Drive A0 [ROOT] Files: 1/22: 58/2510k : Free 1974k




This here's my stuff. Most of the stuff I collected during my CP/M years that's of any interest whatsoever. Much of it is duplicated elsewhere at *HUMONGOUS* CP/M, some of it is unique. Can't promise you'll see something you like, but it's free to look.



A collection of replacement BDOSes and CCPs.

Communications utilities: modem and BBS programs.

Editors and word processors

CP/M and hardware emulators.

My collection of games, featuring Infocom.

A large collection of material related to the TRS-80 line of computers. Of special interest is the *HUMONGOUS* library -- 280 programming and reference books.

Various utilities -- archivers, disk & file, and DateStamper and Backgrounder II.

My collection of Digital Research's CP/M-family of operating systems, together with CP/M-compatible replacement OSes.

Assemblers/disassemblers, compilers, and programming utilities for a variety of languages.

ZCPR and the Z-System. Of special interest here is Richard Conn's ZCPR3: The Libraries Reference Manual and Users Guide.

Geealogy software. Unfortunately, I'm missing two of the four Personal Ancestral File disks. If anyone has PAF for CP/M, please send me a copy.

Stuff related to the Kaypro.

Technical reference stuff on the Z80 CPU.

A nearly-complete collection of The Computer Journal, scanned and PDFed.

REALLY miscellaneous stuff. Dregs, odds-n-ends, left-overs. Nothing to see here - move along.