Z80 and R800 Assembly/Machine Language Op-code Tables

These tables are compilations of different sources, including Z80 instruction set tables and an article of the Japanese "MSX Magazine" (issue of 1990-Nov.) with R800 Assembly.

Available tables:

Tables entries:

* The time spent by each instruction depends on the hardware architecture. MSX uses RAS/CAS memory banks, so some "wait states" may be generated when accessing memory, even when just reading the program op-codes. MSX turbo R is somehow optimized so it avoids some wait-states when running in R800 mode.

Flag Results

The kind of modification each instruction makes on the flags depends on the results of the operation. Some of the most important results are:

Note that INC and DEC instructions for 16 bit registers don't affect any flag.

Definitions used in the tables:

Z80 8 bit registers
000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
r b c d e h l a

R800 8 bit registers
000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
r .b .c .d .e .h .l .a
u .b .c .d .e .ixh .ixl .a
v .b .c .d .e .iyh .iyl .a
p .ixh .ixl
q .iyh .iyl

Z80 16 bit registers
00 01 10 11
rr bc de hl af
ss bc de hl sp
pp bc de ix sp
qq bc de iy sp

R800 16 bit registers
00 01 10 11
rr .bc .de .hl .af
ss .bc .de .hl .sp
pp .bc .de .ix .sp
qq .bc .de .iy .sp

Other Registers
Z80 R800 Name
i .i interrupt vector
r .r refresh register
pc .pc program counter

{b} bit b (3 bits number)
{x..y} bit range x..y
IFF interrupt flip-flop
C 1st bit of .f
N 2nd bit of .f
P 4th bit of .f
H 5th bit of .f
Z 7th bit of .f
S 8th bit of .f

Index Register Modifiers (Z80/R800)
ii ix/.ix iy/.iy

Reset/Break Addresses
000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
k 00H 08H 10H 18H 20H 28H 30H 38H

Symbolic operands
+ add
- subtract
¡Ñ multiply
¡Ò divide
<< assign
<=> exchange
< less than
> greater than
= equal
[n] I/O port n
[.c] I/O port defined by .c
[nn] address pointer

n 8 bits
d -128..+127
nn 16 bits
nnl nn "LSB"
nnh nn "MSB"

Logical Operations
¬ not
& and
# or
^ xor

Symbolic registers
ssl ss LSB
ssh ss MSB
rrl rr LSB
rrh rr MSB
iil ii LSB
iih ii MSB
pcl pc/.pc LSB
pch pc/.pc MSB
tmp temporary

Register F/.F
bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
flag S Z H P N C
