MaxZ80 - Appendix

DIR /CSAD output
Z3ENV.Z80 and Z3TCAP.Z80
Z3LOC19 Z output


The following is a directory of all files in all user areas on all drives.

         Drive A0 [MOUSE]      Files: 98/944k   Free: 4704k 
!!!TIME&.DAT 128r : FATCAT2 .CHN  99r : MCDEMO  .MCS  92r : REMIND  .REM   1r
-       .100   0r : FATCAT3 .000   9r : MENU    .COM  32r : ROMAN10 .COM  12r
99BOT   .MSE  12r : FATCAT3 .001  10r : MENU    .MNU  16r : ROMAN10 .LBR 111r
ALIAS   .CMD  17r : FATCAT3 .002  99r : MOUSE   .COM  15r : SELFGEN .MSE   5r
ALIAS   .DEF 129r : FATCAT3 .003  13r : MOUSE   .MNU   7r : SOLVE   .MSE  27r
ANIMALS .BAS  21r : FATCAT3 .004  37r : MOUSE-P .COM 114r : SPACES  .      2r
ANIMALS .COM 139r : FATCAT3 .005  14r : MYZ80   .DOC 125r : STANDARD.CFG   1r
ANIMALS .DAT  12r : FATCAT3 .006  22r : MYZ80   .KEY   1r : SUMDIG  .MSE   4r
ASCII   .MSE  12r : FATCAT3 .CHN 144r : MYZ80GO .COM  94r : TEMPCON3.MSE   6r
CALC    .MSE   5r : FRACTION.MSE   5r : NUMBER  .MSE  11r : TERMINAL.COM  18r
CHRS    .COM   6r : HANOI   .MSE   3r : NUMBERS .MSE   2r : TEST    .MSE  14r
CHRS    .LBR  33r : HELLO   .MSE   1r : NZBLITZ .COM  15r : TYPE    .COM  47r
CLEAN   .ZEX   2r : HELLO   .TXT  53r : NZCOM   .CCP  16r : X       .COM  12r
CLS     .COM   1r : HELP    .MSE  45r : NZCPM   .COM  29r : Z3LOC   .TXT   7r
CMDRUN  .COM  37r : HILBERTC.MSE  16r : OLDMACDO.MSE   7r : Z80     .MSE  23r
COCONUT .MSE  77r : HLPFILES.LBR  75r : OUTCAT  .000  11r : ZDB     .COM  88r
COLOUR  .LBR   3r : IF      .COM  32r : OUTCAT  .001   5r : ZDB24   .CFG  75r
COW     .MSE  21r : INFIX   .MSE   9r : OUTCAT  .COM 186r : ZDB24   .HLP 276r
COWS    .MSE  20r : LDTIMMYZ.COM  25r : PACKLIST.      1r : ZDE     .COM 132r
CRCKFILE.CRC  15r : MASTER  .DNX   9r : PRIME   .MSE   7r : ZDT     .DTA   4r
DIR     .COM  47r : MASTER  .LCX 555r : PRIME4G .MSE  10r : ZFILER  .CMD   2r
DRUNZ   .COM   8r : MASTER  .LIX1005r : PRIMEX  .MSE   5r : ZLOAD10 .CFG  13r
EASTER  .MSE  14r : MASTER  .RCX 146r : QSORT   .MSE  11r : ZLOAD10 .COM  19r
EASTERDG.BAS  12r : MASTER  .RIX 287r : QUATRIS .COM 113r : 
FATCAT  .COM 176r : MC      .COM 167r : QUATRIS .SCO   2r : 

         Drive A1 [COMS]       Files: 138/1056k   Free: 4704k 
-       .101   0r : EXPORT  .COM  27r : MYZ80API.TXT 302r : SREN    .COM  60r
ADIR    .COM  35r : FA      .COM  32r : NAME    .COM  15r : STRIP7  .COM  11r
ALIAS   .COM  26r : FCB12   .COM  12r : PACK    .COM  37r : SUB     .COM  21r
AT      .COM  74r : FF      .COM  31r : PATH    .COM  32r : TCAP24  .COM 131r
BASCOM  .COM 256r : FF24    .CFG  47r : PAUSE   .COM  16r : TCSELE31.COM  38r
CD      .COM  20r : FILEATTR.CFG  17r : PD      .COM  81r : TCSRC14 .COM  38r
CHGDSK  .COM  11r : FILEDATE.CFG  39r : PPIP    .COM  37r : TCVIEW24.COM  29r
CHKDIR  .COM  20r : FILEDATE.COM  34r : PUTDS   .COM 102r : TERM    .TXT 133r
CL      .COM  31r : FILES   .TXT  13r : PWD     .COM  25r : TPA     .COM   5r
CMD     .COM  16r : HELPLSH .COM  21r : QL      .COM  63r : UMAP    .COM  16r
CMP     .COM 104r : HISTORY .TXT  75r : RDUMP   .COM  34r : UNARCZ  .COM  44r
COLOUR  .COM  35r : IMPORT  .COM  27r : READ    .1ST  59r : UNCRLZH .COM  68r
COMP    .COM  28r : INFO    .COM  13r : REG     .COM  15r : UNDOCO  .TXT  70r
CONCAT16.COM  56r : JETLDR  .COM  71r : REMIND  .COM  49r : UNERAZ12.COM  22r
COPY    .CFG  27r : KEY     .COM  31r : REN     .COM  31r : VLU     .COM 133r
COPY    .COM  54r : KEYID   .COM   7r : SAK     .COM   1r : W       .COM  38r
COPYKB  .ASM 116r : KEYIN   .COM  15r : SAK22   .COM  14r : XOX     .COM  97r
COPYKB  .COM   8r : KEYINIOP.ZRL   3r : SALIAS  .COM  63r : Z3LOC19 .COM  16r
CP      .COM  78r : KEYS    .TXT  65r : SAP     .COM  16r : Z3TCAP  .LBR 142r
CPD     .COM  32r : L80     .COM  84r : SAVE    .COM  16r : ZCAL10P .COM  10r
CPY     .COM  92r : LBREXT  .COM  67r : SAVED   .NDR   3r : ZCNFG   .COM  64r
CRCKFILE.CRC  28r : LBREXT36.CFG  10r : SAVNDR  .COM  16r : ZD      .COM  15r
CRCZ    .COM  35r : LD      .COM  39r : SC2     .COM   8r : ZDBUTL  .COM 153r
CRLZH   .COM  61r : LHH     .COM  49r : SERIAL  .TXT  54r : ZDT     .COM  62r
CRLZW   .COM  44r : LPUT    .COM  48r : SETFILE .COM   4r : ZDT     .DTA   4r
D       .COM  32r : LREPAIR .COM  16r : SETFILEQ.COM   4r : ZERR    .COM  31r
DIRBAR  .COM  20r : LSH     .COM  58r : SH20    .COM  32r : ZEX     .COM  86r
DOSDIR  .COM  13r : LSH     .VAR   1r : SHCTRL  .COM   9r : ZF      .COM 128r
DSP10   .COM  11r : LX-4    .COM  29r : SHFILE  .COM   5r : ZFIND14 .COM  30r
DSTATS  .COM  21r : M80     .COM 157r : SHOW    .COM  86r : ZP      .COM  82r
ECHO    .COM  12r : MBASIC  .COM 190r : SHRINK  .COM  17r : ZTIME   .COM  33r
EDITND  .COM  46r : MENUCK  .COM  18r : SHSET   .COM  10r : ZXD     .CFG  16r
ENVSRC12.COM  41r : MLOAD25 .COM  22r : SHVAR13 .COM  21r : ZXD     .COM  53r
ERA     .COM   9r : MOVE    .COM  29r : SILENT  .COM  15r : 
ERAZ    .COM  24r : MULTASK .TXT  38r : SKUNK   .COM 189r : 

         Drive A4 [BASIC]      Files: 40/460k   Free: 4704k 
-       .104   0r : CMD     .REL   1r : LEE11H  .BAS  31r : RUNLEE  .ZEX   3r
ARK11   .ARK 110r : CONCEN  .BAS  75r : LEE11H  .COM 140r : RUNLEEP .SUB   3r
BASCOM  .HLP 117r : CONCEN  .COM 182r : LIB80   .COM  37r : SLOWDISP.COM   7r
BASCOM2 .HLP 229r : CREF80  .COM  31r : MBASIC  .HLP 166r : UNARC   .COM  37r
BASLIB  .REL 195r : GOLIAT  .HTM   3r : OBSLIB  .REL 378r : UNARC16 .ARK 302r
BCLOAD  .      1r : GOLIATH .HTM  28r : QUIET   .COM  12r : UNLOAD23.COM  12r
BRAILLE .BAS  18r : GOTCHA  .MAC  10r : RANTEST .ASC   5r : UNLOAD23.LBR  68r
BRUN    .COM 121r : GOTCHA  .REL   1r : RANTEST .BAS   3r : Z3BAS   .LBR 404r
CLIFF   .HTM   6r : GOTCHA  .Z80  10r : RANTEST .COM  11r : Z3HDR   .MAC   1r
CLIFFH  .HTM  73r : LEE     .SUB   1r : RUNLEE  .SUB   2r : Z3HDR   .REL   1r

         Drive A5 [HARBRAD]    Files: 19/152k   Free: 4704k 
-       .105   0r : COCONUT .TXT   8r : HARBRAD .FOR   4r : HRUN    .BAS  15r
ADDDEC  .HBO  18r : CONVTEMP.HBO   3r : HARBRAD .GRM  11r : HRUN    .COM 118r
COCONUT .HBO   9r : HARBRAD .ART  82r : HASM    .BAS  18r : PRIMES  .HBS  10r
COCONUT .HBS   6r : HARBRAD .DOC  61r : HASM    .COM 132r : 

         Drive A6 [EBC]        Files: 53/764k   Free: 4704k 
-       .106   0r : CPY     .PAS  42r : HELP    .COM  29r : PDTINS  .DTA  30r
ASCII   .ASC  36r : EBC-1   .LBR 216r : MOUSE   .DEF  11r : QUATRIS .FOR   3r
ASCII   .COM  36r : EBC-10  .LBR 214r : MOUSE   .HIS  10r : QUATRIS2.LBR 205r
ASCII   .LTR   8r : EBC-11  .LBR 196r : MOUSE   .INT  60r : RAD     .COM  87r
AUTHORS .EBC   2r : EBC-12  .LBR 179r : MOUSE   .PAS  53r : RAD     .PAS  15r
BOX     .COM  67r : EBC-2   .LBR 345r : MOUSE-PS.FOR   1r : TURBO   .COM 238r
BOX     .PAS   9r : EBC-3   .LBR 407r : NZ-TOOL .BOX  30r : TURBO   .MSG  12r
CHICKEN .COM 109r : EBC-4   .LBR 389r : NZ-TOOL .DEF  35r : TURBO   .OVR   8r
CHICKEN .LBR  96r : EBC-5   .LBR 267r : NZ-TOOL .FOR   4r : TURBOMSG.OVR  11r
CHICKEN .PAS  63r : EBC-6   .LBR 112r : NZ-TOOL .NOT  17r : Z3INTP24.COM  26r
CHOP18A .COM  80r : EBC-7   .LBR 257r : NZ-TOOL6.LBR 330r : Z3INTP24.LBR 109r
CHOP18A .LBR 144r : EBC-8   .LBR 147r : PARAMSTR.INC  14r : 
CHOP18A .PAS  75r : EBC-9   .LBR 170r : PD      .PAS  12r : 
CPY     .ART  37r : HARDHACK.ART  48r : PDTINS  .COM  84r : 

         Drive A7 [MOTYL]      Files: 13/76k   Free: 4704k 
-       .107   0r : DUMP    .COM   2r : MOTYL   .SUB   1r : Z80DIS  .DOC  10r
CMD     .MAC   9r : DUMP    .SYM   3r : SKUNK   .SUB   1r : 
CMD     .SUB   1r : MOTYL   .BAS   3r : SKUNK16C.BAS 127r : 
CMD     .Z80  14r : MOTYL   .COM  73r : Z80DIS  .COM  72r : 

         Drive A13 [SKUNKA]    Files: 2/4k   Free: 4704k 
-       .113   0r : SKUNK   .DAT   8r : 

         Drive B0 [BDSC]      Files: 54/636k   Free: 6244k 
!!!TIME&.DAT 128r : CCONFIG .C    86r : CRCK    .COM  10r : PROCSELF.COM  50r
-       .200   0r : CCONFIG .COM 156r : CRCK    .DOC   6r : READ    .ME   31r
BDS     .LIB  47r : CCONFIG .H    10r : CRCKLST1.CRC   5r : SOURCES .LBR 731r
BDSC-1  .60C   0r : CCONFIG2.C    55r : DEFF    .CRL  96r : STANDARD.CFG   1r
BDSCPAT .LBR  41r : CHARIO  .C    29r : DEFF2   .CRL  42r : STDIO   .H    13r
BUGS    .C    67r : CLIB    .COM  42r : DEFF2A  .CSM 148r : STDLIB1 .C    55r
BUGS    .COM  87r : CLINK   .COM  43r : DEFF2B  .CSM 182r : STDLIB2 .C    62r
C       .CCC  12r : CLOAD   .C    29r : DEFF2C  .CSM  63r : STDLIB3 .C    40r
C       .SUB   1r : CMP30C  .C    76r : EXAMPLES.LBR 273r : UNCRUNCH.COM  45r
CASM    .C   189r : CMPCPM  .COM  96r : FILES   .DOC  17r : WILDEXP .C    58r
CASM    .SUB   1r : COLOR2  .C     5r : L2      .C   195r : WILDEXP .CRL  25r
CC      .COM 120r : COLOR2  .COM  30r : LBR     .NOT   5r : ZCASM   .LBR 309r
CC2     .COM 135r : CP      .C    37r : LDIR    .COM  14r : 
CCC     .ASM 268r : CP      .SUB   1r : PACKLIST.      1r : 

         Drive B1 [BDSZ]      Files: 17/292k   Free: 6244k 
-       .201   0r : CC2     .COM 136r : CLOAD   .COM  67r : L2      .COM 173r
BDS     .LIB  47r : CCC     .ASM 268r : CMP30C  .LBR 142r : STDIO   .H    13r
C       .CCC  16r : CCONFIG .COM 156r : COMFILES.LBR 681r : 
C       .SUB   1r : CLIB    .COM  42r : DEFF    .CRL  96r : 
CC      .COM 122r : CLINK   .COM  45r : DEFF2   .CRL  53r : 

         Drive B3 [POE]       Files: 20/724k   Free: 6244k 
-       .203   0r : POE-3-89.TXT 184r : POE-5-90.WS  304r : POE-9-89.LBR 496r
POE-1-89.TXT 172r : POE-3-90.WS  242r : POE-6-89.TXT 260r : POE-9-90.LBR 441r
POE-1-90.LBR 296r : POE-4-89.TXT  85r : POE-7-89.LBR 424r : POE10-89.LBR 149r
POE-2-89.TXT 141r : POE-4-90.WS  233r : POE-7-90.LBR 402r : POE11-89.LBR 193r
POE-2-90.TXT 232r : POE-5-89.TXT 138r : POE-8-89.LBR 482r : POE12-89.LBR 557r

         Drive B4 [LAST]      Files: 37/260k   Free: 6244k 
-       .204   0r : MAXZ80  .ENV   1r : MYZ80CLK.REL   3r : SETUPZST.COM  62r
CLOCK   .LIB   6r : MAXZ80  .ZCM   5r : MYZ80CLK.Z80  50r : SIMHCLK3.REL   2r
CLOCKS  .DAT 199r : MINZ80  .COM  60r : NZCOM   .COM  83r : SIMHCLK3.Z80  16r
DISK76  .COM  31r : MINZ80  .ENV   1r : NZCOM   .LBR 101r : STAMPS  .DAT 122r
DISK76  .DOC  38r : MINZ80  .ZCM   5r : NZDOS   .ZRL  33r : ZDB     .DTA   2r
LDTIMALT.COM  25r : MKZCM   .COM  47r : PRECLOCK.LIB  11r : ZDT     .DTA   4r
LDTIMMYZ.COM  25r : MYZ80   .NDR   3r : SAK     .ASM   2r : ZSDOS   .ZRL  33r
LEE11I  .BAS  32r : MYZ80   .Z3T   1r : SAK     .COM   1r : 
LEE11I  .COM 140r : MYZ80CK2.LBR  39r : SCRN    .ASM  20r : 
MAXZ80  .COM  94r : MYZ80CLK.LBR  36r : SCRN    .COM   6r : 

         Drive B13 [SKUNKB]    Files: 2/4k   Free: 6244k 
-       .213   0r : SKUNK   .DAT   8r : 

         Drive C0 [SIL]       Files: 29/384k   Free: 2872k 
!!!TIME&.DAT 128r : RDK     .LNK   1r : SILLIB  .NOT  21r : Z3HDR   .REL   1r
-       .300   0r : RDUMP12K.LBR  49r : SILLIB  .REL  47r : Z3HDR   .Z80   1r
BDOS    .DEF  18r : RDUMP12K.SIL  60r : SILNOTES.DOC  77r : Z3TCAP  .Z80  25r
EDFILE  .COM  86r : SIL     .COM 200r : SILZ80  .LIB  52r : ZASM    .COM 128r
EDFILE  .TXT 159r : SIL     .DOC 213r : SOP     .COM  81r : ZIPDIR12.COM  15r
MYZ80   .ENV   1r : SIL     .FOR   2r : STANDARD.CFG   1r : 
PACKLIST.      1r : SIL     .SUB  11r : XIZ     .COM  45r : 
PROLINK .COM  80r : SIL15NEW.LBR1066r : Z3ENV   .Z80  29r : 

         Drive C7 [WHATEVER]  Files: 46/1108k   Free: 2872k 
-       .307   0r : CMAZE25 .FOR   3r : LSHINST .COM  85r : ZDE10   .DOC 380r
ALIAS17 .LBR 412r : CMAZE25 .LBR 334r : MYLOAD  .LBR 184r : ZDE10   .LBR 563r
ARUNZ09U.DOC 121r : EDIT    .LBR 124r : MYZ80   .Z3T   1r : ZDE10   .QRF  22r
ARUNZ09U.LBR 198r : FCB12   .LBR  56r : PROCSELF.LBR 327r : ZDE10   .TOC  28r
B-COMPIL.LBR 580r : FILT7A  .LBR  54r : RELLIB  .LBR 582r : ZMAC    .COM 178r
BASDOCS .LBR 139r : FLIFE13 .LBR 289r : SLR     .COM 198r : ZML19   .CFG  75r
CMAZE   .DTA   9r : LIFE    .C    64r : SLRMAC  .COM 197r : ZML19   .COM  83r
CMAZE   .NOT  10r : LIFE    .COM  63r : SLRNK   .COM  68r : ZP17A   .LBR 755r
CMAZE   .SUB   1r : LSH     .HLP  26r : TCSRC14 .LBR 192r : ZPATCH  .COM  71r
CMAZE   .TRM   5r : LSH     .WS  184r : TCVIEW24.LBR 117r : ZPATCH13.LBR 304r
CMAZE25 .BAS 128r : LSH12   .NOT  46r : Z3INS15 .LBR  78r : 
CMAZE25 .COM 266r : LSH12B  .LBR 456r : Z3LOC19 .LBR  88r : 

         Drive C8 [Z3COMS1]   Files: 14/1124k   Free: 2872k 
-       .308   0r : Z3COM-D .LBR1540r : Z3COM-H .LBR 465r : Z3COM-L .LBR1476r
Z3COM-A .LBR 914r : Z3COM-E .LBR 614r : Z3COM-I .LBR 273r : Z3COM-M .LBR 623r
Z3COM-B .LBR 880r : Z3COM-F .LBR 356r : Z3COM-J .LBR  60r : 
Z3COM-C .LBR1311r : Z3COM-G .LBR 167r : Z3COM-K .LBR  80r : 

         Drive C9 [Z3COMS2]   Files: 16/1520k   Free: 2872k 
-       .309   0r : Z3COM-Q .LBR 518r : Z3COM-U .LBR 602r : Z3COM-Z1.LBR1922r
Z3COM-N .LBR 391r : Z3COM-R .LBR 513r : Z3COM-V .LBR1079r : Z3COM-Z2.LBR1680r
Z3COM-O .LBR  66r : Z3COM-S .LBR1541r : Z3COM-W .LBR 243r : Z3COM-Z3.LBR 552r
Z3COM-P .LBR 841r : Z3COM-T .LBR 965r : Z3COM-X .LBR 653r : ZFIND14 .LBR 278r

         Drive C10 [HELP]      Files: 35/1148k   Free: 2872k 
-       .310   0r : ERAZ    .HLP  82r : M       .LBR 247r : T       .LBR 405r
-README .      7r : ERAZ1   .HLP  15r : N       .LBR 107r : U       .LBR 116r
-Z3HELP .DOC  41r : F       .LBR 245r : O       .LBR  39r : V       .LBR 732r
-Z3HELP .NOT  10r : G       .LBR  75r : P       .LBR 357r : W       .LBR 103r
A       .LBR 430r : H       .LBR  70r : Q       .LBR 103r : X       .LBR 130r
B       .LBR 275r : I       .LBR  91r : R       .LBR 184r : Z1      .LBR 903r
C       .LBR 369r : J       .LBR  37r : S       .LBR 426r : Z2      .LBR1028r
D       .LBR 518r : K       .LBR  18r : SALIAS  .HLP  71r : ZRDOS   .LBR 163r
E       .LBR 188r : L       .LBR 360r : SYSLIB42.LBR 597r : 

         Drive C13 [SKUNKC]    Files: 2/4k   Free: 2872k 
-       .313   0r : SKUNK   .DAT   8r : 

         Drive D0             Files: 1/4k   Free: 1012k 
!!!TIME&.DAT  24r : 

         Drive D1 [RAMDISK]   Files: 1/2k   Free: 1012k 
README  .TXT   1r : 


The following is the contents of the file MENU.HLP.


                 [I]ntroduction to HELP / MENU    [G]ames

                            The A0: [P]rompt

                    [M]YZ80               CP[/]M Basics

                   [Z]-System Basics     [F]ATCAT System

Introduction to HELP / MENU

When you bring up MYZ80 you may run a menu system by typing MENU at the
command prompt. The choices presented look something like this:

                           Menu 1

              Show me a [D]irectory of the files on this drive

                      [N]ame file #1 (currently)  .
                      [E]dit file #1
                      [V]iew file #1

                      Run [F]ATCAT cataloguer
                      [H]elp System

                      Think of an [A]nimal
                      Play Quatris (like Tetris)

                      Issue [Z]-System command

If you press H, MENU will run a help utility which will present a list
of help topics. You are now reading the first topic (Introduction to
HELP / MENU). The Help System may also be brought up while at the
command prompt by typing HELP. You may press Esc or ^C at any time to
exit the help utility.

Help is also available if you use // as a command tail when you run
any Z-System utility. These are programs that take advantage of the
advanced features of Z-System. Example: COMP //.

The A0: Prompt etc.

When you first bring up MYZ80 you will see something like

1:28 A0:MOUSE>>

The double >> signals you are under the influence of LSH, the "Log
Shell."  If you want LSH to log (ie. save) your commands, type Esc S.
The double >> will change to a single >. Commands may be recalled with
the up and down arrow keys. Saving may be turned off by typing Esc S
again. Esc T will toggle the time display. Esc [ or Esc Esc will toggle
from line to window mode. Esc Q will quit the shell.


MYZ80 is an emulator that runs on 80x86-based computers. It allows you
to run software designed to run on 8080- and Z80-based computers on the
more modern "IBM" type computers.

Its most significant features are: 3 8MB virtual discs and 1 1MB RAM
disc, a key definition facility, import and export programs which
transfer files between the DOS and MYZ80 environments, a terminal
utility, a color utility, a DOS directory utility, a shrink utility, a
utility which slows down the display, a utility to change the .DSK file
associated with a drive letter and a utility to exit to the DOS level.

The MYZ80 system emulates the Z80 instruction set, not any operating
system based on the Z80 or compatible. When the software comes up, it
reads the boot file MYZ80.SYS (BOOT-D&J.CPM renamed), a CP/M 2.2
compatible disc operating system.

MYZ80.EXE is the program to run to bring up the emulator. It looks for
DOS files A.DSK, B.DSK and C.DSK, virtual disc files containing your
CP/M programs and data. DOS environment variables may be used to
establish virtual disc files with other names, eg. SET B.DSK=DBASE.DSK.

The boot file MYZ80.SYS has been patched to run ZLOAD10 at startup. This
utility has been configured to run MYZ80GO.COM by default. The
MYZ80GO.COM in this package is an NZBLITZ Z-System image. This is a
full-up Z-System, a powerful CP/M 2.2 compatible operating system.

Run NZCPM to remove Z-System and return to CP/M.

Z-System Basics

Z-System has its origins in CP/M, the first operating system for
microcomputers. CP/M's command processor and disc operating system
segments were replaced and other segments were added giving the user
features found in the most powerful operating systems. In a sense,
nothing was left of the original CP/M except compatibility.

 0000  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Base Page ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 0100  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                                [ RSX - AT ]
 D000  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                               CCP - ZCPR 3.4
 D800  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                               DOS - ZSDOS 1.1
 E600  ++++++++++++++++++++++ VBIOS - NZ-COM +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 E700  ++++++++++++++++++++++ [ IOP - KEYIN ] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 E880  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                             [ RCP - RCP18F ]
 F180  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [ FCP ] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 F400  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [NDR] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 F580  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SHSTK +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 F600  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ENV ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 F680  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TCAP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 F700  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MSG ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 F750  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EXTFCB +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 F774  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PATH ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 F77F  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Z3WHL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 F780  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MCL ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 F850  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EXTSTK +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 F880  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                                 ZDS 1.1
 FB00  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                            CBIOS - MYZ80 1.21
 FFFF  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The MYZ80GO memory map above introduces many acronyms. Here's a glossary
to help you learn what they mean.

Base Page - The first 256 bytes of memory. It is reserved by CP/M. It
contains a jump to the BIOS Warm Boot entry point, the IOBYTE, the
logged drive / user area, a jump to BDOS, default File Control Blocks
and the default DMA buffer. The DMA buffer is also used by the CCP as a
temporary place to store the command line for transient commands.

TPA - Transient Program Area. The amount of memory available for
programs to run in. It is 64K less the memory used by the Base Page, the
Disc Operating System, any implemented Z-System segments and the
Customer Basic Input / Output System. Here, it's 59K, 58K or 53.75K,
depending on whether you are using CP/M, the Z-System saved in
MINZ80.COM or MYZ80GO.COM, respectively.

[RSX - AT] - Resident System Extension. "Semi-permanent" code that lives
beneath the command processor or another RSX. RSX's intercept calls to
the operating system and provide added features. The mnemonic is
bracketed here because this module is optional. The example RSX is AT, a
command scheduler.

CCP - ZCPR3.4 - Console Command Processor. This is the heart of
Z-System.  ZCPR stands for Z80 Command Processor Replacement. ZCPR3.4 is
the CCP used here. The CCP takes commands typed by you or built by other
programs and decides what to do to resolve them. A rather complicated
process is involved. Key elements include the ability to manage several
commands separated by semicolons at once, memory resident command
lookup, drive / user area command searching and filename prefixing,
conditional command processing, extended command processing and error

DOS - ZSDOS1.1 - Disc Operating System. This is the machine independent
part of the operating system. This is where decisions are made about
file allocation and deallocation etc. ZSDOS1.1 supports file date and
time stamping.

VBIOS - NZ-COM - There are two Basic Input / Output Systems here, a
virtual one and a real one. NZ-COM is the virtual one. Details are
beyond the scope of this help system.

[IOP - KEYIN] - Input / Output Package. This optional module intercepts
input / output requests. The example KEYIN IOP lets you automate the
servicing of input requests made by running programs.

[RCP - RCP18F] - Resident Command Package. This optional module contains
memory resident commands. The H command lists them. This command also
lists Command Processor resident and Flow Command Package resident

[FCP] - Flow Command Package. This optional module lets you make
commands conditional. The most important commands are IF, ELSE and FI. 
The SHOW command shows the resident IF options. Testable conditions are
limited. If the condition used is not supported, a transient IF is
invoked.  This IF has a rich set of testable conditions.

[NDR] - Named Directory Register. This optional module contains names
and passwords associated with up to 21 drive letter / user area pairs.
These names may be used instead of drive letter / user area pairs as
file prefixes or to log into different drive / user areas. You supply
the name followed by a colon in both cases. Here, A0 is MOUSE, A1 is
COMS, etc.  Suggestive names like BDSZ or RAMDISK instead of B1 or D1
make remembering where things are easier.

SHSTK - Shell Stack - Up to 4 shells may be active at one time.  Here,
LSH, the Log Shell, is available. This shell reloads every time some
program you run finishes. It records the commands you issue and lets you
recall them by pressing the up and down arrow keys.

ENV - Environment. This important module holds addresses and other data
describing the system as a whole. It is 1 record (128 bytes) long.

TCAP - Terminal Capability. This important module contains escape
sequences which clear the screen, position the cursor, insert / delete
lines, bright / dim text etc. Graphic characters are here as
well. It is also 1 record long.

MSG - Message buffer. This module contains data which allows Z-System
utilities to talk to each other. The name of any installed Error Handler
and the software registers are kept here.

EFCB - External File Control Block. When a program is run, its name is
stored here. Builtin help code often uses this fact to report a
program's current name.

PATH - Path. This area contains 5 2-byte entries which hold drive / user
area pairs. These drive / user areas are searched by the command
processor when it looks for requested transient programs. We use three
of them here: drive A user area 1, the current drive and current user
area and drive A user area 0. Current drive / current user area is coded
as $$.

Z3WHL - Wheel Byte. This single byte may contain either zero or a
non-zero value. It is used to prevent or permit the use of programs or
program options. Here, the wheel byte is non-zero. You can use all
programs that pay attention to this byte and all protected options.

MCL - Multiple Command Line. This 203 byte area is where command lines
built by you at the prompt or built by other programs are stored.
Multiple commands separated by semicolons can be issued.  This important
buffer is one of the most active areas of your operating system.

EXTSTK - External Stack. This stack uses 48 bytes and is available to
the command processor and Z-System utilities.

ZDS - This is where the ZSDOS Time Stamp Loader loads the 5 record MYZ80
Clock driver, version 0.2. It is also known as the NZCOM User Space.

CBIOS - MYZ801.21 - Customer BIOS. This is the real, machine dependent
Basic Input / Output System. Here, it's a rather small part of the
operating system as all of the actual BIOS is implemented in an
Application Program Interface in MYZ80.EXE.


CP/M Basics

[Note: MYZ80 runs the command MYZ80GO at startup. This can be any
program at all. The MYZ80GO here was generated by NZBLITZ when a full-up
Z-System was active. NZBLITZ saves Z-System image files.  When you run
the image file, you get the Z-System back.]

Since MYZ80GO runs at startup, you are using Z-System. Occasionally you
may want to run CP/M instead. This you do by typing NZCPM.

CP/M supports 7 resident commands. They are d:, DIR, REN, ERA, TYPE,
SAVE and USER. Resident commands are built into the command processor
and are available no matter what user area you are in.

d: - This is used to change from one logical drive to another. Four
drives are available here. They are A thru D. D is a RAM disc. A RAM
disc is a memory-based drive. A thru C are (albeit virtual) "real"

Example : B:  would log you into drive B:.

DIR - This gives you a directory of the user area you're in. System
files are not shown. Wildcards and / or drive designators may be used.


would show you all .DOC files on drive B:

 DIR *.H?P

would show you all files in the current drive and user area with
filename equal to anything and filetype equal to H followed by any
character followed by P.

REN - This renames files. Syntax : REN newname.newtype=oldname.oldtype

ERA - This erases files. Syntax : ERA filename.filetype

TYPE - This types out text files. Syntax : TYPE filename.filetype

SAVE - This saves a specified number of pages of memory to a named file.

Syntax : SAVE n filename.filetype

If n is 1, 1 page will be saved. A page is 256 bytes, or 2 sectors /
records. n is a decimal number. Memory contents from address 256 to 256
+ n*256 - 1 are saved.

USER - This lets you log into a different user area.

Syntax : USER n

n is 0 thru 15.

The prompt will reflect the user area you are in. It will appear as A>
if you are in user area 0 (the default), A1> if you are in user area 1

The main thing you have to watch out for if you use CP/M is where you
are and what you can run.

If you put yourself in user area 1, the only runable programs will be
those that are in user area 1 plus those that are in user area 0. The
command processor in BOOT-D&J.CPM is ZCPR1. ZCPR1 (Z80 Command Processor
Replacement version 1) searches drive A user area 0 for a transient
program if a requested command is not a resident command or a transient
program located in the logged drive and user area.


You must be in A0:, B0: or C0: to run FATCAT, a menu-driven disc file
cataloguing program.

For FATCAT to work, any drive / user area you are going to put files in
must first have a 0K file with a name like -.209 in it. Such a file can
be generated with the command SAVE 0 -.209. You must be logged into the
drive / user area you want to catalog before issuing the SAVE command.

Last changed on 9/1/07

Lee Bradley
24 East Cedar Street
Newington, CT 06111-2534


The following is the contents of ALIAS.CMD, which contains the ARUNZ aliases.

; please see alias.def for a discussion of these aliases

sa get 100 spaces;/sa1

sa1 $"Enter search string : "silent poke 119 "$'L1`save 1 foo.txt
r;zfind14 *.txt $'L1 >bar.txt;/sa2

sa2 if ex bar.txt;silent concat16 $dy$dm$dd$dh.$dn$da=foo.txt
bar.txt;export $dy$dm$dd$dh.$dn$da;silent era $dy$dm$dd$dh.$dn$da`era

sa3 silent era foo.txt

Dosdira dosdir ...\*.*

>cmd dbase $0
>bas m$tt0ic $tn0
>dsk echo d%>o you know where your ramdisk is?
>hlp lhh :$tn0
>mnu menu $tn0
>mse mouse-p $0
>sub zex $tn0 $*
>zex zex $tn0 $*

?=help lhh $*
again? if pause 10 %>quit %<y%>/n ? ;shctrl p;fi

ata2 at +0:1 ring daily !#keyin ^^.9#/cows.mse
atal at /p;silent go +0:1 every 1:1 !#echo w%>rite daily^a^g!^b^j

auto /wobla;silent ldtimmyz /r;ldtimmyz;silent jetldr

clh silent shctrl p`era a1:lsh.var`lsh

crcchk if eq $# 0;/crcex;else;/crcchk1 $1;$hb:;fi
crcchk1 $1:;crcz /sq;if er;/ge $1;else;echo $1 %>is aok^a!^b^j;fi
crcex echo u%>sage: crcchk a0 or crcchk a1 etc.

cursoroff=off echo ^[.1
cursoron=on echo ^[.3

dir zxd $*
dump rdump $*
duok p $ae
echo echo $*
edit zde $*

exit /ramsave;x $1 -o 

form,feed echo %p^l
ge echo %>pg er cd = $@h+m0006 - mismatch on $1:
mhz if eq $# 0;/mhzex;else;poke $+e002b $1;fi  
mhzex echo %>mhz 20 (hex) for 32 (dec) mhz, mhz 80 (hex) for 128 (dec) mhz etc.
mybug,s bugs -c -w $1;/cursoron
myldr get $an saved.ndr
note,q note
pndr p $an
quat get 100;poke 124 $1;zp;go

raminit if ~ex d0:!!!time&.dat;silent putds -d=d -s;d1:;silent r;fi

ramload silent copy b8:*.* d1: /xe
ramsave silent copy d1:*.* b8: /xe

remind remind a0:remind.rem $1

scroll /twoff;sc2;/twon

setfil11 setfile $* 
skunkify shset skunk&cmd&/again?
submit sub $*
timechk ztime /m;pause /p10 %>^j^apausing 10 seconds ...^b^m^j;ztime /e

tp get 100;poke 103 5a 33 45 4e 56 01 00 00;go
turboa terminal lines=24;turbo 

twoff terminal wrap=off
twon terminal wrap=on

ver echo ^jf%>ile system last changed on 9/1/2007^j^m

woblu=wobla colour $0


The following is a discussion of the ARUNZ aliases defined in the file 
ALIAS.CMD. ARUNZ is an extended command processor. It runs when commands 
can't be resolved by ZCPR 3.4.

These aliases may be used at the command line, in menu scripts or in zfiler 
macros. They illustrate many of the capabilities of Z-System.

It should be noted that these all developed due to personal needs and 
interests. Each Z-System user tends to create his / her own aliases. It is 
well worth trying a few of these just to learn some of the features of Z- 
System. The file ARUNZ09U.DOC contains the details on all the parameters 
supported by ARUNZ.



This is a "search alias," thus the name. It is a complicated alias and uses 
many advanced arunz parameters. It searches for user-specified text in all 
.txt files in the currently logged drive / user area and reports what files 
the text is in. Therefore, you should use it only if you are logged into a 
directory with a bunch of .txt files. It is implemented as a sequence of 4 
aliases; sa does a certain thing and then launches sa1, sa1 does a certain 
thing and then launches sa2, etc. The key program used by sa is zfind14. 
It is broken up into pieces because of the limitations of the multiple 
command line, which can hold "only" about 200 characters.

sa loads what's in the tiny file named spaces into memory, starting at hex 
location 100. spaces must be in the currently logged drive / user area. It 
contains a carriage return / line feed followed by the text "Your search 
string was " (w/o the quotes) followed by a bunch of spaces and then a 
carriage return / line feed.

sa1 prompts you with "Enter search string : ". What you type is then poked 
into memory just past the "Your search string was " loaded by the 
previous alias. The record (128 bytes) at hex 100-17f is saved in foo.txt.  
zfind14 runs against all .txt files looking for the user-supplied search 
string and outputs what it finds to the terminal and into bar.txt. If there 
are no hits, bar.txt will not be created.

sa2 concatenates what's in foo.txt and bar.txt (if bar.txt exists) and puts 
the result in a file whose name reflects the date and time it was created. 
This file is exported to DOS and then erased. The work file bar.txt is also 

sa3 erases the work file foo.txt. 

The results displayed by zfind14 may be all you need to help you locate 
what file your search string is in but the exported file might come in 
handy as well. 


Dosdira dosdir ...\*.*

This alias will show you all the files in the root directory of your PC.  The 
leading ...\ relies on your having the 4DOS command processor on your 
computer. The fact that Dosdira is capitalized is not that important but it 
does show how you can differentiate between so-called "hidden or system" 
aliases and "non-system" aliases. The utility adir (alias directory) will only 
show you non-hidden ones unless you use the /s option. "hidden" aliases 
start w/ lower-case letters.


>bas m$tt0ic $tn0

This and the next few definitions use the arunz feature that lets you 
associate file types with programs. This one associates the mbasic 
interpreter with files that end in .bas. For example, if you type


at the prompt, it will be equivalent to typing

 mbasic skunk16c

The $tt0 in the definition means "the file type of the 0th command token" 
ie. of the command itself. The $tn0 means "the file name of the 0th 
command token." We could have defined it

>bas mbasic $tn0

but we use $tt0 to show a use for the $tt0 parm and also to show that 
it can be used in several of the other similar aliases below.


>cmd dbase $0

lets you type things like


to run dbase menu.cmd


>dsk echo d%>o you know where your ramdisk is?

causes the question

Do you know where your ramdisk is?

to appear at the Z-System command prompt if you launch the emulator with 
something like

c:\maxz80>myz80 foo.dsk

It works because the utility drunz is part of the auto alias (see below).  
drunz is a program that lets you pass a command you want to run from the 
DOS command line to the Z-System command line.


>hlp lhh :$tn0

If you type


it is equivalent to typing

 lhh :menu

lhh is a help utility which can deal with lzh compressed help files that 
are in library files. Here, lhh is asked to process an uncompressed help 
file that is not in a library (which it can also do).


>mnu menu $tn0

If you type


the menu shell will run and show the screens and process the associated 
command scripts in menu.mnu.


>mse mouse-p $0

If you type 


the Mouse language interpreter mouse-p will run and the Mouse program 
cows.mse will be executed. The $0 parm (the entire command itself) is 
needed here because the Mouse interpreter does not assume anything 
about the file type of Mouse programs.


>sub zex $tn0 $*
>zex zex $tn0 $* is like the submit command of standard CP/M. This program runs 
a series of commands that are put in "batch" files. Here, we use the 
more powerful memory-based command file processor zex.

If you type

 clean.zex b

zex will run and process the commands in the file clean.zex. The first and 
only parameter used by this script will be set to b. This zex script is used 
to defragment the virtual disk files a.dsk, b.dsk and c.dsk.


?=help lhh $*

? or help will run lhh, the help utility discussed above. If there is no 
command tail, lhh's default library and help files will be used. The F1 key 
has been programmed to generate the string help .  Therefore, if 
you press F1, lhh will run and use lhh's default library (hlpfiles) and 
default help file (menu).  These default files have been built to provide a 
good introduction to many of the features of this software system.


again? if pause 10 %>quit %<y%>/n ? ;shctrl p;fi
skunkify shset skunk&cmd&/again?

again? is used in the skunkify alias and serves as the escape 
mechanism.  If you don't respond to the quit Y/n ? prompt within 10 
seconds or if you press y, the shell stack will get popped and the "run 
skunk - issue any command - again?" shell sequence (that skunkify 
establishes) will end. If you press n, the sequence will repeat.


ata2 at +0:1 ring daily !#keyin ^^.9#/cows.mse

This uses the at command scheduler to launch the command cows.mse a 
minute after you issue the command. at is an RSX (Resident System 
eXtension). keyin ^^.9 causes a 9 to automatically get entered when cows.mse 
prompts for input. This in turn causes 9 screens of cows to get displayed 
after which cows.mse will prompt you to enter another command (like x to 
exit or > to multiply the current cow screens factor by 10 etc.). To work, 
the keyin IOP must be loaded. (This is done via jetldr a1:keyiniop.zrl.) The 
ring and daily parameters cause a beep and a new instance of this command 
to be scheduled a day later (in case you're in the habit of leaving your 
computer on all the time ...)


atal at /p;silent go +0:1 every 1:1 !#echo w%>rite daily^a^g!^b^j

This is another alias that uses the at command scheduler. A minute after it 
is issued (and subsequently every 1 hour and 1 minute) the message Write 
daily! will appear on your screen.


auto /wobla;silent ldtimmyz /r;ldtimmyz;silent jetldr 
woblu=wobla colour $0

The auto alias was added to the command tail when nzblitz was used to 
create the myz80go system image and is therefore run when you  boot up.  
It gives you a white on black screen, removes the clock module (if it's 
loaded), loads the clock module, loads the named directory, initializes the 
ramdisk, loads the ramdisk and runs any command tail given at the DOS 


clh silent shctrl p`era a1:lsh.var`lsh

This is the clear history alias. If you are running the Log SHell and are 
saving each command you type but want to start a fresh command 
history, type


It works by popping the shell stack, thus getting rid of the Log SHell, 
deleting this shell's history file and then relaunching lsh. This is all 
done without your seeing anything thanks to the services of the silent 
utility.  silent has been configured to use the ` character as the 
multiple command separator.


crcchk if eq $# 0;/crcex;else;/crcchk1 $1;$hb:;fi
crcchk1 $1:;crcz /sq;if er;/ge $1;else;echo $1 %>is aok^a!^b^j;fi
crcex echo %>usage: crcchk a0 or crcchk a1 etc.
ge echo %>pg er cd = $@h+m0006 - mismatch on $1:

These aliases all work together and provide a method to check the integrity 
of the files on drive / user areas a0:, a1: and a2: (or on any drive / user 
area that has a crckfile.crc file). It works by checking whether a drive / 
user tail was provided and if not it shows examples of how it should be 
invoked.  Otherwise it logs into the drive / user area and runs the crcz 
utility. This utility sets the program error code if there are any mismatches 
between a crc in the crckfile.crc file and a crc of a file. The support alias 
ge ("get error") runs when there is an error and tells you that there's a 
mismatch.  It also tells you the value of the program error code. If no 
mismatch is found you'll see a message that a0 is aok! for example.


cursoroff=off echo ^[.1
cursoron=on echo ^[.3
mybug,s bugs -c -w $1;/cursoron

The first two turn your cursor off and on. The turn cursor on alias was 
tacked onto the end of the mybug alias since the only way to stop the 
bugs program is to hit a key repeatedly or hit ctrl-c, leaving the cursor 
in an off state.


dir zxd $*

If you type 


at the prompt (note the leading space) you'll run the zxd directory 
program instead of This directory program shows date / time 
information whereas does not.


duok p $ae

This alias doesn't really have much to do with the duok byte in the 
environment. It uses the resident peek command and shows the 128-byte 
environment. If you are familiar with the offsets of things like the duok 
byte (2E) you'll be able to tell if the duok byte is set or not.


edit zde $*

edit runs zde, the Z-System display editor.


exit /ramsave;x $1 -o 

exit sends you back to DOS, saving the ramdisk first. The -o option is 
there to make the exit unconditional (ie. not complain if there are any files 
on the ramdisk). The $1 is there to support error levels.


form,feed echo %p^l

sends a form feed to the printer


mhz if eq $# 0;/mhzex;else;poke $+e002b $1;fi  
mhzex echo %>mhz 20 (hex) for 32 (dec) mhz, mhz 80 (hex) for 128 (dec) mhz 
timechk ztime /m;pause /p10 %>^j^apausing 10 seconds ...^b^m^j;ztime /e

This is another "companion" group. 

mhz lets you tweak the speed byte.

Run timechk to see if it returns in 10 seconds. Play with mhz 
til it does return in 10 seconds.


myldr get $an saved.ndr

If you change the named directory and then save it (with savndr) you can 
use this alias to load the names back in. There are other ways to load 
named directories. jetldr loads any segment type (ndr among them).  This 
is an interesting example of how you can use get and an arunz Z-System 
segment-aware parameter.

pndr p $an

peek at the named directory (who needs pwd, show or editnd?). See 
myldr discussion above.


quat get 100 quatris;poke 124 $1;zp;go

This runs the game of Quatris. It supports one parameter which controls how 
fast Quatris runs.

An appropriate use for a 160 MHz machine would be 

quat a0

This will load into memory, poke the hex value a0 (decimal 160) 
into memory location hex 124 (which is where Quatris looks to know how 
fast to run), runs zp (just so you may verify your a0 is where you put it) 
and then (after you exit out of zp) runs Quatris.


raminit if ~ex d0:!!!time&.dat;silent putds -d=d -s;d1:;silent r;fi

ramload silent copy b8:*.* d1: /xe
ramsave silent copy d1:*.* b8: /xe

These aliases are used by the auto and exit aliases.

raminit puts a timestamp file on d0: if it does not exist and then logs
into d1:. It then does a disk reset.

ramload copies everything it finds in b8: into d1:. A tiny file named
readme.txt, which we have made hidden to decrease the chance it will get
erased, gets shuttled back and forth between b8: and d1: by ramload and
ramsave, just to give copy at least one file to copy. Otherwise copy
would require user interaction (NO Files -- ^C to Abort).

ramsave copies everything it finds in d1: into b8:.

If you use any user area on the ramdisk other than 1 it won't get saved 
(or restored) unless you do it manually.


remind remind a0:remind.rem $1

This runs the remind utility showing you reminders that have been placed 
in a remind.rem file on a0:.


scroll /twoff;sc2;/twon
twoff terminal wrap=off
twon terminal wrap=on

These are used in menu.mnu and support the scrolling of the four system 
files. The 2nd menu in menu.mnu looks like this:

                           Menu 2

             System file 1 : $f1   System file 2 : $f2
             System file 3 : $f3   System file 4 : $f4

                      ~ or ` - Scroll files

                      E. EDIT $f1 with ZDE

                      M. MBASIC
                      B. BASCOM $n1
                      L. L80 z3hdr,cmd,$n1,$n1/n/e
                      S. Establish System file n
                      P. EXPORT $f1
                      Z. Issue Z-System command

~ silent /scroll
` silent /scroll
? !echo ^j^i^ip%>ress ^[(%^%<c^[) %>to exit %<menu^j
d !dosdir "filespec "
m mbasic
b bascom =$n1/z/o
l l80 z3hdr,cmd,$n1,$n1/n/e
e !zde $f1
w !ws $f1
p !export $f1
s silent setfile "file # ? " "file ? "
z !"Your command: " 

Due to arunz's lack of a shell variable file name parameter, we use sc2, a 
"standalone" alias. These aliases do have a shell variable file name 
parameter ($F0). sc2 contains:



ver shows the date the file system was last changed


The following is a listing of Z3ENV.Z80, which shows the addresses
and environment segment offsets in the Z-System image MYZ80GO.COM.

; Z3ENV file:  Z3ENV.Z80   
; Offset 00h - Leading CBIOS console status jump
	DB	0C3H	; Jump instruction
	DW	0FB06H	; CBIOS console status jump address
; Offset 03h - Environment ID
; Offset 08h - Environment type
;	Bit:	76543210
ENVTYP:	DB	10000000B ; Environment type
;	Bit 0: (External environment)
;	Bit 7:  Extended environment
; Offset 09h - External path
EXPATH:	DW	0F774H	; Address
EXPATHS:DB	5   	; Number of 2 byte path elements
; Offset 0Ch - Resident command package
RCP:	DW	0E880H	; Address
RCPS:	DB	18  	; Size in records
; Offset 0Fh - Input/output package
IOP:	DW	0E700H	; Address
IOPS:	DB	3   	; Size in records
; Offset 12h - Flow control package
FCP:	DW	0F180H	; Address
FCPS:	DB	5   	; Size in records
; Offset 15h - Named directory buffer
Z3NDIR:	DW	0F400H	; Address
Z3NDIRS:DB	21  	; Number of 18 byte entries
; Offset 18h - Multiple command line
Z3CL:	DW	0F780H	; Address
Z3CLS:	DB	203 	; Size in bytes
; Offset 1Bh - Environment descriptor
Z3ENV:	DW	0F600H	; Load address of this file
Z3ENVS:	DB	2   	; Size in records (including Z3TCAP)
; Offset 1Eh - Shell stack
SHSTK:	DW	0F580H	; Address
SHSTKS:	DB	4   	; Number of shell stack entries
SHSIZE:	DB	32  	; Entry size in bytes
; Offset 22h - Message buffer
Z3MSG:	DW	0F700H	; Address
; Offset 24h - External file control block
EXTFCB:	DW	0F750H	; Address
; Offset 26h - External stack
EXTSTK:	DW	0F850H	; Address
; Offset 28h - Quiet flag
QUIET:	DB	00   	; 0 - Not quiet
;			; 1 - Quiet
; Offset 29h - Wheel byte
Z3WHL:	DW	0F77FH	; Address
; Offset 2Bh - Processor speed
SPEED:	DB	160 	; MHZ
; Offset 2Ch - Maximum drive/user accepted
MAXDRV:	DB	'D'-40H	; Max drive letter
MAXUSR:	DB	15  	; Max user number
DUOK:	DB	1   	; 0 - Don't accept DU:
;			; 1 - Accept DU:
; Offset 2Fh - CRT and printer selection
CRT:	DB	0   	; CRT selection
PRT:	DB	0   	; Printer selection
; Offset 31h - CRT 0
COLS:	DB	80  	; Number of columns
ROWS:	DB	24  	; Number of lines
LINS:	DB	22  	; Number of text lines
; Offset 34h - Valid drive vector
DRVEC:	DW	0000000000001111B ; Valid drive vector
; Offset 36h - Spare 1
SPAR1:	DB	0   
; Offset 37h - Printer 0
PCOL:	DB	80  	; Number of columns
PROW:	DB	66  	; Number of lines
PLIN:	DB	58  	; Number of text lines
FORM:	DB	1   	; 0 - Can't do form feeds
;			; 1 - Can do form feeds
; Offset 3Bh - Spares 2-5
SPAR2:	DB	0   	; Spare 2
SPAR3:	DB	0    	; Spare 3
SPAR4:	DB	0    	; Spare 4
SPAR5:	DB	0    	; Spare 5
; Offset 3Fh - Command and control processor
CCP:	DW	0D000H	; Address
CCPS:	DB	16  	; Size in records (normally 16)
; Offset 42h - Disk operating system
DOS:	DW	0D800H	; Address
DOSS:	DB	28  	; Size in records (normally 28)
; Offset 45h - BIOS (NZBIO if running NZCOM)
BIO:	DW	0E600H	; Address
; Offset 47h - Shell variable files
SHVAR:	DB	'SH      '	; Shell variable filename
	DB	'VAR'		; Shell variable filetype
; Offset 52h - File 1
FILE1:	DB	'        '	; File 1
	DB	'   '
; Offset 5Dh - File 2
FILE2:	DB	'Z3ENV   '	; File 2
	DB	'Z80'
; Offset 68h - File 3
FILE3:	DB	'        '	; File 3
	DB	'   '
; Offset 73h - File 4
FILE4:	DB	'        '	; File 4
	DB	'   '
; Offset 7Eh - ZRDOS public drive/user masks
PUBDRV:	DB	00000000B ; Public drives
;	Drives->HGFEDCBA
PUBUSR:	DB	00000000B ; Public user areas
;	Users ->87654321

; End of 128 byte environment descriptor


The following is a listing of Z3TCAP.Z80, which shows all the strings in
the Terminal Capabilities segment used here.

; Z3TCAP file:  Z3TCAP.Z80
ESC	EQU	27		; Escape character
; The first character in the terminal name must not be a space.  For
; Z3TCAP.TCP library purposes only, the name terminates with a space
; and must be unique in the first eight characters.
TNAME:	DB	'MYZ80        '	; Name of terminal (13 chars)
GOFF:	DB	GOELD-TNAME	; Graphics offset from Z3TCAP start
; Terminal configuration bytes B14 and B15 are defined and bits assigned
; as follows.  The remaining bits are not currently assigned.  Set these
; bits according to your terminal configuration.
;	B14 b7: Z3TCAP Type.... 0 = Standard TCAP  1 = Extended TCAP
;	bit:	76543210
B14:	DB	10000000B	; Configuration byte B14
;	B15 b0: Standout....... 0 = Half-Intensity 1 = Reverse Video
;	B15 b1: Power Up Delay. 0 = None           1 = Ten-second delay
;	B15 b2: No Auto Wrap... 0 = Auto Wrap      1 = No Auto Wrap
;	B15 b3: No Auto Scroll. 0 = Auto Scroll    1 = No Auto Scroll
;	B15 b4: ANSI........... 0 = ASCII          1 = ANSI
;	bit:	76543210
B15:	DB	00000000B	; Configuration byte B15
; Single character arrow keys or WordStar diamond
	DB	'E'-40H		; Cursor up
	DB	'X'-40H		; Cursor down
	DB	'D'-40H		; Cursor right
	DB	'S'-40H		; Cursor left
; Delays (in ms) after sending terminal control strings
	DB	0		; CL delay
	DB	0		; CM delay
	DB	0		; CE delay
; Strings start here
CL:	DB	ESC,'*',0       ; Home cursor and clear screen
CM:	DB	ESC,'=%+ %+ ',0 ; Cursor motion macro
CE:	DB	ESC,'T',0       ; Erase from cursor to end-of-line
SO:	DB	ESC,'(',0       ; Start standout mode
SE:	DB	ESC,')',0       ; End standout mode
TI:	DB	0               ; Terminal initialization
TE:	DB	0               ; Terminal deinitialization
; Extensions to standard Z3TCAP
LD:	DB	ESC,'R',0       ; Delete line at cursor position
LI:	DB	ESC,'E',0       ; Insert line at cursor position
CD:	DB	ESC,'Y',0       ; Erase from cursor to end-of-screen
; The attribute string contains the four command characters to set
; the following four attributes for this terminal in the following
; order:  	Normal, Blink, Reverse, Underscore
SA:	DB	ESC,'G%d',0     ; Set screen attributes macro
AT:	DB	'0841',0        ; Attribute string
RC:	DB	0               ; Read current cursor position
RL:	DB	0               ; Read line until cursor
; Graphics TCAP area
GOELD:	DB	0		; Graphics On/Off delay in ms
; Graphics strings
GO:	DB	ESC,'H2',0      ; Graphics mode On
GE:	DB	ESC,'H3',0      ; Graphics mode Off
CDO:	DB	ESC,'"6',0      ; Cursor Off
CDE:	DB	ESC,'"3',0      ; Cursor On
; Graphics characters
GULC:	DB	'Z'		; Upper left corner
GURC:	DB	'?'		; Upper right corner
GLLC:	DB	'@'		; Lower left corner
GLRC:	DB	'Y'		; Lower right corner
GHL:	DB	'D'		; Horizontal line
GVL:	DB	'3'		; Vertical line
GFB:	DB	'['		; Full block
GHB:	DB	'0'		; Hashed block
GUI:	DB	'B'		; Upper intersect
GLI:	DB	'A'		; Lower intersect
GIS:	DB	'E'		; Mid intersect
GRTI:	DB	'4'		; Right intersect
GLTI:	DB	'C'		; Left intersect
;  Fill remaining space with zeros
	 REPT	128-($-TNAME)
	DB	0

; End of Z3TCAP


The following is a listing of the output of the command Z3LOC19 Z when
the KEYIN IOP and the AT command scheduler RSX are loaded.

Z3LOC, Version 1.9  Z-System Address Locator
System  Elements   Base  Addresses
----------------   ---------------
    CCP            D000h (ZCPR 3.4)      (16 recs)
    BDOS           D806h (ZSDOS 1.1)     (28 recs)
    BIOS           E600h (HD64180/Z180)  (NZ-COM)
    RSX (lowest)   CD06h (AT)
    DateStamper    FAD0h

    IOP            E700h (KEYIN) (3 recs)
    RCP            E880h (18 recs)
    FCP            F180h (5 recs)
    NDR            F400h (21 names)
    SHSTK          F580h (4 32-byte entries)

    Z3ENV          F600h (Type 80h)
    Z3TCAP         F680h (MYZ80)
    Z3MSG          F700h
    EXTFCB         F750h
    EXPATH         F774h (5 elements)
    Z3WHL          F77Fh (On)
    Z3CL           F780h (203 chars)
    EXTSTK         F850h
    CBIOS          FB00h