
The number of text lines should be two less than the total
number of lines. It may be made 3 or 4 less if the user wants to
see wider overlap on his screen. The purpose of this record
element is to tell utilities like PAGE how many lines to output
before pausing to allow the user to read the screen, and this can
be reduced (go to 20 or 18 lines) to allow the user to see more
of the last screen he was viewing.
Inputs: None
Outputs: HL contains the address of the CRT record
Registers Affected: HL
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
ZCPR3: The Libraries Z3LIB Environment Access 1
Routine; POTORT
Function: PUTCRT stores the selection (0 or 1) in the CRT
selection buffer of the ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor. An error
code is returned and no change to the buffer is made if the input
selection is out of range (not 0..1).
Inputs: A = CRT Selection value (0 or 1)
Outputs: A = Error Code
A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if invid sel (not 0 or 1)
A=OFFH and NZ if OK
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: CRT Selection flag in Env .Desc is set
Special Error Conditions: None
Routine; GETPKT
Function: Return the address of the Printer data record in
HL. This record is structured as follows:
db ; any command will execute now
SCR>era *.bak
No Piles
SCR>; we can set a flow control state to be false
SCR>; no command will execute now
When any command is executed, before the execution actually
begins, ZCPR3 will look to see if the state of the flow control
is TRUE. Such is the case when we are not within an IF condition
or when we are within one or more IF conditions, all of which are
ZCPR3 allows the user to be nested into IFs up to eight (8)
levels deep. That is, the structure of his command sequences can
take the form of something like the following which can be nested
into 8 levels of IPs:
ZCPR3; The Libraries Z3LIB Plow and ZEX Control
Command structures like those presented above are now
possible under ZCPR3. Essentially, ZCPR3 commands can now take
the form of a programming language in their own right.
The set of routines available in this part of Z3LIB are used
to provide the programmer a simple interface to control the flow
control within (and outside) his program. He can, under his own
control, issue commands to:
. enter the next IF level in a TRUE or FALSE condition,
. toggle the state of the current IF level,
. drop down to the previous IF level,
. determine the current IF level number,
. or multiples of the above
16.1.1. End IF
Routine: IFEND
Function: Drop to the previous IF level. If the program is
currently within one or more IFs, IFEND will drop it to the next
IF level down, terminating the current IF level.
For a transient to be executing, there is currently either
no IF level or there is a TRUE flow control state (all preceeding
IPs are TRUE). If we are at some IF level, calling IFEND drops
us into the proceeding one.
Inputs: None
Outputs: A = Error Code
A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if no IF level
A=OFFH and NZ if IFEND is successful
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
ZCPR3: The Libraries Z3LIB Flow and ZEX Control
16.1.2. Raise IF
Routine; IFT, IFF
Function: Raise the flow control state into the next level
of IF. IFT raises the state into the next level and sets it to
TRUE, while IFF raises the state into the next level and sets it
The flow control state can support eight (8) levels of IPs,
and IFT and IFF return error codes indicating if an overflow (and
subsequent failure to enter the next state) occurred.
Inputs: None
Outputs: A = Error Code
A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if IF level overflow
A=OFFH and NZ if IF level OK
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
16.1.3. Test IF
Routine: IFTEST
Function: To determine the current IF level. IFTEST
returns a value from 0 to 8 in the A register, indicating the
current IF level. If A=0, there is no current IF. The Zero Flag
is set accordingly, so the following can be done:
call if test ;get IF level
jz noif process if not any IF level
cpi 8 test for max IF level
jz atmax process if at max IF level
Inputs: None
Outputs: A = number of current IF level. Zero Flag set
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
16.1.4. Toggle IF
Routine: IFELSE
Function: Toggle the TRUE/FALSE state of the current IF
level. IF the program is currently within an IF level (then it
MUST be within a TRUE IF level), calling IFELSE (an odd number of
times) toggles the IF level to FALSE. Two calls to IFELSE (any
even number of calls) result in the IF level remaining at TRUE.
Inputs: None
Outputs: A = Error Code
A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if no current IF
A=OFFH and NZ if successful
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
ZCPR3; The Libraries Z3LIB Flow and ZEX Control
16.2. ZEX Access and Control
The ZEX Command Pile Facility (under ZCPR3 onlyl) can be
controlled by this set of Z3LIB routines. ZEX intercepts all
BIOS calls for input, and, when in intercept mode, it provides
input from text contained in its memory-based text buffer rather
than allowing the user to input characters from the keyboard.
These routines are used to query the status of ZEX and to
instruct ZEX to continue intercepting characters or to stop
intercepting characters and allow user input.
This set of routines provides access to the ZEX memory-based
command file processor and its environment. The programmer can
take control of ZEX through these routines.
Summary of Routines:
GETZEX - Get the ZEX Control Message
GETZFC - Get the first character in ZEX buffer
GETZNC - Get the next character to be returned
GETZRUN - Get ZEX Running Flag
HALTZEX - Terminate the ZEX processor
16.2.1. ZEX Data
Set the ZEX Control Message
Set the next character to be returned
Set ZEX Running Flag
Suspend ZEX Execution
Resume ZEX Execution from a STOPZEX
Routine: GETZFC
Function: GETZFC (Get ZEX First Character) returns the
address in HL of the first character in the ZEX text buffer.
Carry Flag is set if data is not available.
Inputs: None
HL = Address of First Character
A = Character
Carry Flag Set (0 if No Data
Registers Affected: HL, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Routine; GETZNC
Function: GETZNC (Get ZEX Next Character) returns the
address in HL of the next character which ZEX will return. Carry
Flag is Set if no data. Reg A contains the character.
Inputs; None
HL = Address of Next Character in ZEX Text Buffer
A = Next Character in ZEX Text Buffer
Carry Flag Set (C) if no data
Registers Affected: HL, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
ZCPR3; The Libraries Z3LIB Flow and ZEX Control
Routine: PUTZNC
Function: PUTZNC sets the address of the next character
which ZEX will return to that contained in HL. This routine
provides a GOTO function for ZEX control.
Inputs: HL = address of next character ZEX will return
Outputs: Carry Flag Set )
Inputs: HL = address of first char
Outputs: A=OPFH, NZ, and BC==DU (disk A = 0) if valid
A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if not valid
Registers Affected: BC, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Routine; DIRSCAN
Function: DIRSCAN resolves the DIR form pted to by HL. The
DIR string is stored in a buffer up to eight characters long, and
it is terminated by a delimiter if it is under eight characters
long, which may be any of the following bytes:
ZCPR3: The Libraries Z3LIB Utilities
a character of value space or less
an equal sign (=)
an underscore (_)
a period (.)
a colon (:)
a comma (,)
a less-than sign (<)
a greater-than sign (>)
Inputs: HL = address of first char
Outputs: A=OFFH, NZ, and BODU (disk A = 0) if valid
A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if not valid
Registers Affected: BC, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
18.10. Search for File Along Path
Routine: PFIND
Function: PFIND searches for the file specified in the
target FCB along the ZCPR3 command search path. If found, the DU
it is located in is returned.
Inputs: DE = Address of FCB
A=0 if do not search current directory
AOO if search of current directory
Outputs: BC = DU (disk A = 0)
A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if not found
A=OFFH and NZ if found
Registers Affected: BC, PSW
Side Effects: FCB is affected
Special Error Conditions: None
18.11. Shell Stack Manipulation
This set of routines supports Shell Stack manipulation. The
following routines are provided:
SHEMPTY - test to see if Shell Stack is empty
SHFULL - test to see if Shell Stack is full
SHPOP - pop top string off of Shell Stack
SHPUSH - push string onto Shell Stack
A Shell Stack is implemented as a series of strings
(recommended size is 32 bytes/string, and the stack should
contain at least four of these strings). The top element of a
Shell Stack specifies the command line to be executed as a Shell
by the ZCPR3 CP. This command line is copied into the Multiple
Command Line Buffer for execution.
ZCPR3: The Libraries Z3LIB Utilities
Routine: SHEMPTY
Function: SHEMPTY determines if the shell stack is empty.
If it is empty or no shell stack is available, A=0; if not empty,
Inputs: None
Outputs: A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if empty or none
AOO and NZ if not empty
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Routine: SHPOLL
Function; SHFULL determines if the shell stack is full. If
the stack is full or not available, A=0; else, if the stack is
not full, AOO.
Inputs: None
Outputs: A=0 and Zero Flag Set