- /ex /id /sh /ish/ - /mir/ex /bm /bf /a8 /ac /cpu/a16/rsb/jp /cal/ret/pio/ - /ra /rr /rr2/imm/ihl/iss/abs/idx/ptn/ptc/hl /ss /qq /xy /pp /dim/dab/axy/p0 /rel/stk/bit/cc /cc2/ahl/im4/ ********************************************************* * * * ZEM Z80 EMULATOR DECODER DATA FILE * * * * First 3 lines are literals strings. * * There are notes on the format at the * * end of this file. * * * * ZEM Z80 Emulator and Monitor * * Version 1.03 22 June 1986 * * * * (C) 1986 by P. G. Kenny * * 27 Colwyn Road * * Northampton * * * * Permission is hereby granted for all non-commercial * * reproduction and distribution of this material * * provided this notice is included. * * * ********************************************************* ** 8-bit load group ** - 01xxxxxx 1 4 - rr > push id 11100101 2 15 - push - 11xx0001 1 10 - qq > ex (sp) id 11100011 2 23 ex - ex (sp) ** block move group ** ex 10100000 2 16 bm - - ldi ex 10110000 2 16 bm - - ldir ex 10101000 2 16 bm - - ldd ex 10111000 2 16 bm - - lddr ** block find group ** ex 10100001 2 16 bf - - cpi ex 10110001 2 16 bf - - cpir ex 10101001 2 16 bf - - cpd ex 10111001 2 16 bf - - cpdr ** 8 bit arithmetic group ** - 10000xxx 1 4 a8 ra - inc - 00110100* 1 11 a8 - inc id 00110100 3 23 a8 - inc - 00xxx101 1 4 a8 - dec - 00110101* 1 11 a8 - dec id 00110101 3 23 a8 - dec ** accumulator and flag group ** - 00100111 1 4 ac - - daa - 00101111 1 4 ac - - cpl ex 01000100 2 8 ac - - neg - 00111111 1 4 ac - - ccf - 00110111 1 4 ac - - scf ** miscellaneous cpu control group ** - 00000000 1 4 cpu - - nop - 01110110 1 4 cpu - - halt - 11110011 1 4 cpu - - di - 11111011 1 4 cpu - - ei ex 01000110 2 8 cpu - - im 0 ex 01010110 2 8 cpu - - im 1 ex 01011110 2 8 cpu - - im 2 ** 16 bit arithmetic group ** - 00xx1001 1 11 a16 hl > - inc id 00100011 2 10 a16 - inc - 00xx1011 1 6 a16 - dec id 00101011 2 10 a16 - dec ** rotate and shift group ** - 00000111 1 4 ac - - rlca - 00010111 1 4 ac - - rla - 00001111 1 4 ac - - rrca - 00011111 1 4 ac - - rra sh 00000xxx 2 8 rsb - rlc sh 00000110* 2 15 rsb - rlc ish 00000110 4 23 rsb - rlc sh 00010xxx 2 8 rsb - rl sh 00010110* 2 15 rsb - rl ish 00010110 4 23 rsb - rl sh 00001xxx 2 8 rsb - rrc sh 00001110* 2 15 rsb - rrc ish 00001110 4 23 rsb - rrc sh 00011xxx 2 8 rsb - rr sh 00011110* 2 15 rsb - rr ish 00011110 4 23 rsb - rr sh 00100xxx 2 8 rsb - sla sh 00100110* 2 15 rsb - sla ish 00100110 4 23 rsb - sla sh 00101xxx 2 8 rsb - sra sh 00101110* 2 15 rsb - sra ish 00101110 4 23 rsb - sra sh 00111xxx 2 8 rsb - srl sh 00111110* 2 15 rsb - srl ish 00111110 4 23 rsb - srl ex 01101111 2 18 rsb - - rld ex 01100111 2 18 rsb - - rrd ** bit set, reset and test group ** sh 01xxxxxx 2 8 rsb bit set sh 11xxx110* 2 15 rsb bit set ish 11xxx110 4 23 rsb bit set sh 10xxxxxx 2 8 rsb bit res sh 10xxx110* 2 15 rsb bit res ish 10xxx110 4 23 rsb bit res ** jump group ** - 11000011 3 10 jp mnem ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | | | | | | | | | = mnemonic string | | | | | | | | | | | = . post-store flag for op2 | | | | | | | | | | = ... address mode literal for op2 | | | | | | | | | = ..... pre-load flag for op2 | | | | | | | | = ....... post-store flag for op1 | | | | | | | = ......... address mode literal for op1 | | | | | | = ........... pre-load flag for op1 | | | | | = ............... function literal | | | | = .................. time in cycles | | | = .................... length in bytes | | = ...................... supression flags | = .............................. bit pattern = .................................. class literal (starts in 1st column) Notes : ~~~~~~~ A white-space character in the first column indicates a comment line. The first 3 lines of the file contain the literal assignments for class, function and address mode. The bit pattern may contain '0' , '1' or 'x', where 'x' means don't care. The optional suppression flags are : '*' - ignore double definition error '?' - this bit pattern is to be undefined The time value is the minimum for the instruction, any extra time needed (for example by the JR group) is added when the instruction is executed. -------------------------- END OF ZEMDDAT.ASC ----------------------------- s added when the instruction is executed. -------------------------- END OF ZEMDDAT.ASC ------