lX escap ()hom escap "H"'cl escap "E" hom ( cl!2move.an escap "Y"nf bfl  (}). cghw strengt "UBUCUDUGUHULUWUZUSU"'X (,) () ()@b l    (,)  l "Length of rope","mace","gold key","oil lamp","knife","axe","diamond","rusty iron key","JEWELLED SHIELD","golden sword","MAGIC SWORD","parchment map","pickaxe","silver key"*v   () Q move.an;( );( );"THE EVIL SORCEROR OF THE BLACK MOUNTAIN"b () move.an;( );( ); "PRESS I FOR INSTRUCTIONS, ANY OTHER KEY TO PLAY."O " INPUT i or any other key followed by RETURN.";" "i" "I" L*  () "YOURE NAME PLEASE";nam% nam""  * cl "HELLO ";nam "YOU ARE IN FRONT OF A PROCLAMATION.What it says makes you very angry. You take a flask of poisoned wine (that just happened to be there) and rush from the Inn."fmbre(#l  re)# )# re*# *# re+# +# re,# ,# re-# -# re.# .# re/# /# re0# 0# re1# 1# re2# 2# re3# 3# re4# 4# re5# 5# re6# 6# re7# 7# re8# 8#   d l) o l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 B    ()  "YOU ARE ";;"."  f f  f :IF lc=40 OR lc=41 OR lc=42 OR lc=49 OR lc=50 OR lc=51 OR lc=52 OR lc=53 OR lc=54 THEN GOTO 1170  l    l&   l' <$ l  l * l l # f f  l+  l, 0 l-  l.   "What will you do ";$ "" &) "dig" "DIG" (. "open" "OPEN" (3 "look" "LOOK" (8 "take" "TAKE" @(B "list" "LIST" 7L "Strength" "STRENGTH"  4V t      ~ ` ,j "I don't understand ";;". " 0t "north","east","south","west","up","down"7~ () "You can't go ";;". " Fl() l4 l7 "You went ";;". " l(  l)  l* h l1 $ l2  l3  l4 P l   l5  l6    l5   = ( ) "You've got nothing to dig with." D l$ l% l( "You find nothing."  lV () "You've dug here before.Nothing else to be found here." 9 "You unearth a ";(,)() W l- l/ l0 l "there is nothing to open."  l-  ( l/ \ - l   2 l0   l l7 l@ l+ l, l- l. l/ l0 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l% l( < l& l' "You see all there is." l lA ` () "You find a "(,) () lA () 6 () "You see all there is." ! "You find nothing." @ l l+ l, l- l. l/ l0 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 hJ l& K l' FTlY lA I^ () "You take the ";(,)() nh m "You take the food and eat it. It enhances your strength." m Vr b "You take the wine and drink it." b (| "You see nothing to take." 0 f "a flask of poisoned wine"* f "absolutely nothing". "YOU ARE CARRYING:" f ;9   () "a ";(,)    0 " YOUR STRENGTH RATING IS NOW ";;". "{  "You are now so weak and racked with pain that you drink some of your poisoned wine. " "you die." l         d:llq lA 2v () "You see a ";(,) l  r (} ) r = r  "You see some food. " m ] r  "You meet a friendly witch. She offers you some wine. "bV "you see a shadowy figure. " "Will you offer the poisoned wine or run away" t () "make your choice: ";  "offer" "run" "you must RETURN 'offer' or 'run'"  "offer" HJ  "run" "THE COWARDS WAY OUT HA HA HA you bravely ran away."r (})b  r "In your haste to get away ,you trip and damage your knee."  * l ll4 l ll?> "When you stop running you look about you..."f Hr (})]R r "The shadowy figure say's I wasn't born yesterday and calmly walks away" \ r r a  'f "You are attacked by a wild dog"pr (})8z r "you struggle and get away safely"E r "you get away with a few scratches"D r "you have severe cuts and bruises"? r "you suffer terrible injurys"0 "you fight with your attacker ";;". "  ' () (}) (,,)+ (,, )(, )? "B" "Mongol Warrior"s  @$ "C" "Nomad tribesman"s  6. "D" "Thief"s  <8 "G" "Dark Knight"s  :B "H" "Evil king"s  7L "L" "Squire"s  5V "W" "Surf"s  8` "S" "Freeman"s  Ze "U" "You've killed a wild dog " "there's now "; "left"^j "Z" "You've just killed the witch. IDIOT. She was your only friend."  t ~ $ "You've just killed a ";@ s ; " Was weaker than you"N "CONGRATULATIONS, ";;" Was stronger than you." A "Do you wish to enter and ask the Priest for directions ?"P () "Enter cave (yes or no): "; "yes"  "no"   "no" x "The Priest says the evil sorceror's castle is 2 miles east, up the Black mountain, then another 2 miles east."U "The Stone quarry is 2 miles south down the hill, then 1 mile west, then west" "To get to the Trading station , you take the road to the Stone quarry, but instead of turning west, head south-east for 4 miles,and then go south for one mile." ? f1 "THE TRADING STATION IS CLOSED"l  E () "You cannot open it. You do not have the key"' "You unlock the door"f1 f "two green eyes peer at you from a dark recess . You hold up the lamp. you see a Cobra coiled up on an ancient jewelled shield"I f () "You take the ";(,)() 5 () "You see nothing to take."  "the Cobra says: Before you can take this JEWELLED SHIELD, you must snatch it from me, but I warn you I am fast. If you run out of time I will attack you."t "When you see GO then press any key as fast as you can. When you are ready press any key and I will begin." u"" M "READY"    "STEADY"     "GO")    u""  ?  "The Cobra strikes out at you."   "YOU WON!!" n "CONGRATULATIONS. YOU'VE SURVIVED THE ORDEAL. The Cobra slithers away." f() Q< ( ) "You see a Golden sword, its blade embedded in solid rock."AMF f ( ) "you take the ";( ,) ( ) 8K ( ) "You see nothing to take. " P "You try to withdraw the sword from the rock but cannot." c "you must fight another Guardian. one awaits you to the north."  U "A voice says before you can take the sword you must prove your mental prowess. if you can add some numbers together faster than I can, then the sword will be yours for the taking .if not you must fight another of my Guardians."(Z "When you are ready,press a key."d u"" dTi "GET READY"     "GET SET"     "GO"3n  r (})r (}),x "What is ";r;" and ";r;" ? ";Hrr  rd u""   / "answer please";    x "Correct"  "CONGRATULATIONS. You have earned the right to take the sword." ff  "out of time. I won the answer is ";;" Before you can try again or re-cross the bridge you must defeat another Guardian." c f0 () "You light the ";(,) o_ () "In the darkness you fell down some stairs into a cellar." pl h f Br () "You fell. You had no rope." pl#L| "You lowerd yourself into the stone quarry using the ";(,);"."w () "How ever in the darkness stumble and fall off the small ledge into a deep chasm" pl#g ( ) "You have no map and are destined to wander the Stone quarry until you die" L "You light the ";(,);" and consult the ";( ,)f g *"a ""GALLANT KNIGHT" |& (,,)"mag" gi (,,)"kni" () "CONGRATULATIONS. YOU HAVE KILLED THE ";;"." g (,,)"mac" () (,,)"axe" () "BAD LUCK. You only wound him. you are forced to reteat back across the drawbridge."l, "THE ";;" KILLS YOU. "  0 h +:"THE ""EVIL SORCEROR" |$D (,,)"mag" h]N (,,)"axe" "CONGRATULATIONS. YOU HAVE KILLED";;;"." hBX "BAD LUCK.";;;"KILLS YOU STONE DEAD. " = f "The door to the KING'S cell is locked."2 f "The cell door is wide open."E () "You cannot open it. You do not have the key."L "Are you absolutly sure ?"  () "Open cell ? (yes or no) "; "yes" ; "you unlock the cell door using the ";(,);".") w "the cell is empty."7 "CONGRATULATIONS. YOU HAVE FREED THE YOUR KING." () ( ) "YOU HAVE RETURNED TO HIM IS MAGICAL SWORD AND JEWELLED SHEILD.";"HE REWARDS YOU BY PROCLAIMING YOU THE GREATEST WARRIOR IN ALL THE LAND" dV "However, he is unable to reward you because you have not returned to him, his"F () ( ) (,);" and ";( ,)  () (,)! ( ) ( ,) "so you have no choice but to go back to the woods and carry on killing until you're the strongest left in all the land."w: c ^ "On the bridge stands a fearsom Guardian of the cavern. You must defeat him in battle."r  "CHOOSE A KEY (1 to 9). One of them will kill the Guardian. Your strength is ";strengtr (} )? () "CHOOSE A KEY (1 to 9) followed by RETURN.";  r "CONGRATULATIONS. You have thrown the Guardian off the bridge into a deep chasm far below." c6*strengtstrengt strengt >S4 "You lost that time, try again. Your strength is now ";strengt;"." > "BAD LUCK .You're now too weak to resist and the Gardian hurls you from the bridge to your death in the deep chasm " 0\ () "You don't have the key."0f f "There is nothing to open.":p "You unlock the great oak door with the "(,)z "A voice says Enter at your peril, for only the strong and quick thinking leave the slave cavern. Do you dare to enter the cavern, yes or no ? "B () "yes or no "; "yes" "no" ; "no" "The great oak door relocks itself." "So be it. But first I'll take all your possesions.";"Your possessions vanish.";"you pass through the great oak door .It closes, relocks itself behind you...";f    () () l0. f "You don't have the key."7 ther i nothin open ":goto 5410;$ "YOU HAVE FALLEN INTO AN OLD WELL " pl\ ( ) "You have circled the battlements and are back were you started" r (})M r "A thief tries to steal your MAGIC SWORD but fails." f "A thief steals your MAGIC SWORD and tosses it off the battelements into the chasm."( )lL "You see a dark and forboding castle on the other side of the chasm."? ( ) "The drawbridge remains raised."l ( ) "You bribe the sentry with your golden sword. He lowers the draw-bridge and you cross over."( )l+ OP f "You find a pathway up the side of the chasm."f d/Z "THE EDGE GIVES WAY AND YOU FALL." pdlb f "You can't. The passage south is blocked by a great oak door. "l/  f "+ " You went south. "l0 c f " You can't. The passage north is blocked by a great oak door. "l0 x" f "The great oak door vanishes in front of your eyes, and all your possessions are returned to you. "=,f     () ()26   "You went north. "l/ :| "You meet ";;;".";":";"you must fight him."8 "YOU HAVE THE FOLLOWING WEAPONS: poisoned wine" () ;(,) () ;(,) () ;(,)! ( ) ;( ,): ( ) "or you could try the MAGIC SWORD. "(  () "Choose a weapon: "; (,,)"poi" (,,)"mac" (,,)"kni" (,,) "axe" (,,)"gol" (,,)"mag"  (,,)"mag" 2 ( ) " You don't have it. " r (})B "You wave the MAGIC SWORD and...THE ";;" turns into a "M r "spider and you stamp on him and squash him dead." D "scorpion. it rushes forward and stings you. You die"  re9# 9# re:# :# re;# ;# re<# <#  re=# =#! re># >#" re?# ?## re@# @#$ reA# A#% reB# B#& reC# C#' reD# D#( reE# E#) reF# F#* reG# G#, reH# H#- reI# I#. reJ# J#/ reK# K#0 reL# L#1 reM# M#2 reN# N#3 reO# O#4 reP# P#5 reQ# Q#6 reR# R#7 reS# S#8 reT# T#9 reU# U#: reV# V#; reW# W#< reX# X#= re_# _#> re`# `#? rea# a#@ reb# b#A rec# c#B red# d#C ree# e#D ref# f#E reg# g#F reh# h#G rei# i# o pr  (})=z r "YOU'RE LUCKY. You scramble out unhurt." r "BAD LUCK. You recieve serious injuries. "  " However, you manage to stuggle out alive."  - "THE FALL HAS BROKEN YOUR NECK. "  1d "WELL DONE"    clb f @c cl move.an;( );( );" WARRIORS QUEST"<d move.an;( );( );"BY J.TAYLOR (1985) "~g move.an;( );( )" "Hl    move.an;( );( );" PROCLAMATION" q bv   move.an;( );( );" TO ALL CITIZENS OF THIS FAIR LAND" z    move.an;( );( );" THE SORCEROR OF THE BLACK MOUNTAIN HAS ISSUED A CHALLENGE" |    move.an;(  );( );" HE IS HOLDING OUR KING HOSTAGE AND SAYS THAT ONLY BY BEING" x    move.an;(  );( );" DEFEATED BY A GREATER KNIGHT WILL THE KING BE RELEASED" Z   move.an;(  );( );" THE GREATEST KNIGHT IS:-"  f O    move.an;( );( );" PROCLAMATION" b   move.an;( );( );" TO ALL CITIZENS OF THIS FAIR LAND" u    move.an;( );( );" THE SORCEROR OF THE BLACK MOUNTAIN HAS BEEN DEFEATED" Z   move.an;(  );( );" THE GREATEST KNIGHT IS:-" . move.an;( );( );nam@ " ANOTHER GAME (Y/N) "; "y" "Y"  "BYE FOR NOW" clL cl "Your king has been kidnapped by an evil sorceror and you deside to embark upon a quest to rescue your king and prove that you are the greatest of warriors.@ "INSTRUCTIONS"9J "When you're asked what you will do now ? INPUT:-"@T " north east south west up down"LY "look -to look around- take -to pick up- list -to list what you have-}Z "dig -to unearth objects- open -to open doors- strength -to check your score- (ALL FOLLOWED BY RETURN)"[ "When asked 'Do you want to offer or run away INPUT:- offer to attempt to kill or run to escape possible attack (FOLLOWED BY RETURN)"' "Hit any key to return to game." u"" '#(# locations1)# "ON A DUSTY DESERT PATHWAY",8,13,16,12,0,02*# "ON A DUSTY DESERT PATHWAY",13,17,20,16,0,0,+# "BY THE PRIEST'S TEMPLE",55,4,7,0,0,0.,# "ON A DUSTY DESERT PATHWAY",0,5,0,3,0,0(-# "ON A DESERT PATHWAY",0,0,9,4,6,01.# "HIGH ON THE BLACK MOUNTAIN",0,25,10,0,0,5,/# "ON A DUSTY DESERT PATH",3,8,12,0,0,0.0# "ON A DUSTY DESERT PATHWAY",0,0,1,7,9,0&1# "ON A DESERT PATH",5,10,0,0,0,8(2# "HIGH ON A MOUNTAIN",6,0,0,9,0,1303# "ON A DUSTY DESERT PATHWAY",0,12,14,0,0,0*4# "ON A DESERT PATHWAY",7,1,0,11,0,15,5# "ON A DUSTY DESERT PATH",0,0,2,1,10,016# "ON A DUSTY DESERT PATHWAY",11,15,0,0,0,35#7# "IN AN OASIS",0,0,18,14,12,0A8# "GUESS WHAT YOU ARE ON A DUSTY DESERT PATHWAY",1,2,0,0,0,0)9# "ON A DESERT PATHWAY",0,0,21,2,0,0#:# "IN AN OASIS",15,19,0,35,0,0#;# "IN AN OASIS",0,0,22,18,20,00<# "ON A DUSTY DESERT PATHWAY",2,21,0,0,0,19+=# "ON A DESERT PATHWAY",17,0,24,20,0,0!># "IN A OASIS",19,23,0,0,0,0)?# "IN A WOODED OASIS",0,0,30,22,24,0-@# "ON A DUSTY DESERT PATH",21,0,0,0,0,23/A# "AT THE EDGE OF A CHASM",52,51,52,6,0,52(B# "IN A STONE QUARRY",36,0,0,42,0,0?C# "AT A JUNCTION IN THE STONE QUARRY TRAIL",42,28,47,0,0,05D# "ON THE EAST STONE QUARRY TRAIL",0,37,0,27,0,0.E# "UP ON THE BATTLEMENTS",50,0,50,0,38,43/F# "IN THE TRADING STATION",23,31,32,49,0,0&G# "IN A STOCK ROOM",0,0,33,30,0,0(H# "IN THE BACK ROOM",30,33,0,0,0,41&I# "IN THE KITCHEN",31,0,0,32,34,01J# "IN THE TRADING STATION LOFT",0,0,0,0,0,33;K# "AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE STONE QUARRY",0,18,0,0,14,427L# "ON A SMALL LEDGE IN STONE QUARRY",0,40,26,0,0,0.M# "AT THE BOTTOM OF A WELL",0,0,0,28,30,0@N# "IN A ROOM AT THE TOP OF THE TALLEST TURRET",0,0,0,0,0,29&O# "IN A VAST CAVERN",46,0,0,0,0,04P# "AT THE BOTTOM OF A DEEP CHASM",52,0,0,36,0,04Q# " IN THE TRADING STATION CELLAR",0,0,0,0,32,01R# "ON THE STONE QUARRY TRAIL",0,26,27,0,35,0/S# "IN THE CASTLE COURTYARD",44,0,0,25,29,0)T# "IN THE THRONE ROOM",0,0,43,0,0,45'U# "DOWN THE DUNGEONS",0,0,0,0,44,0<V# "ON A BRIDGE SPANNING A RAGING TORRENT",48,0,39,0,0,05W# "ON THE MAIN STONE QUARRY TRAIL",27,0,53,0,0,0-X# "IN A DIMLY LIT PASSAGE",54,0,46,0,0,01_# "IN THE PRIEST'S ANTI-ROOM",56,58,3,57,0,0*`# "IN THE ALTER ROOM",59,61,55,60,0,05a# "IN THE WEST WING OF THE TEMPLE",60,55,0,0,0,05b# "IN THE EAST WING OF THE TEMPLE",61,0,0,55,0,07c# "IN THE DORMATORIES OF THE TEMPLE",0,0,56,62,0,0,d# "IN THE PRIEST'S CELL",62,56,57,0,0,0:e# "IN THE NORTHEAST WING OF THE TEMPLE",0,0,58,56,0,0/f# "IN THE PRIEST'S TEMPLE",63,59,60,64,0,0<g# "IN THE CENTRAL CORRIDOR OF THE TEMPLE",0,0,62,0,0,654h# "IN THE REFECTORY IN THE TEMPLE",0,62,0,0,0,0'i# "IN A SMALL CAVERN",0,0,0,0,63,0IDOR OF THE TE